G 11+for+TOT+ (With+Watermark)
G 11+for+TOT+ (With+Watermark)
G 11+for+TOT+ (With+Watermark)
• Adverb adjective collocations
• Both … and
• Writing an essay
1A Reading
1. Which of these sentences is / are true for you? Put a tick or a cross in the box.
a. I have seen a dolphin.
b. I have seen a dolphin in the movies.
c. I have seen a picture of a dolphin.
d. I have seen an Ayeyarwady dolphin.
e. I have never seen a dolphin.
1. ………………………………………….
The Ayeyarwady dolphin is quite different from other well-known dolphins. Its colour
10 may be dark blue or dark or pale gray. It has a rounded head and a very bulging forehead.
Unlike other dolphins, it has no beak, or snout. The dorsal fin is short, blunt and triangular.
The flippers are long and broad. The average length is 2.3 metres and the weight can range
from 90 kg to 200 kg.
2. ……………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………
Ayeyarwady dolphins like to stay in tropical and subtropical waters and near shallow
20 coastal waters. In other words, they live near coasts and river mouths. They are also found
in freshwater rivers: the Ayeyarwady in Myanmar, the Mahakam in Indonesia and the
Mekong in Laos. They are mostly seen about 1.6 kilometres away from the shore and they
do not usually live in deep waters. In Myanmar, they inhabit the Ayeyarwady River between
Mandalay and Bamaw.
4. …………………………………………….
25 Ayeyarwady dolphins are slow swimmers and they are generally found in groups of
3 to 6 members, but sometimes up to 15 dolphins are seen together. They usually breathe,
bringing only the head out of the water. They produce sounds such as whistles, clicks and
screeches to communicate with one another. They can be seen jumping, making bubbles,
and hitting the water with their flippers and tails. They can squirt streams of water that can
30 reach up to 1.5 metres above the surface of the water.
One of the most distinctive characteristics of these dolphins is the mutual relationship
they have with the local fishermen. By making a tapping sound against the sides of their
boats, the local fishermen used to call the dolphins to drive fish into their cast nets. In return,
they rewarded the dolphins with a share of the fish that they had caught. The fishermen tried
35 to get the attention of the dolphins in various ways – by striking the sides of their boats with
their wooden sticks, by splashing the surface of the water with their oars and by giving their
nets several rapid tugs.
5. …………………………………………..
Ayeyarwady dolphins are now on the verge of extinction. They are listed as a
critically endangered species, that is, it may no longer exist in the future as the dolphin
40 population declines year by year. They often
get entangled in the fishing nets and they also
die as a result of electrofishing, and the use of
gillnets and explosives.
A. Read the passage and choose the appropriate topic for each paragraph.
Match the paragraphs (1-5) with the topics (a-e).
a. Food
b. Threats and Conservation
c. Description
d. Characteristics
e. Habitat
B. In pairs, find the bold-faced words in the passage that are similar in meaning to the
1. live in a particular place
2. an area where animals are protected and cannot be hunted
3. no longer exist in future
4. bans
5. near the coast
6. caught in a rope, net, etc.
7. the long nose of some kind of animals; beak
1B Vocabulary
Adverb Adjective Collocations
Certain adverbs and adjectives often go together in sentences as collocation. Sometimes, they
can also be used as compound adjectives.
e.g. Ayeyarwady dolphins are listed as a critically endangered species.
U Aung Tin is a highly respected teacher in our school.
Column A Column B
1. absolutely a. concerned
2. deeply b. necessary
3. highly c. involved
4. badly d. aware
5. completely e. married
6. fully f. hurt
7. happily g. recommended
8. actively h. ill
9. deadly i. different
10. mentally j. serious
B. Complete each sentence with an appropriate adverb and adjective collocation from
Exercise A.
1. My brother has been in voluntary work for over two years.
2. It is for you to have a balanced diet if you want to be healthy.
3. They had been for 5 years, but their marriage ended in divorce.
4. Fortunately, no one was in the car accident.
5. Students must be trained to be of their responsibilities as good citizens.
6. It is very challenging to take care of people who are .
7. When I look around the surrounding area, it is now from it was five years ago.
8. The townspeople are about the threat of health problems caused by polluted
water in the river.
9. When he said he was leaving school, we thought he was joking, but he said he was
10. This book was so by critics that it became one of the bestsellers of the year.
1C Grammar
Both ... and
• The ‘both … and’ construction is used to emphasize that something is true not just of one
person, thing or situation, but also of another.
• It indicates that the two items are equally presented and included.
e.g. I like both the novel and the movie.
Both Ko Zaw and Soe Thu are good students.
She can both speak and write Chinese.
Dolphins are both intelligent and friendly towards humans.
• If ‘both … and’ is used in the subject of a sentence, the plural verb is used.
e.g. Both the movie and the play were good.
NB ‘Both … and’ is not usually used in negative sentences. ‘Neither … nor’ is used instead.
e.g. My father neither drinks nor smokes.
(Not) My father does not both drink and smoke.
1. You are wasting too much time. Kyaw Zaw is wasting too much time.
2. He played football when he was a student. He played volleyball when he was a student.
3. They are tired after shopping. They are hungry after shopping.
4. Not only Kyi Thar but also his brother is a guitarist.
5. Daw Nandar wants to go to Bagan during the Thingyan holiday. Her sons want to go
there too.
6. Ni Ni wants to put up at the Shwe Myint Mo Hotel and so does Maw Maw.
7. Applicants for this post must be able to speak English. Applicants for this post must be
able to speak Chinese too.
8. You should work harder if you want to be successful. You should have perseverance if
you want to be successful.
9. He donated money to the poor in our community. He donated food to the poor in our
10. As we are free this afternoon, we can go shopping and we can see a film as well.
• with present perfect or past perfect tense to emphasize the idea of completion and with
‘V-ing’ in a formal style.
e.g. He went out before I had finished talking.
Please switch off all the lights before leaving the office.
‘After’ is used:
• as a preposition (followed by a noun) meaning ‘at a later time’; as an adverb (without a
following noun) meaning ‘following in time or place’; and as a conjunction (connecting two
clauses) meaning ‘when an action or an event has ended’.
e.g. I went for a walk after dinner. (preposition)
They started the job on 17th June and finished a week after. (adverb)
After you had left, I got a phone call from Thuzar. (conjunction)
• with present perfect or past perfect tense to show that one thing is completed before another
starts and with ‘V-ing’ in a formal style.
e.g. I will call you after I have done my homework.
After completing this form, give it to the secretary.
1. Aye Aye washed the vegetables. She put them in the refrigerator.
2. Ko Naing applied for a job at the company. He had attended a computer training course.
3. I had a cup of coffee. I left for work this morning.
4. We had to queue up for an hour. We got the tickets for the music concert.
5. There is a lot to study on the subject. Only after that we can start our project.
6. He ran the Yoma Marathon. He had practised for almost a year.
7. She went through her assignment again. She submitted it to the teacher.
8. She had packed her suitcase; she went to the bus terminal.
9. My father always takes physical exercise. And then he has a bath.
10. We had lived in a small town for two years. Then, we moved to Yangon.
‘Wildlife’ (1) animals, birds and plants that are found in their
(a) How did you feel after the trip? You haven't seen this film, have you?
Your sis lives in Yangon, doesn't she?
(b) How was your trip? She can drive , can't she?
