IQ Questions For Recruiter
IQ Questions For Recruiter
IQ Questions For Recruiter
hours at 60 mph. What was his average speed for the whole trip?
A. 50
b. 53 1/2
c. 55
d. 56
e. 57 1/2
The sum of two digits of a two digit number is 12 and the ten's digit is one-third the
unit's digit. What is the number ?
a. 39
b. 54
c. 48
d. 39
e. 31
d. 410
e. 445
ةجاح رخا
- In a race from point X to point Y and return, John averages 24 miles
per hour to point Y and 16 miles per hour back to point X.
Tom averages 20 miles per hour in both directions.
?Between John and Tom, who finished first
a. John
b. Tom
c. They tie
d. Neither
e. Impossible to tell
عضو :قيفاوتال ةدعاق rيف )مهم شم بيترتال( اقباطتم ائيش nءيش ىلع ىوتحي عضوم لك ثيحب اعضوم
ا!هددع ق!!رطبمتيرثكألا ى!!لع! دحاو C(n,r).وأ nCr
ةرك نع دحاوال قودنصال يف تاركال ددع ديزت ال ثيحب قيدانص 8يف ةقباطتم ءاضيب تارك 6عضو نكمي الثم
ا!هددع ق!!رطبةدحاو6C8=8! / (8-6)!*6! =28 C(8,6).
مهم! ب!!!يترتال→ !)P = n!/(n-r
مهم! ش !م! ب!!!يترتال → !C = P/r
The buyer of a particular car must choose 2 of 3 optional colors and 3 of 4 optional
luxury features. In how many different ways can the buyer select the colors and
? luxury features
a. 3
b. 6
c. 9
d. 12
e. 20
قيفاوت > مهم شم بيترتال
Choose 2 of 3 →3C2 = 3!/(3-2)!*2! = 3 ways
Choose 3 of 4 →4C3 = 4!/(4-3)!*3! = 4 ways
To no. of ways: 3*4=12
The sum of the whole numbers between 1 and 100 is:
a. 101
b. 5050
c. 1000
d. 100
Another sol
ىناتال الؤسال
+ 99+1
+ 98+2
ىال اذكهو
+ 51+49
A man bought 2 rare baseball cards, but found himself short of cash so
he sold them for $600.00 each. He made a 20% profit on one but had a
20% loss on the other. Did he make or lose money on the deal, and how
اهيف ةدحاوو 20%بسكم اهيف مهيف ةدحاوو رالود 600ب ةدحاو لك عابو 2ىرتشا وه انه
%ةرا;سخ 20
اهيف بسك ىلل انيج ول
ى;;لصالا ن;;متال +ب;;سكم; = 20% 600
ىلصالا نمتال ىقبي 500
اهيف رسخ ىلل
ىلصالا نمتال = 600 % 20 -ةراسخ
ى;;لصالا ن;;متال ى;;قبي750
ن;;ينتالا هيبى;;رتشا ى;;لال ن;;متال ى;;قبي= 1250 = 500 + 750
Which of the following numbers does not fit the pattern of this series ?
64 - 54 - 42 - 31 - 20
54 ة!باجالا ح!رشالا اوجرا
42 ي!!جي53 دوز11دعبض!!ورفمال ي!!قالتح ةرم! ل!!ك ي!!ف
ينات لح
10 ! هلسلستم! ن !ع! هرا!بع! ماقرالا عيمجلت!!!ارشعالو دا!حالا ع!ومجم2 و4 و6 و9 و
9 ي!!ف!طخال ي!!التالبو
مقرال أ54 !هع!وجم! ن!!اشع
5 →60 min
1→x →x = 60/5=12 min →each one takes 12 min if 5 works together
So if 1 in missed so its 12 min will be added to 60 min = 72
slow wide
Difference between given no's is 2 5 11 23 this difference follow the equation 2x+1,
the next no. is 2*23+1= 47 →so the next no. is 42 +47=89
One third of the party guests are 5’9” or taller.
One half are taller than 5’5” but less than 5’9”.
The remaining 20 guests are 5’5” or less.
How many guests came to the party?
a. 12
b. 24
c. 48
d. 96
e. 120
Answer is e
If you multiply any two of the following numbers together, your result will be
9, 11, 3, 7, 17.
