MODULE 1 Spear 212 Edited
MODULE 1 Spear 212 Edited
MODULE 1 Spear 212 Edited
(2st edition)
This course deals with the holistic approach to physical fitness as health-related and skills-
related in where the graduate students will demonstrate the ability to plan and design different types of
personal fitness programs, sports testing, design conditioning to improve and refurbish the quality of
athletes’ performance. Further, research and propose on various community fitness programs.
Course Guide
Course Outcomes
Testing Phase:
1. Wear proper attire during virtual class and during video clips performances.
2. Open cam while in the class if failed to open you will be mark absent.
3. All microphone shall be muted and turn on if being acknowledge.
4. An unnecessary movement is strictly prohibited.
5. If necessary to get out from the line just off the video cam.
6. Be on time in submission assignments.
7. Submission shall be in google classroom only.
8. Bullying is strictly prohibited.
The segment of this module has three topics that is aligned to learning not only basic
background of physical fitness but how this would help in protecting people from the pandemic issues
that we are facing as of this days.
The first topic is a review of the basic components and its sub components of physical fitness,
second topic what components should best be considered during pandemic and third is latest trend of
fitness activities that people are doing during this crisis.
Learning Standard
The graduate students will demonstrate understanding on the significance of the physical fitness
in individuals’ life specifically during this pandemic.
Picture A. Walks leisurely but daily. Picture B. Speed walking for 1 hr in various trails
three times a week.
Activity 1
The pictures above demonstrated that they are doing their physical activities. Which do
you think has the most beneficial effect to their health? Are they both physically
fit? Yes or No and Why? How do you consider physically fit person? Are you
physically fit? Explain in 100 words.
Physical fitness is the body’s ability to do daily task without undue fatigue and have enough
energy to meet the unforeseen emergencies. A fit person is able to perform schoolwork, meet home
responsibilities, and still have enough energy to enjoy sport and other leisure activities. It has the
capacity to resist diseases from sedentary lifestyle.
A. Health Related Fitness (HRL) is the ability of the body to meet the demands of daily physical
effort and activity, to have enough energy reserve for unexpected emergencies and to enjoy the
feeling of well-being that regular exercise brings.
1. Muscular Endurance -The ability of the muscles to repeatedly exert themselves over a
period of time.
3. Cardio-Vascular Endurance - is the ability of the heart, blood vessels, blood and
respiratory system to supply oxygen and fuel to the muscles at a steady rate for
a considerable length of time
4. Flexibility -The ability to move the body joints through the full range of motion
(ROM) without discomfort or pain.
5. Body Composition - The relative percentage of muscle fat bone and other tissues
that comprise the body.
B. Skill / Performance Related fitness (PRF) components are associated more with
performance than good health. To compete in selected sporting activities
one develops a high level of Health related fitness plus Performance
related fitness.
eg. moderate amounts of strength are required to prevent back problems in daily life,
whereas high levels of strength (HRF) and power (PRF) contribute most to
improved performance in strength based competitive activities.
1. AGILITY -The ability to quickly and accurately change the direction of the movement
of the entire body in space.
3. COORDINATION - The ability to combine the senses with the body parts to perform
activities smoothly and accurately. (eg.Hand - eye and Foot - eye).
4. REACTION TIME - The time elapsed between stimulation and the start of reaction to
that stimulation.
Activity 2
Make a video clips for 11 subcomponents of physical fitness and make a caption with
the effects of the said activity.
From the pictures shown above, identify the important components that are needed to perform
the task. Matrix is provided here in for you to fill up and submit to gclassroom on or before Saturday.
Jumping rope
Push ups
Soccer tackle
Understanding the depth meaning of physical fitness is significant before embarking to any
fitness activities. It is not only that you are leisurely walking will have the same beneficial effect to
speed walking. It has to be understood that becoming physically fit is something that you need to be
getting your goal into it. The goal is the first thing that you need to consider before doing any physical
The basic concept of physical fitness will always the foundation of every fitness activities
depending on what goal you would like to attain just to become physically fit. As a physical educator
you have been applying good practices in the teaching of physical fitness to your students. Letting them
understand how these eleven parts of fitness is significant to building a physically fit body and to sustain
from any diseases. Health is wealth and you need to stay fit.
