QFile - Taxi Driver

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Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021


Name and address of submitting body:

Automotive Skills Development Council

153, GF, Okhla Industrial Area,

Phase 3, New Delhi 110020

Name and contact details of individual dealing with the submission

Name: Arindam Lahiri

Position in the organization: CEO

Address if different from above: Same as above

Tel. number(s): 011 42599800

E-mail address: ceo@asdc.org.in

List of documents submitted in support of the Qualifications File

1. Occupational Map of the Sector
2. Qualification Pack
3. Model Curriculum
4. About the Sector Study
5. Labour Market Clarity Report
6. Industry Validation
7. Industry Validation Summary
8. ASDC Affiliation and Accreditation Strategy

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021


1 Qualification Title: Taxi Driver

2 Qualification Code, if any: ASC/Q9705
3 NCO code and occupation: NCO-2015/8322.0201
4 Nature and purpose of the qualification (Please specify whether
qualification is short term or long term):
This is a short - term qualification. The role holder will drive LMV safely.
5 Body/bodies which will award the qualification: Automotive Skills
Development Council
6 Body which will accredit providers to offer courses leading to the
qualification: Automotive Skills Development Council
7 Whether accreditation/affiliation norms are already in place or not,
if applicable (if yes, attach a copy): Yes
8 Occupation(s) to which the qualification gives access:
9 Job description of the occupation:
A Taxi Driver is also called Chauffeur, Cab Driver or simply Cabbie.
Individuals at this job need to help passengers in commuting from one
destination to another in the private / hire vehicles.
10 Licensing requirements: Valid LMV Permanent license
11 Statutory and Regulatory requirement of the relevant sector
(documentary evidence to be provided): N/A
12 Level of the qualification in the NSQF: Level 4
13 Anticipated volume of training/learning required to complete the
qualification: 360 hours
14 Indicative list of training tools required to deliver this qualification:
Training kit (Trainer guide, Presentations), White board, Marker,
Projector screen, Power Point Presentation Laptop with charger,
Participant Handbook and Related Standard Operating Procedures, 2.1
Laptop External Speakers, Personal Protection Equipment: Safety
glasses, Sanitization kit, Hand gloves, Face masks, Safety shield, Fire
extinguisher, First aid kit, Different type of waste bins to collect and
segregate waste for disposal, Sample of escalation matrix and
Organisation structure, Light Motor Vehicle, Sample compliance
requirements, like pollution test, load limit, Light Motor Vehicle, Related
spare parts, Sample traffic signals and Road signs, Electrical Vehicle
and Related spare parts, PPE kit, Face N95 masks, Hand gloves,
Sanitiser spray, Taxi with MCT system and GPS.

15 Entry requirements and/or recommendations and minimum age:

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

8th Class with 2 years experience


Certificate-NSQF (Light Motor Vehicle Level 3) with 1 Year of

experience, 19 Years

16 Progression from the qualification (Please show Professional and

academic progression):

Driver Trainer HMV

Commercial Vehicle
Ambulance Driver

LMV Driver Two-Wheeler Delivery Associate

17 Arrangements for the Recognition of Prior learning (RPL): N/A

RPL will be based on the same approved Qualification Pack and
Assessment Criteria mentioned in the Qualification Pack Automotive
Skills Development Council
Strategy mentioned in section 22
18 International comparability where known (research evidence to be
provided): N/A
19 Date of planned review of the qualification: 31st August 2024
20 Formal structure of the qualification
Mandatory components
(i) Title of component and
identification Estimated size
code/NOSs/Learning (learning hours)
1 Bridge module 4
2 ASC/N9701: Pick and drop 36 4
the passenger to their
destination and complete
other trip-end activities

3 ASC/N9809: Organize work 40 3

and resources (Road

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021


4 ASC/N9808: Interact 40 3
effectively with colleagues
and customers (Road

5 ASC/N9704: Drive 172 3

responsibly and ensure road
worthiness of vehicle

6 ASC/N9606: Ensure 68 3
roadworthiness of Electric
Vehicle (EV)

Sub Total (A) 360 Hours


21 Body/Bodies which will carry out assessment:

Automotive Skills Development Council
Proposed Body/Bodies which will carry out assessment:
1. Ace Assessment Pvt. Ltd.
2. Prima Competencies Pvt. Ltd.
3. Trendsetters Skill Assessors Pvt. Ltd
4. GreenArrows Safety Management (P) Ltd.
5. Eduvantage
6. VR Skill & HR Solutions
8. Knowlarity Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
9. KAMT India
10. India Skills Pvt. Ltd.
11. TATA Motors
12. TCS