A. True
b. False
نيددع ىا برض ىف ةريغص ةدعاق يف ايه صب
ىجوز ددع = ىجوز ددع * ىجوز ددع
ىجوز ددع = ىدرف ددع * ىجوز ددع
ىدرف ددع = ىدرف ددع * ىدرف ددع
ىدرف مقر جتانال علطي مهيف نيمقر ىا تبرض ول ديكا ىقبي ةيدرف ىد ةلسلستمال ىف ىلال ماقرالا لكو
The price of a t-shirt was cut 20% for a sale. The price of th
increased by 25% if it is to be sold again at the orig
a. True
b. False
100 هنمثن!!اك100 ل!!قيا!مل20% ى!!قبي80 داا!يزيااا!ملو25% ! ن!!اا!م80!!اا!ه! ي!!اا!!ال
Suppose you begin reading a book on page B and end on page E. If you read
each page completely and the pages are numbered and read consecutively then
you have read (E - B) + 1 pages.
a. True
b. False
ةحفص نم تارق كنا الثم3 ةحفص ىال6 تيرق ينعي3 و4 و5و6 4 تاحفص
4=1+)3-6( ي!!ا
Continue the following number series with the group of numbers below which best
continues the series?
1 10 3 9 5 8 7 7 9 6 ?
11 وه! ي!!التال مقرال
نيتعومجمل مهمسقنه
1,3,5,7,9, 11
الثم كلوقي امل20% سمال ىف الثم ماك ىفوشتو مقرال ىف هيبرضتب ىنعي
If it takes 8.3 minutes for the light of the sun to reach the earth, and the speed of light
?is 300,000km/s. How far is it to the sun
a. 149400000 km
b. 24900000 km
c. 5 cubic cm
d. 928328.56 MI
Sam received $0.41 change from a purchase. If he received 6 coins 3 of the coins
had to be dimes.
Coins in circulation are: 1 ¢, 5 ¢, 10 ¢, 25 ¢
1 dime=10 ¢
a. True
b. False
تنس 41اهعومجم نوكيو ةيندعم تالمع 6دخاي هنا عفني له السيب هنال
تنس 10ب ةلمع لك تالمع 3مهيف نوكي نا رابتعا عم
The following sentence includes all six vowels, appearing in reverse alphabetical
order: "Why run from fire ants?"
True False
Sixteen hours are to one day as twenty days are to June's length.
True False
- 10 -
بترت مقر فرح لكل ىدنو ىزلجنالاب هيدجبالا فورحال بيترت نا ضرتفنه انحا بيط
ا!ندنع! ل!!سلستمالىقبياذكه!و a=1 ' b=2 ,c=3
وهو فرح صقان ةدك brainpowe....اندنع ىقبي
BRAINPOWERة!ملكالىقبا R
ءاعدال مكالساو هباجالا تحصو نوكا تيراي
A round wall clock that has been rotated until it is hanging upside down will have a
minute hand that points to your right when it is two forty-five.
كدنع ول لوقيب اهيتبلقو ىنعي ةرودم طئاح هعاس
هدك ىنعم ىنعياهيلجر نم اهقلعم ىنعي كناك نا
ناكو قوف نوكيه 6الو تحت نوكيه 12ناكم
2.45هع0اس0للر0ش0يبق00ياقدال ب000رق0ع هدكى000قبي
؟كعاتب نيميلل رواشيه
حص اعبط
If you leave the letters in the same order, but rearrange the spaces in the phrase,
""Them eats on," it can be read as, "Theme at son.
ديع سب وه ام ىز فورحال بيترت بيس كلوقب
تاملكال نيب تافاسمال بيترت
ىلال ىه ىد اهبتك وه ىلال هلمجال يقالته
ال الو ترهظ
Your teenage daughter Sally and her friend Monica invented a sec
- 11 -
find a note that Sally wrote for Monica using this secret code. Sally tells you that it
"Hi Monica,
Yesterday, ?????? asked me out. Sally"
You desperately want to know who the guy is, but she won't tell you. Can you figure
out his name from the note?
"Ls Ucvskj,
Tbdfboqjt, Ujofsv jdmbq ub cxf. Djppt"
a. Mathew
b. Marcus
c. Michel
d. Mickey
e. Martin
ةرظانمال فورحالب ةرفشال يف يلال فورحال نراق
m هلباقيu !رحال
a هلباقيj !!!رحال
r هلباقيoف!!!رحال
t هلباقfف!!!رحال
i sف!!!رحال
n هلباقيv!!!رحال
martin! هملكال س!!اسالا ي!!في!!هU
- 12 -
انحا يلال )ةعبرالا نم( نينتالا نيلجرال ةجيتن يه ةدايزال لجرالا ددع اذا 72وه لجرالا ددع يليدم وه نكل
ق!!رفال ،ططقللش!!مه!انبسحم! =28=44-72
ططقال ددع اذا 2/28=14ططقال ع!وتبن!!يناتال ن!!يلجرال عجرنن!!اشع! 2ي!!لع! مسقنه! 14
ت!!!اتسال ددعو 8=14-22
Another solution
:ةضايرال ةقيرط
س تاتسال
ص ططقالو
10 question →40%
? →100%
No. of questions = (10*100)/40 = 25
In a secret code that uses only the letters A, B, C, and D, a word is formed by
applying the following rules; A B C D is the base word. If C immediately follows B,
then C can be moved to the front of the word. One letter of the same type can be
added immediately after an A, a B, or a C. Which one of the following is not a code
word? ?
