G-11 Bio For Revision
G-11 Bio For Revision
G-11 Bio For Revision
1. The flowering plants are numbering about (A. 2500 B. 5200 C. 250,000
D. 520,000) ………
2. Roots of most plants are (A. green B. non green C. white D. brown) in
colour. ………
3. The actual absorbing organs of the root are (A. tap roots B. Lateral roots
C. root hairs D. primary roots). ………
4. Tomatoes, most grass and canna are examples of (A. herbs B. shrubs
C. creepers D. trees). ………
5. The leaf develops from the (A. axil B. node C. internode D. stem). ………
6. Terminal buds are found at the (A. surface B. margin C. tip D. lateral) of
the main stem and as well as branches. ………
7. A typical leaf consists of (A. two B. three C. four D. five) parts. ………
8. The leaf (A. bases B. blade C. margin D. axil) of banana plants are
transformed into leaf sheaths. ………
9. A seed is a fertilized and mature (A. ovule B. ovary C. plumule
D. embryo). ………
10. The first root that develops from the (A. tap root B. lateral root
C. secondary root D. radicle). ………
11. The leaf is usually green due to the presence of pigment (A. anthocyanin
B. carotenoid C. chloroplast D. chlorophyll). ………
12. Plants which live in water or in very wet soil are termed as (A .hydrophytes
B. xerophytes C. mesophytes D. parasites). ………
13. Axillary buds later grow into (A. terminal B. Lateral C. apical D.
normal) branches. ………
14. All green plants that can manufacture their own food are (A. parasties B.
epiphytes C. autophytes D. saprophytes.) ………
15. Numerous (A. slender B. adventitious C. aerial D. fibrous) roots are
produced from a banyan tree. ………
16. The outer scale leaves of onion bulb (A. protect B. promote C. persist
D. prevent) loss of water from it. ………
17. The cells undergo enlargement particularly in (A. root B. length C. root
cap D. root hair) in the region of cell elongation. ………
18. A fruit is a mature (A. ovule B. ovary C. seed D. ovary) of the flower. ………
19. The aerial (A. root B. fruit C. shoot D. leaf) of mango persists and grow
from year to year. ………
20. Plants which live in dry places where the water supply is scanty and
irregular are (A. hydrophytes B. xerophytes C. mesophytes
D. parasites). ………
21. Sansevieria grows in (A. wet B. damp C. moist D. dry) regions. ………
22. The roots of dodder penetrate into the plant (A. cell B. tissue C. bark D.
stem) and absorb food and water from it. ………
23. A rhizome is a fleshy (A. oblique B. climbing C. horizonatal
D. various) stem. ………
24. There are (A. two B. three C. four. D. five) large groups of plants
divided based on the nature of stem and their growth habits. ………
25. The meristematic region lies (A. below B. beside C. above D. upper)
the root cap. ………
26. The stalk of the leaf is called (A. axis B. stipule C. pedicel D. petiole). ………
27. Plants which live in water or in very wet soil are termed as (A. habitats
C. hydrophytes C. autophytes D. mesophytes.) ………
28. Each of the leaf blade of Dionaea consist of (A. glandular hair B. two
C. three D. six) sensitive hairs. ………
29. The node is the point on a (A. stem B. branch C. root D. internode)
from which a leaf develops. ………
30. Plants with soft stems are termed as (A. herbs B. shrubs C. climbers
D. creepers). ………
31. Cells divide rapidly in (A. delicate B. meristematic C. elongation
D. maturation) region of the root tip. ………
32. A runner is the (A. branch B. underground branch C. stem
D. underground stem) of a creeping plant. ………
33. There are (A. two B. three C. four D. various) types of leaf forms for
functions other than food manufacture. ………
34. The buds at the tip of the main stem are termed as (A. modified
B. terminal C. axillary D. lateral) buds. ………
35. Region of cell division lies (A. upper B. above C. below D. under) the
region of cell elongation. ………
36. Some plants obtain part of their (A. main B. nourish C. nitrogenous
D. storage) food by catching insects. ………
37. Roots formed on stem and leaf cutting are termed as (A. primary
B. fibrous C. slender D. adventitious) roots. ………
38. All green plants that can manufacture their own food are termed as
