Procedural Guidelines To Industrial Policy 2016-26
Procedural Guidelines To Industrial Policy 2016-26
Procedural Guidelines To Industrial Policy 2016-26
Policy, 2016-26
1. Background
1.1 New Industrial Policy (2016-26) of the State was issued with the approval of
State Administrative Council, Decision No. 31/05/2016 dated 14.03.2016 vide
Government Order No. 58-Ind of 2016 dated 15.03.2016.
1.2 After issuance of the Industrial Policy, 2016 various Industrial Associations
demanded elaboration of it‟s various provisions. A representation of the
Federation of Industries, Jammu was received through the office of Hon‟ble
Governor, J&K vide No. GS/I&C/2016/155(NIP-JK)16/4130 dated 29.03.2016.
1.3 Industrial Associations also approached the Hon‟ble Chief Minister and the
Hon‟ble Minister for Industries & Commerce with the request for elaboration of
provisions pertaining to Change in Constitution/Transfer of lease hold rights,
timelines for taking „Effective Steps‟ and „Coming into Production‟ etc. In this
regard, Hon‟ble Chief Minister chaired a meeting at Srinagar during May, 2016
and directed the Department to elaborate various provisions of the Industrial
Policy, 2016 by issuing detailed Procedural Guidelines.
2. Necessity
2.1 The Policy document is in fact a broader framework, outlining the Government‟s
intent to create an enabling environment for better Industrial development and
growth. However, a broader outline at times keeps scope for clarity, elaboration,
explanation and detailing.
2.2 Issuance of detailed Procedural Guidelines is also necessitated for clarity over
some specific issues not dealt in detail in the New Industrial Policy-2016, such
(i) How to dispose off the cases of Change in Constitution/Name & Style/
Line of Activity/Additional Line of Activity and Transfer of lease hold
rights (outright sale) etc. received in the DICs/Directorates of Industries &
Commerce prior to the date of New Industrial Policy coming into force i.e.
15-03-2016 and found eligible but which could not be disposed off, etc.
(ii) How the provisions of Change in Constitution would apply to family
members/legal heirs in case of death of allottee(s)/partner(s)/shareholder(s)
before or during project implementation and for such changes proposed in
case of the Units on private land etc.
(iii) Self Undertaking mechanism and its application form under “Ease of
Doing Business”.
3. Process followed for preparation of Procedural Guidelines
3.1 On the basis of feedback from the Industrial Associations, field agencies of the
Department and keeping in view all such provisions of the Industrial Policy (IP)
which required elaboration, process of drafting of Procedural Guidelines with
reference to the IP, 2016 was initiated in the Department in June, 2016. A
Committee comprising of Directors, Industries and Commerce, Jammu/Kashmir,
Additional Secretary (I&C) and other officers was assigned the task of preparing the
Draft of these Guidelines.
3.2 After a series of discussions held in the Department, the Draft Guidelines arrived at
were forwarded to different Industrial Associations of the State in both Kashmir and
Jammu Divisions for their comments/suggestions. Besides that, Draft Guidelines
were also put in public domain through two official websites of the Directorates of
I&C, Kashmir/Jammu on 24th of October, 2016 to solicit further objections/
suggestions from all stakeholders/ general public. The feedback/suggestions were
received from President, Association of Industries, Jammu and President Bari
Brahmana Industrial Association (BBIA), Jammu. Likewise, suggestions were also
received from J&K, SIDCO.
3.3 The feedback/suggestions received from different quarters were examined in the
Department and the Hon‟ble Minister, Industries & Commerce convened a meeting
with all the Industrial Associations of the State including those who had not
provided any suggestion/feedback, before the finalization of the Operational/
Procedural Guidelines. The Meeting was held on 11th of Nov, 2016 at Udyog
Bhawan, Jammu with representatives of all the below mentioned Industrial
Associations of J&K:
I. Bari Brahmana Industrial Association, Jammu;
II. Federation of the Chambers of Industries, Kashmir;
III. Association of Small & Tiny Industries;
IV. Chamber of Indian Industries, J&K;
V. Digiana Industrial Association and
VI. Gangyal Industrial Association.
3.4 The representatives of these Industrial Associations who participated in the meeting
were heard in detail and their suggestions were recorded for consideration/inclusion
in the Guidelines. Suggestions received and the Department‟s views are as under:-
S.No. Suggestions Department’s view
1. Processing fee may be exempted It was decided that a fee of Rs.100/- only
in case of Micro Units and shall be charged in case of Start-ups, Micro
Women Entrepreneurs. Units and Women Entrepreneurs.
