Indusoft Modbus Eng

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InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

The connection solution of InduSoft with ET-7000 series modules by using Modbus-TCP protocol
This document will introduce how InduSoft software accesses the ET-7000 series using Modbus-TCP protocol. We will make a HMI page shown as follow for a distribution case, which offers five lamps, five buttons, a slider and a dial voltmeter. The specific lamp will get on depended on pushing the specific button while the application program is running. Furthermore, the specific lamp will off immediately when release the specific lamp button. The AO channel of ET-7000 will output the voltage in accordance with the value of the slider while moving the knob on the slider, and then the voltmeter will show the voltage monitored from the AI channel connect directly to AO channel.
3 7

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InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

Follows the steps below to create a distribution board HMI: 1Create a Project 1. From the Studio main menu bar, select File->New. The New dialog display, and select the Project tab. Input the ModbusTCP in the Application name text box and specify a location, a Configuration file and a Target platform. Click OK when you are done.

2. When the Project Wizard dialog displays (as follows), select Empty Application from the Template pane to create a new application. Specify the resolution to 640*480 and select <None> from the Shared Tags list. Click OK to close the New dialog.


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

3. In the Workspace pane, Select the Database tab, expand the Application Tags folder and right-click the Datasheet View icon. The pop-up menu displays, and then selects the Open to open the Application Tags window. Use the following information to complete the fields on this window.


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

Name 1. AI

Array Size 7

Type Real Real Integer Integer Boolean Boolean

Description Monitor the voltage from AO channel Output the voltage Modbus data converts to AI value AO value converts to Modbus data. Digital input Digital output

2. AO 3 3. ModbusToAI 0 4. AOToModbus 0 5. DI 6. DO 15 15

2Create a display screen 1. In the Workspace pane, Select Graphics tab, and rightclick the Screens folder. When the pop-up menu displays, selects the Insert to open the Screen Attribute dialog. Set the Screen size to 500*300 and click OK.


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

3Create the Text 1. Click Text icon to create a Text object on the screen. Input the Distribution Board on this object and click the Fonts button to specify font settings (Font Color is Blur and size is 16)


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

4Create the Lamp 1. Click the Button icon to create a Button object on the leftupper of the Screen. Right-click the button to open the Object Properties dialog and remove the text from the Caption field. 2. Click the Rectangle object to make a rectangle on the Lamp (Button), and open the Object Properties dialog to change the fill color to Maroon. 3. Apply the Colors dynamic property to this rectangle. Open the Object Properties dialog. Type DI[0] into the Tag/Expression filed, and change the color to Maroon on first Color field, change the color to Red on second Color field.

4. Group the Button and Rectangle object, and use Copy and Paste action to duplicate four 3-D Lamps. Rename the Tag Name of Lamp as DI[1] /DI[2]/DI[3]/DI[4] separately, the finished map is shown as follows.

5Create the Button object 1. Create a button on bottom of the Lamp. Right-click the button to open the Object Properties dialog and type the DO[0] text on the Caption field.


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

Select this Button object and click on the Command icon to apply this dynamic to the object. Double-Click the Button to open the Command Object Properties dialog and add the following information on the dialog. At On Down tab Tag DO[0] At On Up tab Tag DO[0] Not DO[0] Expression Not DO[0] Expression

2. Use Copy and Paste action to duplicate four same Buttons. Rename the Tag Name of Button as DO[1]/DO[2]/DO[3]/DO[4] separately, the finished map is show as follows.

6Create the Slider object 1. Click the Library icon to open the symbols library. Select Slider from the list then double-click on the slider icon to open the object on the screen. Apply the Position dynamic property to this slider. Open the Object


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

2. Properties dialog. Type AO[0] into the Horz filed, and input 0 and 10 value on the Range field. 7Create a Voltmeter object 1. Click the Library icon to open the symbols library. Select meter from the list then double-click on the voltmeter icon to open the object on the screen. Open the Object Properties dialog, and click voltmeter icon to change the Tag Name on the To field of Whole Tag Name tab. Switch to String Value tab and input the following information on the table. From Unit 100 0 25 50 75 V 10 0 2.5 5 7.5 To


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

2. Select Dynamic Rotation from the list on the Object Properties dialog. Add the 0 and 10 to the Range fields and close this dialog.


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

8Create a Exit Button 1. Create a button at the right-bottom of the Screen for exiting the system. Select the Button object and click on the Command icon to apply this dynamic to the object. 2. Double-click on the Button object to open the Object Properties dialog and type Shutdown() function on Expression field. 3. Save the screen as a file named as Main.scr. The full screen is show as follows:

14.1 Create the Modbus TCP worksheet Perform the following steps to select the Modbus/TCP driver from within the application: 1. In the Workspace pane. Select the Comm tab, expand the Drivers folder and right-click the Drivers folder. The pop-up menu displays, and then selects the Add/Remove driver to open the Communication Drivers dialog.


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

2. Select the MOTCP driver from the Available Drivers list, and then click the Select button.

3. When the MOTCP driver displays in the Selected Drivers list, click the OK button to close the dialog.

4. Select the Comm tab, and located below the Workspace pane. Expand the Drivers folder, and right-click the


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

MOTCP subfolder. Select the Insert option from the popup menu.