Corona Virus is a global pandemic that cause humans in suffering not only the physical had been
affected by it but also it brought depression and anxiety within each family members who had affected
by it and to the community as well.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, when so many of us are very restricted in our movements, it is
even more important for people of all ages and abilities to be as active as possible. Even a short break
from sitting, by doing 3-5 minutes of physical movement, such as walking or stretching, will help ease
muscle strain, relieve mental tension and improve blood circulation and muscle activity. Regular physical
activity can also help to give the day a routine and be a way of staying in contact with family and
The mandate of the law that people should remain within their homes curtail individual to
discontinue their daily life activities that will unintentionally increase sedentary behavior. The decrease
physical activities may lead to negative health occurrence.
Although many things feel beyond our control right now, we do have the ability to be creative
and to build physical activity and exercise into each of our days. We may even look back on this difficult
time as the turning point when we learned new ways to build our emotional resilience and our physical
health (Importance of Physical Activity and Exercise during the COVID-19 Pandemic :2020).
Activity 3
COVID-19 closures of parks, gyms, fitness studios, and other public places are resulting in
reduced opportunities for physical activity — particularly for people who are not able to exercise at
home. Social distancing may further affect people’s ability to exercise, especially if outdoor physical
activity is not an option due to shelter-in-place orders, crowded outdoor spaces, bad weather, or other
If you are working from home, you may find that you are sitting for more extended periods. And,
changes in your daily routines — such as caring for children who are home from school — may make it
more challenging to find time to exercise.
Regular exercise is essential for everyone under normal circumstances. However, here are a few
reasons why exercise is especially crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic:
• Exercise boosts the immune system: Research shows that regular, moderate-intensity
exercise has immune-boosting benefits that may help your body fight off infections,
including COVID-19.
• Exercise may prevent weight gain: Exercise can help you burn extra calories caused by dietary
changes and offset the effects of sedentary activities.
• Exercise reduces stress and anxiety: Exercise is a proven mood-booster and can help adults
reduce stress levels and build emotional resilience.
• Exercise improves sleep: There is evidence that suggests regular exercise helps you fall asleep
faster and improves sleep quality — and getting a good night’s sleep has also been found
to boost your immune system.
Exercise may be especially beneficial for older adults and people with chronic health
conditions, such as diabetes, arthritis, or heart disease. Regular exercise can help to
improve balance, flexibility, strength, mobility, and cardiovascular health. Plus, it can boost
energy and overall well-being
There are many ways you can be active, even when the gym is closed and you are practicing
social distancing. According to recommendations from the American Heart Association, adults should
aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-
intensity physical activity, per week.
If you have a chronic condition or are an older adult, you should check with your doctor before
starting a new home exercise program. Your doctor may be able to recommend exercises that are safe
for you and will let you know what types of exercise you should avoid.
2. Get outdoors: Walking, cycling, jogging, and hiking can help you get some much-needed fresh
air while staying safely away from others. Don’t have time for a full-length outdoor
exercise session? Consider breaking your workout up into several 10-minute sessions. You’ll
be surprised at how quickly a few brisk walks around the block can add up to a full workout.
3. Follow along with online exercise videos: Whether you enjoy yoga, cardio
kickboxing, Pilates, strength training, barre, dance, or another type of workout,
chances are you can find a service that offers online videos. Additionally,
4. Take a virtual class: If you have the financial resources, consider supporting your
local fitness studio or personal trainer by signing up for online fitness classes or
`training sessions. Some personal trainers are even offering private virtual sessions
customized to your needs, schedule, and preferences. Plus, having a class or
training session on your calendar allows you to interact with other people in a fun
way, which may be just the motivation you need to keep up with your fitness
5. Challenge yourself: Set an exercise goal — such as doing yoga five days per week or beating
your best 5K time — and make a plan to work toward achieving it.
▪ Do not exercise if you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Stay home
and rest, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of
your local health authority.
▪ If you are not regularly active start slowly and with low intensity activities, like
walking and low impact exercises. Start with shorter amounts, like 5-10 minutes,
and gradually build up to 30 minutes or more continuously over a few weeks. It
is better and safer to be active for short periods more frequently than to try and
be active for long periods when you are not used to it.
Activity 4
Make a video clips for about 2-3 minutes of your physical activities during this pandemic.