22 How will RPL assessment be managed and who will carry it out?
ASDC conducts QP-NOS based assessment for each and every candidate
applied for recognition of prior learning (vis. Certifying the un-certified but
skilled workforce who acquired skills through experience of years). Here, the
candidates may undergo short-term training of gaps identified. The
assessment is conducted via ASDC certified assessor.

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

23 Describe the overall assessment strategy and specific arrangements

which have been put in place to ensure that assessment is always
valid, reliable and fair and show that these are in line with the
requirements of the NSQF.

Quality Assurance - Assessment & Certification

ASDC Certificate is Auto industry’s own certificate and the certificate is

expected to carry an assurance of quality. Therefore, the certified candidate
should be able to demonstrate all round skills as expected by industry
standard ie ASDC NOS/QP.

In order to achieve this objective ASDC needed to have an approach that is

process driven whereby the outcomes meet the quality objectives and also
display consistency.

Certification is the outcome of Assessment Process. The Process in turn is

derived from an overall strategy.

ASDC Assessment Strategy

ASDC Assessment Strategy has two components:

1 Broad Guidelines provided by NSDC QRC (Qualifications Registration

2 ASDC’s own sector specific overarching strategy, covering all job
- Any specific assessment approach relating to a particular job role.

1 Broad Guidelines provided by NSDC QRC (Qualifications Registration

a. Assessment to be conducted by SSC as per competency
output defined in the NOS/QP and the assessment criteria
provided in the NOS/QP
b. Assessment to be carried out by a third-party Assessment
Body duly affiliated to the SSC.
c. Practical and face to face Viva evaluations, where applicable,
to be carried out only by the SSC approved assessor deployed
by the Assessing Body deputed by SSC for the given
d. Cut off marks for certification could be in the vicinity of 70%
level but individual SSC to refine &modify this criterion to suit
the sectorial needs.
e. Assessing Body to declare results with due concurrence of the

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021


2 ASDC’s own sector specific strategy covering all job roles:

2.1 ASDC assessments will be comprehensive and cover all
aspects of acquired knowledge, practical skills and also basic
ability to communicate. Accordingly, evaluation process would
i. Theory/Knowledge test
ii. Practical demonstration test
iii. Face to Face Viva
2.2 Theory/Knowledge assessment will be carried out on line
through a link provided for each assessment that generates a
random paper from a bank of questions available at the back
- Exception to an online test in favour of Paper Test would
be subject to non-availability of requisite broad band
and/or hardware.
- On line test would be conducted in the presence of an
ASDC assessor till web enabled proctoring is deployed.
2.3 ASDC assessor would be conducting Practical and Viva as per
the criteria provided in the NOS/QP.
2.4 ASDC assessor would be carrying out Practical assessment for
job roles such as in sales by way of role-playing method.
2.5 ASDC cut offs for accepting a candidate for certification:
Automotive industry has already attained a level of globalization
and is on the way to becoming even more integrated into the
global supply chains with a big focus by OEMs on sourcing from
India. This translates to expectation of high-quality skills. In fact,
the global integration process would start putting demands on
skill quality standards to be in line with transnational standards.
2.6 Also, there is an ever-increasing quality demands placed by
domestic customers.
2.7 Further, the structuring of our industry is such that the different
organizations spread across the OEM,
2 manufacturing spectrums are expected to follow common
quality standards. Similarly, OEMs and their Dealerships and
Service Workshops also require to follow common quality
standards. This implies that employees need to follow technical
discipline, team work and quality processes.
2.8 ASDC aims to build a quality brand for its certification that
clearly meets our industry’s expectations.
Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