(c) What did you do with that group? He isn't here, is he?
She is a doctor , isn't she?
(d) What did you do after that? I don't need to finish this today, do I?
(e) With whom did you go there?
A : Hi! Kyaw Swar, you’ve just come back from Chaung Tha, haven’t you?
B : Yes, I have.
A : (1) How was your trip?
B : Fantastic! I got a lot of experience from it.
A : Did you? (2) With whom did you go there?
B : I went there with a voluntary group to do the project on the environment.
A : (3) What did you with that group?
B : When we arrived there, we collected litter on the beach and buried the garbage bags in
the hole that we dug away from the beach.
A : What a good deed! (4) What did you do after that?
B : When I came back to the beach, I saw a sea turtle crawling on the sand. So my friend
and I carried it and released it into the sea.
A : (5) How did you feel after the trip?
B : Well, I was pleased for what I had done in Chaung Tha. I hope you can join us when we
go on the next trip.
D. In pairs, create a dialogue as in Exercise B talking about a trip to a lake in the area you
live in for birdwatching.
1E Writing
Write an essay on ‘Myanmar Star Tortoise’ in about 250 words using the points given below.
- medium-sized tortoise with an oval-shaped top shell
- star-shaped patterns on the top shell
- size : 20 cm – 30 cm
- weight : 1.3 kg – 2.2 kg
- colour : top shell – dark brown or black
skin of the head, limbs and tail – yellowish
- in thorn scrubs or bushes and dry forests in dry zone of central Myanmar
- a range of vegetation, grass, fruit
- charming, peaceful
- pull in their heads and freeze when get alarmed
- critically endangered
- reasons: commonly eaten by people; exported to food markets in neighbouring countries;
loss of habitats
- to release the tortoises back into the wildlife sanctuary if they are recovered from illegal
- to carry out a breeding programme
8. You should both work harder and have 1. Aye Aye washed the vegetables before
perseverance if you want to be success- putting them in the refrigerator.
2. Ko Naing had attended a computer
9. He donated both money and food to the training course before applying for a
poor in our community. job at the company.
10. As we are free this afternoon, we can 3. I had a cup of coffee before leaving for
both go shopping and see a film. work this morning.
4. Nyi Lay was allowed to watch TV after 1D. Listening and Speaking
having finished/ finishing his homework.
5. After revising all the lessons, Thuta felt
confident to take the exam. 1. natural habitats
6. cutting down
7. to establish
Question tags are more common in speaking than writing.
1. (b) How was your trip? we often use them when we expect the listener to agree with our
2. (e) With whom did you go there? In this case , when the statement is positive, we use a negative
question tag.
3. (c) What did you do with that group?
4. (d) What did you do after that? James is working on that, isn't he?
Your parents have retired, haven't they?
5. (a) How did you feel after the trip? The phone didn't ring, did it?
It was raining that day, wasn't it?
Your mum hadn't met him before, had she?
Jenni eats cheese, doesn't she?
I said that already, didn't I ?
You won't tell anyone, will you?
They could hear me, couldn't they?
III. Teaching Procedure • Ask them to identify the main idea of the
paragraphs (1-5) by doing Exercise A.
• Ask students to do Exercise B to find the words
Objectives in bold in the passage that are similar in
meaning. Elicit ideas from them so that they
Students should be able to can guess the meaning of the words from
the context. For example, to get the meaning of
• identify the main ideas from a reading the word ‘coastal’, the phrases ‘in other words’
passage. and ‘near coasts’ (line 20) will be the clues.
• interpret the meaning of unknown words, • Next, ask them to locate details by answering
referring to the context. the comprehension questions given in
Exercise C. The purpose of this exercise is
• respond to questions appropriately.
to check whether students understand what
• make use of adverb adjective collocations they have read or not and to give them
appropriately. practice in writing factually and grammatically
correct sentences. Before checking answers,
• use ‘both … and’ construction, ‘before’ and give students time to do peer checking. (Note:
‘after’ and apply them in different contexts For Question No.10, encourage them to give
appropriately. their own ideas and opinions.)
• practise a dialogue about experience gained • Ask students some check-up questions such
in a trip. as:
• write an essay about an endangered species. “What is the difference between Ayeyar-
wady dolphins and other dolphins?”
Teacher Teaches & Students Practise of the time expressions ‘before’ and ‘after’.
• Ask students to do Exercise A and B based • If possible, ask them to give you some
on their background knowledge of language, example sentences.
and do peer correction with their friends sit-
ting next to them. Teacher Teaches & Students Practise
• Then, check the answers with the whole • Ask students to study example sentences
class and give clear explanation if necessary. and explanation for the use of ‘before’ and
• Explain to them that ‘before’ and ‘after’ can
• Ask students to recall the adverb adjective be used as ‘a preposition’, ‘an adverb’ and ‘a
collocations they have learned and their conjunction’.
meanings. Encourage them to make new
sentences, using those adverb adjective • Then, ask them to note that ‘before’ can be
collocations. used with the present perfect or past perfect
tense to emphasize the idea of completion
and with ‘V-ing’ in a formal style.
1C Grammar
• Ask them to also note that ‘after’ can be used
Both … and with the present perfect or past perfect tense
to show that one thing is completed before
Introduce another starts.
• Tell students that they will be learning the • Next, ask them to do Exercise B, C and
use of ‘both … and’ structure that is used D individually and to do peer correction with
to emphasize that something is true not just their friends sitting next to them before the
of one person, thing, or situation, but also of class discussion.
Teacher Teaches & Students Practise
• To review the use of ‘before’ and ‘after’, ask
• Ask students to study the explanation with students to form into groups and to write four
example sentences. sentences in their notebooks within five
minutes. Check their answers and give
• Tell them that the verb is always plural if ‘both feedback in an open class.
… and’ is used in the subject of a sentence,
referring to the given example.
1D Listening and Speaking
• Ask them to do Exercise A, using ‘both …
and’. Listening
• Ask them to do peer correction with their Introduce
friends before the class discussion.
• Tell students that they will be listening to a
Review talk on ‘Wildlife Conservation’. Tell them that
you are going to play the recording three
• To review the use of ‘both … and’ structure, times.
ask students in pairs to write five sentences.
And give feedback if necessary. • Elicit their background knowledge about
‘wildlife’ and ‘conservation’.
‘Before’ and ‘After’
Teacher Teaches & Students Practise
• Before listening to the recording, ask students
• Tell students that they will be learning the use to study the given table carefully so that they
guess the detailed context of the talk. • Elicit their background knowledge about the star
tortoise, showing the picture in the textbook.
• Ask them to listen carefully, paying attention
to the information they want to catch. Teacher Teaches & Students Practise
• While listening to the recording for the • Tell students that they need to write about the
second time, they have to fill in the blanks Myanmar star tortoise according to the given
given in the table. sub-topics, referring to the reading passage
about the Ayeyarwady dolphins.
• Ask them to listen to the recording for the
third time and check their answers. • Remind them to use appropriate sentence
• Encourage them to pay attention to
• Check answers with students to see whether relevancy, unity and organization of the
they could catch the specific information essay.
presented in the recording or not.
• Make sure that students can write the essay
Introduce on the given topic. Give feedback as a whole
class, pointing out common errors students
• Tell students that they will be learning how have made.
to talk about the experience gained in a trip
through a short dialogue between two friends.
