Lab 07 ContinuosDistribution

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Lab 07 –

Continuous Probability Distribution

Trần Lương Quốc Đại

Nguyễn Quốc Bình

Required libs: math, numpy, matplotlib.

Provide the generator_data function as follows:

Let X be a continuous random variable in [4, 6]. Create an array of 100 continuous real numbers
in [4, 6] and save to variable X.

1 Uniform distribution
The random variable X that has a constant even distribution will receive values on [a, b]. The
probability that X receives any value of the range (a, b) is equal to . The notation X is evenly
distributed on (a, b) is X ∼ U (a, b).

The probability density function of a continuous uniform distribution is determined by the

Write the probability density function of continuous distribution:

Using the above pmf_uniform_cont function to graph the relationship between the random
variable X and the corresponding probability. The horizontal axis represents the value of the
random variable X, the vertical axis represents the corresponding probability p (x).

Implementation results are as follows:

2 Normal distribution
Normal distribution (also known as Gaussian distribution) is an important probability
distribution, with applications in many areas.

The probability density function of the normal distribution is determined by the formula:

The cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution is determined by the formula:

Where µ is the mean (expected) and σ is the standard deviation.

Write the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function of the normal
Use the pmf_normal above function to plot a graph representing the relationship between
random variable X (following the normal distribution with two parameters µ and σ) and the
corresponding probability.

The horizontal axis represents the value of the random variable X, the vertical axis represents the
corresponding probability p (x).

The result is:

3 Exercises
1. Use the cdf_normal function above to plot a graph representing the relationship between
random variable X (following the normal distribution with two parameters µ and σ) and the
probability of cumulative distribution. The horizontal axis represents the value of the random
variable X, the vertical axis represents the probability φ(x), respectively.

Reference answers:
2. The time to produce a product of workshop A is a random variable that follows the normal
distribution with parameters µ = 10 and σ = 1 (minute units). Use the functions in the exercise to
calculate the probability that the product will be generated in the period from 9 minutes to 12
minutes. (Answer: 0.8185)

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