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Art App Compilation

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GROUP1 interaction of many musical instruments in order to

ARTS create a piece that stirs emotions.

 Art can be defined as a meaningful application of
imagination, skill, taste, creativity, and a form of EXPRESSION
expression to produce a magnificent outcome.  According to Robin George Collingwood “Through
HISTORY expression, an artist is able to explore his feelings or
 During the rise of early city civilization, music has been emotions and also can create something different and
connected to religious and stately ceremonials in temples beautiful.”
and palaces. In 3000 BC, Chinese people were the first  The arts enable us to express our thoughts, feelings,
to adopt a fixed system of musical tuning. However, our ideas, and what we experience in life.
music nowadays was rooted to the Greek ancient world  Artistic expression can be enjoyed in a variety of
since they seriously consider the music as part of forms such as: Painting, Drawing, Sculpting, Needle
education. In Hebrew records and even the Bible cited work, Drama, Dance, Music, Creative Writing and
facts, that the Hebrew singer Jubal, was the first man Photography.
who invented the three-cornered harp and the flute  Art is also a powerful means of communication.
(Murray, 2010).
 On the other hand, it was traced back that cave paintings
in the early Stone Age were about 13,000 BC. Centuries GROUP 2
later, around 3000-270 BC, the tombs of the pharaohs Context of Art
were painted with their happy memories here on earth. In  Composed of all the things about the art  that might have
Rome, the floors of the villa were covered by mosaic influenced the artwork or the artist. 
(509 BC-330 AD).  These includes when the work was made or where it was
It is believed that sculpture is the possible oldest form of made, why it was made and it may some other details.
arts which dates back from the prehistoric men and their  Contextualism refers when examining at the cultural
cave sculpture (32,000-27,000 BC). From 3000 B.C. context of an artwork that can deepen and improve
Egyptian sculpted figures of Kings as much larger someone’s understanding of an artwork.
compared to ordinary men, to signify their power. In
ancient Greece the sculpture was usually based on Functions of Art
realism with natural-looking output that inspired that  The functions of art apply not only to the artist that
even inspired the current artists. In Renaissance, the created an artwork but also to people as the viewer.
philosophy of humanism reawakens the interest in Greek
sculpture making each of it as distinct from one another.
 The architecture in Stone Age was not really appreciated  Physical Function
because people these times only dwell at cave or
 Works of art that are created to perform some service
sometimes builds their shelter using huts of plants just to
have physical functions. (Ex. Fijian war club, it was
meet their need. In Egypt the main buildings were the
created to perform the physical function of smashing
temples and tombs, where architecture represents
simplicity and firmness. They also originate the pylon
 Social Function
and obelisks. Assyrians also showed their architectures
 Viewers can frequently relate in some way to social
through the artistic designs of their palaces that including
art and sometimes even influenced by it. (Ex. People
its decorative gateways and rooms. In Greece, their
can sharing opinions about life with others after they
architecture were very detailed, decorative and
saw an artwork.)
proportion it includes Doric, Ionic and Corinthian.
 Personal Function
 An artist may create a piece for self-expression or
APPRECIATION satisfaction.
 In art, it is true that beauty is in the eye of the
beholder. The way we view or create an artwork,
depends on our own perception and experiences. A
masterful artist, through his artworks, is capable of Elements of Art
telling us about the world and humanity more than  Line are marks that span a distance between two
we understood before (Murray, 2010). Art has points or the path of a moving point.
universal and timeless beauty, the reason why an
 Shape refers to a 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional
artist created it, not only for himself but also to be
that is flat.
seen, to be heard and to be used. Learning how to
 Form the visible shape or layout of something.
value art, whatever background you possess, will
surely bring you to a fuller and meaningful living  Color is produced when light, striking an object, is
(Collins & Riley, 1931).I reflected to the eye.
 Space is any good area that an artist provides for a
particular purpose.
 Texture is used to describe the object more and how
IMAGINATION something feels or looks.
 According to Albert Einstein "Imagination is much  Value is the level of lightness and darkness in a
more important compare to knowledge". color.
 Imagination is the ability that you can form ideas or
images in your mind about the things that you have Content of Art
not yet experience and it is new or exciting.  The meaning or message that is expressed or
 Art is a product of a person's creativity, imagination, commnunicated by the artwork.
and expression.  In understanding the content of art, it is important to
Artist use their imagination that gives birth to reality note that there are various levels of meaning.
through creation.
 Children, writers, artists, and musicians are said to Factual Meaning
have a greatest imagination. The novelist has to  The most rudimentary level of meaning for it may be
create in his mind a characters, actions, settings, and extracted from the identifiable or recognizable forms
plot. A great composer has to hear in his mind the
in artwork and understanding how these elements  Novel
relate to one another.  it is more complex than novella, and they usually
Conventional Meaning have more than one plot or storyline and many
 Pertains to acknowledge interpretation of the artwort well-developed character
using motifs, signs, and symbols. Thes convention
are established through time, strengthened by DRAMA
recurrent use and wide acceptance by its viewer or In literature, the drama is made up of fictional or non-
audience who study them. fictional events and characters through the performance of
Subjective Meaning dialog or in pantomime; it is either in prose or in poetry.
 When subjective are consulted, a variety of meanings Dramas can be performed on stage, on film, or on the radio. It
may arise when a particular work of art is read. These meaning can be played live or pre-recorded. Dramas are typically
stem from the viewers or audience circumtances that come called plays, and the creators or writers are known as
into play when engaging with art. “playwrights” or “dramatists.”