1E Writing
• Expressions related to shopping
• Present simple
• Present continuous
• Writing a review
2A Reading
5 Online shopping provides a quick and easy way for the buying and selling process.
For buyers, they can shop over the internet without leaving their home or office. They
can save time and effort as they can purchase items from their own homes or workplace.
Shopping is always available as the mail is usually open 24/7 throughout the year. So, time
and place do not act as a hindrance. It is also easy to shop for things online since they can
10 look for the products they want by entering the keywords, using a search engine. They
can also cancel the transaction if they do not want the product for any reason. In addition,
customers can get discounts or can buy things at lower prices. E-retailers and marketers
offer attractive discounts to the customers because through online shopping, they can
reduce the money spent on maintaining their shops or stores.
15 The fact that makes online shopping more appealing is that customers can get
detailed information about a product easily. It helps fussy buyers to purchase a product
after a good search. They can also compare various models, brands, and prices. Shoppers
can make a good comparison of the things they want to buy because companies display
the whole range of products in order to attract customers with different tastes and needs.
20 Sometimes price comparisons are also available online. Large online shopping sites usually
offer store comparisons. Through online tracking, online customers can check the order sta-
tus and the quality of the products. Moreover, online shopping does not put much pressure
on customers because when people go shopping, they may face such problems as sales
attendants trying to influence them to buy the products. Another advantage is that customers
25 do not have to stand in queues at checkouts to pay for the products they have bought.
For sellers, on the other hand, it is easy to start their online business as it only
needs an email account to communicate with clients, customers, and suppliers. Offering
services online, sellers can allow customers to make reservations or appointments online, and
manage finances such as online banking, tax, and employee pay. They can display a wide
30 variety of products on websites as online stores do not have space constraints. Online
shopping can save cost and reduce paper waste. In addition, online shop owners can
research their competitors and other businesses that use online tools. They can get
customers’ feedback on their business, too.
It is convenient to buy and sell products online; however, online shopping has some
35 drawbacks. There are several reasons that make people reluctant to buy things online.
The major reason is that shopping online is not as quick as it is thought to be. The delivery
of the product to the customer’s doorstep can sometimes be delayed. This frustrates the
customers and prevents them from shopping online.
experience product returns, which can affect their profits. Moreover, as online shopping is
a global business, online shop owners must compete with potentially thousands of other
70 online shop owners that offer similar products and services.
Despite some disadvantages, the growth of online shopping will not be hindered as
long as it brings benefits to both buyers and sellers.
A. Put the following in the correct column.
• Buying and selling online is quick and easy.
• A comparison of the items we want to buy can be made.
• Shopping can be done from home or workplace.
• Delivery of the product can be delayed.
• Shopping is available anytime.
• Shopping lacks interactivity.
• A close investigation of the product we want to buy cannot be made.
• Things can be bought at lower prices or with attractive discounts.
• Enjoyable shopping experience can be lost.
• Negotiations between buyers and sellers cannot be made.
• Our personal information can be insecure.
• Customers do not need to queue at the checkouts.
2B Vocabulary
Expressions Related to Shopping
In pairs, complete the following sentences with the words given below.
2C Grammar
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple and Present
Perfect Continuous
The Present Simple Tense is used to speak or write about:
• general truths.
e.g. Gases expand when they are heated.
The moon does not shine by itself; it reflects the light from the sun.
What temperature does water boil at?
The Present Continuous Tense is used when we wish to speak or write about:
• continuity of an activity which began sometime in the past but continues up to the moment
of expression.
e.g. I have lived in Yangon for more than 15 years.
The two friends have not talked to each other since their quarrel.
How long has Uncle Zaw been in that job?
• continuity of an activity (which began sometime in the past but continues up to the present).
e.g. U Min Maung has been working at that company since 2010.
How long have you been sitting here?
• Some verbs like ‘learn’, ‘lie’, ‘live’, ‘rain’, ‘sit’, ‘sleep’, ‘stand’, ‘study’, ‘wait’, etc. naturally suggest
• The Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous are different in meaning.
e.g. I have painted this room. Doesn’t it look better? (The task is definitely finished.)
I have been painting this room. It will look good when it is finished. (The task is
A. Complete each blank with the correct present tense of the verb given in brackets.
8. Doctors (do) research on the new disease and hope to finish it in the next
two months.
• ‘Must’ and ‘have to’ can be used in place of each other but ‘have to’ is often used to refer
to outside authority.
• The past tense of ‘have to’ is ‘had to’.
e.g. All visitors must report to reception on arrival.
You mustn’t stay out late.
We have to obey school rules.
You don’t have to wear casual clothes on special occasions.
Does everyone have to come to the assembly?
Knowing that she had diabetes, she had to change her lifestyle and eating habits.
My father did not have to take the university entrance examination when he went to
Did she have to wear a uniform at her previous job?
B. Write ‘must’, ‘mustn’t’, ‘have to’, ‘had to’, ‘don’t have to’, or ‘didn’t have to’.
1. It is necessary to do this. ………………..
2. It isn’t necessary (but you can do this if you want). ………………..
3. It was necessary to do that. ………………..
4. It wasn’t necessary to do that. ………………..
5. Don’t do this. It is forbidden. ………………..
C. Rewrite the following with the correct form of ‘must’, or ‘have to’. Use the negative
form where necessary.
6. I take a taxi this morning because the school bus was late.
C. In pairs, create a dialogue to talk about what you usually do on the net. Choose any
idea below and find your own reasons for using the net.
• learn new skills such as communication skills, professional skills and IT skills
• entertain yourself by viewing videos, listening to music, playing games, etc.
• do business such as selling the things you make
Useful language
What do you do on the net?
What do you usually ______?
Which website do you usually use/visit?
2E Writing
Writing a Review
A review about something (shopping mall, restaurant, film, book, etc.) usually contains
where it is, what it is like, what are available, how it works, good points about it, bad points about
it, how it is different from others, and whether the writer recommends it.
A. Study the following website review and check whether it includes the points
mentioned above.
The good points include the fact that there are lots of up-to-date groups I can listen to
such as BTS or One Direction. In addition, we can choose the level: beginner, intermediate
or expert, depending on our level of English. Moreover, the website is very easy to navigate
and you can listen to songs in different languages, for instance, in Thai, Korean and
One of the drawbacks is that some songs are not on the website. Another unwelcome
point is that there is a lot of advertising on the website. However, you can just ignore it.
To sum up, I think this is an excellent website if you like music and you want to improve
your English. You should check it out!
B. Write a review of the EiiZi Mart by using the points given below.
• get groceries, frozen foods, • offer high quality products with the
dairy products, garden produce, lowest price cheaper than most
fresh seafood, clothes, electrical online shops
appliances, and cosmetics • the slogan, "Save money. Live
• order online 24 hours better.”
• customer service is sometimes
• worth shopping
Unit 2: ONLINE SHOPPING: Pros and Cons they buy before buying them.
2. We can buy and sell things over the internet 1. transaction 5. problems
without leaving our home or office.
2. appointment 6. services
3. Customers can see the products on internet
websites (using a search engine) in online 3. discounts 7. negotiation
4. customers 8. finances
4. Online sellers give discounts to their
customers because through online
shopping, they can reduce the money spent 2C. Grammar
on maintaining their shops or stores.