(A. chloroplast B. chlorophyll C. autophytes D. epiphytes). ………
39. The region between two successive nodes on the stem of a plant is the
(A. node B. internode C. axil D. petiole). ………
40. A shoot is a (A. old B. young C. hard D. large) stem with its leaves. ………
41. A fruit is a mature (A. ovary B. ovule C. embryo D. cotyledon) of the
flower consisting of a fruit-wall enclosing one to many seeds. ………
42. Stems are normally (A. cylinder B. slender C. small D. straight) and
upright. ………
43. The stem of grass and strawberry has (A. short B. long C. along
D. distinct) internodes. ………
44. Stems of (A. bamboo B. teak C. jute D. rubber) produce important
fibers. ………
45. In the genus (A. Drosera B. Nepenthes C. Dionaea D. Utricularia),
some of the leaves are modified into pitchers which are borne on long
tendril, leaf-like petioles. ………
46. Region of cell division of the root is also termed as (A. elongation
B. differentiation C. meristematic D. maturation) region. ………
47. The underground (A. plants B. stems C. shoot D. roots) of gladiolus
live for many years. ………
48. An expanded lateral outgrowth of the stem, arising at the (A. stem
B. lamina C. node D. internode) is the leaf. ………
49. The swollen tip of a special underground branch is termed as a (A. rhizome
B. tuber C. bulb D. radish). ………
50. The flower is a highly specialized (A. branch B. hoot C. structure
D. leaves) modified for reproduction. ………
51. The leaves of onion bulb arise from the upper part of the (A. condensed
B. compact C. oval D. circular) underground stem. ………
52. A parasitic plant produces certain special (A. stem B .roots C. branch
D. leaves). ………
53. Orchids grown in the branches of tree are good example of (A. autophytes
B. parasites C. saprophytes D. epiphytes). ………
54. Adventitious roots also develop on stem and leaf (A. sheaths B. base
C. cuttings D. lets). ………
55. Stems of (A. Juice B. Jute C. bamboo D. rubber) produce important
fibers. ………
II. Choose the correct answer for the following statements. (5 Marks)
1. After fertilization, the ovules develop into (A. fruits B. seeds C. ovary D. embryo).
2. Essential oils in the petals produce (A. carotenoid B. anthocyanin C. fragrance
D. nectar) of the flowers.
3. Green sepals of the calyx take part in (A. protection B. assimilation C. attraction
D. special function).
4. Before fertilization, the (A. synergids B. oospores C. polar nuclei D. antipodal) cells
disappear in the embryo sac of the ovule.
5. The axis of the flower is made up of (A. peduncle B. petiole C.pedicel D.bract) and the
1. Fruits are generally classified into (A. two B. three C. four D. many)
groups. ………
2. The angasana fruit has a flattened wing-like (A. epicarp B. endocarp
C. pericarp D. mericarp). ………
3. Many commercial products like dyes, oil, waxes and drugs are obtained from
(A. fruit wall B. fruit C. seed-coaf D. seed). ………
4. the seeds of Ye-pyut-pin are dispersed by (A. animal B. water C. wind
D. explosion). ………
5. The seeds of (A. dry B. fleshy C. dehiscent D. indehiscent) fruit are
scattered by various methods. ………
6. The seed of mango is not swallowed of the (A. fleshy B. juicy C. soft
D. sweet) part has been eaten. ………
7. The pericarps of (A. dehiscent B. indehiscent C. dry D. fleshy) fruits split
open when mature with force. ………
8. The ovary wall of a flower become the (A. epicarp B. pericarp C. mesocarp
D. mericarp) of a fruit. ………
9. The pericarp of indehiscent fruit cannot split open when (A. dry B. hard
C. young D. ripe). ………
10. Fleshy fruits consists of (A. two B. three C. four D. many) types. ………
11. A fruit is a fertilized and mature (A. embryo B. ovary C. ovule D. seed). ………
12. (A. Clitorea B. Clematis C. Urena D. Calotropic) fruit is one of the
schizocarpic fruit. ………
13. Drum-stick seeds are dispersed by (A. water B. wind C. animals
D. explosion). ………
14. The (A. poisonous B. digestable C. indigestable D. edible) fruits contain
large amount of protein, fats, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. ………