Types of Drama
GROUP 3  Comedy
LITERARY ARTS  Comedies are lighter in tone than ordinary works
Literary Arts is a medium of expression, canvas of and provide a happy conclusion.
our imagination through multi-modal creative writing. It  It has unusual episodes, unique characters, and
inspires, enrich, educate, and entertain people. It is an witty remarks. Sometimes jokes are thrown even
integrative discipline of ideation that reminds us that there is on the most serious events.
beauty and joy in language.  Tragedy
 a contrast to comedy, tragedy has a darker tone
TYPES OF LITERARY ARTS normally such as disaster, pain, and death. Rarely
FICTION to have a happy ending.
Fiction is a type of a story where the author writes a  Characters often have flaws which would lead
story using his imagination. It is also a part of literature them to their demise.
because in its nature which is written in work. The story that  Farce
the author write is not true but it is only from his imagination.  Generally, a nonsensical genre of drama, which
often overacts, absurd type of comedy or having
Fiction Genres physical humor.
 Historical Fiction  Melodrama
 It is a story set in a recognizable period of history  It is an exaggerated kind of drama, which is
and as well as telling the stories of ordinary sensational and charms directly to the feelings of
people's lives, it may also involve political or the audience.
social events of the time  It is sometimes called "tearjerkers". Just like the
 Realistic Fiction farce, the characters are of a single dimension
 imaginative writing that accurately reflects life as and simple and can also be stereotyped.
it could be lived today  Musical Drama
 Fantasy  In musical dramas, dramatists not only tell their
 it creates another world for characters and stories through acting and dialogue but also
readers, asking that reader believe this other dancing as well as singing
world could exist  Oftentimes the story may be comedic, though it
2 Types of Fantasy may also involve serious problems.
1. Fantastic Story – are realistic in most details
but still require the reader to willingly suspend POETRY
disbelief Poetry is referred to as an art form where human
2. High Fantasy – takes place is a created world language is used and being based on the interplay of words
or imaginary kingdom. The story primarily and rhythm. It is being presented orally or in a written form by
focuses on the conflict between opposing which the users will be able to convey the emotions or ideas to
forces, and concerns itself with cosmic its audience (reader or listener) mind or ear. It is composed of
questions and ultimate values, such as some devices, such as assonance, repetition, alliteration and
goodness, truth, courage or wisdom many more in order to generate its remarkable meaning. It is
 Science Fiction less depended on the linguistic units of sentences and
 defined as literature involving elements of paragraphs, and it focuses more on purely poetic type structure
science and technology as basis for conflict, or as (elements: line, couplet, strophe, stanza and verse paragraph)
the setting for a story. Any literary work that uses rhyme, rhythm,
 Mystery measurements and/or written in lines, stanzas and verses is
 presents a puzzle or riddle to be solved considered as poetry.
 contain a character who acts as a detective and
contain clues to help the reader solve the Common Types of Poetry
problem  Haiku Poems
 tends to focus on the beauty and simplicity found
3 Main Types of Fiction in nature
 Short Story  it is three-line stanzas with a 5-7-5 syllable
 a piece of fiction that can be read in one setting count.
of about half an hour to about two hours (Edgar  Free Verse Poems
Allan Poe)  deliberately irregular, no formula and pattern
 it contains between 1,000 and 20,000 words and  the poet and its reader is the one that sets the
typically run no more than 23 or 30 pages speed, intonation and emotional pull
 Novella  Cinquains
 it is longer than short stories and tend to run  it is a five- line poem inspired by the Japanese
about 20,000 to 50,000 words usually between Haiku
60 and120 pages  Epic Poems
 long and narrative poem that normally tells a
story about a hero or an adventure

 Ballad Poems
 also tells a story but often based on a legend or a
folk tale
 through this poem, it may form a song
 Acrostic Poems
 it is known as the “name poems; spell out names
or words with the first letter in each line.
 Sonnets
 it is a 14-line poem written in iambic pattern

A prose is a type of literature that is written in a
natural flow in complete sentences. They aren’t like Poetry
that is wrote in stanzas. A prose doesn’t have verses nor does
it need the little mind tricks of rhyming words, it is just a
simple, narrative literature.
The most common and must used example of the
prose is our day to day dialogue with others.

Common Types of Prose

 Nonfictional Prose
 a literary work that is based on facts such as
events or someone’s life.
 example: biographies, essays
 Fictional Prose
 a literary work that is the opposite of the
nonfictional. If the nonfictional prose is based on
facts then fictional prose is made by imagination
or based on imagination. Some might contain
supernatural elements even as Twilight or might
be coming-of-age such as Of All the Bright
 example: novels
 Heroic Prose
 it is common about tales of heroic people since he
ancient times and they are commonly told through
pass of the mouth or by oral rather than written.
 example: legends
 Prose Poetry
 Although it is said that prose do not apply the
artistic grammatical structure of poetry, it may
still employ the use of it under this type of prose.
It can be defined as a poetry not written in its
normal verse form but in an ordinary sentence
construction while preserving the characteristics
it has as a poetry.

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