2.9 The other important consideration is the Level notification by

NSQF (National Skills Qualifications Framework) which
provides a structure of skills ladder to be followed in the
country. This ladder describes the entire skills space to be
covered in 10 levels from Level 1 (for mostly menial jobs) and
upto Level 10(for mostly strategy level jobs)
2.10 Keeping above points in mind ASDC evolved an acceptance
criterion as follows:
- Broadly, overall cut offs to be :
Level 1 60%
Level 2 65%
Level 3 70%
Level 4-10 75%
- Specific Theory/Practical/Viva cut offs to be as per detailed
matrix for each QP.
2.11 In line with international practice there is a provision for
moderation of marks to account for borderline cases. This
process also covers differential moderation possibility across
Theory/ Practical/ Viva.
2.12 Moderation could also be necessitated owing to variation
between assessors and strictness in marking. This moderation
to be carried out by concerned Assessing Body in
consultation with ASDC.
2.13 In addition to recording markings of the candidate evaluation,
the Assessor will also be recording general observations for
every batch as per ASDC format. This record will be useful in
carrying out (2.11-2.12) above.

- Any specific assessment approach relating to a particular job role:

o ASDC could consider only online test for some job roles
such as in Design Engineering /Quality
- ASDC assessment process would also provision a suitable re-
evaluation mechanism which would offer a fair chance to the
TP/candidates for Obtaining an accurate outcome.
- ASDC assessment process would also provision re assessment of
a batch in case the TP has enough reason to opt for this on
payment of the due assessment fee.

Assessment Process

- ASDC Training Partner will intimate ASDC for readiness of a

batch for assessment preferably 15 days before the intended

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021


- Within 3 working days ASDC will finalize an Assessing Partner

for carrying out the assessment

- Assessing Partner will deploy one or more ASDC approved

assessor For carrying out the assessment.

- Theory/Knowledge test of the approximate duration of 30-60

minutes will be conducted online for which the online link will be
generated by the ASDC Technology Partner and shared with
Assessment Partner.

- Online test will be conducted in the presence of ASDC assessor.

(ASDC is encouraging development of technology enabled
proctoring and when this is ready, the online test could be
conducted without requiring human proctoring)

- Exception to an online test in favour of Paper Test would be

subject to non-availability of requisite broad band and/or
hardware device. Moreover, this could be allowed only after
ascertain genuinely of request.

- ASDC assessor would be conducting Practical and Viva as per

the criteria provided in the NOS/QP.
- ASDC Assessment Partner will ensure that the assessor to be
deployed has complete understanding of the ASDC Assessment
Process and the QP/NOS relevant to the assessment.
- Assessor would be reaching the venue well in time and review
and on the ground verify the batch information already provided
by TP.
- Assessor will then proceed to conduct the assessment as per
ASDC Format starting with the attendance.
- Assessor would be capturing Viva and Practical marks on a
device that has ASDC assessment link. Technology systems
deployed in ASDC assessment process have provision for
instantly capturing assessor evaluations in only the standard
NOS/QP aligned format.
- In addition to recording markings of the evaluation, the Assessor
will also be recording general observations for every batch as per
ASDC format as appended below. This record will be useful in
carrying out result review process.
Result Processing
- ASDC Assessment Partner responsible for Technology Platform
will convert the assessment data captured by Assessor on the
Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

device into result matrix and share the same with ASDC
- ASDC Assessment cell will view the results for compliance to
process and / or need for moderation in consultation with the
Assessing Partner to arrive at final result for the batch as per
ASDC acceptance Criteria.
- Assessing Partner will publish finalized results on data base for
viewing of the Training Partner
- ASDC would issue a certificate after due verifications of candidate
authenticity by way of a unique identification number such as
- Certificates will be shared preferably in digital form with Training
- Training Partners would be authorized to distribute certificate to
candidates after printing them on a standard sheet as per ASDC

Re-evaluation of batch result

- Results once published will be treated as final. However, as per

ASDC Assessment Strategy, there is need for provisioning a re-
evaluation of results if desired by a TP essentially to cover a
case where the TPs internal assessments are at large variance
with the results.
- Re-evaluation will be done batch wise.
- ASDC Assessment cell will carry out re-evaluation in two steps:
o Check for totalling error, if any
o Use statistical tools where required to establish a pattern
and extent of borderline cases.
o Refer to the Assessor feedback form for the given batch
o Use a weightage reference table to establish priority of type
of assessment eg Theory or Practical or Viva
o Where required, share the findings with Assessment
Partner for review and concurrence.
o Establish a modified range of acceptance based on above
o In case of need for moderation based on assessor level
variation, to consult the Assessing Partner/Assessor and
facilitate moderated values.
o Re do the results based on above process
o Share the revised results with TP