5. When MOTCP001.DRV dialog displays, use the following information to complete the fields on this worksheet. Column Field Name Description Enable Read When Idle Station Header 1 2 3 4 5 Tag Name DI[0] DI[1] DI[2] DI[3] DI[4] Address 1 2 3 4 5 Content DI 1 1X:0 Div Add

The detail information of the Column Field Name: Description fieldType a description of the STANDARD DRIVER SHEET for documentation purposes Read Trigger fieldType a tag that allows IWS to read the worksheet automatically when you change this tag value


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

Enable Read when Idle fieldType a tag or constant value. Use a tag (or constant) value greater than zero, to enable reading from the equipment Read Completed fieldType in a tag and the communication driver toggles the tag when it completes a read command. Read Status fieldType in a tag and the communication driver updates the tag with the status of the last read command. Write Trigger fieldType a tag value to activate a group reading. Whenever you change this tag value, the program writes an equipment worksheet. Enable Write on Tag Change fieldType a tag or constant value (not zero) to enable the communication driver to check the worksheet continuously for changes in the tag value. If a change occurs, IWS writes this value to an address in the field equipment. Write Completed fieldType in a tag and the communication driver toggles the tag in this field when a write command completes. Write Status fieldType in a tag and the communication driver updates the tag with the status of the last write command. Station fieldType the equipment station number within the network. The syntax in this field varies with each communication driver. Refer to the appropriate driver documentation for further information. Header fieldSpecify the data type and/or initial address to be read or written in the equipment. The syntax in this field varies with each communication driver. Refer to the appropriate driver documentation for further information.


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

Increase Priority checkboxClick (check) to keep the reading and writing commands for this sheet on the top of the communication queue whenever they are triggered. CheckboxClick (check) to specify the minimum and maximum values for field equipment data. Min and Max fieldType a range of values to be converted into an engineering format. These fields determine the minimum and maximum range of values. These values affect all tags in the worksheet.

The complete syntax of Station and Header field parameter are shown as follows Parameter Default Valid value Comments Value Station Specify the device using the fol lowing syntax <IP address><Port Number>


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface



Refer to next table

<Station No.> where <IP Address>is the ET-7000 IP address in the TCP/IP network. <Port Number>is the port number for the Modbus TCP protocolTCP port number is 502. <Station No.>is the ET-7000 identification number (0~255) The variables can be read from or written to the device, and also a reference to the initial address.

Type 0x

syntax 0x:0







Header Field Information Begin Address Comments Varies accord- Coil statusRead and ing o the write events using Modbus equipment instructions 01, 05 and 15 Varies accord- Input statusRead events ing o the using Modbus instructions equipment 02 Varies accord- Input registerRead ing o the events using Modbus inequipment structions 02 Varies accord- Holding RegisterRead ing o the and write events using equipment Modbus instructions 03, 06 and 16

Use the Body area parameters as follows: Tag Name fieldType a tag name for the communication driver to use.


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

Address fieldType a field equipment address (or address offset) related to the application tag. The syntax in this field varies with each communication driver. Refer to the appropriate driver documentation for further information. Div fieldSpecify a division constant to use when scale adjustment is required. IWS uses this value as a division factor in a read operation and a multiplication factor in a write operation. Do not use this field if you are already using Min or Max in the configuration body. Add fieldSpecify an addition constant to use when scale adjustment is required. IWS uses this value as an addition factor in a read operation and a subtraction factor in a write operation. Do not use this field if you are already using Min or Max in the configuration body. 6. The Sava As dialog will display while adding the information to worksheet. Click OK to finish. 7. Repeater the Step4~Step6 to add a new Modbus TCP worksheet. When MOTCP002.DRV dialog displays, use the following information to complete the fields on this worksheet. Column Field Name Description Enable Write On Tag Change Station Header 1 2 3 4 Tag Name DO[0] DO[1] DO[2] DO[3] Address 1 2 3 4 Content DO 1 0X:0 Div Add


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface


8. Repeater the Step4~Step6 to add a new Modbus TCP worksheet. When MOTCP003.DRV dialog displays, use the following information to complete the fields on this worksheet. Column Field Name Description Enable Read When Idle Station Header 1 Content AI 1 3X:0 Div Add

Tag Name Address ModbusToAI 1

9. Follows the Step4~Step6 to add a new Modbus TCP worksheet again. When MOTCP004.DRV dialog displays, use the following information to complete the fields on this worksheet. Column Field Name Description Enable Write On Tag Change Station Header 1 Content AO 1 4X:0 Div Add

Tag Name Address AOToModbus 1

10. The transmit format of Modbus protocol is Hex, and .. Select the Tasks tab, and located below the Workspace pane. Right-click the Math folder from the Project tree structure. Select the Insert option from the pop-up menu to open a Math worksheet.


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

Formula translator of the Analog Input AI value = tag value / 32767 * Span Span = Maximum value of AI 0 Formula translator of the Analog Output Tag value = AO value / Span * 32767 Span = Maximum value of AO 0 11. When MATH001 dialog displays, use the following information to complete the fields on this worksheet. Column Field Name Description Execution 1 2 Tag Name AI[0] AOToModbus Content Formula_Translator 1

Expression ModbusToAI/32767*10 AO[0]/10*32767


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

12. Select ProjectStatus from the main menu bar. The Project Status dialog displays: 13. Verify that the Driver Runtime task is set to Automatic. If the setting is correct, click OK to close the dialog. If the Driver Runtime task is set to Manual, select the Driver Runtime line. When the Startup button becomes active, click the button to toggle the Startup mode to Automatic. Click OK to close the Project Status dialog.


InduSoft Web Studio-Modbus TCP interface

14. Start the application to run the driver while the setting is finished. Push DO[2] button, and the lamp on the top of this button will get on, and the lamp will off immediately when release the DO[2] button. While moving the knob on the slider, and then the voltmeter will show the voltage monitored from the AI channel connect directly to AO channel


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