Chem Project
Chem Project
Chem Project
Bonafide Certificate
External Examiner
I Saiyam N Bothra, hereby declare that the project entitled “Research on
Soyabean Milk” submitted to Ryan International School is a record of
bonafide work done by me during the period of June 2022 to December
2022 under the supervision and guidance of Ms. Priyanka Ojha,
Chemistry teacher.
I would like to present my sincere thanks to CBSE to give us the
opportunity to make an investigatory project on the topics related to our
I would also like to thank our principal Ms. Jeelu Varghese and our
Chemistry teacher Ms. Priyanka Ojha to motivate us to do the
investigation and complete the project and to provide us with the
opportunity to perform the assessment.
These kinds of projects hold an important place in our lives. It helps
us develop our investigation skills and know in deep about the topic we
were assigned to and how the topic is related to us in our daily lives and
how it is helpful to us.
Sl. Pg.
No. No.
1. Objectives 6
2. Introduction 7
~ To prepare soyabean milk and to compare it with regular milk with
respect to the effect of temperature and formation of curd.
~ To know the benefits of soyabean milk and how it is different from
regular milk.
Soyabean milk, also known as Soy Milk or Soya Milk, is a plant-based
drink which is prepared by performing various processes on the
soyabean plant. It is considered to be a healthy replacement of the
natural milk that we regularly use in our day-to-day life. It is also known
to have a reduced risk to some very major diseases like Alzheimer’s or
Since the start of veganism, which is basically avoiding the usage of
animal based or products obtained form an animal, Soya milk has been
proved to be a very good replacement to the natural milk that we
generally obtain from a cow. It is said to be good for both animals and
humans. Animals because it doesn’t involve any animal in the production
process and to humans by the nutritional benefits of the Soya Milk.
Here, we shall learn about the production of the Soya Milk and its
comparison with the natural cow milk, and which is better.
Basic Concepts
Characteristics of Soya Milk:
The Soya Milk resembles the white color of the regular cow milk. The
main constituents of this milk are proteins, carbohydrates, fats,
minerals, and vitamins. It is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. It is a stable
emulsion of oil, water and protein. Its original form is an intermediate
product of the manufacture of Tofu.
Daidzein, Genistein, and Glycitein are some of the main kinds of
proteins that are present in soyabean milk. These exclusively belong to a
class of compounds known as isoflavones.
Diadzein is a naturally occurring compound found exclusively in
soyabeans and other legumes. It regulates the expression of certain
genes and transcription factors that are related to the proliferation and
preadipocytes and fat accumulation.
Genistein is described as an angiogenesis inhibitor and a
phytoestrogen. It has dual functions on bone cells, able to inhibit bone
resorption activity of osteoclasts and stimulate osteogenic differentiation
and maturation of bone marrow stromal progenitor cells (BMSCs) and
Glycitein is a phytoestrogen with weak estrogenic activity, comparable
to that of the other soy isoflavones.
Materials and Equipement
~ Beakers
~ Pestle and Mortar
~ Measuring Cylinder
~ Glass Rod
~ Tripod stand
~ Thermometer
~ Muslin Cloth
~ Burner
~ Soya Beans
~ Buffalo Milk
~ Fresh Curd
~ Distilled water
Experimental Procedure
~ Soak about 100g of soyabeans in sufficient amount of water for 24
~ Take out the swollen soyabeans and grind them to a very fine paste
with a pestle-mortar.
~ Add about 250mL of water to this paste and filter it through muslin
~ Clear white filtrate in soyabean milk.
~ Compare its taste with buffalo milk.
~ Take 50mL of buffalo milk in three beakers and heat the beakers and
heat the beakers to 300, 400 and 500 C respectively.
~ Add spoonful of curd to each of the beakers and leave the beakers
undisturbed for 8 hours and curd is ready.
~ Similarly, take 50mL of soyabean milk in three other beakers and heat
the beakers to 300, 400 and 500 C respectively.
~ Add spoonful of curd to each of the beakers and leave the beakers
undisturbed for about 8 hours and curd is ready.
~ Note the observations.
Types of Beaker Temperature Quality of Taste of
Milk No. Curd Curd
~ Make sure that the temperature is optimal and is set equally to both
the types of milk.
~ Extract the soaked soyabeans properly and grind them properly using
the pestle-mortar.
~ While straining the soaked soyabeans make sure to strain out the
water properly using the muslin cloth.
~ Use a good quality of muslin cloth.
For buffalo milk the best temperature for the formation of good quality
and tasty curd is 300 C – 330 C whereas for soyabean milk it is 350 C –
400 C.
Comparison Chart
Buffalo Milk Soyabean Milk
Source Mammal Soya Beans
Lactose Contains Lactose Lactose-free
Vegan No Yes