2. Land may be allotted on the basis A provision of being heard shall be provided
of DPR prepared by the in the guidelines in case an entrepreneur is
consultants approved by the aggrieved on account of land allotted lesser
Department. than the mentioned in DPR.
3. Govt. Order may be issued in G.O No: 48-IND of 2017 dated 03-03-2017
respect of transfer of the existing has been issued in this regard.
IEs with DICs to SIDCO and
SICOP as per the IP, 2016.
4. The land premium rates may be Board of Directors of SIDCO in it‟s 134th
notified for allotment of land upto meeting held on 28.11.2016 has resolved as
05 kanals to Micro and Small under:
Enterprises @ Rs. 2.00 Lac/kanal. “Resolved that Start-ups/Women/Small
units having land requirement upto 02
kanals in respect of Zone-A mentioned in
the Industrial Policy 2016, may be charged
premium @ Rs. 03 lac per kanal, subject to
confirmation from the State Cabinet”
Para 6.1 of the Procedural Guidelines has
accordingly been incorporated.
5. “Effective Steps” may be clarified The „Effective Steps‟ have been clearly
in detail and timeline for effective defined in para 2.12.2 of the IP, 2016 and
steps as well as coming into include Construction of Building and
production may be increased from Placement of orders for procurement of
2 to 3 years as in certain Machinery. The request for enhancing the
enterprises like Flour Mills, timelines has been addressed through a
construction of Building may take provision of extension of timelines on case-
more than 2 years. to-case basis by the APCC.
6. The rates for transfer of vacant The rates for transfer of vacant land shall be
land be notified and no fee be notified by the Corporations from time to
charged for the transfer of vacant time and the request for exemption of fees
land to legal heirs. for transfer of land/Unit to legal heirs is
7. The timeline for taking „Effective Suggestion accepted.
Steps‟ and „Coming into
Production‟ may be reckoned
from the Date of approval of
Building Plan instead of the Date
of Allotment.
8. The Corporations or the Directors The lease rent rates is to be decided by the
(I&C) may notify the lease rent Board of Directors of SIDCO/SICOP and
rates. shall be accordingly notified from time to
9. The cases of MSMEs for Provision already exists in para 4.2.8 of the
extension of timeline for effective IP, 2016.
steps and coming into production
may be referred to the respective
Directorates of I&C and that of
the Large Units may be referred
to the APCC.
10. No cancellation order in case of Suggestion accepted.
the Projects under implementation
may be issued by the Estate
Manager without consultation
with the Financial
3.5 The revised draft of Procedural Guidelines, prepared after incorporating
suggestions was then sent to the Finance Department for its concurrence on
21.12.2016. The Finance Department gave it‟s concurrence to the Procedural
Guidelines vide U.O No: FD-VII-II(228)/Ease of Doing Business/2016 Dated
3.6 The concurrence of the Law Department to the Draft Procedural Guidelines has also
been received vide No. LD(Con)2016/4-Ind dated 12.04.2017.
4. Resolution
Accordingly, the Commissioner/Secretary, Industries & Commerce, with the prior
approval of the Hon‟ble Minister for Industries & Commerce has submitted the
proposal for Cabinet approval to adopt the Procedural Guidelines, 2016-26 which are
enclosed herewith.
