Reviewer Nursing Informatics

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Community Health Information- Collective term for the methodical application of

information science and technology to community and public health processes.

Goal of Community Health Informatics- Effective and timely assessment that involves
monitoring and tracking the health status of populations including identifying and controlling
disease outbreaks and epidemics.

Community Health Nursing- Comprehensively directed towards the majority of

individuals, families, and the community at large.

Community Health Application System- Encourages optimal application of computer

system, computer programs and communication systems for the benefit of the majority of
individuals, families and community.

What do Community Health Nurses Do?

-Health education Community Advocacy

-Screening services Preventative care
-Ensuring a safe and healthy environment
-Abuse and neglect prevention Policy reform
-Community development

Ambulatory Care Covers a wide range of health care services that are provided for
patients who are not admitted overnight to a hospital.

Medical care provided on an outpatient basis, including diagnosis, observation,

treatment, and rehabilitation services

Ambulatory Care Information System- Provides automated processing of data and

information such as allergies and medical alerts, patients accounting system such as
charging, billing, discounts and concessions, diagnostics imaging treatments, and etc.

Advantages of Ambulatory Care Information System

•Real-time and easy access to patient’s medical records by healthcare providers.

•Improved workflow, which allows more time for comprehensive patient counseling and
•Reduced errors with the availability of various automation engines.
• Automated and integrated back-end process.
•Improved clinical outcome analysis.
•Improvement in hospital inventory management.Better monitoring and management of
Issues in Ambulatory Care Information System

•Increased accountability.
•The need for continuous support.
•Privacy and confidentiality of information.
•Accessibility and security of data and information.
•Integration and support to the other system

The Role of Nurse Using Information System in the Ambulatory Care System

•The very basic objective of the automated ambulatory care information system is to easily
integrate the data to the other data and easily translate these data into information.

•The effective transformation of data can be integrated to the other processes to transform
it into knowledge.

•The ambulatory care nurse and other health care provider should be capable enough to
implement the process effectively.

EMERGENCY - It is a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring

immediate action.

Planning - is the process of deciding in detail how to do something before you start to
do it.

Response - a response action to a situation that may cause an immediate and serious
threat of harm to human health or the environment.

Informatics and Emergency planning This chapter will explore the intersection
between informatics and emergency planning and response

•to determine current and future informatics contribution.

•Improve health information and operational intelligence
•provide baseline information on health risks, health risk reduction, and emergency
preparedness; and
•build emergency preparedness knowledge and skills through training, guidance,
research, and information services.

FEMA - The Federal Emergency Management Agency

DHS- Department of Homeland Security


1. A Federal department or agency acting under its own authority has requested the
assistance of the Secretary
2. The resources of State and local authorities are overwhelmed, and Federal
assistance has been requested by the appropriate State and local authorities
3.More than one Federal department or agency has become substantially involved in
responding to the incident
4. The Secretary has been directed to assume responsibility for managing the domestic
incident by the President.

National Response Plan (NRP) - Department of Homeland Security 2008, build National
Response Plan, The Framework emphasizes preparedness activities that include planning,
organizing, training, equipping, exercising, and applying lessons learned and assigns lead
federal agencies to each of 15 Emergency Support Functions.

Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) - is the grouping of governmental and certain

private sector capabilities into an organizational structure to provide support,

Emergency Support Functions

- External affairs
- Energy
- Communications
- Transportations
- Firefighting

Adopting - A “worst case scenario, ” government experts rapidly developed a number of

strategies to help local governments plan, stating that the Federal government would not likely
be able to provide any Assistance during the actual pandemic.

Technology – is the process by which human modify nature to meet their needs

Assistive technology - Enables people to live healthy, productive, independent, and

dignified lives, and to participate in education, the labour market and civic life.

Workplace Technology- is a virtual modern version of the traditional workplace.

Benefactors of Assistive Technology

• People with disabilities

• Older people
• People with noncommunicable diseases
• People with mental health conditions
• People with gradual functional decline.