15. Dispersal of (A. fruits B. seeds C. plants D. flowers) helps to colonize new
and favorable habitats. ………
16. Pericarp of (A. fleshy B .indehiscent C. dehisent D. schizocarpic) fruits can
split open when mature. ………
17. The ovary wall grow to become either fleshy or dry and hard (A. mericarp
B. epicarp C. mesocarp D. preicarp). ………
18. Seeds may also be the source of commercial (A. drugs B. foods C. fibres
D. oil) eg. cotton and kapok. ………
BIOLOGY Time Allowed: (1:30) Hours
I. State TRUE or FALSE to the following statements. (5 Marks)
1. Fruits develop from ovaries of flower.
2. Urena is an example of dehiscent fruit.
3. The fruit of Clematis consists of furry style.
4. The seeds of Clitorea are dispersed by explosive mechanism.
5. A fruit is a fertilized and mature ovule.
II. Choose the correct answer for the following statements. (5 Marks)
1. Many commercial products like dyes, oil, waxes and drugs are obtained from (A. fruit
wall B. fruit C. seed-coaf D. seed).
2. The ovary walls of a flower become the (A. epicarp B. pericarp C. mesocarp
D. mericarp) of a fruit.
3. The pericarp of indehiscent fruit cannot split open when (A. dry B. hard C. young D.
4. Fleshy fruit consists of (A. two B. three C. four D. many) types.
5. Drum-stick seeds are dispersed by (A. water B. wind C. animals D. explosion).
III. Complete the following statements with appropriate words. (5 Marks)
1. Indehiscent fruits ____ cannot split open when ripe.
2. Polyalthia is an _____ fruit.
3. The pericarp of _____ fruit split open when mature with force.
4. Bright colour of _____ fruits are usually attractive.
5. Jack fruit is derived from an ____.
IV. Answer all questions. (6 Marks)
a. Give the reason why dispersal of seed is desirable.
b. Describe the fleshy fruits which have many small and large seeds.
c. Provide labels to the given diagram.
V. Answer ANY TWO questions. (10 Marks)
a. Explain the nature of seeds dispersed by animals and wind’
b. Give the labelled diagrams of the L.S & T.S of lemon and state the method of dispersal
together with other given examples
c. Describe the economic importance of fruits and define the term fruit
VI. Answer ANY TWO questions. (20 Marks)
a. State the nature of fleshy and dry fruits with explanation on their respective types.
b. Give a word diagram to show classification of fruits and explain the types of fruits in
which Polyalthia and Jack fruits are given as an example.
c. Provide labels and captions to the given diagrams and state the methods of dispersal
mentioning the examples. (Do not copy the diagram).
