Gazette July 2011
Gazette July 2011
Gazette July 2011
2 Life-saving intervention for swine flu patient 3 Introduction from Peter Coles 3 Review to look at Better Services Better Value in southwest London 3 Potential St Helier partnership 4 Living our values awards celebrating kind 5 National Thrombosis Week 5 Patient safety our top priority 5 Junior doctor programme improves patient safety 6 Patient feedback 6 Past and present Dame Muriel Powell 7 View from the top 8 Spotlight 9 New information and support centre for St Georges cancer patients 10 Celebrating nurses day 11 Partnership working combats crime 11 National training success in cardiothoracic surgery 12 St Georges community open day celebrates a Tooting success story 13 Developing MITIE people 13 Public pick rose for new breast unit 13 HOPE exchange 14 AMW balconies opening celebrated 14 Grove is officially opened 14 Family Centred Care (FCC) coordinator for neo-natal unit is a first 15 Nursing response team provide 24/7 care 15 Regional fetal medicine day 15 Leading the way in shortening patient stays 16 Fundraising
Front page picture shows Nurses Day winners: (l-r back row): Briar Cooper, healthcare assistant (HCA) of the Year; Mary Holland, Mentor of the Year. Front row: Alice Ciolino, Midwife of the Year; Linda Smith, Nurse of the Year.
HAPPY ENDING: (l-r) Simon and Stacey outside the intensive care unit in which she spent 32 agonising days
the gazette is written and published by the communications unit. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust. The next edition will be published in October. If you are a staff member with a story for the gazette, please email:
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Planned care and end of life care Urgent, unscheduled and emergency care Maternity and newborn care Childrens services Polysystems, mental health, long term conditions and staying healthy Specialist services under London review (for example cancer, cardiac and paediatrics)
The NHS spends 2.2 billion annually on health services in southwest London. The review will consider: Are we spending this money in a way that benefits patients the most? and, Can hospitals work collaboratively with each other to improve the service we offer to patients? It is recognised that hospitals across southwest London have areas of excellence among the services they provide. By exploring how these areas of excellence can be shared, quality across the board can be improved and services can be protected for all patients. The clinical working groups will be discussing the problems and not proposing solutions at this stage, so it is too early to start talking about any proposals for change. However, the overall aim will be to improve health outcomes for patients in southwest London within available resources. You can find more information about Better Services Better Value at
Building bridges
The director of womens and childrens of the Aga Khan Institute, Prof Bhutta, and the deans of the six medical schools of the Aga Khan visited St Georges Hospital early in June, to strengthen their understanding of maternal-fetal medicine. The meeting was an informal fact finding visit. While the trust has no formal relationship at institutional level, Aris Papageorghiou, consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology, collaborates with Prof Bhutta on research and some global health initiatives, so it may lead to a relationship in terms of St Georges Healthcare helping with trainees and even tertiary referrals.
For any catering or cleaning (except Atkinson Morley Wing) enquiries, please contact MITIE helpdesk on 020 8725 4000
Launched in February, the Living our Values Awards have been embraced by staff across the trust. This month the gazette meets those who won the awards for personifying the trust value of .
Anticipate and respond to patients and carers concerns and worries Support each other under pressure and consider the impact of our actions on others Help people find their way if they look unsure or lost Smile, listen and be friendly Susie George, advanced physio practitioner, won the individual award. She said: We work together as a team it does not work with just one person. Im really open and honest with patients, which they seem to like. I explain what their musculoskeletal condition means for them and what they can expect next. In nominating Susie, Lucy Clark, team lead for physiotherapy in outpatients, said: Susie is an incredibly kind person in so many ways to both her patients and colleagues. By treating each patient holistically rather than just the physical symptoms and always discussing their expectations, she significantly improves patients experiences and satisfaction. By being kind and supportive to all her colleagues, she is a good role model to others and ensures the team works seamlessly together to achieve team goals and maintain high service user satisfaction. In her nomination for the Wandsworth community neuro team (WCNT), clinical team leader Rachel Sibson, said: I have been the team leader of this service for nearly six years, and I am proud to describe them as exemplary. Every individual in the team demonstrates the core trust values on a daily basis. Most of the WCNTs patients have very complex
HOLISTIC APPROACH: (l-r) Di Caulfield-Stoker, divisional chair of community services Wandsworth division; Susie George, advanced physio practitioner; and Lucy Clark, team lead for physiotherapy
and often deteriorating/terminal conditions; therefore the team is managing patients at the most difficult and traumatic time in their lives. They have to demonstrate tact, empathy, respect and humility at all times while remaining professional, informative and proactive to anticipate and respond to patients needs and worries. I regularly hear comments from patients, relatives, carers and other services commenting on how the WCNT have shown genuine kindness towards their patients they often go the extra mile for patients who are in particular difficulty, or have been let down by other services/organisations or individuals.