2.1.2 For units with investment of more than Rs. 05 crore and up to Rs. 25
crore in Plant and Machinery, the composition of the SWCC shall be as
Officer to be part of the SWCC Designation
1. Director, Industries & Commerce, concerned Chairman
2. Superintending Engineer, PDD of the district Member
3. Representative of the SPCB Member
4. Managing Director, SIDCO Member
5. Managing Director, SICOP Member
6. Representative of the Industrial Association Member
7. General Manager, of the DIC concerned Member-Secy.
2.1.3 For the approval of units with investment in Plant and Machinery upto
Rs. 05 crore, composition of the SWCC shall be as under:
S.No. Officer to be the member of the SWCC Designation
1. General Manager, DIC concerned Chairman
2. Executive Engineer/AEE, PDD concerned Member
3. District Representative of the SPCB Member
4. Estate Manager, SIDCO/SICOP Member
as the case may be
2.1.4 These SWCCs shall meet at least once in a month and the APCC shall
meet when such projects are referred to it by SIDCO.
3.0 Land Allotment Order:-
3.1 The J&K, SIDCO and SICOP, as the case may be, shall notify new
Industrial Estates by publishing in newspapers and also through their
respective websites.
3.2 An officer notified by the concerned corporation, SIDCO / SICOP, shall
issue the final allotment order within the seven (07) days of approval
by the Single Window Clearance Committee.
3.3 The land allotment order shall mention all terms and conditions
including compliance with respect to effective steps and the timelines
for coming into production as per these guidelines.
3.4 The allottee shall be given two (02) months time to deposit the entire
premium amount.
4.0 Execution of lease deed and physical possession:-
4.1 A lease deed in the prescribed uniform-lease-deed format shall be
executed by the allottee and SIDCO/SICOP, as the case may be, within
60 days from the date of issuance of allotment order. A final notice of
15 days shall be issued to the allottee immediately after expiry of 60
days from the date of issuance of allotment order. In case of non-
payment of premium and/or non-execution of lease deed even after
the expiry of notice period the land allotment shall be cancelled by the
Managing Director, SIDCO/SICOP.
4.2 Physical possession of the land shall be given only after receipt of total
premium cost and execution of lease deed.
4.3 The premium shall be charged at the rate prevalent on the date of
issuing of final allotment order.
4.4 The concerned Estate Manager shall cause actual plot to be measured
immediately as per the area approved by the SWCC/ APCC and mark
the boundary of the plot as per the site plan. The possession certificate
in the prescribed format duly mentioning the plot number, exact
area/khasra number(s)/coordinates etc. shall be signed by the allottee
and the Estate Manager.
5.0 Earmarking:-
5.1 The Industrial plots shall be allotted by the Single Window Clearance
Committee(s). However, no land shall be kept reserved through
earmarking. All pending cases where land could not be allotted after
earmarking in a particular Industrial Estate and six months have
elapsed, the earmarking shall be deemed to have been lapsed and
such plots shall be allotted as per these guidelines.
Provided that the occupier shall have to deposit the annual consent fees
for the entire period of three, five or eight years, as the case may be, while
applying for consent to operate otherwise the period of validity of the consent
shall be as worked out on the basis of fees deposited in multiples of one year.
Abdul Razak (IFS)
No: SPCB/Estt/CO/Consent/02/2016/243-55 Dated:
Copy for information and n/action to the:
1. Commissioner/Secretary to Government, Industries & Commerce
Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammu.
2. Regional Directors, J&K SPCB, Kashmir/Jammu.
3. Environmental Engineer/Principal Scientific Officer/I/c Scientist C/AEE
Consent Section.
4. All District/Divisional Officers/Nodal Officers, J&K SPCB.
भारतीय �रज़व बक
FIDD.MSME&NFS.BC.No.21/06.02.31/2015-16 March
17, 2016
Yours faithfully
(Uma Shankar)
Chief General Manager
Encl: As above
The provisions made in this framework shall be applicable to MSMEs
having loan limits up to Rs.25 crore, including accounts under
consortium or multiple banking arrangement (MBA).