5. ‘Touch-feel-try process’ is the process in
1. do you drink
which customers have close examination
of the products and try on the clothes 2. Are you taking
4. has visited A.
B. 3. all delivered
3. had to
4. didn’t have to
5. mustn’t
1. must/ have to
2. Do you have to
3. do not have to
6. had to
7. must/ have to
11. have to
12. had to
13. must
14. mustn’t
Dialogue 2
A: What do you do on the net?
Unit 2: ONLINE SHOPPING: Pros and Cons points there are in the text and what they are.
• Ask students to read the passage silently for “Which website do you recommend for online
10 minutes. Then, ask them how many main shopping? Why?”
the textbook and study the structure of ‘must’ that allows millions of computer users around
and ‘have to’ as follows: the world to exchange information. It means
the same as ‘the web’ or ‘the internet’.
• Play the recording at least three times.
must + verb (base form)
• Elicit from them what they usually do on the
have to/ has to/ had to + verb (base form) net.
Negative: Teacher Teaches & Students Practise
mustn’t + verb (base form) • Before listening to the recording, ask students
to look at the pictures given in Exercise A and
don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t have to + verb (base form) guess what the user does in each situation.
Question: • Next, ask them to listen to the recording care-
do/ does/ did + subj + verb (base form) fully and match each dialogue with the picture
• Ask them to study the examples and interpret
the use of ‘must’/ ‘have to’ in different situations. • Then, ask them to read the sentences in
Exercise B and guess the missing words in
• Ask them to note that ‘must’ and ‘have to’ the given sentences. While listening to the
are used to denote obligation; ‘don’t have recording for the second time, they have to fill
to’ is used to denote that something is not in the blanks.
required/ necessary to do and ‘mustn’t’ is
used to express prohibition. • Ask them to listen to the recording for the third
time and check their answers.
• Then, ask them to do Exercise B individually
and when they have finished, ask them to Review
read out their answers and give feedback • Check answers with students to see whether
where necessary. they could catch the main ideas and the
• Next, ask them to do Exercise C individually specific or detailed information presented in
first, and then to do peer correction with their the recording or not.
friends sitting next to them before the class Speaking
• Tell students that they will have to prepare a
• To review the use of ‘must’ and ‘have to’, ask dialogue in pairs, on what they usually do on
students to form into groups and to write four the net and give reasons for using the net.
sentences (an affirmative and a negative
sentence using ‘must’ and ‘have to’) in their Teacher Teaches & Students Practise
notebooks within 5 minutes. Check answers
through class discussion. • Ask students to do Exercise C, preparing a
dialogue, on how they use the net and why.
• Make some comments and suggestions on • Ask students to tell you points to include in a
their performance. review.
2E Writing
• Reading about memory
• Phrasal verbs
• Gerund and infinitive with ‘to’
• Describing a past event
3A Reading
1. Do you still remember any poems you learned from the previous grades? Name them.
2. Are you good at remembering the names and faces of the people you have met?
3. Do you still remember the family holiday trip you went on as a young child?
4. What did you remember from the lesson you learned yesterday?
5 Technically, all books on psychology would say that there are three kinds of memory:
(1) Episodic memory, (2) Semantic memory, and (3) Procedural memory.
Episodic memory
This is our memory of events, situations, and places of our past. For instance, when
we are asked about our first day at school, we think back and try to recall how old we were,
who took us to school, what the name of the school was, whether we cried silently or aloud,
10 etc. Similarly, when wishing to talk about a memorable family vacation, we draw upon our
episodic memory to recall as much as possible all the details of that vacation.
Semantic memory
This memory refers to all of our knowledge of the world around us. For instance, we
know that cats and dogs are four-legged animals but at the same time we know that they
are not the same. In the same way, we know that milk, coffee, and tea are liquid but one is
15 different from the other two. We also know that fire is hot and ice is cold. Then, we are taught
and we learn that two times two is four; five minus three leaves two; the molecular formula
for water is H2O; the chemical formula for the common salt is NaCl; and many, many more.
Procedural memory
This memory helps us perform skills such as riding a bicycle or driving a car; playing
the guitar or the piano; playing tennis, badminton, golf, soccer, etc.; and baking a cake or
20 arranging flowers. In most cases, we just do not forget as we tend to in episodic or semantic
memory. At most, our ability to perform those skills declines as we advance in years, and
maybe one day we just do not have the strength to perform at all.
Books on psychology also point out that there are short-term memory and long-term
memory. For instance, when we are following a lecture, we store the incoming information
25 in our short-term memory as we jot down notes as fast as we can. Then, when we can
find time later, we go over our notes, link up the points and memorize them to store the
information in our long-term memory. The diagram below should help you understand better
the notions of short-term memory and long-term memory.
From what has been presented so far, it should be quite plain to us that our memory
30 is just like the database of a computer where a large amount of information on a large variety
of subjects is stored and used as and when necessary. Without a database, the computer is
useless. Similarly, without memory, we would be utterly helpless and useless. Just imagine
how frustrated and upset we get when we cannot remember where we have put our car
keys. Put yourself in the place of a student taking an examination and imagine he cannot
35 recall a thing he has studied. You will then be able to understand how helpless he would feel.
There is another role that memory plays in our lives. Very often, we ‘take a stroll
down memory’s lane’ ─ figuratively speaking ─ and go through various emotional states.
Sometimes, we smile when we remember something pleasant, or frown when we recall
something unpleasant. Thus, depending on what we happen to remember, our memories
40 may be sweet or bitter.
A. In pairs, find the bold-faced words in the passage that are similar in meaning to the
following. There are two extra bold-faced words in the text.
1. unforgettable a.
2. learn something so that you will remember it exactly b.
3. easy to understand
4. a collection of pieces of information stored in a computer system
5. feeling annoyed and impatient
6. having a strong feeling
1. According to books on psychology, how many kinds of memory are there? What are
2. What does semantic memory refer to?
3. What do you do if you want to store the information in the long-term memory?
4. According to the text, what is memory compared to?
5. What will happen to a computer without a database?
6. How would you react when you remember something pleasant?
7. Read the extracts (a) and (b) of the two different poems, and say what type of memory
the poets retrieved their information from.
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Oft in the stilly night,
Ere Slumber’s chain has bound me,
Fond Memory brings the light
Of other days around me;
The smiles, the tears,
Of boyhood’s years,
The words of love then spoken;
The eyes that shone,
Now dimmed and gone,
The cheerful hearts now broken!
Thus, in the stilly night,
Ere Slumber’s chain has bound me,
Sad Memory brings the light
Of other days around me.
8. You are strumming the guitar and singing a song. What type of memory are you drawing
information from?
9. Bill and Bob are flying kites. What type of memory are they depending on?
10. You are taking an examination. What type of memory are you depending on?
3B Vocabulary
Phrasal Verbs
A phrasal verb is a verb followed by an adverb, a preposition, or both. It is usually used
with an idiomatic meaning. This meaning is often quite different from the literal meaning of the
individual words.
e.g. Books on psychology point out that there are short-term memory and long-term memory.
B. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in Exercise A.
3C Grammar
Gerund and Infinitive with ‘to’
A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding ‘-ing’. Gerunds can be used:
• as the subject of a sentence.
e.g. Smoking is not good for health.
• as the object of a sentence.
e.g. I have finished cooking; dinner is ready.
• as the complement of a sentence.
e.g. My favourite hobby is cooking.