Benefits of Assistive Technology - can have a positive impact on the health and well-being
of a person and their family, as well as broader socioeconomic benefits

Commonly Used Assistive Technology for ICT

➢ Screen readers
➢ Screen magnifiers
➢ Text readers
➢ Speech input/Voice recognition
➢ Assistive keyboard

Use of Technology in Workplace

➢ Communication
➢ Creation of new jobs
➢ Saves time
➢ Creates Mobility
➢ Security

Function of Healthcare Assistive Technology - useful for disabled individuals helping

them in performing tasks that otherwise might have been difficult or impossible for them.

eHealth- is an emerging field of medical informatics, referring to the organization and

delivery of health services and information using the Web and related technologies.

ATA- The American Telemedicine Association

Telemedicine- is the use of information exchanged from one site to another via
electronic communications to improve patients’ health status

mHealth- typically refers to the use of a wireless communication device that supports public
health and clinical practices.

Telehealth- is the delivery of health-related services and

information via telecommunications technologies.
Telemedicine - a term coined in the 1970s, which
literally means “healing at a distance”, signifies the use
of ICT (Information and communication technology) to
improve patient outcomes by increasing access to care
and medical information.

E- Health- the use of information and communication

technologies (ICT) for health to, for example, treat
patients, pursue research, educate students, track diseases
and monitor public health.

Common Conditions treated by telemedicine

-Pink Eye
- Sore Throat
- Allergies

Benefits of Telemedicine

- Saves Time and Money

- 24/7/365 access to licensed physicians.
- Free consultations, no co-pays.
- Convenience of care via phone or video.
- Convenience of consultations from home,
work, on the road, or out of town.
- No more waiting in doctor’s office/ER waiting

Types of Telemedicine

- Store-and-forward
- Interactive telemedicine
- Remote Monitoring

Teleradiology– the use of ICT to transmit digital radiological images (e.g. X-ray images)
from one location to another for the purpose of interpretation and/or consultation.

Telepathology - use of ICT to transmit digitized pathological results (e.g. microscopic

images of cells) for the purpose of interpretation and/or consultation.
Teledermatology - use of ICT to transmit medical information concerning skin conditions
(e.g. tumours of the skin) for the purpose of interpretation and/or consultation.

Telepsychiatry - use of ICT for psychiatric evaluations and/or consultation via video and

Examples of E-Health

- Electronic Health Records (EHR)

- Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

Disadvantages of EHR or EMR

- Potential Privacy and Cybersecurity Issues

- Inaccurate Data
- Frightening Patients Needlessly
- Malpractice Liability Concerns
- Time and Money Inconvenience and


- Non-clinical applications
- Clinical uses
- Clinical applications for telemedicine
- Telehealth applications

transforming the practice of health care

- Wearable and Portable Monitoring Systems

- Telenursing and Decision Support Tools
- Possibility of Virtual Worlds
- Health Portals and Web 2.0
- mHealth Applications

impact of ehealth applications

- Transforming the Way We Learn

- Web-based educational programs are changing the way consumers and healthcare
providers learn.
- Transforming Healthcare Delivery Electronic Data Exchange. Advances in eHealth
and the growing use of electronic health records have contributed to the realities of
health data exchange.
- Research Opportunities
- Transforming Emergency Preparedness and Response
- During a disaster situation, the use of telehealth technology would allow clinicians to
provide healthcare services remotely.

Ehealth challenges and issue

Privacy- “The right of individuals to be left alone and to be protected against physical or
psychological invasion or the misuse of their property.

Confidentiality- The “status accorded to data or information indicating that it is sensitive

for some reason, and therefore it needs to be protected against theft, disclosure, or improper
use, or both, and must be disseminated only to authorized individuals or organizations with a
need to know."

Data Security- “The result of effective data protection measures; the sum of measures that
safeguard data and computer programs from undesired occurrences and exposure to accidental
or intentional access or disclosure to unauthorized persons, or a combination thereof"

System Security- “Security enables the entity or system to protect the confidential
information it stores from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse, thereby protecting the
privacy of the individuals who are the subjects of the stored information.”

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