Facts About Eyes 2

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Amazing facts

about eyes

All children are

born with gray-blue
eyes, and one after
two years the eyes
acquire the true

The human eye is a marvel of engineering. It is

80% of our
made up of many different parts that work together memories are
determined by what
to provide visual information to the brain, which we see
then converts it into useful information for the body.

1 2 3 Each person sees

better in one eye
Men are 10 times Woman blink The rarest eye than the other
more color blind twice as often as color in humans
than woman men is green.

Interesting that…

1. About 10 000 years ago , all people on the

planet had brown eyes , until a genetic
mutation appeared in a person who lived in
the Black Sea region.

2. The cornea of a shark is as similar as possible

to the cornea of a human eye, so surgeons
use it as a donor material during operations .

From different
1. Indian yogis treat eyes by looking at the sun,
stars and moon. They believe that there is no
light equal in strength to the sun .

2. Mayan tribes considered strabismus the

standard of beauty and tried their best to
achieve this.

Palming is a yogic eye exercise, suggesting relaxing
the muscles around the eyes, reducing eye fatigue.

To palm, start by rubbing your hands together to

warm them up. Close your eyes and place the palm
of each hand over the corresponding cheekbone.
Cup your hand over each eye and breathe deeply for
ve minutes.



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