• as the object of a preposition.
e.g. She is afraid of going out alone at night.
• Some verbs such as ‘begin’, ‘continue’, ‘hate’, ‘like’, ‘start’ can be followed by an infinitive or
a gerund without changing the meaning.
e.g. He continued studying until after midnight.
He continued to study until after midnight.
• Some verbs such as ‘forget’, ‘remember’, ‘stop’ can be followed by a gerund or an infinitive
with ‘to’ but with a change in meaning.
e.g. She stopped drinking coffee. (She never drinks coffee again.)
She stopped to drink coffee. (She stopped what she was doing and drank coffee.)
• Verbs such as ‘avoid’, ‘can’t help’, ‘discuss’, ‘dislike’, ‘enjoy’, ‘finish’, ‘keep’, ‘mind’, ‘spend
time’, ‘stop’ are generally followed by gerunds.
• Verbs such as ‘agree’, ‘arrange’, ‘decide’, ‘expect’, ‘forget’, ‘intend’, ‘offer’, ‘promise’,
‘remember’, ‘wish’ are generally followed by infinitives with ‘to’.
Complete each sentence with an infinitive with ‘to’ or a gerund of the verbs given in
Agreeing Disagreeing
C. Complete the following dialogue with the expressions given in the box.
I don’t think so you’re right I agree with you I see your point
Lin Lin : We should have a time to relax after the exam. What do you think?
Thiri : I think (1) . How about going shopping to the City Mall? We can
have a lot of fun there.
Lin Lin : (2) . There’re a lot of people and it is a bit noisy. I wish to go to a
quiet place.
Thiri : (3) , but we can have good food at the Food Court and can also
watch movie if you like. You like watching movies, don’t you? It’s relaxing to
watch a comedy.
Lin Lin : OK. (4) now. Let’s watch a movie after having lunch.
E. Su Su and Nilar are at the canteen. Write a dialogue between Su Su and Nilar
talking about junk food and organic food. Use the following information in the
Su Su - likes to eat junk food; thinks they are tasty; thinks organic food is expensive.
Nilar - prefers to eat organic food; thinks junk food is not good for health; worried
that her friend will become sick.
3E Writing
Describing a past event
Study a past event written by a student.
One Sunday afternoon, I went to a bookshop to buy some books. When I arrived
at the bookshop, there were not many people. I went around the bookshelves to look for
the book I wanted to buy. At that time, I noticed a girl behind me. Whenever I stopped at
a bookshelf, she also stopped behind me. I thought that she was a pickpocket. At first,
I did not know what to do. Then, I got an idea and turned round to look straight at her.
Suddenly, she said, “Your skirt was torn at the back. I’m trying to cover that tear not to
be seen by others.”
Think about an unforgettable event in the past. Write a paragraph on ‘An unforgettable
event in my life’. The following questions are given to help you.
• Where were you at that time and what were you doing there?
3. plain
3B. Vocabulary
4. database
5. frustrated
1. pointed out
6. emotional
2. jotted down
3. was thinking back
1. plain
4. go over
2. memorable
5. drawing upon/ on
3. remember
6. depends on
4. database
7. linked up
5. memorize
8. go through
6. frustrated
C. 3C. Grammar
1. According to books on psychology, 1. thinking
there are three kinds of memory. They
are episodic memory, semantic memory 2. to meet
and procedural memory.
3. writing
2. Semantic memory refers to all of our
knowledge of the world around us. 4. to buy
6. T 7. F 8. F 9. F 10. T
1. you’re right
2. I don’t think so
Unit 3: MEMORY
Objectives e.g.
• Ask students to read the passage silently for slumber /ˈslʌmbə/ (v) sleep (n) a sleep
10 minutes. Then, ask them how many main
points there are in the text and what they are. bind /baɪnd/, bound /baʊnd/ (v) to make
secure by tying to wrap around with
• Ask them to read the passage again and list something so as to enclose or cover
the unfamiliar words they have come across.
Explain to them the meaning of the unfamiliar
words and tell them the correct pronunciation
• Ask them to study the phrasal verbs given in can’t help doing something = unable to
Exercise A. control/ stop something
• Ask them to do Exercise B and remind them • To do the exercise, ask them to spot the verb
that they need to use different verb forms after the blank in each sentence given and un-
where necessary. derline them.
• Ask them to do peer correction with their • Ask them to do the exercise based on what
friends sitting next to them. Then, give they have learnt.
feedback. • Ask them to do peer correction with their
Review friends sitting next to them. Then, give feed-
• Ask students to recall the phrasal verbs they
(A) (B) (C) (D) • Ask them to listen to the recording for the third
time and to check whether their answers are
V+ V+ V+ V+ right or wrong.
gerund infinitive gerund/ gerund/ Review
with ‘to’ infinitive infinitive
with ‘to’ with ‘to’ • Check answers with students to see whether
(without (with a they could catch the specific information
changing change in presented in the recording or not.
meaning) meaning)
3E Writing
• Reading about globalization of food
• Types of food
• Linking words
• ‘Too … to’ and ‘enough to’
• Writing a cause and effect essay
4A Reading
1. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
2. In addition to Myanmar food, what other food do you sometimes eat?
3. What is your favourite food? Why do you like it?
5 The common breakfast of the Myanmar has been mont-hin-gah, or fried rice, or
steamed glutinous rice, or cooked glutinous rice, or vegetable fritters eaten with rice leftover
from the previous evening meal. Their lunch and dinner have been rice and various kinds of
However, today there has been a significant change in the food items people eat
10 as a result of globalization. It is having a major impact on the food people eat in terms of
availability and access, and at present, the choices of meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
of people in big cities have become very diverse. The usual breakfast, lunch, and dinner
of many people in big cities have been replaced by dim sum, sushi, cereal, nan (Indian
flat bread), spaghetti, pizza, fish or chicken and chips, bread and bacon, hamburger, hot
15 dog, Tom Yum soup, a variety of noodles, bento box meals, ramen and all sorts of cuisines
originating from different parts of the world.
Lifestyles of people
have changed a lot too.
Just look at the restaurants
20 and food stalls in every
city, and you will see that
they are full of diners, not
only at weekends but also
throughout the days of the
25 week. Many people in big
cities no longer cook and have their meals at home anymore. They prefer to eat out for
their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Some eat out because they love eating out with family
and friends, but some do so to show that they can afford to eat at famous international
restaurants, others simply do not want to spend their time going to the grocers’, cooking, and
30 doing the washing up.
The effect of the globalization of food can obviously be seen in the increasing
popularity of fast-food restaurant chains such as Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken
(KFC), McDonald’s, Starbucks, Subway, and Pizza Hut to name a few. Many other fast-food
chain restaurants are also thriving in many countries
35 all over the globe, as fast food is popular for its taste,
flavour, consistency, quick options, and affordable
prices. However, we should beware of the fact that
fast food is often made from cheaper ingredients
such as high fat meat, refined grains, added sugar
40 and fats, instead of nutritious ingredients such as lean
proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
We should bear in mind that food safety, one aspect of which is the need to maintain
proper nutrition, is a universal human right. It is necessary for us to understand how the
practices of large global food producers and the food they produce can weaken the state of
50 food safety and nutrition of people in the world. To rebalance a diet or make it more healthful,
we can replace ultra-processed foods with whole foods, such as grains, nuts, lean meat,
fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Additionally, we must eat the right quantity of it – not too
much, not too little.
