The Ten Great Cosmic Powers

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THE AUTHOR ‘Though his academic attainments are it Mathematics and his professional inte- rests lic in.a specialised field of industrial management, Sri S. Shankaranarayanat has retained his first love for Sanskrit In bis childhood he was introduced te the ancient Sanskrit lore by his grand- father, Sri S. Narayana Iyer, who wat himself a deep initiate in Sri Vidy Later he came utder the dynamic in- fluence of Sri Kapali Sastriar, Shankara- narayanan cherishes a special regard for this tradition of the worship of the Divine Mather and his treatises on Devi ‘Makatmyam-both in Tamil and Englist = have acquired an authenticity of th own, The present work on Sri Cakra revealing as it does the depth of scholarship, practical insight and occul knowledge, promises to be a classic ot the subject. Endowed with luminou intellect, well-versed in the modes © esoteric worship and awake with ar active spiritual aspiration, Shunkaranara. yanan is marked out to play a singula gole in the resuscitation of the spiritaua and occult tradition of India in term of modern thought and understanding P, PANDIT BHAVARTHA-DIPIKA JNANESHWARE Sri Jnanadeva Sti Jnanadey or Jnaneshwas, Poet and Yogi, Jnani and Bhakra, was on this earch for about wenty years, nearly seven hundred years ago. His brieflife was a divine event. ‘The Bhagavad Gita embodies the essence of the Vedic Religion within a short compass and in the most popular form. That glorious dialogue between Nara and Narayana, Agjuna and Sri Krishna, is aptly described as | Jnanamaya Pradipa - the Light of Knowledge. Jnaneswar Mahraj had, at a very young age, a vision of that Light and he gave discourses on the Gita which came tobe known as Bhavartha Dipils or Jnancshwati, bringing +o light the deeper meaning and hidden significance of the dialogue between the Blessed Lord and Arjuna. The very original Commentary; long-confined to Marathi and. fewother Indian languages in translation, was made available for the first time to the world at latge by Sti Ramachandra Keshav Bhagwat in a complete English translation, published in two valumes in 1952 and 1954. Jnanadev departs from tradition and views the Gita asa ‘book of nwo parts, PURVAKHANDA or the first consisting of the first nine chapters and UTTARAKHANDA or the second part consisting of the last nine chapters. His commentary on VI. 12 and other verses reveals for the fireetime the procestand reality of Yoga Fully the triple description of the Gita not only as UANISHAD and BRAHMA VIDYA but also as YOGA SASTRA, ‘The Gita may be said to begin, ina sense, with Arjuna’ aspiration and surrender to Sri Krishna in a state of perplexity. The Blessed Lord imparts to Arjuna the Great ‘Ward of the Supreme Secret UTTAMAM RAHASYAM. And the Gita concludes with Asjuna’s declaration in the greatest sel knowledge Karishye Vachanam Tava - 1 shall fulfil your Word. May Jnaneshwari invoke the grace of the divine and lead its readers to that Realization. Long outof print and very much in demand, this spiritual classic is now issued in a new revised edition incorporating the text of the Bhagavad Gita in Devanagari along with Prof. S.K. Belvalkar’s English translation. 6th Reprint : 2001 Pages XL + 690 Sanskrit Text with English Translation Rs. 300.00 THE TEN GREAT COSMIC POWERS (DASA MAHAVIDYAS) S. SHANKARANARAYANAN SAMATA BOOKS:

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