Quality Assurance & Audit

While the Assessment Process based on a well-defined strategy as

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

above, does have an in-built quality assurance, ASDC also has a

plan that augments assurance.
This entails a Quality Audit process as defined below:
There will be a 2 tier Audit of the assessment process:

Tier 1 Audit
1 ASDC Assessor will be required to submit a report for each
assessment carried out. This report will be as per ASDC format as
described in the Assessment Process. The format of the report aims
to capture details of the Training Delivery process, soft & hard
infrastructure, Training of Trainer, industry connect and overall
approach to training delivery vis a vis expectation of ASDC QP/NOS.
2 Each Assessment Partner is required to carry out and submit Tier 1
audit reports as per a plan and frequency agreed with ASDC.
3 ASDC will continuously review the Tier 1 audit reports for any
alarming observation or trend.
4 ASDC will develop and execute a suitable action plan to redress the
situation as deemed necessary for a given case.
Tier 2 Audit
1 ASDC to carry out a Tier 2 level Audit as per a plan being developed.
a. Tier 2 audit will be carried out by a third party contracted by
ASDC for the purpose.
b. Tier 2 audit will provide adequate coverage for variables such
as Assessing Partner, Assessor, TP and geographical
2 ASDC Assessment cell to review audit findings at least once every
month or on sos basis.
3 Based on review findings as in 2 above, ASDC to decide on a
suitable corrective action plan and execute the same.

ASDC to record directional needs for refinement of Assessment process

specially for incorporation of Technology that could enhance reliability and
speed of assessments.


24. Assessment evidences

Title of Component: Taxi Driver


Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

Job Role Taxi Driver

Qualification Pack THC/Q9705

Sector Skill Council Automotive Skills Development Council

Guidelines for Assessment

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualifications Pack will be approved by the Sector Skill
Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its
importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills
Practical for each PC.
2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions
approved by the SSC.
3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the
selected elective/ option NOS/ Set of NOS.
4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for
each candidate at each examination/training centre (as per assessment criteria below).
5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for
every student at each examination/training centre based on this criterion.
6. To pass the Qualifications Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 65 %of
aggregate marks.
7. In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the
Qualification Pack.

Total Marks: 400

Compulsory NOS Marks Allocation

Assessment Performance Criteria Total Theory Practical Viva

Outcomes Marks

ASC/N9701: Pick PC1. report to the authorised person on

and drop the time as per the duty schedule
passenger to their PC2. wear proper uniform on duty and
destination and follow organizational safety policy for
himself and passenger like PPE kit, face
complete other
N95 masks, hand gloves, sanitizer
trip-end activities spray, etc. as per standards
Ensure compliance
to duty

Liaise with the PC3. obtain daily duty schedule from the
control reporting manager at the depo/branch
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room/depot/branch PC4. coordinate with control room

office/authorized regarding passenger details, pickup
person location, route and information about
the traffic
PC5. inform the reporting manager well in
advance in case of sickness, leave or
delay in reaching/picking up the
passenger at their destination
Escalate the PC6. report any vehicle defects or
problem to maintenance requirements to the
supervisor/ authorised person as per SOP
authorized person PC7. inform the authorized person about
incidents like accidents, breakdowns,
change in route/destination, unpaid
trips etc. happened during performing
the duty , if any
Drop the passenger PC8. check and confirm the details of the
safely at the passenger and destination before the
destination pick-up
PC9. reach the pick-up location on time and
greet the passenger as per standards
PC10. provide assistance to the passenger
while entering and exiting the vehicle,
if required
PC11. assist passenger in loading their
luggage and arranging them in the
boot or at the appropriate place in the
PC12. secure the overhead luggage with
waterproof/resistant sheets/cover in
case of rainfall
PC13. offer newspaper, magazines, or
entertainment media available inside
the vehicle to the passenger as per the
Perform trip-end PC14. perform trip-end activities at the
activities control room post dropping of the
passenger like taking payments,
providing receipt etc.
PC15. follow proper duty closure procedure
on completion of tasks for the day like
cleaning of vehicle, parking at the
designated area, securing the vehicle,
visual checks and handing over the
vehicle keys to the manager
PC16. maintain a monthly vehicle log book to
record number of trips, daily run in km,
repairs and fuel filled