A. Give a full-sentence answer to each question below.
9. How can the practices of large global food producers and the food they produce be
harmful to people?
10. Do you think you have a healthy eating habit? Why or why not?
B. Complete the following table with the typical Myanmar food and the food items people
in big cities eat these days as in the examples.
lunch lunch
dinner dinner
4B Vocabulary
Types of food
A. Match the types of food in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
Column A Column B
4. whole food d) any food that has been altered in some way such as
freezing, canning or baking during preparation
6. diet food f) unhealthy food that is high in calories from sugar or fat,
with little nutritional value
1. He is not healthy because he eats a lot of such as candy and French fries,
and he doesn't have enough rest.
2. On our journey, we stopped at a restaurant and bought some chicken and
3. are usually frozen, canned, dried, baked and pasteurized.
4. She has lost a lot of weight by eating and exercising.
5. Doctors suggest that we should eat foods from stores and from organic
6. We are recommended to eat such as almond and sunflower seeds instead of
peanut and sunflower oil.
7. She had got a stomach problem, so the doctor dieted her on a .
Linking words
• Additional ideas can be introduced with ‘additionally’, ‘and’, ‘also’, ‘furthermore’ and ‘too’.
e.g. Additionally, we must eat the right quantity of it – not too much, not too little.
Just look at the restaurants and food stalls, and you will see that they are full of diners.
Many other fast-food chain restaurants are also thriving in many countries all over the
Their products are of very good quality; furthermore, the price is reasonable.
Because of changes in food industries, lifestyles of people have changed a lot too.
• Contrasting ideas can be introduced with ‘although’, ‘but’, ‘however’, ‘nevertheless’ and ‘on
the other hand’.
e.g. Although life is full of challenges, it is also full of promises.
Globalization of the food industry is in many ways positive, but the spread of processed
food and fast food and eating unhealthy food can bring about a negative effect on food
The lunch and dinner of Myanmar people used to be rice and various kinds of curries.
However, there has been a significant change in the food items people eat.
They were completely exhausted; nevertheless, they went on working.
Zaw Zaw is very talkative; his brother, on the other hand, is very quiet.
C. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate linking words. More than one
linking word can be used to complete some sentences.
4C Grammar
‘Too … to’ and ‘Enough to’
Too … to
‘Too’ has a negative meaning. It means ‘more than is necessary or desirable’. It can be used with
an adjective or an adverb.
e.g. The patient was too weak to bear his weight.
My neighbours sang too loudly for me to have a sound sleep last night.
Enough to
‘Enough’ means 'as much as necessary'. It can be used with an adjective or an adverb.
e.g. The patient was not strong enough to bear his weight.
We are not acting quickly enough to prevent climate change.
Note that the adjective or adverb comes between ‘too’ and ‘to’, and ‘enough’ comes after the
adjective or adverb it modifies.
The presenter spoke very softly. We could not hear him. (Use ‘too … to’.)
The presenter spoke too softly for us to hear him. (Note the use of the words for us.)
1. The girl was not confident. She could not perform well on the stage. (Use ‘enough to'.)
2. U Ba was not well-paid. He cannot keep his family in comfort. (Use ‘enough to’.)
3. The task was very difficult. It could not be done without the help of others. (Use ‘too …
4. The theory is very complicated. I do not understand it. (Use ‘too … to’.)
5. The room is not large. It cannot accommodate a hundred people. (Use ‘enough to’.)
6. I sometimes crowd my days with many activities. I have no time to relax. (Use ‘too …
7. The café was very crowded. I couldn't find a place to sit. (Use ‘too … to’.)
8. The coffee powder is not very fine. It cannot dissolve in hot water. (Use ‘enough to’.)
9. There is little time. We cannot finish the project. (Use ‘too … to’.)
10. My grandfather lived long. He could see his great grandchildren. (Use ‘enough to’.)
1. The clay was not hard enough to be moulded into the desired shape.
2. It is not safe enough to swim across the stream at this time of the year.
3. The man did not speak slowly enough for me to understand what he was saying.
4. The sum is not easy enough for us to solve.
5. The novel was not interesting enough for me to continue reading.
Advantages It’s (1) fast. At fast-food restaurants, it takes only a few minutes
to (2) your hunger.
Disadvantages It’s unhealthy. The ingredients of fast food are said to be bad for
our (6) .
It can make you feel sick. You might (7) a bit sick
after eating fast food, that contains unhealthy ingredients.
It’s addictive. Eating fast food too often could lead to many
health (8) .
B. Do the healthy eating survey in your class by asking four students these questions.
1. Do you like sugary drinks? Why? Yes, I do. I like the taste and flavour.
2. Do you eat vegetables every No, I don’t. I don’t think they are tasty.
day? Why?
4. Do you eat fruits every day? Yes, I do. I like almost all kinds of fruits.
5. Do you often eat deep fried Yes, I do. I don’t like eating rice with curries.
meat? Why? I eat rice with deep fried meat.
6. Do you often eat potato Yes, I do, because they are my favourite
chips? Why? snacks.
7. How often do you eat fast I do not often eat fast food. I eat them once
food such as hamburger, fish or twice a month only because not many fast
and chips? Why? food items are available in our small town.
8. Do you eat a lot of cakes and Yes, I do, because cakes and cookies are
cookies? Why? my favourite food.
C. Tell the class the results of your survey referring to the responses you get from your
survey. Then say which of your friend or friends has / have healthy eating habits.
4E Writing
Cause and effect essays
A cause and effect essay explores how an event, a state or a situation came into being
and what is happening because of it. In other words, the purpose of this type of essay is to
discover the ‘why’ or ‘how’ of a situation.
A. Study the sample cause and effect essay and points to include in each section of it.
Then put the points next to the appropriate section title in the table.
Points to include
Sample Essay
in each section
hours a day gaming, usually well into the night. Initially, (supporting
gamers play online video games to relieve their tiredness, arguments /
and some to avoid boredom. Some play them because evidence)
of peer pressure and some because they consider the
• restating the thesis
games to be modern, realistic and varied. statement
Online game addiction is complex and can vary • the biggest or most
important effect
1. Introduction • …………………………………….
• …………………………………….
4. Conclusion • …………………………………….
• …………………………………….
B. Write an essay on ‘Causes and effects of obesity’. You can begin your essay like this.
Obesity is generally caused by eating too much and moving too little. If you
are obese, it can cause a lot of damage to your body.
C. B.
9. too C.
10. but/ however/ nevertheless 1. The clay was too soft to be moulded into
the desired shape.
4E. Writing
c) other causes
3. Body a) the biggest or
paragraph most important
(Effects) effect
b) supporting
evidence to back
up the effect you
c) other effects
4. Conclusion a) restating the
thesis statement
b) summary of the
main points of
your essay, and
your concluding
Unit 4: GLOBALIZATION OF FOOD money on it too. The food may be cheap, but
if you’re buying it all the time the cost is going
Here are the advantages and disadvantages of to add up.
fast food worth considering. First, I’ll tell you the
advantages of eating fast food. 4. It makes families spend less and less time
together. Family meal time is something that
1. It’s fast. A primary reason for the popularity is considered as an opportunity for all the
of fast food is that it’s fast as its name members to come together and share their
suggests. People live busy lives. Preparing experiences. However, eating at fast-food
our own food might sound nice, but it isn’t restaurants is quickly taking away the quality
always possible. Going to the local fast-food time of families.
restaurant, you can satisfy your hunger in a
few minutes. You should, therefore, learn to choose fast
food carefully and remember the pleasure of
2. It’s delicious. Fast food normally tastes very eating good food in good company.
good. It may not be the best food, but it isn’t
that bad either – especially if you consider the
time it took to make and the price that you
paid for it.