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ur valu o
Winner Wandsworth community neuro team Runner-up: William Drummond HASU team
Winner Susie George, advanced physio practitioner, Queen Marys Hospital Runner-up: Dennis Farebrother, portering Runner-up: Gwynne Farrell, neurosurgery Runner-up: Bernadette Kennedy, integrated falls service
This month, the gazette is asking staff to nominate a team or individual who they think embodies the value of:
When making your decision, please take into consideration the behaviours which support this value and how the person/team incorporates these into their working lives. Download the nomination form from the our values page under the about us section of the intranet and email this to Winners will be announced in the October edition of the gazette.
AWARENESS RAISING: (l-r) The VTE team had an educational stand in the Hyde Park Room, as part of International Nurses Day
the gazette
The trust cares for more than 800,000 patients each year and many of those take time to write and express their thanks. Each month in the gazette we publish a selection of those letters.
FAO the spinal team, operating staff FAO Mr Rami Issa and team, Grey Ward
Dawes House
Thank you for the wonderful care, help and kindness received in intermediate care at Dawes House. All the staff were a real blessing, cheerful and willing to assist. Overall, the level of care was 100 per cent.
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Peter Coles,
interim chief executive
The gazette caught up with Peter Coles, interim CEO, during his second week in office, to find out about his career and his priorities for the trust over the next few months.
How long have you worked in the NHS? I have worked in the NHS for 28 years, at trust, foundation trust, primary care trust (PCT), regional and Department of Health levels and across acute, mental health and primary care services.
Because of my background and experience, I already know the chief executives of the other local trusts and the directors of NHS South West London. Im very keen to continue to develop those relationships and to build the effective partnerships where we can, in much the same way that we are doing with Kingston Hospital, where we have reviews and initiatives around the clinical support services such as pathology, radiology and pharmacy. Something that I am personally very keen on is supporting and developing the role of the divisional chairs, clinical directors, heads of departments and non-medical lead clinicians, so they can take on more control and responsibility for performance in their areas, whether it is financial, service or quality standards. I know from experience that success depends on being able to work alongside clinical leaders to promote quality of services and performance. From what I have seen so far, the structure and the people, I have been very impressed.
What is your challenge to staff? Change is never easy and the current climate in the NHS is very much focused on finding new and more efficient ways of working. However, in terms of St Georges Healthcare there is a lot of excellence and even more potential.
From the start of my career I was keen to work in the public sector although I was unsure about whether to go into education or the NHS. It was while waiting for a postgraduate teaching course to come up that I took a temporary job at Leeds Infirmary, my local hospital at the time, in a clerical role which I really enjoyed. My first chief executive role came in 1994 at Thameside Community Services in Essex, at which time I became one of the youngest NHS trust chief executives.
What attracted you to St Georges Healthcare? I became very familiar with the trust while working as interim chief executive at Epsom and St Helier Hospital in 2009.
to the wider NHS, this hospital would be an obvious candidate to be one of the capitals leading FTs. Meeting financial targets has been an ongoing challenge, while slip-ups on key performance targets such as 18-weeks and A&E waits do reflect a lack of consistency.
What are your key priorities for the next few months? Patient safety and the quality agenda will always be on the top of my list, but these must be achieved at the same time as financial targets. I have learned over my time in the NHS that it doesnt have to cost more to provide high quality. Doing things right first time reduces cost and increases productivity. An important part of my role will be to continue to build on the improvements the trust has already made, and to ensure that robust structures and processes are in place to help us deliver long-term financial stability. The challenge is to deliver on our cost improvement targets and get ahead of them if we can.