2. Identification of incipient stress
2.1 Identification by banks or creditors – Before a loan account
of a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise turns into a Non-Performing
Asset (NPA), banks or creditors should identify incipient stress in the
account by creating three sub-categories under the Special Mention
Account (SMA) category as given in the Table below:
SMA Sub-categories Basis for classification
SMA-0 Principal or interest payment not overdue for more
than 30 days but account showing signs of incipient
stress (Please see Annex - I)
SMA-1 Principal or interest payment overdue between 31-60
SMA-2 Principal or interest payment overdue between 61-90
On the basis of the above early warning signals, the branch maintaining
the account should consider forwarding the stressed accounts with
aggregate loan limits above Rs.10 lakh to the Committee as referred in
para 3.3 within five working days for a suitable corrective action plan
(CAP). Forwarding the account to the Committee for CAP will be
mandatory in cases of accounts reported as SMA-2.
3.4 Banks, with the approval of their Boards, should frame a policy,
based on these instructions, on the composition of the Committee, the
terms of appointment of its members, the manner of filling vacancies,
and the procedure to be followed in the discharge of the Committee‟s
functions. While decisions of the Committee will be by simple majority,
the Chairperson shall have the casting vote, in case of a tie. In case of
accounts under consortium / MBA, lenders should sign an Inter-
Creditor Agreement (ICA) on the lines of Joint Lenders‟ Forum (JLF)
Agreement. Banks may put in place suitable arrangements, including
dedicated manpower, to ensure smooth functioning of the Committee and
adherence to the stipulated timelines.
3.5 All eligible stressed MSMEs shall have access to the Committee for
resolving the stress in these accounts in accordance with regulations
prescribed in this Framework.
3.6 Provided that where the Committee decides that recovery is to be
made as part of the CAP, the manner and method of recovery shall be in
accordance with the existing policies approved by the board of directors
of the bank which has extended credit facilities to the enterprise, subject
to any regulations prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India and extant
statutory requirements.
11. Review
(1) In case the Committee decides that recovery action is to be initiated
against an enterprise, such enterprise may request for a review of the
decision by the Committee within a period of ten working days from
the date of receipt of the decision of the Committee.
(2) The request for review shall be on the following grounds:
(a) a mistake or error apparent on the face of the record; or
(b) discovery of new and relevant fact or information which
could not be produced before the Committee earlier despite the
exercise of due diligence by the enterprise.
(3) A review application shall be decided by the Committee within a
period of thirty days from the date of filing and if as a consequence of
such review, the Committee decides to pursue a fresh corrective action
plan, it may do so.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 April
2 May
3 June
1st Quarter
4 July
5 August
6 September
2nd Quarter
7 October
8 November
9 December
3rd Quarter
10 January
11 February
12 March
4th Quarter
Grand Total
Amount claimed by the Bank
Amount calculated by the General Manager Concerned
Amount of subsidy @ 3% recommended
5.4.12 The General Manager shall issue sanction after the case is approved by the
District Level Committee if the claim is uptoRs. 5.00 Lac and for all cases
involving claim above Rs. 5.00 Lac recommend the case to Director, Industries
& Commerce concerned for approval by the Divisional Level Committee. The
Director, after the approval by the Divisional Level Committee shall issue
sanction within two days and release the funds in favour of the units on the
same day.
5.4.13 Likewise, once the case is approved by District Level Committee the General
Manager shall issue sanction within a period of two days positively and convey
the liability to the Directorate for release of funds on the same day. The
disbursement shall also be made by the General Manager within two days
following the release of funds.
5.5.1 The industrial units procuring quality certification like ISO, ISI, BIS, FPO, BEE,
AGMARK, ECOMARK etc. shall be given a subsidy of 30% of the total cost
incurred for obtaining the said certificate, subject to a maximum of Rs.2.00 Lac
as certified by the Chartered Accountant. This incentive, however, can be availed
only once.
5.5.2 In this regard the General Manager shall place the case before the District Level
Committee for approval of sanction of subsidy after the unit holder prefers this
incentive and produces the following documents in support of his/her claim.
I. Certificate from Chartered Accountant regarding the total cost incurred for
obtaining the said certificate.
II. Attested copy of the quality certificate.
5.5.3 The General Manager shall issue sanction within a period of two days after the
approval of District Level Committee and convey the liability of funds to the
Directorate on the same day.
5.5.4 The General Manager shall disburse the incentive within a period of two days
from the date of receipt of funds.