1. The food for the growing embryo of maize grain is stored in a separate tissue
known as the (A. embryo B. endosperm C. epithelial layer D. scutellum). ………
2. The hypocotyl lies below the point of attachment to the (A. axis B. radicle
C. plumule D. cotyledons). ………
3. The process of germination can be divided into (A.one B. two C. three
D. four) stages. ………
4. In the second stage of maize germination, radicle grows through the
(A. embryo B. coleoptile C. coleorhiza D. fruit stalk). ………
5. The cotyledon of a maize grain is termed as the (A. embryo
B. monocotyledon C. dicotyledons D. scutellum). ………
6. The stalk of the bean seed is also termed as (A. pedicel B. funicle C. hilum
D. micropyle. ………
7. The hypocotyl of the bean seed elongates markedly in the (A. first B. second
C. thrid D. fourth) stage of germination. ………
8. The micropyle of maize is at the (A. tip B. middle C. base D. embryo) of
the grain. ………
9. The seed coat usually bursts at the micropylar end in the (A. first B. second
C. thrid D. fourth) stage of germination of a bean seed. ………
10. The radicle anchors the germinating maize grain during the (A. first
B. second C. third D. fourth) stage. ………
11. The primary root is replaced by (A. tap B. lateral C. secondary
D. dvantitious) roots in the fourth stage of germination in a maize grain. ………
12. The cotyledon of a maize grain is termed as the (A. endosperm
B. momocotyledon C. dicotyledons D. scutellum). ………
13. The plumule of the maize grain serves as a terminal bud in the (A. first
B. second C. third D. fourth) stage of germination. ………
14. A large and scar called the (A. funicle B. hilum C. micropyle D. seed stalk)
is present near the middle of the convex edges of the bean seed. ………
15. A cluster of (A. radicle B. advantitious C. primary root D. secondary root)
appear from the base of the radicle in the third stage of maize germination. ………
16. A fused (A. single B. double C. three D. four) layer of seed-coat covers
the whole bean seed. ………
17. The food for growing embryo is stored in the (A. seed B. cotyledons
C. embryo D. plumule) in a bean seed. ………
18. Maize grain grown in moist soil absorbs water in the (A. first B. second
C. third D. fourth) stage of germination. ………
19. The plumule of the maize grain emerge through (A. coleorhiza B. coleoptile
C. scutellum D. embryo) in the fourth stage of germination. ………
20. Cotyledon and (A. plumule B. endosperm C. coleoptile D. coleorhiza) of the
maize grain buried in the soil decompose or fall off eventually. ………
21. A sheath called (A. Scutellum B. coleorhiza C. coloptile D. embryo) covers
the plumule in the embryo of the maize grain. ………
22. Fusion of fruit-wall and seed-coat forms the (A. inner B. outer C. single
D. double) layer of maize grain. ………
23. In the third stage of epigeal germination, the (A. epicotyl B. epigeal
C. hypocotly D. hypogeal) loop is formed. ………
24. In the fourth stage of maize germination, the (A. tap B. main C. primary
D. secondary) root stops functioning. ………
25. The (A. bean B. cotton C. sunflower D. grass) family is the most important
among seed producing plants. ………
26. The roots system is completely replaced by (A. tap B. lateral C. primary
D. adventitious) roots during the fourth stage of maize germination. ………
27. In the third stage of bean germination, hypocotyl results in a loop (A. above
B. under C. buried D. base) the ground. ………
BIOLOGY Time Allowed: (1:30) Hours
II. Choose the correct answer for the following statements. (5 Marks)
1. The stalk of the bean seed is also termed as (A. pedicel B. funicle C. hilum
D. micropyle).
2. The radicle anchors the germinating maize grain during the (A. first B. second
C. third D. fourth) stage.
3. The hypocotyl lies below the point of attachment to the (A. axis B. radicle C. plumule
D. cotyledons).
4. A fused (A. single B. double C. three D. four) layer of seed-coat covers the whole bean
5. In the third stage of epigeal germination, the (A. epicotyl B. epigeal C. hypocotyl
D. hypogeal) loop is formed.
1. Water act as (A. reactant B. coolant C. lubricant D. support) in sweating and transpiration.
2. During photosynthesis water reacts with (A. oxygen B. light C. carbon dioxide D. hydrogen).
3. Lymphatics have (A. thin B. thick C. tissue D. cell) walls with valves.
4. Cytoplasm of (A. erythrocytes B. granulocytes C. monocytes D. thrombocytes) is thicker than that
of Lymphocytes.
5. A large part of water absorbed from the (A. plant B. Leaves C. stem D. soil) is lost in the form of
vapour by a process known as transpiration.
6. Molecular movement of gases and liquids which tends to result in the uniform distribution is known
as (A. osmosis B. diffusion C. translocation D. transpiration).
7. The lymphocytes are formed in (A. blood B. plasma C. lymphoid D. amoeboid) tissue, spleen,
thymus and lymph glands.
8. The absorption of water from the (A. air B. soil C. plant D. leaves) by the root can be done by
9. Water is universal (A. solution B. solute C. solvent D. liquid).
10. (A. Diffusion B. Osmosis C. Transpiration D. Translocation) of water from the leaf results in the
drop of turgor pressure.
