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Learning Activity Sheet
Quarter 3 – MELC 1
South, Central, and West Asian Music


Music 8
Activity Sheet No. 1
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written
permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of Learning Activity Sheet

Writer: Felicito A. Bocala
Content Editor: Emerson B. Golipardo
Reviewers: Ronie Reteracion
Dorislyn T. Bellosillo
Illustrator: Laurence U. Dadivas
Lay-out Artist: Gelica B. Alaban
Laurence U. Dadivas
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Reviewers: Ronie C. Reteracion
Shirley A. De Juan
Division Management Team:
Salvador O. Ochavo, Jr.
Jose Niro R. Nillasca
Segundina F. Dollete
Shirley A. De Juan
Ronie C. Reteracion
Regional Management Team:
Ramir B. Uytico
Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr.
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Celestino Dalumpines IV
Althea Landar

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Introductory Message
Welcome to G8 Music Activity Sheets

The Learning Activity Sheet for Grade 8 Health is a product of the

collaborative efforts of the Schools Division of Capiz and DepEd Regional Office VI -
Western Visayas through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD).
This is developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The Learning Activity Sheet for Grade 8 Health will help you facilitate the
teaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency
(MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will
be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent

For the learner:

The Activity Sheet for Grade 8 Health is developed to help you continue
learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you with
meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active learner,
carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer
the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule.

Name of Learner:

(South, Central, and West Asian Music)

I. Learning Competency with Code

Listen perceptively to Music of South Asia and Middle East. (MU8WS-IIIa-h-2)

II. Background Information for Learners

Learners will listen perceptively and identify the characteristics of Instrumental
and Vocal Music of South Asia and Middle East. It will give them an idea on how the
South Asia and Middle East music influenced our own music culture in the Philippines.
This is designed for them to learn the importance of music in our daily lives and will
help them understand the similarities of South Asia and Middle East music with our
own Filipino Music.

III. References:

• DepEd Grade 8 Learner’s Module page 103-130


IV. Activity Proper:

Activity 1: Pre-Assessment
Directions: Fill up the diagram with corresponding music samples listed below.
Identify to which region it belongs. Write your answer on the space
Carnatic Music Hindustani Music Punjabi Music
Ghazal Shofar Arabian Music

Central Asia Region South Asia Region West Asia Region

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.

Activity 2: Music of India

What to know
India is the largest country in South Asia. Its music is as vast as its geographic
location and as large as its demographic population. The music of India reflects
different aspects of Asian culture through its timbre, rhythm, melody, texture, form, and

style. In general, Indian music remains fundamental to the lives of the people of India
as a source of spiritual inspiration, cultural expression, and entertainment.
Vocal Music of India

India’s classical music tradition includes Carnatic and Hindustani music which
have developed over many centuries. Music of India also includes several types of folk
and popular music. One aspect of vocal music uses melismatic singing with nasal
vocal quality, when compared with the Philippine music which uses melismatic singing
is only used in chanting epics and the pasyon.

Singing based on a set of pitches was popular even during the Vedic times. The
samangana style of singing developed into a strong and diverse tradition over several
centuries, becoming an established part of contemporary tradition in India. The hymns
in Sama Veda, a sacred text, were sung as samangana and not chanted. Sama Veda
is the third of the four Vedas of Hinduism but ranks next to Rig Veda [Rigveda] in terms
of its sanctity and liturgical importance.

Rig Veda is also sung in the samangana traditional singing style. Because of
its liturgical importance, Rig Veda is counted as first among the four canonical sacred
texts of Hinhuism known as Vedas. Rig Veda is an ancient Indian sacred collection
of Vedic Sanskrit hymns. Some of its verses are cited as Hindu prayers at religious
functions and other occasions.

Characteristics of Traditional Music from India

1. Carnatic Music
• Refers to music from South India
• Directed to the Hindu god, which is why it is called “temple music”
• Unlike Hindustani music, Carnatic music is unified where schools are
based on the same ragas, the same solo instruments (veena, flute, violin)
and the same rhythm instrument (mridangam and ghatam).
• Music pieces are mainly set for the voice and with lyrics
• Compositions called krti are developmental songs
2. Hindustani Music
• Goes back to the Verdic period around 1000 BC
• Further developed in the 13th and 14th centuries AD with Persian
influences and from existing religious and folk music
• Predominantly found in the northern and central regions
• Influenced by ancient Hindu musical traditions, historical Verdic religion/
Verdic philosophy, native Indian sounds and enriched by the Persian
performance practices of the Mughal era
• Nasal singing is observed in their vocal music
• In North India, the most common style of singing is called khyal a word
which means “imagination”

Instrumental Music

There are many musical instruments in India. Some instruments are used
primarily in Northern Indian music. (Hindustani Sangeet) while many other instruments
are used in the South Indian music (Carnatic Sangeet). Instrumental music is often
similar to vocal music but sometimes they have distinctive instrumental styles.

Active Listening:

Directions: Let us listen to Indian Music.

