Colonization of Americas Unit Plan

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Dylan Brewer

Daily Lesson Plan (Template)

Name: Dylan Brewer Date: 11/14/22

Subject: Social Studies Topic:History
Grade: 10th Length of Lesson: 1
hour 30 minutes

Big Idea: The purpose of the Unit is for students to understand how the Colonization of the
Americas affects the U.S. we live in today. I want students to have the ability to review this era
and be able to make a Comparison of Past & Present. For students to totally understand this
era of history we need to be able to use this technique of comparison.
-How does the colonization of the Americas affect the present day United States?
-Understanding of the conditions and hardships the main groups of people had to face
-How are these groups of people affected today? How did the conditions each group of people
had to face affect their development in the United States

Standard: SS.US.18
Demonstrate an understanding of the European settlement of North America.
 Trace the emergence of England as a global colonial power beginning in
 Compare the progress of Jamestown and Plymouth colonies.
 Identify and examine European colonial rivalries (e.g., conflicting land
claims, empire building, etc.).
 Summarize the distinct characteristics of each colonial region in the
settlement and development of America, including religious, social,
political and economic differences.

Trace economic development throughout U.S. History (e.g., Colonial period,
Revolutionary War, Westward Expansion, Civil War and late 19th /early 20th
Centuries) and identify the role of market factors in the settlement of the
United States and the development of the free enterprise system.

Cluster: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas- Present claims and findings, sequencing
ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details, to accentuate main ideas or
themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
Interpreting information
Dylan Brewer
Objective: SWBAT- Examine the impact of colonial development in the Americas

Specific Objective: Analyze past and current history and how it affects the world
Students will identify how each group of people arrived in the New World
Explain the purpose of each main group of people in the New World

Method(s): Lecture with discussion

Reading and comprehending information from resources

Materials: Color Coded Lecture Notes, PowerPoint, Book What is History? By E.H. Carr- to
compare past and present

1.Carr, E. H. (1967). What Is History? (1st ed.). Vintage.

2.Mark, J. J. (2022, August 26). European Colonization of the Americas. World History


Direct Instruction: I will provide students with questions during our lecture that will give them
the ability to identify how and why people came to the Americas, conditions of their travel, and
each groups effect on the development of the Americas. I will give an overview of each 3 main
groups of people that came to America, and how their society and how they operated in their
specific native regions. After I will present each groups journey to America specifically on how
they arrived. I will emphasize the Africans journey to America with speaking on the Triangular
Trade and the hardships of the Middle Passage. Also, students will receive information on the
native people in the Caribbean, and how European disease wiped out their population.

Guided Practice: Teacher will check for understanding and guide students with context clues
through conversation to give students the ability to understand the concepts being taught. I will
also increase student engagement by calling on different students to provide information to our
discussion. After our lecture and discussion as a class we will read different sections in the
textbook. During this session different students will read aloud the information to the class, and
we will comprehend and analyze the information we just read. This form of guided practice will
make sure that struggling readers understand the information.

Tier 1 Learners:
Dylan Brewer
These learners will succeed during this lesson with all of the methods of teaching. Our lecture
an discussion with notes will clearly be outlined for these learners through visual and auditory
presentation of information. These students will possess basic reading and comprehension skills
to understand our class reading of textbook. Then taking this information obtained from our
reading to answer the questions at the end of section.
Tier 2 Learners:
Learners in this group that struggle with reading and comprehension skills will have the ability
to gain information from the textbook. During our independent practice I will work with
students one-on-one to help them answer the questions in textbook. Our lesson closure activity
will also give these students the ability to check the information they provided to the answers of
end of section questions.

Tier 3 Learners:
This set of learners will be provided a handout of my personal classroom notes before the
lecture and discussion, also the PowerPoint that we will be using during the lecture. This will
give these students the ability to focus on information from lecture and discussion. Any of the
students in this tier 3 learning group will be targeted with our class reading of the textbook.
These students will have the ability to use their iPad if need be for assistance. During the
independent practice stage I will give the student extra time on the assignment. One-on-one
instruction will be used for these students. After we finish our lesson closure of the questions, I
will give the student resource room time with their case manager to complete their assignment.
This resource room time will give them the specialized assistance they need to succeed.

Independent Practice: After our classroom lecture and discussion and reading and
comprehending of different sections of information in textbook. Students will answer the
questions at the end of each section in our textbook on the Colonization of the Americas Unit.
These students will answer questions on their own piece of paper and use the information from
the textbook to answer questions.

Lesson Closure: Towards the end of class, we will review the questions that students answered
out of their textbooks. Any questions that students did not fully understand we will answer as a
class to give them the correct answer.

