01.12 WCM Foundations in Saint-Gobain

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WCM Foundations in Saint-Gobain

WCM Foundations

What’s in the Foundations of the

WCM temple?
WCM Foundations in Saint-Gobain

Foundations support Pillars

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WCM Foundations in Saint-Gobain

Standardization is one of the key tool of WCM program
restored and/or defined by improvement teams
standards sustain after Loss Prevention phase
3 kinds of standards
Expected Standard
 Ex: Standard duration for changeover is 35min
 5S standards
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
 List of activities to be carried out in order to achieve the expected standard
 Ex: Setup tasks list, cleaning and inspection procedure…
One Point Lesson (OPL)
 Visual illustration of one point
 Ex: Clean VS Dirty, Simple improvement…

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WCM Foundations in Saint-Gobain

Standard duration of changeover

Define the current best standard and train the operators
(Example from Kolo plant)

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WCM Foundations in Saint-Gobain

5S is continuous attitude to take care of the working place (safety and

ergonomic conditions, lean approach to reduce waste of time for
movements and searching)

No restoration nor improvement activity can be started without the

area validated in 5S. Therefore, 5S has to be considered as integrated
in all Loss reduction routes (restore & hold the gains)

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WCM Foundations in Saint-Gobain

Autonomous & Visual management: simplify the life in the

plant (Reliability pillar is one of the expert)
Visual Management of the

Visual Management of the


War Room WCM Team Boards

SG Sekurit SG Sekurit
Chantereine Chantereine
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WCM Foundations in Saint-Gobain

Focused improvement & People involvement

Kaizen events TEAMWORK for quick improvements on focused

Kaizen WS subject from top-down (cost deployment or VSM) and
Quick kaizen bottom-up (people suggestions) initiatives

Foreman, operators, supervisors (all the levels

TEAMWORK of the organization)
Production, Quality, Maintenance, EHS,... (all the
functions in the organization)

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WCM Foundations in Saint-Gobain

Time Based Management

VSM is the 1st WCM activity of plant management team
VSM is the vertebral column to all losses identification (7 wastes)
Value Stream Mapping
Steps - Single Plant

The Customer Focus and Service Pillar team is the expert of VSM

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WCM Foundations in Saint-Gobain

Cost deployment
Cost deployment is the management tool used with VSM to
define priorities and build plant Master Plan
Loss Intelligence supports Cost Deployment for all Pillars

• Identified losses = total Division/Plant

losses found Ref. net sales
100,0% 20% 8% 5% 2% 0%
• Identified savings =
recoverable losses (=
total – technical limit) 20% 37% 61% 48% 19%
Ref. to
previous value
• Planned savings =
losses planned to be
saved in a certain
period (ie 1 year) 939.929 190.727 70.609 43.251 20.564 3.940
Actual YTD planned Achieved YTD
Net sales previous year Losses Identified Identified Savings Planned Savings
• Actual ytd planned Savings Savings

savings = ytd savings

target (ytd= year to
• Achieved ytd savings =
achieved ytd savings Do we Are we aggressive Are we effective
from Saving System
have a vision? in target setting? in implementation?

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WCM Foundations in Saint-Gobain

Pillars continuously reinforce the Foundations while

Foundations continuously nurture and support



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