• Reading about stress, and how to beat it
• Words often confused
• The future tense: ‘will’, ‘going to’ and ‘future continuous’
• Writing a reply letter
9A Reading
1. How do you feel when the deadline for the assignment is tomorrow but you haven’t finished
it yet?
2. When do you usually feel stressed?
3. How do you usually react to stress?
1 Today, like it or not, we are all in the fast lane of life’s super highway: appointments
to keep, deadlines to meet, rush hour to beat, the last bus to catch, debts to settle, domestic
problems to solve, broken relations to mend, just to mention a few. And the result? Stress.
Studies of stress by psychologists and doctors have revealed that stress can weaken
our body’s immune defences, and when this happens, we become more susceptible to
20 infections like colds and flu. This finding has led the researchers to recommend several ways
to manage stress. The following seven ways to chill out, that is, to relax, are quite widely
known today.
The moment you feel stressed, drop whatever you’re doing, close your eyes, sit
still, and breathe in and breathe out slowly and rhythmically. This will slow down your
25 heartbeat and you may even find a change in your perspective of things which seem to be
worrying you.
2. Laugh aloud.
Try to recall jokes that made you laugh or true incidents in your life that made you
chortle. Laughing expands your ribcage, thereby letting your lungs take in more air to transport
more oxygen to your brain, heart, liver and all parts of your body.
3. Listen to music.
35 Recall pleasant or humorous incidents in your past or think about someone who
cares much about you or someone you care much about. Sometimes, an unpleasant incident
in one’s childhood can make one laugh in retrospect. All pleasant thoughts will certainly help
you forget whatever is causing you stress at the moment. Take care to consciously discard
all ill feelings such as rancour and anger.
40 Get away from your ‘work station’. Take a brisk walk, preferably outdoors, for fifteen
minutes or so. This should pace up your blood circulation, transporting oxygen to your tired
muscles. The result will surprise you.
When you wake up in the morning, before getting up but still lying supine, first tense
your toes and relax them in turn for about four times; then rotate your feet clockwise and
anti-clockwise in turn for about four times; next raise and lower your left and right legs in turn
50 four times for each. Then only, get out of your bed. Physiotherapists say that these simple
physical exercises give your blood circulation a good start for the day.
Whenever you find yourself propelled by stress to take an action, pause a while,
choose one of the seven ways recommended above and chill out.
A. Give a full-sentence answer to each question below.
1. If you for a few minutes before bedtime, you may fall asleep easily.
2. After the earthquake, the victims were found under the big table.
3. We should learn to accept criticism without .
4. The two friends sometimes find time to meet up to and see a film.
5. The accident left him paralysed, but after exercising, he could his legs.
6. She always responds to things calmly, but now she is by stress.
7. After a long tiring day, I took a warm bath to myself.
8. The couple could finally find a way to .
9. Ko Min wrote his report the whole night to .
10. You simply made a mistake; you don’t need to it.
9B Vocabulary
Words often confused
Some words sound alike or nearly alike but have different meanings and often cause trouble.
e.g. (a) Take slow, deep breaths by inhaling about five seconds.
(b) She sits still, and breathes in and out slowly and rhythmically.
breath /breθ/ (n) - amount of air that enters the lungs at one time
breathe /briːð/ (v) - take air into your lungs through your nose or mouth
9C Grammar
The Future Tense: ‘Will’, ‘Going to’ and ‘Future Continuous’
• what you think or believe will happen in the future. It is commonly used with ‘I think’, ‘I’m
sure’, ‘I expect’, ‘I believe’, etc.
e.g. I think Germany will win the World Cup.
Let’s have a quick breakfast. It won’t take long.
Will he accept the job offer? What do you think?
Note: The present progressive tense can also be used when an action is promised, arranged
or planned for the near future.
Complete each sentence with the correct future form of the verb given in brackets.
11. We (hold) a team-building meeting in our school by this time next Monday.
12. I think the hotel (provide) a buffet breakfast.
13. After checking the schedule, I (email) it to you straight away.
14. Do you think you (still work) here in five years’ time?
15. If you tell them the truth, they (forgive) you.
C. Study the dialogue and underline the language expressions used to ask for and give
A: With such kind of friends, you’d better ignore them. Just stay away from them. It’s normal
in life to face such problems.
B: Yes, you’re right. Thanks.
What should I do? If I were you, I would… Yes, you’re right. I’ll do
What ought I to do? You’d better… that.
E. In pairs, choose TWO of the problems below and write a dialogue as in Exercise C.
9E Writing
In pairs, read the following letter and write a reply.
Hi Hein Htet,
My fourteen-year-old sister seems to spend all her time on social media. As she
gets up late, she’s always absent at family mealtimes. Sometimes, she misses her
breakfast. She doesn’t study hard for her exams and her scores are never good.
I’m really worried about her. And I don’t know what to do. What do you advise me
to do?
A. 6. propelled
9. Sample answer: I usually listen to music 5. Are you going to have/ Are you having
when I feel stressed. (Accept any possi-
ble answers.) 6. will be sunbathing
2, 4, 5, 7
If I were you, I’d
You’d better
9E. Writing
Sample reply
Hi Hsu Latt,
Hein Htet
Unit 9: STRESS, AND HOW TO BEAT IT • Ask them to read the passage again and list
the unfamiliar words they have come across
Objectives and explain to them where necessary. Also
tell the pronunciation of these words: debt
Students should be able to /det/, conscientiously /kɒnʃiˈenʃəsli/, breathe
/briːð/, soothes /suːðz/, prayer /preə(r)/, supine
• explain what stress is and forms of stress. /ˈsuːpaɪn/ or /sjuːpaɪn/ and physiotherapists
• explain the causes of stress.
• When dealing with the reading passage,
• discuss ways to overcome stress. explain to them the use of imperative to give
instructions to other people or to mention
• apply ways to overcome stress when they ways to do something.
feel stressed.
• Ask them to read the passage to get the
• respond to questions appropriately. detailed information in the passage by doing
Exercise A.
• use six common confusing words alternatively in
contexts. • Then, ask them to choose appropriate
expressions to complete each blank given in
• utilize different future forms, ‘will’, ‘going to’ Exercise B. Form groups of 4 or 5 and let them
and ‘future continuous’ correctly. do group work.
• identify the main idea of the talk. • The purpose of the exercises is to check
whether students understand what they have
• select necessary information from a talk. read or not and to give them practice in writing
factually and grammatically correct sentences.
• ask for advice, give advice and accept Before checking answers, give them time to
advice in their daily conversation. do peer correction. (Note: For Question No.
6, 7, 8, 9 of Exercise A, encourage them to
• write a reply of giving advice to someone. give their opinions and reasons.)