5.6.1 Incentive of 100% subsidy on testing equipment shall be available to the
industrial units subject to the upper limit of Rs. 35.00 Lac. The incentives shall be
restricted to 25% of the total capital investment, if the cost of testing equipment
exceeds 25% of the total investment. The procedure to be followed for availing
incentive in this regard is given in the following paras.
5.6.1 The unit holder who intends to install testing equipment/ lab shall approach the
concerned General Manger with the documents as shown below:
I. Quotations (minimum 03) from Testing Equipment suppliers.
II. List of Testing Equipment to be purchased.
III. Form to be filled by the unit holder.
IV. CA certificate for fixed assets.
5.6.2 The General Manager shall issue sanction for purchase of testing equipment
within a period of two days after the receipt of application and abovementioned
supporting documents.
5.6.3 The unit holder shall approach the General Manager once the said equipment is
purchased and installed in the unit with the following supporting documents:
I. Copy of permission by General Manager, DIC Industries & Commerce.
II. Bills/ Vouchers of equipment purchased and verified by Sales Tax Department.
III. Satisfactory commissioning certificate from SICOP/ DIC any other authorized agency.
IV. Mode of payment certificate from bank.
5.6.4 On the receipt of claim supported by requisite documents the General Manager
shall place the case before the District Level Committee for the claims not
exceeding Rs. 5.00 Lac or forward the case to concerned Director, Industries &
Commerce for placement of the case before Divisional Level Committee for all
the claims exceeding Rs. 5.00 Lac for grant of approval for sanction of said
5.6.5 The General Manager shall issue the sanction within a period of two days after
the approval is granted and convey the liability on the same day to the
5.6.6 The disbursement shall be made by the concerned General Manager within a
period of two days. The General Manager shall however obtain an affidavit/
undertaking and indemnity bond (attested by Judicial Magistrate) as per the
proforma available in the respective DICs.
5.7.1 In order to help manufacturers who are operating in highly competitive markets,
the Government shall provide assistance for GI certification in Handicraft and
Handloom sector. The assistance shall be available in the shape of subsidy for a
period of three years. The subsidy shall be paid to the unit holder of his/ her
products @ 50% of expenses incurred during the first year subject to a
maximum of Rs.15.00 Lac, 30% of the expenses incurred during the second year
subject to a maximum of Rs.10.00 Lac and 10% of expenses incurred during the
third year subject to a maximum of Rs.5.00 Lac.
5.7.2 The application form as per prescribed format, as given here below, duly filled in
by the unit holder along with undertaking at the end and supporting documents
as per the below mentioned checklist is to be submitted to the General Manger
DIC for the purpose for approval of the scheme.
1. Name of the company:
2. Registered Office:
3. Factory:
4. Telephone/Fax/e-mail:
5. Nature of company: Proprietorship/partnership/private/public
6. Contact Person:
7. Name of bankers:
8. Permanent Registration Number with DIC
9. TIN No. of Department of Commercial Taxes
10. PCB‟s Consent No. and Date:
11. Products made: Proprietorship/partnership/private/public limited
S.No. Name of Product Annual Installed Capacity
12. Production during last 3 years:
Year Production
13. Main markets:
14 Sale in the last three years:
Year Quantity Total Sale Value
15. Manufacturing Process Please describe in a separate sheet the
process of manufacture, including
technology used.
16. List of equipment:
17. Productivity/ day
18. Energy consumption/ day
19. Waste generated/ day: Solid:
20. Mode of disposal of waste:
(Applicants to get a project report prepared by a consultant for G.I. Certification, the cost incurred will
qualify for assistance under the scheme within the overall limits)
21. Objectives of G.I. Certifications To increase market share
To enter new market
To compete effectively
To create niche market
(Tick the relevant objectives add if any other)
22. Proposed strategy Describe how the objective will be
(Attach separate sheet)
23. Cost elements:
S.No. Item of Expenditure Estimated Cost
Year 1Year 2Year 3
24. Means of financing Own resources:
Bank loan:
Assistance under the scheme:
25. Success indicators: Increase in sale at the end of : Year 1/ Year 2/ Year 3
Increase in market share : Year 1/ Year 2/ Year 3
Entry to new market : Year 1/ Year 2/ Year 3
Any other indicator :
26. Brand Name:
27. Anticipated Problems:
28. Any other relevant information:
29. Time schedule of implementation
30. Name of consultant (if any) with experience:
I hereby declare that the information given herein is correct and true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I agree that if any information given is found to be incorrect or untrue
after the G.I Certification scheme is approved, the sanction given can be withdrawn by the
Government at any point of time in future and I shall be liable to return the incentive received
from the Government with penalty as may be fixed by the Government.