11. The lymph nodes of (A. tissues cell B. lymph C. lymph capillary D. lymphatic) are glandular in
12. (A. Erythrocytes B. Leucocytes C. Lymphocytes D. Thrombocytes) are of several types, all with
13. Absorption of water in land plant is through (A. diffusible B. semipermeable C. permeable
D. soluble) part of the root.
14. Water make up (A. one-third B. one-fourth C. two-third D. three-quarter) or more of living active
15. Lymph is the blood tissue fluid that enters the (A. lymphatic B. tissue cell C. lymph capillaries
D. tissue fluid space).
16. Many erythrocytes are (A. biconcave B. biconvex C. concave D. convex) circular discs without
17. (A. Lymphocytes B. Monocytes C. Granulocytes D. Thrombocytes) are with a single large round
nucleus with much cytoplasm.
18. Haemoglobin in (A. leucocytes B. Lymphocytes C. monocytes D. erythrocytes) combines with
oxygen to form oxy-haemoglobin.
19. Absorption of latent heat from the leaf tissues during evaporation cools the (A. plant B. stem
C. leaf D. water).
20. (A. Thrombocytes B. Granulocytes C. Monocytes D. Lymphocytes) are also termed as platelets.
21. Granulocytes are (A. several B. circular C. platelets D. amoeboid) in shape with an irregularly lobed
22. Cytoplasm of (A. thrombocytes B. monocytes C. erythrocytes D. granulocytes) is thicker than that
of lymphocytes.
23. Blood is a (A. mucous B. serous C. fluid D. semifluid) tissue.
24. (A. Transpiration B. Translocation C. Diffusion D. Osmosis) is the movement of dissolve substances
through a plant.
25. Spleen produces both (A. lymphocytes B. monocytes C. granulocytes D. thrombocytes) and
26. Synovial fluid in joint are (A. solvent B. reactant C. coolant D. lubricants).
27. Lymph node is made up of connective tissues and cells and produces (A. erythrocytes B. leucocytes
C. thrombocytes D. granulocytes).
28. Water from the soil travel up wards through the vessel of the (A. phloem B. xylem C. bundle
D. cambium).
29. (A. Granulocytes B. Lymphocytes C. Leucocytes D. Monocytes) are amoeboid in shape with
irregularly lobed nucleus.
30. Plasma calcium is bound to (A. protein B. fibrinogen C. serum globulins D. serum albumin).
31. Without turgor pressure, the plants would (A. dry B. wilt C. grow D. live).
32. In small (A. vertebrates B. invertebrates C mammals D. flat-bodies) there is a large surface area
to volume ratio.
33. Molecules are constantly in motion because of their (A. chemical B. physical C. potential D. kinetic)
34. (A. Phloem B. Xylem C. Mesophyll D. Cambium) takes part in the transport of water and minerals.
35. (A. Leucocytes B. Erythrocytes C. Granulocytes D. Thrombocytes) are biconcave circular discs.
BIOLOGY Time Allowed: (1:30) Hours
1. Within the nucleus, there are indistinct masses of threads called (A. chromosomes B. chromatics
C. chromatins D. cytoplasm).
2. DNA replication in chromosomes takes place during (A. prophase B. metaphase C. interphase
D. telophase) of cell cycle.
3. The union of gametes carrying different alleles produced a (A. heterozygous B. homozygous
C. heterologous D. homologous) genotype.
4. Eye and skin colour is one of the examples of (A. continuous B. discontinuous C. different
D. gametic) variation.
5. The (A. nucleolus B. nucleus C. nucleoplasm D. mitochondria) is the largest organelle within the
6. Survival of the fittest is said to be the mechanism for (A. reproduction B. generation
C. differentiation D. evolution).
7. An additional stage (A. prophase B. metaphase C. interphase D. telophase) occurs during the
process of cell division.