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

Total 50 30 20

ASC/N9809: PC17. organize work as per the organization’s

3 2 1
Organize work and health, safety and security policies and
resources (Road procedures
Transportation) PC18. identify the risks and hazards
3 2 1
associated while driving and their
Maintain safe and causes and preventions
PC19. check and ensure the functioning of 3 2 1
secure working
vehicle before commencing work
PC20. identify and report vehicle
3 2 1
maintenance and repair
requirements/risks as per SOP, if any
PC21. take corrective measures and follow
2 2 1
standard first-aid procedures in case of
an accident
PC22. ensure safety of all passengers and
3 1 0
immediately report any breaches to
the appropriate authority
PC23. ensure vehicle and equipment are 2 1 1
Maintain health
regularly cleaned and sanitized
and hygiene
PC24. wash hands with soap and use alcohol- 100 1 2 1
based sanitizer regularly
PC25. avoid contact with ill people and self- 3 3 1
isolate in a similar situation
PC26. wear and dispose of PPEs regularly and 3 2 1
PC27. report hygiene and sanitation issues to 3 1 2
appropriate authority, if any
PC28. follow processes specified for disposal 3 2 2
of hazardous waste
PC29. identify ways to optimize usage of fuel 3 2 1
Material/energy (Petrol/diesel/CNG) in the vehicle
conservation PC30. use resources in a responsible manner 2 1 1
PC31. check for spills/leakages in the vehicle 3 1 1
with caution
PC32. plug spills/leakages of fuel
(Petrol/diesel/CNG), oil/coolant or
4 2 2
water from the vehicle and escalate to
appropriate authority if unable to
PC33. report malfunctioning
(fumes/sparks/emission/vibration/nois 3 1 1
e) and lapse in maintenance of the
PC34. ensure the various equipment of the 3 1 1
vehicle is properly connected

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Total 100 50 30 20

ASC/N9808: PC1. greet the customers promptly and

Interact effectively appropriately as per the organization’s 5 3 2
with colleagues and procedure
PC2. communicate with the customers,
customers (Road 4 2 2
colleagues and others in a polite and
professional manner
PC3. address customers dis-satisfactions 4 3 2
and complaints effectively, if any
effectively with
PC4. work in a manner that shows respect
colleagues and 4 3 1
for all customers, colleagues and
customers others
PC5. ensure the quality of service caters to
the specific needs of every individual, 5 3 2
across all genders and age groups as
per organizational standards
PC6. adhere to the policies related to the
5 3 2
prevention of sexual harassment, both
physical and verbal
PC7. provide assistance to persons with 4 2 2
disability, if asked
PC8. maintain positive and effective
2 1 1
relationships with colleagues and
PC9. show respect to the personal space of 100 4 2 2
the others
Interact with PC10. identify work requirements basis
5 2 2
supervisor or instructions received from the
superior supervisor
PC11. escalate problems to superiors that 3 2 1
cannot be handled
PC12. report the completed trips and other 3 3 1
data to the supervisor
PC13. analyse customer/manager feedback 2 1 0
and take appropriate action
Total 100 50 30 20

PC1. inspect and conform the vehicle’s 1 1 1

ASC/N9704: Drive condition as per health and safety
responsibly and guidelines before starting the trip
ensure road PC2. ensure the vehicle meets the legal and 1 2 1
worthiness of compliance requirements like pollution
vehicle test, load limit, etc.
PC3. perform routine maintenance checks 1 3 1
Examine the vehicle on the vehicle for tyre pressure, fuel
before the trip (Petrol/diesel/CNG) level, working of
headlights and brakes, CNG cylinder
valves etc.