▪ Read the original article carefully and highlight the main ideas and points you
want to discuss;
▪ Describe your point of view and back it with additional information if needed.
▪ Use vivid examples;
▪ After your presentation that is found in the body what is your judgment?
It has been a big issue that physical education shall be excluded from the curriculum for
this year due to pandemic. As Sen. Win Gatchalian’s proposition to temporarilyremove PE together with
other subjects and prioritize science and mathematics. This was then answered by the University of
Philippines College of Human Kinetics to quote “PE possesses the innate capability to teach movement
skills that go beyond their utilitarian value in sports and recreation, toward ideal health and functional
independence of the individual,” Furthermore, they defended that Through PE, the benefits of ample
physical activity and life skills may be gained and established making up for the absence of any
formal instructions on gaining enough physical activity for health and the boosting of the immune
system (Bonilla:2020). Exercises play a significant role in prevention and protection of each human
individual specially during this pandemic. It is vital to be doing exercises but protocols must be
proper observed to stay safe while doing it. Goals and Routine must be design to guide individuals to
attain their goals.
Importance of Physical Activity and Exercise during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020).Department of
Psychiatry. Michigan Medicine. (
resources-covid-19/your- Accessed 10/20/2020
lifestyle/importance-physical-activity-exercise-during-covid-19-pandemic (nd) (2020) Health Quest.
essential-for-well-being-during-covid-19pandemic. Accessed 10/25/2020
Take your workout online: On YouTube there is endless free exercise videos to try,
regardless of your fitness level or the size of your living room.
From yoga and strength workouts to Pilates, high intensity interval
training (HIIT) and more.
Go solo outside : If you can (just remember to follow the rules on wearing a mask):
Walking, cycling and running are great solo activities and ok to do once
a day if you’re feeling well and haven’t been asked to self-isolate. We
suggest going early in the morning or late in the day, and avoiding
streets and parks with high foot traffic, to minimize your risk. You must stay
within 5kms of your home and limit your time outdoors to a maximum
of one hour. Remember to pack some hand sanitizer containing at least 60
per cent alcohol and stay at least 1.5 meters away from to other people.
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20
seconds as soon as you return indoors.
Learning Activity
Activity 6
Base from the latest trend of exercises during this new normal as presented in the
topic, which of this trendy you are doing during this pandemic.
In 300 hundred words write an essay of the above questions. Upload to google
classroom on or before November 21 midnight. Use times new roman and 12 font
During corona virus, fitness buff must desperately adaptive to the trends. While
both fitness fans and fitness brands have had to get creative during lockdown. During the
COVID-19 crisis, fitness has gone digital. People are turning to online workouts and digital
fitness to stay fit and healthy. Yoga classes have moved to Zoom, and fitness app downloads
have increased massively. They already had the structure and technology in place to allow people to
work out from home. Virtual fitness is the latest trend in the new normal (Growth:nd).
Activity 7
Create a virtual class for any aerobics activities that would last for 15 minutes and
you will be the one to perform and that would be presented in your class during your
synchronous. Present it any platform that is applicable to your school and have it
recorded. The recorded class will be uploaded in our Google classroom. Attach as will the
feedback from your students.
If you are not teaching then do a virtual presentation of any exercises and invite
at least ten (10) from your social friends. Have it recorded and upload in the google
classroom and attach as will their feedback.
PE teacher and non-teaching how would you encourage your students to do their
virtual presentation for any exercises activities?
Learning Activity
a. Give activity to your class that would do their virtual exercises and
upload the said session of activity in the google classroom.
b. For non-teaching how would you encourage your social media friends to
continue what you had presented by challenging them to do their own
virtual exercises and have it recorded and upload in google classroom.
The pandemic had made a change in the fitness world. Technology is the only way out where
fitness buff continued with their routine or fitness activities. Everyone is adapting to the said trend.
Much innovation had been created including the places where they are doing such activity. Lockdown
brought fitness buff to do exercises at living rooms and limited spaces. Virtual fitness is the latest trend
in the fitness world.
Terhene Firnan ( 2019) 20 Fitness Trends You’ll See Everywhere in 2020, According to Trainers Get
ready: Virtual fitness is about to take over. Accessed 10/30/20/
Topic 3