Formative: Students will be assessed on how much information they present during our lecture
and discussion. If students cannot provide pertinent information to our discussion I may have to
slow the pace down and review these concepts until students understand. I will check for
understanding during our reading of the textbook of each section. Our review of answers to
textbook section questions will provide insight into retainment of knowledge from reading.
Students will be provided a test at the end of the Colonization of Americas Unit. Students will
have to provide the beginning of next class period on something they learned from last class on
paper for a grade.
Dylan Brewer

Daily Lesson Plan (Template)

Name: Dylan Brewer Date: 11/15/22

Subject: Social Studies Topic: History
Grade: 10th Length of Lesson: 1
hour and 30 minutes

Big Idea: The purpose of the Unit is for students to understand how the Colonization of the
Americas affects the U.S. we live in today. I want students to have the ability to review this era
and be able to make a Comparison of Past & Present. For students to totally understand
history they will need to understand this concept.
-How does the colonization of the Americas affect the present day United States?
-Understanding of the conditions and hardships the main groups of people had to face
-How are these groups of people affected today? How did the conditions each group of people
had to face affect their development in the United States

Standard: SS.US.18
Demonstrate an understanding of the European settlement of North America.
 Trace the emergence of England as a global colonial power beginning in
 Compare the progress of Jamestown and Plymouth colonies.
 Identify and examine European colonial rivalries (e.g., conflicting land
claims, empire building, etc.).
 Summarize the distinct characteristics of each colonial region in the
settlement and development of America, including religious, social,
political and economic differences.

Trace economic development throughout U.S. History (e.g., Colonial period,
Revolutionary War, Westward Expansion, Civil War and late 19th /early 20th
Centuries) and identify the role of market factors in the settlement of the
United States and the development of the free enterprise system.

Cluster: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas- Present claims and findings, sequencing
ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details, to accentuate main ideas or
Dylan Brewer
themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

Comparing and Contrasting

Research of external resources with technology

Objective: Examine the impact of colonial development in the Americas.

Specific Objective:
-Analyze past and current history and how it affects the world today
-Students will explain the conditions of each main group of people from their point
of view.
-Students will be able to write in a form that explains the conditions each group of
people had to face

Method(s): Lecture with discussion


Materials: Colored coded lecture notes, PowerPoint, Textbook, Ipad for Research*
Resources:1.Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, & Hmh, H. (2018). Hmh Social Studies.


Direct Instruction: I will break down the negative conditions each group had to face in the
new world. I will analyze with students how the new geography, society being built, blending of
cultures, and needs of these specific groups affected their experience in the new world.

Guided Practice: I will come around to each individual student and see which main group of
people they chose. Find out their plan of action and provide them with ideas, and identify their
personal ideas to complete this assignment. Each student will have the ability to use their

Tier 1 learners will be capable of understanding the lesson through lecture and discussion, and
the information covered in this will give them the ability to work independently.
Tier 2 and Tier 3 Learners: I will provide for Tier 2 and 3 learners a handout of the notes
before beginning lecture and discussion with the class. Tier 2 and Tier 3 learners will receive
one-on-one instruction during the independent practice stage of lesson. Both sets of learners
will also be provided additional time to complete this assignment. Also, the ability to be
provided resource room time if needed
Dylan Brewer

Independent Practice: Students will be provided with an assignment where they will have the
ability to choose one out of the main groups of people during the colonization of the Americas (
Natives, Africans/Slaves, and Europeans). Students will write a one page paper from the point
of view of one of these groups.
Students will write about the conditions, the purpose of coming to the new world, the
environment, the result of being part of this new world, and how that current group of people is
changing the United States.
*Students will use their iPads to research their specific group of people that they chose.
Students will have to cite these sources in their paper. -Technology

Lesson Closure: I will review the concepts that we went over in todays lesson. I will check
understanding with each individual student while they are completing their assignment. The
student’s ability to hand in the assignment by the end of class, or the beginning of next class
will also provide insight if they understood the lecture and assignment.

Formative: Students will be assessed on their knowledge during the lecture and discussion,
based on how well they answer lecture questions. During the independent practice stage of this
lesson I will evaluate how much students are able to write in their hour of class time. If students
struggle or need more time I will provide the extra time.
Summative: Students will be provided a test at the end of the unit on the colonization of the
Americas to assess their retainment of knowledge.


Independent Practice (“You do”): What activity will they do on their own to practice,
reinforce, and build mastery? What directions will you give them?

Lesson Closure: How will you ensure that students have a firm grasp of the material as you
wrap-up the lesson?