8. Thread like structure found in the nuclei of all living cells are called (A. chromatin B. chromatids
C. chromosome D. centrioles).
9. Crossing-over may occur during (A. prophase I B. metaphase I C. anaphase I D. telophase I) of
10. Mutation is a spontaneous sudden change in some part of (A. RNA B. DNA C. protein
D. organism).
11. Chromatin condense to rod-like structures called (A. chromosome B. chromatids C. nucleus
D. nucleoplasm).
12. Meiotic cell division generally takes place in the formation of (A. spores B. gametes C. genes
D. chromosomes) in animals.
13. Chromatid pairs are at the equator of the cell during (A. prophase B. metaphase C. anaphase
D. telophase).
14. Monohybrid inheritance refers to the inheritance of (A. one B. two C. three D. four)
15. Centriole or aster are absent in cell division of in (A. animal B. plant C. higher plant D. lower
plant) cells.
16. DNA with the help of RNA, controls (A. chromosome B. protoplasm C. proteins D. photo)
synthesis within the cytoplasm.
17. Cell division consists of normally (A. two B. three C. four D. five) stages.
18. During (A. prophase B. metaphase C. interphase D. telophase), DNA replication causes each
chromosome to have sister chromatid.
19. Two chromosomes identical in shape and size are (A. homozygous B. homologous C.
heterozygous D. heterologous) chromosomes.
20. Dyads are at the equator of the cell during (A. prophase B. metaphase C. anaphase D. telophase)
in mitotic cell division.
21. The heredity units which are transmitted from one generation to the next are called (A. genes
B. genetics C. chromosomes D. variation).
22. Genes are small units in a (A. chromosome B. chromatid C. nucleus D. nucleoplasm) that control
the heredity characteristics.
23. Which genetics constitution represent the term heterozygous (A. RR B. Both RR and Rr C. Rr
D. rr).
BIOLOGY Time Allowed: (1:30) Hours
I. State TRUE or FALSE to the following statements. (5 Marks)
1. A recessive characteristic can appear only if the genotype is homozygous.
2. Each gene can be present in two or more forms called alleles.
3. Chromosomes are thread-like structures found in the cytoplasm of all living cells.
4. The physical appearances of heredity characteristics of an organism opposed to its
phenotype is termed as genotype.
5. The number of chromosomes per cell is fixed in any organism.
II. Choose the correct answer for the following statements. (5 Marks)
1. An additional stage (A. prophase B. metaphase C. interphase D. telophase) occurs
during the process of cell division.
2. Genes are small units in a (A. chromatid B. chromosome C. nucleus D. nucleoplasm)
that control the hereditary characteristics.
3. Dyads are at the equator of the cell during (A. prophase B. metaphase C. anaphase
D. telophase) in mitotic cell division.
4. Two chromosomes identical in shape and size are (A. heterozygous B. heterologous
C. homozygous D. homologous) chromosomes.
5. DNA replication in chromosomes takes place during (A. prophase B. metaphase
C. interphase D. telophase) of cell cycle.
III. Complete the following statements with appropriate words. (5 Marks)
1. The number and size of the chromosomes in a cell are _____ characteristics of a particular
2. Genotype is the genetics _____ of an organism.
3. A spontaneous sudden change in the structure of a gene or chromosome is known as _____.
4. The selection is done by man in _____ selection.
5. A recessive characteristic can appear only if the genotype is____.
IV. Answer all questions. (6 Marks)
a. State the two differences between higher plant cells and animal cells although some stage
take place during cell division.
b. Give labelled diagram to show how mitosis and meiosis differ.
c. Define the term phenotypes with some examples.
V. Answer ANY TWO questions. (10 Marks)
a. State how mitotic and meiotic cell divisions are important for living organisms.
b. Tabulate the stages of mitosis together with their respective events.
c. Define the terms ‘gene locus’ and ‘alleles’ used in genetics.
VI. Answer ANY TWO questions. (20 Marks)
a. Differentiate two types of cell division including the number of chromosomes resulted
after respective call division and state the nature of homologous chromosomes.
b. Give an account on the sex chromosome mechanisms with suitable diagram.
c. With the help of word diagram, explain the mating of pure line and heterozygous
genotype & define the term “Hybrid”.