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

PC4. check vehicle service record for any 1 1 1

history of technical defects or
immediate need for servicing like
oil/filter change, etc.
PC5. prepare a to-do list for repair 1 1 1
requirement, if any
PC6. record all deviations observed while 1 1 1
carrying out checks
PC7. report actual or potential 1 1 1
defects/deviations to the senior
driver/owner/service supervisor
PC8. determine roadworthiness of the 1 2 0
vehicle and use another vehicle if the
current vehicle is found unfit
PC9. confirm all gauges and warning lights 1 1 1
are functioning properly before moving
the vehicle
PC10. perform pre-driving activities like 1 1 1
shoulder checking, adjusting IRVM/
Drive the LMV ORVM and releasing of handbrakes,
conforming to the
PC11. insert or press the ignition key/button 2 3 1
standard driving to start the vehicle
practices PC12. coordinate gear changes, if any, with 1 2 1
appropriate use of clutch/acceleration
and steering control
PC13. maneuver the vehicle safely and 2 3 1
responsibly while regulating the speed
in all weather and road conditions by
coordinating the operation of all
PC14. use the accelerator, steering control 1 2 1
and brakes correctly for safe driving,
stopping and parking the vehicle
PC15. ensure maximum fuel 1 2 1
(Petrol/diesel/CNG) efficiency while
PC16. follow guidelines on the road while 1 2 0
Follow traffic rules
driving like avoiding excessive honking,
and regulation
driving on hig beam, loud music, etc.
PC17. maintain a safe distance from other 2 3 1
PC18. ensure the vehicle is within the 1 2 0
prescribed speed limits at all times and
avoid rod hog
PC19. ensure proper parking at appropriate 1 2 1
PC20. adhere to local and state specific 1 3 1
driving laws and traffic regulations,
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including overloading
PC21. turn off ignition at red lights or after 1 2 0
parking the vehicle to enhance fuel
Manage vehicle PC22. monitor and respond correctly to 2 1 0
faults gauges, warning lights, CNG leakage
etc. while driving
PC23. ensure to stop the vehicle at a safe 1 2 1
place in case of any malfunction and
turn off the ignition
PC24. carry out a quick diagnostic check 0 2 1

PC25. carry out minor adjustments or 1 1 0

temporary repairs like
replacement/top-up of oil, change of
tyres/wipers, etc. if possible
PC26. report the exact nature of the problem 1 2 1
to the supervisor to get appropriate
help from the command office
PC27. take the vehicle to the service point for 1 2 0
corrective action in case of major
defect or accident
Total 100 30 50 20

PC1. identify the basics of driving an Electric 3 6 2

Vehicle as against an Internal
ASC/N9606: Ensure Combustion (IC) Engine
roadworthiness of PC2. ensure the availability of tools required 3 5 2
Electric Vehicle (EV) for the basic maintenance of the EV as
mentioned in the Work
Ensure Instructions/SOPs
roadworthiness of PC3. ensure optimum charging in Electric 3 5 2
Electric Vehicle Vehicle
PC4. apply the OEM's Standard Operating 3 5 2
Procedures (SOP) to identify the basic 100
electrical/electronic faults
PC5. identify maximum level of vehicle 3 4 2
battery charging and different charging
PC6. identify dashboard’s signs, signals, 3 5 2
sensors, switches, gauges, Human
Machine Interface (HMI) & Electronic
Instrument Cluster (EIC)
PC7. complete required statutory 4 5 2
documents relevant to safety
PC8. inform to concerned person in case of 2 5 1
any problem

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

PC9. follow CMVR (Central Motor Vehicle 3 5 3

Rules) guidelines issued by MoRTH
CMVR and state (Ministry of Road Transport &
guidelines Highways)

