Lesson 3 - L3309 - Law of Hire Purchase
Lesson 3 - L3309 - Law of Hire Purchase
Lesson 3 - L3309 - Law of Hire Purchase
This type is very common and here the seller allows the buyer to
take possession of the goods sold but retains ownership until all the
due instalments are paid. Ownership is reserved with the owner until
the buyer has paid off the goods. The retention of ownership
provides the seller with the security for the unpaid portion of the
Here both possession and ownership pass to the buyer but the sale
the seller I the event that of the buyer being unable to fully pay off
(is at default). The Hire Purchase Act describes such transactions as
can prohibit the buyer from dealing with the goods sold without his
buyer breach the clause, the full purchase price shall become
immediately payable.
agreement and instalment agreement is that with the latter, the seller
may pass title in the goods under certain circumstances that the
Example 1
John Vuli Gate who does not know of the hire purchase
Vuli Gate if the Thabo has not paid all the instalments due. If
however Thabo purchased the stove under a “sale with reversion of
him) falls under one of the nemo dat rule exceptions, John will be
entitled to retain the goods even if Thabo has not paid all the
b) Grant of credit by the seller to the buyer for the purchase price.
even to claim those that are in arrears. Such a penalty clause may
will follow.
retention of ownership in the goods sold with the seller. There has
who sells his goods on credit. The legal validioty of such a device
has been accepted both by the courts and section 6(1)g of the Hire
Purchase Act. Under common law, so long as both the seller and
buyer have agreed on the pactum reservati domini in the sense that
(section 6(1)g).
A regards to the legal effect of such as clause, there two views. Some
suspends the not only the ownership but the whole contract of sale
of the price in full. Most of the South African decisions take this
the English Law; ownership passes when the goods are delivered.
seller to the buyer. Juristically this requires not only the physical
delivery of goods but also the mental element (animus), namely, the
seller must intend to make the buyer the owner and the buyer must
pass to the buyer when the last instalment has been paid.
Diemont argues that even in the absence of such clause, the seller can
of the Hire Purchase Act. But no matter the phraseology is used by the
parties, the court always looks to the true substance of the agreement
as opposed to the mere form which may take the guise of a pledge or
as a security for loan. If the debtor is entitled to get pledged goods back
pledge, whole possession of the goods passes from the pledger to the
pledgee, the ownership remains with the pledger. The goods are
of any obligation owed to the pledgee. Unlike the pledgee, the seller
in a hire purchase agreement is the owner of the goods and is not
owner transfers possession to the lessee who makes use of the goods.
remains with the owner. The two however differ in that in a genuine
installments he has paid. For instance, the hirer of a car from AVIS
does not become the owner of the car even if the aggregate of the rent
paid exceeds the value of the car. If the lessee becomes an owner at
2 of the hire purchase Act makes a special provision for the hire
The lay-by sale is similar to the hire purchase agreement in that the
buyer has to pay periodic instalments and becomes the owner once the
entire purchase price has been paid in full. The difference here is that,
not only does the buyer retain ownership of the goods, he also retains
possession to them until the entire purchase price has been paid off. A
lay-by sale in law can be regarded as a concluded sale where the transfer
Since possession is not transferred to the buyer, this transaction may not
arrangements and the need to protect this class of buyers as well. There
is also some doubt if the regulations can be validly used to make the
clearly consistent with the spirit and words of the Act. It would have
exclusively with lay-by sale as in South Africa were included in the Act