St Georges Healthcare has developed a reputation for excellence across a number of key specialties including major trauma, stroke, cancer, cardiac and neurological services. These services, and many more, have helped the trust to retain its place on the NHS map of strategic importance. However, as the NHS changes, so the trust will need to adapt in order to meet its full potential.
Having taken up the interim role has your view of the trust changed? Im still getting to know the place and everyone I have met so far has made me feel very welcome.
The problems that we have are not insurmountable. By working together we can address them and we should take confidence from the many achievements of the last few years, including integration with community services Wandsworth, becoming the centre of a number of clinical service networks and improved patient survey results. These achievements demonstrate that we have the capacity to meet our targets, but we also need to be honest about those areas where we need to improve and not seek to blame others or make excuses. We need to put our energies into fixing problems where they exist rather than being defensive about the reasons for them. We also need to recognise where we have not met the targets and take action to put that right. If we can do this then we will have full control of our own future.
What do you do in your spare time? Spare time? I try to strike a balance and like to play sports including table tennis and golf. Also, I like to get out to the country at weekends and to go to the cinema when time allows.
I think there is a sense that the excellent work that happens at the trust hasnt always been acknowledged or recognised by the wider world clearly we need to be prepared to shout about our successes more and tell people all the good things we are doing. I also think that the trust has somehow failed to deliver reliably against its status and reputation. For example, not yet becoming a foundation trust (FT) when,
I also want to make sure we meet the national performance targets for 18weeks, A&E, cancer services, patient experience, MRSA and C. Diff. To achieve our goals we will need to work more closely with other organisations. The future strategy of the trust is linked in with the London-wide reviews of services and will require us to forge a stronger partnership with St Georges, University of London and to work in alliance with local hospitals.
TIRELESS TRIO: (l-r) Fiona Ashworth, Chloe Cox and Jan Beynon
Jan enjoys working closely with Eric Chemla, divisional chair for medicine and cardiovascular, and her clinical colleagues. Jan said: Our role is to support clinical teams and we can only do this by working closely with them. Some significant developments have taken place in the medicine and cardiovascular division over recent months. The South West London Cardiac Centre has recently extended its boundaries to receive primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) patients from Surrey. Consultant cardiologists now review the patients ECG using telemetry (technology that allows remote measurement and reporting of information) to inform the ambulance crew whether the patient should be brought direct to St Georges Hospital or referred instead to their local hospital. The vascular surgery department also receives all complex surgery from local hospitals and considerable work has taken place to improve the patient experience and capacity in cardiology with a focus on booking and patient pathways for those who are referred for treatment in the catheter laboratories. The haematology department is working closely with community services Wandsworth and other stakeholders to review the sickle cell pathway with a view to identifying where care and support for people with sickle cell is best placed. The service is also looking at provision of the acute oncology service for cancer patients who attend A&E with symptoms of their disease or side-effects of their treatment in order to ensure that they are seen as quickly as possible and appropriately. In her spare time, Jan enjoys the outdoors walking and cycling.
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Fiona Ashworth, DDO for childrens, womens, diagnostics, therapeutics and critical care
Fiona has been in post at the trust for nearly three years. She has a clinical background and has worked in trusts across the country. Since 1999 Fiona has worked in general management in several organisations across southwest London. Speaking about her role Fiona said: As a DDO I work closely with Val Thomas, divisional chair, and Ruth Meadows, divisional director of nursing and governance. I also work with clinical directors, general managers and directorates to support them in addressing and moving forward on key issues including governance, patient safety and quality, and of course finance and performance management. Over the past 12 months the division has had many challenges and also some very positive developments. In 2010 the trusts paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) was extended to ensure adequate access for children locally, London-wide and beyond. The build of the new breast screening centre is also close to completion enabling patients to have a more joined-up pathway. These schemes were developed and delivered by the clinical teams who deliver the patient care. Some this divisions support services have had to implement changes in ways of working, so that maximum flexibility is ensured to enable trust-wide developments. These changes have benefited patients including stroke and major trauma. A pathology systems upgrade is currently underway which enables resilience in patient testing and GP results and is essential to the efficient and safe care of patients and supports trust business. Fiona said: It is essential that Chloe, Jan, Di Caulfeild-Stoker, divisional chair from community services, Wandsworth division, and I work through cross-divisional issues, opportunities and challenges. The team of DDO, divisional chair with the divisional director of nursing and governance must work together with our fantastic general managers and clinical directors if we are to ensure that we meet our trust wide and divisional objectives, with the clinical teams shaping the solutions for patients. Our roles cannot be delivered without their support. Fiona, who lives near Epsom, keeps herself busy by spending time with her 24-year-old and eight-year-old daughters and relaxes by attending military fairs and auctions, reading and the very occasional visit to the gym.