Assessment: Assessments relate back to your objectives. You must have a pre-test, formative
assessment, and a post-test with assessment results to indicate your impact on student learning.
How will you assess whether or not your students have met the specific objectives stated
above? Be sure to specify mastery criteria.
Examples: project, demonstration, multiple choice test, rubric, essay, etc.

Time & Resources: You should state the time it will take you to accomplish each lesson.
Also, list any bibliography entry for any aid, book, or sources.
Dylan Brewer

Daily Lesson Plan (Template)

Name: Dylan Brewer Date: 11/16/22

Subject: Social Studies Topic:
Grade: 10th Length of Lesson: 1
hour 30 minutes

Big Idea: The purpose of the Unit is for students to understand how the Colonization of the
Americas affects the U.S. we live in today. I want students to have the ability to review this era
and be able to make a Comparison of Past & Present. For students to totally understand
history they will need to understand this concept.
-How does the colonization of the Americas affect the present day United States?
-Understanding of the conditions and hardships the main groups of people had to face
-How are these groups of people affected today? How did the conditions each group of people
had to face affect their development in the United States

Domain: History, Economics, Sociology

Standard: SS.US.18
Demonstrate an understanding of the European settlement of North America.
 Trace the emergence of England as a global colonial power beginning in
 Compare the progress of Jamestown and Plymouth colonies.
 Identify and examine European colonial rivalries (e.g., conflicting land
claims, empire building, etc.).
 Summarize the distinct characteristics of each colonial region in the
settlement and development of America, including religious, social,
political and economic differences.

Trace economic development throughout U.S. History (e.g., Colonial period,
Revolutionary War, Westward Expansion, Civil War and late 19th /early 20th
Centuries) and identify the role of market factors in the settlement of the
United States and the development of the free enterprise system.

Objective: Examine the impact of colonial development in the Americas

Dylan Brewer

Specific Objective: Students will demonstrate mastery of knowledge of how their

specific group of people that colonized America, changed their culture/way of life
from their homeland.

-Review specific concepts learned in previous classes on the importance of

understanding history through past and present.

-Communicate to the class how these specific groups of people function in our
modern day society.

Lecture and Discussion
Group Activity
Students will present the information they obtained
Materials: Class Powerpoint and Lecture notes taken earlier in the week. Textbook and
website resource. IPAD accessibility

Direct Instruction: I will provide a review to student of all of the information that we covered
earlier in the unit. After the review I will explain group work activity to class and the
expectations on this assignment. Students will be given a specific group of people that
colonized America- Natives, Africans, or Europeans. They will create a presentation for the
class. In this presentation the expectations are for each group to provide information on how
each group changed their culture/way of life when coming to America (provide examples).
Communicate to the class how their specific group progressed/functions into modern day
America. Present information on how their progression through America could have been
different based on certain conditions. What would American society be like without this
specific group of people?

Guided Practice: During group activity I will go around to each group and check for
understanding. Also, I will provide students with ideas that they can use for each specific group
that they received.

Tier 1 Learner:
Beginning our lesson I believe a review will reinforce the information we covered earlier in the
unit. These students will function well in this group activity and presentation of knowledge,
especially if they are paired with other Tier 1 Learners.

Tier 2 Learner:
These learners will benefit from a review of all the information that was covered earlier in the
unit. I will ask these specific students questions about the information to check for
understanding of the information. If these students do not have the capability to answer specific
Dylan Brewer
questions I will review with them through one-on-one instruction. During the independent
practice stage I will pair these students with Tier 1 learners. I believe these specific groups of
learners will be able to present them a different insight into this unit. Also, these students can
provide their specific strengths to the group, instead of having to overcome their weaknesses.
Tier 3 Learner:
These learners will benefit from a review of all the information that was covered earlier in the
unit. I will ask these specific students questions about the information to check for
understanding of the information. If these students do not have the capability to answer specific
questions I will review with them through one-on-one instruction. During the independent
practice stage I will pair these students with Tier 1 learners. In their group I will work with that
specific group and Tier 3 student to make sure their interaction with the group is beneficial. If
student struggles with working with a group I will provide the student with an alternative
assignment. This alternative assignment will be based on the same information.
Independent Practice: Students will independently figure out their own ideas to present to
their small group, which will be shared to the whole class. *Refer to information students will
present in direct instruction section.

Lesson Closure:
At the end of each presentation as a class we will review the information that was presented.
We will pick out the key pieces of information and discuss as a class the importance of this

Formative: Students will be assessed on their retainment of knowledge during our review. If
there is information that a student does not understand I will provide the correct information to
them. I will be provided with how well student retained knowledge during this unit on how well
they meet the requirements for group activity presentation.
Summative: Students will be provided a test at the end of the Colonization of Americas Unit.
Dylan Brewer

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