(Applicant) Name: Address: Place:
5.7.3 Application as per format will have to be submitted to the General Manager
concerned along with the project report for the future three years and the
Balance Sheet for the last three years. The project for approval shall be admitted
by the DIC concerned as per checklist.
5.7.4 The General Manager shall forward the case to the concerned Director Industries
& Commerce for grant of approval of permission by the Divisional Level
5.7.5 The General Manager shall grant permission to the unit holder within a period of
two days after the same is approved by the Divisional Level Committee.
Thereafter, the unit holder may proceed with the implementation of the scheme.
5.7.6 The claim will be disbursed by the General Manager concerned after the unit
holder obtains G.I certifications.
5.8.1 The expenditure incurred by the entrepreneur on such feasibility reports, which
are prepared by J&K ITCO, J&K DFC, J&K SIDCO, J&K SICOP or any other
agency approved by the Director, Industries & Commerce from time to time,
shall qualify for 100% subsidy at the time of execution of the project, subject to
limit of Rs. 2.00 Lac.
5.8.2 The promoter may also get a report prepared from any other specialist agency/
reputed consultant(s) in the field.
5.8.1 In this regard the General Manager shall place the case before the District Level
Committee for approval of sanction of subsidy after the unit holder prefers this
incentive and produces the following documents in support of his claim.
I. Certificate from Chartered Accountant regarding the total cost incurred for obtaining
the said report/DPR.
II. Certificate from the consultancy from which the pre investment studies/ feasibility
report has been framed to the effect that the same has been prepared by it.
5.8.2 The General Manager shall issue sanction within a period of two days after the
approval of District Level Committee and convey the liability of funds to the
Directorate on the same day.
5.8.3 The General Manager shall disburse the incentive within a period of two days
from the date of receipt of funds.
5.9.1 Freight Subsidy of 90% is available under Special Central Package. In order to
help the unit holders in thrust industries in Zone-B districts, an additional 5%
freight subsidy shall be provided under the State Package.
5.9.2 The unit holder is allowed cash transaction payment to the tune of Rs. 20,000/-
only under the scheme.
5.9.3 The unit holder shall prefer the claim on quarterly basis alongwith the documents
as depicted herein below in the office of General Manager (DIC).
S.No. Particular
01. Name and address of the unit
02. Period of claim
03. Date of receipt of the claim at DI&CC
04. Date of received of the claim in DI&C
05. Application Form of the unit with date and signature
06. Enquiry Report of DI&CC
07. SSI/IEM Registration Certificate
08. Transport Subsidy Registration Certificate
09. Date of 1st Commercial Production of the unit
10. Annexure-I [Statement of Raw Materials (RM) purchased]
11. Annexure-II [Statement showing the utilization of raw materials and Finished Products (FM)
Manufactured during the claim period]
12. Annexure-III (Statement of Finished Goods transported to places outside NER/ within NER
during claim period)
13. Sales Tax Registration Certificate and Value Added Tax Clearance Certificate
14. VAT payment Challans/ VAT Returns
15. Income Tax Registration Certificate & Clearance Return submitted
16. PAN Card
17. Railway Freight Certificate for relevant period, if applicable
18. Capacity Assessment Certificate with quantum of F.G. produced per limit consumption of
power and diesel to be specifically mentioned in the joint assessment report, facilitating
examination of claim on the basis of these parameters
19. Road distance certificate from competent authority
20. Employment certificate from competent authority
21. List of Employee (s)
22. Affidavit as per prescribed format (by unit)
23. List of Board of Directors/ Partners
24. Article of Memorandum of Association/ Partnership Deed
25. Company Registration Certificate
26. Upto date balance sheet showing carriage inward and outward
27. State Electricity Board/ Power Department power sanction letter and NOC for installation of
D.G. Set, If applicable
28. Power bills and receipt for concerned period
29. Statement showing month wise output and diesel and power consumption, rating of the DG
Set (KVA), diesel consumption and hours run.