HELPFUL TEAM: (l-r) Julia Charsley, Macmillan cancer information officer, Beverley van der Molen, Macmillan Information manager and June Allen, Macmillan lead cancer nurse
A new Macmillan information and support centre for patients, carers and families affected by cancer open its doors at St Georges Hospital in July. The centre, located on the ground floor of Grosvenor Wing, will provide vital free information and support for anyone affected by cancer, whether they are worried they may have the disease, during treatment or whilst adjusting to life afterwards. The relaxed and informal space will include a main area offering information booklets and leaflets and a quiet room. There is a large screen with a keyboard so patients are able to access helpful websites, as well two specialist staff, a Macmillan cancer information manager and a Macmillan cancer information officer, on hand to answer any questions. Patients or carers can drop in, without the need to make an appointment. The centre was funded with money awarded from Macmillan, after St Georges Macmillan lead cancer nurse, June Allen, and Beverley van der Molen, Macmillan Information manager made a case of need bid to the charity. June said: Im thrilled that Macmillan has supported the development of this new centre. We know from feedback that our cancer patients have been asking for a dedicated cancer information centre at St Georges hospital. When youre living with cancer, having the right kind of information and someone to talk to when you need it is essential, as it helps you make informed choices about your treatment and care and takes away some of the uncertainty and fear. By having the Macmillan cancer information centre it offers greater flexibility to our patients and their family at a time when they are feeling most anxious. The centre is open Monday to Friday, and the hours will vary to complement the clinic times.
For any catering or cleaning (except Atkinson Morley Wing) enquiries, please contact MITIE helpdesk on 020 8725 4000
NURSES DAY WINNERS: (l-r back row): Briar Cooper, healthcare assistant (HCA) of the Year; Mary Holland, Mentor of the Year. Front row: Alice Ciolino, Midwife of the Year; Linda Smith, Nurse of the Year.
AUNTIE LUCY AWARD: Went to matrons Claire Painter (pictured) and Allison Hempstead for improving patient hydration. The award was presented by Auntie Lucys daughter Isabella (left) and her granddaughter
CELEBRATORY CAKE: Caroline Thomas, amputee clinical nurse specialist, cuts into the cake provided at Queen Mary's Hospital in celebration of the day
MAKING A STAND: Staff promoted International Nurses Day in the Grosvenor Wing main entrance at St Georges Hospital
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the first quarter the trust has already shared more than 100 incidents. Heather Jarman, consultant nurse in emergency care and assistant clinical director for major trauma, said: The work with our community and police colleagues will enable the trust to support the crime prevention and public health agenda within our local community. The shared information is completely anonymous so ensures those who do not want to report their assault cannot be traced but it will build a picture of the prevelance, types and locations of violence in the area. This enables resources to be targeted appropriately. Superintendent David Chinchen, Partnership and Safer Neighbourhoods, said: We are very pleased to be working in partnership with the trust and the Wandsworth local authority on this project, as the information will help us address violence hotspots across the borough so we can reduce incidents of violent crime. In the long-term, this will mean that there is less drain on trust and the police service as we work together proactively to prevent these incidents from occurring.