Carnatic Flute – Tamboori by Heramba and Hemantha


Carnatic Vocal-

Hindustani Classical Music-

Intro to Hindustani Classical Music -

Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the space

1. Can you tell something about the music you have heard?

2. Are there similarities with our Philippine music? What are these similarities?

Activity 3: Music of Pakistan

What to know:
Central Asian music encompass numerous different musical styles originating
from a large number of sources. Though Pakistan is part of South Asia, its western
part in considered as extension of Central Asia.
Pakistan is known for its unique vocals. The distinctive Pakistani sound was
formed with multiple influences not only from various parts of South Asia but it also
includes diverse elements from Central Asia, Persia, Turkey and the Arab World.
Vocal Music of Pakistan

Pakistan is known for its two vocal styles in singing:


• Traditional expression of love, and loneliness. It tells about both the

pain of loss of the lover and the beauty of love in spite of that pain.

• Its structural requirements are morestrict than those of the most poetic
forms traditionally written in English.
• Is considered by many to be one of the principal poetic forms in the
Persian civilization.
• Can be sung by both men and women.

• The devotional music of the Chishti Order
• A vibrant musical condition that stretches back more than 700 years.
• Originally performed mainly at Sufi shrines throughout the subcontinent
and gained mainstream popularity.

Instrumental Music of Pakistan

Punjabi music strengthens the importance of musical instruments in Pakistan.

Punjab is a region in South Asia which is devided into West Punjab, Pakistan
and East Punjab, India, Bhangara, one of the most recognized forms of Punjab, is
based on drum rhythm of dhol.

Active listening

Direction: Let us listen to Pakistani Ghazal-Payam e Mashriq’s Ghazal in the link, rahatfatehali khan-best qawwali in the link and
Nusrat fatehali khan-best qawwali in the link

1. What can you say about the music of Pakistan?

2. By just listening, what do you think is the main function of Pakistani music?

Activity 4: Music of West Asia-Israel

What to know

In general, the music of West Asia is modal. Harmony is not emphasized but
rather includes salient features such as melodic complexity and ornamentation,
including ¼ tones and rigorous rhythmic development. West Asian music is commonly
used during:

• Communal worship (in mosque, synagogue, and church)

• Mystic rituals (Sufis, Hassidic)
• Life passage events (weddings, bar mitzvas, bat mitzvas, anniversaries)
• Entertainment (belly dancing, folk dancing)

Vocal Music of Israel

Israeli singers have a distinctive vocal style. They sing with guttural and throaty
enunciation. The following are the two divisions of Jewish music:


• Almost entirely vocal

• Featured during Sabbath and other holy days
• The art of Hazan (leader of prayer in the synagogue) has always been
evident in the culture
• Shofar is a special call to prayer and repentance; it is sounded on the High
Holydays (the Jewish New Year and Day of Atonement)
• Instruments and voice are used
• Played during the passage events
• Context lies outside the religious domain
• Very rhythmic and have popular and romantic texts

Instrumental Music of Israel

The lute, which is similar to the Philippine bandurria and the laud, traces its
origins to the Middle Eastern oud and Indian sitar. Goblet drum, darbuk, the
tambourine, and other instruments Associated with Middle Eastern music are used as
accompaniment. One of the dances were accompaniment is used is hora, a dance
that often has strong off beats and asymmetric meters.

Active Listening

Directions: Let us listen to Israeli music Hazan and Shofar at

1. What can you say about the music of Israel?

2. Can you give Filipino music titles similar to Shofar and Hazan?


Directions: Read the statement carefully. Select the letter of the correct answer and
write it on the space provided before each number.

_____1. The two traditional music of India which have developed for over many
years is known as
A. Devotional and Secular Music C. Carnatic and Hindustani Music
B. Ghazal and Qawwali Music D. Darbuk and Hora

_____2. This refers to music that came from Southern India

A. Krti B. Khyal C. Carnatic music D. Hindustani music

_____3. It is the most common style of singing in Northern India

A. Khyal B. Sama Veda C. Samagana D. Rig Veda

_____4. The following are the characteristics of Hindustani music except

A. Nasal singing is observed in their vocal music.
B. It is predominantly found in the Northern and Central Regions.
C. Musical pieces are mainly set for the voice and with lyrics.
D. It was developed in the 13th and 14th centuries AD with Persian influences
and from existing religious and folk music.

_____5. Ghazal is a vocal style of singing popular in

A. Pakistan B. India C. Israel D. Turkey

_____6. Qawwali is characterized by

A. Traditional expressions of love, separation and loneliness.
B. A vibrant musical tradition that stretches back for more than 700 years.
C. Can be sung by both men and women.
D. It is one of the principal poetic forms in the Persian civilization.

______7. West Asian music is commonly used during

A. Communal worship B. mystic rituals C. entertainment D. all of the above

_____8. Darbuk is an instrumental music of which country?

A. Israel B. India C. Pakistan D. Turkey

_____9. Israeli singers have a distinct vocal style in singing. They sing with guttural
and throaty enunciation. Which of the following is the characteristic of secular
A. It is usually featured during Sabbath and other holy days.
B. It is very rhythmic and have popular and romantic text
C. Shofar is a special call to prayer and repentance.
D. Almost entirely vocal.

_____10. Punjabi music strengthens the importance of musical instruments in____

A. India B. Pakistan C. Israel D. Turkey

V. Reflection:

How does culture and religion affect the music of South Asia, Central Asia and
Middle East Asia?

VI. Answer Key:

10. B
9. B Arabic Music Ghazal Hindustani
8. A Shotar Punjabi Carnatic
7. D Pre-Assessment
6. B
5. A
4. C
3. A
2. C
1. B
Post Test

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