30. Factory license (Upto date)
31. Chartered Accountant Certificate
32. Land Documents
33. NOC/ Consent from Pollution Control Board
34. NOC from local authority (GaonPanchayat Secretary/ GaonBurah, Municipal etc.)
35. Bank statement for payment made to transporters during the period (Payment only by cheque)
36. Bank A/c No. and Name
37. Bills &Challans for raw materials purchased (from the RM supplier)
38. Receipt from Transporters for carrying RM
39. Bills and Challan consignment note for finished goods dispatched
41. In case of excisable goods produced by the unit
Certificate from Excise Department showing the quantity cleared on quarterly basis.
Excise Payment challan; Refund statement showing quantity and value
42. In case of local sale, detailed address of purchasers with payment receipt details (cash/
chequeetc) CA certificate on the body of the statement
43. In case of purchase of RM from outside NER and from within NER: Copy of challan and
Consignment Note of transporter endorsed to purchaser
44. In case of Finished Products sold outside NER or within NER:
Copy of C-Form against the consignment sold to the party &
Photocopy of consignment note acknowledged by the purchasers
5.9.4 On receipt of the application along with the documents and as per the checklist
the General Manager shall examine the case in his office and recommend the
same to the Directorate for placing before the State Level Committee/ Divisional
Level Committee as the case may be.
5.9.5 The State Level Committee shall discuss and approve the 90% freight subsidy
claim of the unit holder.
5.9.6 The Divisional Level Committee shall discuss and approve the additional 5%
freight subsidy claim of the unit holder in case of the units falling in thrust
industries in Zone-B districts.
5.9.7 The General Manager shall disburse the additional 5% freight subsidy claim
within a period of three days from a date of receipt of funds for which he shall
execute agreement with the unit holder and obtain indemnity bond duly attested
by the Judicial Magistrate.
5.10.1 Air Freight Subsidy is available on export of finished goods and import of raw
material for the units registered under MSME sector for any destination within
the country @ 50% subject to maximum of Rs. 5.00 Lac per year. However, in
respect of the Handicrafts and Handloom sector, Exporter Air Freight Subsidy
shall be allowed to the extent of 50% for parcels upto 5000 Kgs for destination
within the country and 1000 Kgs outside the country per year to registered
traders/ exporters, registered with Customs Department having maximum limit of
15.00 Lac.
(Section 4.22 of IP-2016)
(G.O No. –IND of 2017 Dated: -03-2017)
Manager of M/s…………………………………………………………………………………hereby
1. That I/We wish to establish an industrial/business unit with the Name & Style
“M/s…………………………………………………………………………..” and Line of Activity as
2. That I/We applied for Power Availability Certificate to the Power Development Department on
………….. vide no……………………………………………(copy of application and acknowledgement
enclosed) and for Consent to Establish to the PCB on …………………………………………….vide
no………………………………………………….(copy of application and acknowledgement enclosed ).
3. That I/We shall fully abide by all the provisions of the State and Central Laws applicable for the
establishment of my/our aforementioned industrial/business unit.
4. That in case of any deviation/non-compliance of any provision of the State and/or Central law(s) on
my/our part or on the part of management of my/our industrial/business unit, I/we and the
management of the unit shall be solely responsible, and the Industries & Commerce Department,
J&K or any of it’s formations would not be responsible for that deviation/non-compliance and I/we and
the management of my/our unit shall be liable to be prosecution under the provisions of the law and
the Industries & Commerce Department, J&K and any of it’s formations shall not be party in such
prosecution or liable to be sued in any court of law.
5. That I agree to accept and pay penalty ranging from Rupees Fifty Thousand to Rupees Five Lakh as
shall be decided by the Industries & Commerce Department in case of any violation detected on
my/our part or the part of management of the unit.