The initiative, part of a Home Office and Department of Health joint project for safer communities, has been rolled out nationally over the past five years. It requires the trust to share anonymous data about the precise location of violence, weapon use, assailants and day/time of violence with The Wandsworth Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP). This information is vital in helping the CDRP build a better picture of violent crimes committed in Wandsworth as a large number of cases treated in A&E are not reported to, or recorded by the police. They will then target areas where crime is more prevalent, or where there is an emerging trend in certain types of crimes or weapons used. The scheme, which the trust joined in March, is the first of its kind in Wandsworth and aims to improve the safety of local residents and reduce the burden on the trusts emergency department. Partnerships have been found to reduce A&E violent assault attendances by 25-33 per cent and in
RUNNER-UP: Chandradev Gobin, runner-up for HCA of the Year, with Trish MorrisThompson, chief nurse, NHS London
DAME MURIELL POWELL AWARD: presented to Martyn Huws, charge nurse, McEntee Ward, for his continued work around the productive ward initiative. The award was presented by Kath Start, chair of St Georges Nurses League
Appointments of cardiothoracic trainees in the United Kingdom, with awards of national training numbers, have been performed through a national selection for the past three years. There is an annual interview and appointment process which takes place over two days, where approximately only 20-24 trainees are appointed into the specialty across the United Kingdom. Usually the highest ranking candidates elect to come to London. In May 2011, three of the highest ranking candidates in the national selection process were from St Georges Hospital, where they were completing their core surgical training and/or cardiothoracic fellow training. All three are appointed into London training programmes. The successful candidates were Mr. Mustafa HIGH RANKING: St Georges cardiothoracic trainees pictured with Zakkar (highest rank in UK), Mr. Benjamin Marjan Jahangiri (front centre) Adams and Mr. Damian Balmforth. Marjan Jahangiri, professor of cardiac surgery and training program director, South Thames, London, said: We were delighted with this news since it emphasises the high standard of basic and specialist surgical training at St Georges. This will further attract high calibre post-core trainees.
For any catering or cleaning (except Atkinson Morley Wing) enquiries, please contact MITIE helpdesk on 020 8725 4000
Around 2,000 people enjoyed St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust and St Georges, University of Londons first community open day, which took place on Saturday 18th June. The day was officially opened by the Mayor of Wandsworth Cllr Jane Cooper, while the Rt Hon Sadiq Khan, MP for Tooting, was also on hand to lend his support. Visitors were able to go on tours of the hospital to get the inside view of CT body scanning and state-of-the-art robotic surgery. Staff from across the hospital and university were also available on over 50 stands to showcase key services, provide advice on healthy living, and offer information about healthcare career opportunities. University students provided demonstrations of healthcare skills, while researchers provided an insight into the working science of the human body and demonstrated aspects of their cuttingedge medical and health sciences work. As well as all the science and healthcare activities, family entertainment included juggling lessons, face painting, and street theatre performances.
Professor Peter Kopelman, principal of St Georges, University of London, said: It was a memorable occasion that showcased the past achievements of the hospital and university, the current close partnership and future ambitions. There was great interest from visitors in the stands and exhibitions on show. It was a privilege to be able to show people what we do here, as well as give them the chance to experience practical aspects of medicine and healthcare themselves.
GRAND OPEING: (l-r) St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust chair, Naaz Coker; the Mayor of Wandsworth, councillor Jane Cooper; Tooting MP, Sadiq Khan; and St Georges, University of London principal, professor Peter Kopelman
Naaz Coker, chair of St Georges Healthcare, added: I thank everyone who came along, and look forward to welcoming back the community to future events to celebrate the greater St Georges.
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Supervisor development
Supervisors provide a crucial link between the trust and the MITIE team. It is important to provide training and support from the earliest stage. Recognising the important part that supervisors play in the success of the business and investing in their development helps ensure a steady stream of competent managers to support MITIEs work at St Georges. MITIE holds supervisor workshops on a monthly basis at St Georges Hospital forums which encourage supervisors to feed back on issues affecting their daily work. During the session supervisors are given an opportunity to raise ideas and concerns. Focus topics for meetings so far have been team-working, effective communication, and equality and diversity. MITIEs supervisor development programme (SDP) is an interactive course, designed to help staff develop on the first rungs of the management ladder. The programme comprises of a three day supervisory management skills course, completion of online learning, and attendance at four human resources workshops. Finally delegates complete an assessment which gives them the opportunity to identify the responsibilities in their role as a supervisor, give feedback on their performance and identify ways of improving performance by applying their training to a real-life scenario. Once the first stage is completed, delegates are offered the opportunity to study for the Institute of Leadership and Managements (ILM) level three certificate in first line management.