PC10. follow guidelines issued by RTOs and 3 5 2

safety guidelines for EV issued by
relevant authorities

Total 100 30 50 20

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021


Title/Name of qualification/component: Light Motor Vehicle Driver Level: 3

NSQF Outcomes of the Qualification/Component How the outcomes relate to the NSQF level NSQF
Domain descriptors Level
Process Person may carry out a job which may  Light Motor Vehicle Driver will be 3
require limited range of activities routine responsible for driving a light Motor
and predictable. Vehicle (LMV) safely and ensure
 Organize work and resources (Road roadworthiness of EV which are all routine
Transportation) and predictable tasks and requires limited
 Interact effectively with colleagues and range of activities.
customers (Road Transportation)  Hence level 3
 Drive responsibly and ensure road
worthiness of vehicle
 Ensure roadworthiness of Electric
Vehicle (EV)
Professional Basic facts, process and principle applied  Light Motor Vehicle Driver - should have 3
knowledge in trade of employment. the knowledge of procedure to be
 Organisations procedures for health, followed for health and safety. He should
safety and security, individual role and know different sections and rules of Motor
responsibilities in this context Vehicle Act, 1988 and CMVR guidelines
 Organizations emergency procedures issued by MoRTH.
for different emergency situations and  Hence level 3
the importance of following the same

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

Title/Name of qualification/component: Light Motor Vehicle Driver Level: 3

NSQF Outcomes of the Qualification/Component How the outcomes relate to the NSQF level NSQF
Domain descriptors Level
 How and when to report hazards, as
well as the limits of responsibility for
dealing with hazards
 Potential hazards, risks and threats
based on the nature of work
 Efficient utilization of material and water
 Common sources of pollution and ways
to minimize it
 Categorisation of waste into dry, wet,
recyclable, non-recyclable and items of
single-use plastics
 Usage of different colours of dustbins
 Significance of greening
 Organisation's policies to maintain
personal health and hygiene at the
 Helpline number related to the women
 Standard first-aid procedures
 Appropriate action to be taken in case
of accidents, agitations, road block, etc.
 Organizational service standards and

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

Title/Name of qualification/component: Light Motor Vehicle Driver Level: 3

NSQF Outcomes of the Qualification/Component How the outcomes relate to the NSQF level NSQF
Domain descriptors Level
policies on behavioral etiquette,
professionalism and gender sensitive
service practices at workplace
 Organizational policy with regards to
Persons with disability (PwD)
 The importance of effective
communication and establishing good
working relationships with supervisor
and customers
 Different methods of communication as
per the circumstances
 Organization's policies on
roadworthiness requirements, basic
compliance to technical standards and
safety requirements
 Quality norms and standards prescribed
in the Quality Manual by the
 Standard check list to examine the
vehicle before the trip
 Different sections and rules of Motor
Vehicle Act, 1988

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

Title/Name of qualification/component: Light Motor Vehicle Driver Level: 3

NSQF Outcomes of the Qualification/Component How the outcomes relate to the NSQF level NSQF
Domain descriptors Level
 CMVR guidelines issued by MoRTH
(Ministry of Road Transport &
 Guidelines issued by State Road
Transport Authorities like RTOs
 Escalation procedure followed in the
 Basic functionalities of the technical
equipment of the vehicle
 Safe and fuel-efficient driving
 Basic troubleshooting techniques of the
 Latest traffic regulations
 Organizational procedure to take the
vehicle to the service/repair point for
corrective action like parts
 Basic functionalities and driving
techniques of the Electric Vehicle
 CMVR guidelines issued by MoRTH
 Guidelines issued by RTOs and safety

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

Title/Name of qualification/component: Light Motor Vehicle Driver Level: 3

NSQF Outcomes of the Qualification/Component How the outcomes relate to the NSQF level NSQF
Domain descriptors Level
guidelines for EV issued by relevant
 Quality norms and standards prescribed
in the Instructional Manual or SOP
 Types of charging connector and time
required for a full charge using either
fast or slow chargers
 Various type of batteries used in the EV
and their maintenance procedures
 Different functions related to battery
 Usage of lights, ignition, electronic and
air-conditioning systems etc. at various
stages of battery
 Related electronic systems including
active and passive safety systems
specific to EV
 Different type of tools used to diagnose
technical faults
 Standard symbols and singages used in
the EV
Professional Recall and demonstrate practical skill,  Light Motor Vehicle Driver- should have 3
skill routine and repetitive in narrow range practical skills to perform routine and
of application

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

Title/Name of qualification/component: Light Motor Vehicle Driver Level: 3

NSQF Outcomes of the Qualification/Component How the outcomes relate to the NSQF level NSQF
Domain descriptors Level
 Make timely decisions for efficient repetitive tasks in narrow range of
utilization of resources application assigned to him related to the
 Evaluate the possible solution(s) to the driving Light Motor Vehicle Driver
problem  Hence level 3
 Deliver consistent and reliable service
to customers
 Modify work practices to improve them

