KSS 9.8.1 System Requirements
KSS 9.8.1 System Requirements
KSS 9.8.1 System Requirements
1 system requirements
Release date: February 15, 2022
Before you install Kiwi Syslog Server, verify that your server meets the minimum hardware and
software requirements and that the required ports are open.
On a 64-bit system, Kiwi Syslog Server runs in Windows-on-Windows 64-bit (WOW64) mode.
WOW64 is a subsystem of the Windows operating system that is capable of running 32-bit
applications. WOW64 is included on all Windows 64-bit versions. The maximum amount of
RAM Kiwi Syslog Server can consume is 1.6 GB.
Port requirements for Kiwi Syslog Server
Port Protocol Service Direction Description
514 (default), UDP Kiwi Syslog Inbound Syslog messages listened for and received
plus one Service by the Syslog Server
Ephemeral port
1468 (default) TCP Kiwi Syslog Inbound Syslog messages listened for and received
Service by the Syslog Server
162 (default) UDP Kiwi Syslog Inbound Trap messages listened for and received by
for IPv4 /TCP Service the Syslog Server
163 (default)
for IPv6
6514 (default) TCP Kiwi Syslog Inbound Secure Syslog messages listened for and
Service received by the Syslog Server
3300, plus one TCP Kiwi Syslog Bidirectional Internal communication between the
Ephemeral port Service Syslog service and Syslog Manager
443 (default) TCP Web Server Inbound Standard secure port for HTTPS
25 (default) TCP SMTP Outbound SMTP email port that Syslog Server uses
Service for alerting