MITIE PEOPLE: MITIEs mandatory infection control training means 100 per cent of MITIE staff have successfully gained an infection control certificate
HOPE exchange
For the third year running, the trust took part in the international exchange programme organised by HOPE, the European hospital and healthcare federation. The HOPE exchange programme encourages hospital and healthcare professionals with managerial responsibilities to take part in the programme to learn about hospital systems and healthcare providers in other countries.
EURO EXCHANGE: (l-r) Christian Queckenberg from Germany; Conni Christiansen from Denmark and Pedro Manuel Pereira Marques from Portugal
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KIND GIFT: (l-r) Henry Marsh, neurosurgery consultant; Janet Street-Porter and Francis Johnston, neurosurgery consultant; with the family of Stephen Charlton
Doris Jackman, head of nursing newborn services and lead nurse SWL Perinatal Network, said: We are thrilled and excited about this new initiative. The FCC coordinator will make a huge difference to the care we can provide to babies and their families. The neonatal intensive care environment can be very overwhelming for parents and the FCC coordinator will help promote early maternal-infant attachment through support, communication and education. The role will complement the counsellors work in helping parents resolve the emotional crisis of having a preterm or sick newborn baby on a neonatal unit.
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BEST PRACTICE: The 23-hour team showcased best practice at the British Association of Surgical Oncology conference and AGM in May
For any catering or cleaning (except Atkinson Morley Wing) enquiries, please contact MITIE helpdesk on 020 8725 4000
News from St Georges Hospital Charity
In the last six months, St Georges Hospital Charity has awarded in excess of 2m in grants to St Georges Healthcare. These grants have been for capital projects and non-capital projects alike and have been awarded because the Trustees of the Charity aim to raise and use charitable funds to bring real benefits to patients and staff in areas where the NHS Trust is not able to make grants or cannot stretch its budget. These grants for capital projects include: 500,000 for the relocation and refurbishment of the Simultation Centre, including 150,000 for a high-fidelity mannequin 200,000 to relocate the chest clinic into Lanesborough Wing outpatients from its current location on the perimeter road. 82,000 to relocate and refurbish the bereavement services department away from its current location in Knightsbridge Wing to the heart of the Hospital A number of non-capital grants have also been awarded. These include: Learning disability services received 10,000 over two years to support the pioneering work of Jim Blair to improve the hospital experience of people with learning disabilities and their carers. The palliative care team was awarded 65,000 to purchase syringe drivers. These are being used by terminally ill patients to manage their pain relief at home, at the end of their lives. This funding has enabled St Georges to deliver the standard of care that gives patients choice, supports dignity and makes a significant difference to individuals. Avid readers of the Gazette will already know that St Georges Hospital Charity funds the living our values staff awards. Individual and team winners receive 50 and 150 vouchers respectively in the categories of excellent, kind, responsible and respectful. All capital and non-capital bids are coordinated by Sharon Welby. Forms are available electronically from Liz Woods in the Fundraising Office.
London Marathon
This years St Georges Hospital Charity London Marathon runners raised funds and awareness in support of teams including neurological ICU, cardiothoracics, paediatrics, Richmond Ward and the trauma and orthopaedics team. We are delighted that the total raised by our runners was more than 12,000! Huge congratulations to Chris Goldsmith, Hannah Moorhouse, Clare Hillery, Laura Edwards, Alan Nelless, Beth Long and Susan Menzies and thanks to the whole team for running for St Georges Hospital Charity. For a place in the St Georges London Marathon Team for 2012 please email or pop into the Fundraising Office to request an application form.
The Conway family has generously donated more than 1,300 to purchase an Anatome transfer chair for the trauma and orthopaedic wards in memory of their mother, Hilda May
Conway, who was cared for on Gunning Ward. The chair is a tilt-in-space and a recliner chair; used for patients who are unable to sit on their own to do so safely.
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