9A Reading Review
Teacher Teaches & Students Practise • Ask them to study the example sentences and
compare the uses of the ‘future continuous
• Ask students to study the expressions given tense’. Ask them to discuss what they have
and their meanings. Ask them to rephrase the found. Then, explain to them that the ‘future
meanings in order to check their understanding continuous tense’ is used to talk about
of the expressions. Tell them to distinguish the continuous events that we expect to happen
pronunciation of these words: affect /əˈfekt/, in the future and somebody’s plans or intentions
effect /ɪˈfekt/, accident /ˈæksɪdənt/, inci- (generally in questions). Explain to them with
dent /ˈɪnsɪdənt/, conscientious /kɒn.ʃiˈen. examples.
ʃəs/, conscious /ˈkɒn.ʃəs/, lane /leɪn/, line /
laɪn/ , perspective /pəˈspek.tɪv/ and retrospec- • Ask them to read the notes and discuss the
tive /ret.rəˈspek.tɪv/. Ask them to choose and use of the ‘present progressive tense’. It is
underline a correct alternative for each sen- used when an action is promised, arranged or
tence and ask them to do peer correction with planned for the near future.
their friends sitting next to them.
• Tell them to note that the verb of a sentence
Review in ‘be going to + V-infinitive’ and the ‘present
progressive tense’ must agree with its subject.
• To check whether they know the words they
have learnt, write some words on the board • Next, ask them to do the exercise completing
and ask them to provide you with the correct each sentence using the correct future form
pronunciation and meaning of the words. of the verb given in brackets. When they have
finished, ask them to do peer correction.
9C Grammar Review
The Future Tense: ‘Will’, ‘Going to’ and ‘Future • Check answers with students to see if they
Continuous’ could answer correctly. Give feedback where
• Ask students to study the example sentences • Ask students to name some songs they know
and compare the uses of ‘will + V-infinitive’. of. Then, ask them whether they like music.
Ask them to discuss what they have found. After that, tell them that they will be listening
Then, explain to them that ‘will + V-infinitive’ is to a talk given by a psychologist. Play the
used to talk about a fixed future arrangement, recording at least three times.
what someone thinks or believes will happen
in the future, a future action decided to do Teacher Teaches & Students Practise
at the moment of speaking, and promises,
requests, refusals, offers and predictions. • Before listening to the recording for the first time,
Explain to them with examples. ask students to look at three ideas in the list in
Exercise A. Ask them to listen to the recording
• Ask them to study the example sentences and carefully and tick the main idea they hear.
compare the uses of ‘be going to + V-infinitive’.
Ask them to discuss what they have found. • Ask them to read the sentences in Exercise B.
Then, explain to them that ‘be going to + While listening to the recording for the second
V-infinitive’ is used to talk about something time, let them tick the statements they hear.
someone intends to do in the future, and • Ask them to listen to the recording for the third
predictions based on present evidence. time and to check the statements that the
Explain to them with examples.
9E Writing
Unit 10: SLEEP DEPRIVATION • Ask them to read the passage for 10 minutes
and list the unfamiliar words they have come
Objectives across. Explain to them the meaning of the
unfamiliar words through the context or by
Students should be able to giving examples.
• recognize facts and ideas from a reading • Ask them to do Exercise A, completing the
passage. gaps in the text. Tell them they should read the
entire passage first, and then read paragraphs
• interpret the meaning of unfamiliar words, with gaps, paying attention to the sentences
referring to the context. that come before and after the missing parts.
• respond to questions appropriately. • Then, ask them to do Exercise B, looking for
• make use of compound adjectives specific details in the text and transferring the
appropriately. information into the table.
• use ‘by + V-ing’ and ‘present participle’ • Next, ask them to answer the comprehension
structures in appropriate contexts. questions given in Exercise C. The purpose
of this exercise is to check whether students
• listen for specific information from a talk. understand what they have read or not and to
give them practice in writing factually and gram-
• interview a friend asking him/ her how he/ matically correct sentences. Before checking
she spends his/ her leisure and report how answers, give them time to do peer correction.
his/ her friend spends his/ her leisure to the (Note: For Question No. 4, 8, encourage them
class. to give their opinions and reasons.)
• Introduce the lesson by asking students ‘When do people suffer from sleep depriva-
what they understand by the topic ‘Sleep tion?’
Deprivation’. Elicit their responses by telling
them ‘it is a condition that you have/ suffer ‘Can you tell me some effects of sleep depri-
from when you go to bed late and wake up vation?’
• Ask students to do Exercise A and B based • To review the use of ‘by + V-ing’ structure, ask
on their background knowledge of language, students to form into groups and to write as
and do peer correction with their friends sitting many sentences as they can within 5 minutes
next to them. using this structure in their notebooks. The
group which gets the most correct sentences
• Then, check answers with the whole class will be the winner.
and give clear explanation if necessary.
Present Participle (V-ing)
• Ask students to recall the compound adjectives
they have learnt and their meanings. Encourage • Tell students that they will be learning how the
them to make new sentences, using those ‘present participle’ (V-ing) is used in sentences.
compound adjectives. Elicit their background knowledge about the
use of present participle.
• Tell students that they will be learning the use a. to give the result of an action,
of ‘by + V-ing’ structure that is used in describing
b. to give the reason for an action,
how somebody does something.
c. to talk about an action that happened at the
Teacher Teaches & Students Practise
same time as another action, and
• Ask students to study the example sentence
given. d. to add information about the subject of the
main clause.
Q: I turned on the alarm system. I press the
‘ON’ button. • Discuss the use of the ‘present participle’ in
each situation.
A: I turned on the alarm system by pressing
• Ask them to look at the given example in
the ‘ON’ button.
Exercise B, and draw their attention to the
• Tell them the first sentence describes ‘a per- point that the first sentence adds some more
son’s action of turning the alarm system’ and information about why the subject in the second
the second sentence describes ‘the way of sentence made the decision to go on a picnic.
turning on the alarm system’. To say how
• Tell them to pay attention to the use of comma
somebody does something, the main verb in
in joining sentences using the ‘present participle’.
the second sentence will be changed into ‘by
+ V-ing’ form in joining two sentences. The • Ask them to do Exercise B individually first,
subject of the second sentence is to be left and then to do peer correction with their
out. friends sitting next to them before the class
• Ask them to do Exercise A using ‘by + V-ing’
10D Listening and Speaking • Then, ask them to ask and answer the questions
in pairs. Remind student As to note down the
Listening response of their partners (student Bs) during
the interview.
• Next, ask student As and Bs to swap their
• Tell students that they will be listening to Thu roles.
Thu, who is talking about how she spends her
time. Play the recording at least three times. • Go around the class, monitoring the pair-work
Teacher Teaches & Students Practise
• Before listening to the recording, ask students
to read the given statements carefully so that • Ask 2 or 3 pairs of students to come to the
they may guess the detailed content of the front of the class to interview each other and
talk. report their partners’ responses.
• Ask them to listen to the recording, paying • Make some comments and suggestions on
attention to the information they want to catch. their performance.
• Tell students that they will have to interview • Tell students that they need to describe a
a friend to know how he/ she spends his/ her mobile phone addict they know in an interest-
leisure, and then they will have to report to ing and logical way.
the class what he/ she has said about his/ her
leisure. • Ask them to extend their ideas based on the
information provided in the questions.
Teacher Teaches & Students Practise
• Remind them to use appropriate sentence
• Ask students to work in pairs, taking the roles connectors so that readers can understand
of the interviewer and the interviewee. what they want to present clearly and easily.