Core skill Communication written and oral, with  Light Motor Vehicle Driver needs to have 3
minimum required clarity, skill of basic basic communication skills and follow
arithmetic and algebraic principles, established service standards,
personal banking, basic understanding Communication etiquette, etc. of the
of social and natural environment. organization.
 Read safety instructions/guidelines
 Hence level 3
 Work with supervisors/team members
to carry out work related tasks
 Complete tasks efficiently and
accurately within the stipulated time
 Inform/report to concerned person in
case of any problem
 Be punctual, utilize time and manage
workload efficiently
 Write and communicate in at least one

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

Title/Name of qualification/component: Light Motor Vehicle Driver Level: 3

NSQF Outcomes of the Qualification/Component How the outcomes relate to the NSQF level NSQF
Domain descriptors Level
language and complete written work
with attention to detail
 Check that the work meets customer
 Communicate effectively with the
passengers, supervisors and

Responsibility Under close supervision. Some  Light Motor Vehicle Driver - is responsible 3
responsibility for own work within for driving safely by following all the rules
defined limit and regulation of CMVR and state. He
 Maintain safe and secure working should ensure the roadworthiness of
environment Electric Vehicle. All these activities
 Maintain health and hygiene require close supervision of the
 Material/energy conservation supervisor though the Light Motor Vehicle
practices Driver has to take some responsibility for

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

Title/Name of qualification/component: Light Motor Vehicle Driver Level: 3

NSQF Outcomes of the Qualification/Component How the outcomes relate to the NSQF level NSQF
Domain descriptors Level
 Communicate effectively with his own work.
colleagues and customer  Hence level 3
 Interact with supervisor or superior
 Examine the vehicle before the trip
 Drive the LMV conforming to the
standard driving practices
 Follow traffic rules and regulation
 Manage vehicle faults
 Ensure roadworthiness of Electric
 Follow CMVR and State guidelines

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021


26 What evidence is there that the qualification is needed? What is the

estimated uptake of this qualification and what is the basis of this
Basis In case of SSC In case of other
Awarding Bodies
(Institutes under
Central Ministries
and states
Need of the As per the Labour NA
qualification Market Clarity Report
there is a huge demand
for skilled professionals
there is a huge demand
for skilled professionals
in Road Transportation
Industry The industry validation NA
Relevance is submitted along with
its summary sheet for
Usage of the  This Qualification NA
qualification Pack will be used
across industry
which is organised.
 It would be used by
the training institute
for new trainings/For
employers to
conduct RPL and for
annual Appraisal
 The SSC would
submit details of the
generated (wherever
applicable) and

Estimated uptake Initially 4 - 5 batches NA

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021

are expected under new


27 Recommendation from the concerned Line Ministry of the

Government/Regulatory Body. To be supported by documentary

28 What steps were taken to ensure that the qualification(s) does (do)
not duplicate already existing or planned qualifications in the NSQF?
Give justification for presenting a duplicate qualification

Qualification is being revised. The national qualification registers as well

as the Qualification Packs with NSDC have been checked.

29 What arrangements are in place to monitor and review the

qualification(s)? What data will be used and at what point will the
qualification(s) be revised or updated? Specify the review process
 Agencies have been appointed by the SSC to interact with training
providers to gather feedback in implementation.
 Monitoring of results of assessments and training delivery
 Employer feedback will be sought post-placement
 A formal review is scheduled in a 3 years’ time

Approved in 11th NCVET-NSQC dated: 31st August, 2021


30 What steps have been taken in the design of this or other

qualifications to ensure that there is a clear path to other
qualifications in this sector?
Show the career map here to reflect the clear progression

Occupational Map attached

Road Transportation

Level 5 Driver Trainer -

Driver Trainer - Chauffeur

Level 4 Commercial Ambulance Taxi Driver Operator
Auto Rickshaw
Vehicle Driver Driver Driver

Level 3
Light Motor Two-Wheeler
Vehicle Driver

Level 2 Driving

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