a. A B C D
b. D A B C
c. C A B D
d. A A B B C C D
e. C C C A B D
- 13 -
Car X traveled from A to B in 30min . the first half of the trip was covered at
50mph , and the second half at 60mph
What was the average speed ?
Answer 4 from where please i want to know
thanks at all
My solution:
Assume 60mph takes 16 min & 50mph takes 14 min →((60*16)+(50*14))/30 =
((6*16)+(5*14))/3 = 166/3 →*4 = 664/12
11/600 ن !م! ادج ب!!!يرقهد مقرال و
هيا الوةدك حص هفراع شم سب هباجا تيقال انا
وه اهيل لح برقاو average speed = 50*.25+60*.25/.5=55 ,نا وهو
هعاس عبر وه لوالا تقوال فصن نال 0.25برض اناو
ةعاس فصن ىالمجالا تقوال نال 0.5ىلع مسقو
Another solution
- 14 -
اندنع سب هيا دا تقو الو هيا دا ةفاسم ىشم وه نيفراع شم انحا ةفاسم لوا ىف قئاسال هيشم ىلال تقوال ىهو
ىلكال تقوال
نيتعرسب نيتفاسمال ىشم وهو
و 50ن!!يتع!رسال ن!!يبة!بسنال ا!نبيج ول60
ت!!!قوال ا!ندنع! 5.
ءزج 11ل تقوال انمسق ول ىنعي
ءازجا 6ةيناتال ةفاسمالو ءازجا 5ةفاسم لوا ىقبي
T1= 5/11 * 1/2 = 5/22
T2 = 6/22
T = T1 + T2 = 11/22 = 0.5
حص ادو ةعاس صن ىنعي
ةيناتالو ىلوالا ةفاسمال بيجن لضاف هدك
D1 =V1* T1= 50*5/22= 250/22
D = D1 +D2=305/11
V =D / T = 305/(11 * .5 ) = 610/11
ىقبي ةيناتال ةعسالب صنالو ىلوالا ةرعسالب ةفاسمال صن لوقيب هنا ةطلغ ىف لحال ىروس
d1 = d2هدك
ضعب دق نيتفاسمال ىقبي ناشع نينمزال لبدنه اننا ىناتالو لوالا عاتب نمزال ىف قرفته ايه ىنات اهبسحن
t1 = 6/22
d1 = 6*50/22 = 150/11
d = 2*d1= 300/11
v = 300/11/2 = 600/11
نيشاشغ نيعئابال لك
نيمواسم نيشاشغ دجوي ال
؟نيعئاب نيمواسم موي ال
حص ةباجالا
In this series, what number comes next? 3,7,9,8.27,5
- 15 -
حرشال تيراي سب 81ةباجالا وه
→3*3=9 →9*3=27 →27*3=81
a. 10
b. 20
c. 41
d. 52
e. 61
answer is b
ح!رطتو 8ى!!فب!!!رضتبن!!اشع! 20وه! 4
ى!!ف!!اكو 36و 5ال! ن!!يبة!قالع ب!!!يجتل!!وا!حتبت!!!نا 6
دوزتو 6ى!!فب!!!رضتك!!نا ة!قالع ن
تارايتخالا ىف ةدوجوم شم ىنعي 30ىقبته 3ال عم اهفوشت تيج ول سب
ح!رطتو 8ى!!فب!!!رضتك!!نا ة!يناتةدحاو ب!!!رجن4
ى!!قبته! 3ال! عم! ا!هلمعتت!!!يج ول20
Another sol
برض لصاح = نيفرطال برض لصاحو نيطسو
س= 20 = 5/36*3
ةدك لحتت اهيز هالسمىاو
بسانتال هقيرطب
اهتحضو نوكا براااايو
Another sol
- 16 -
answer true
هيف بورج لوقيب هدك قطنمالب5 هيف نوكي مزال صاخشا3 وا باحصا3 ب شوفرعيم
If you break a twenty dollar bill into fourteen dollars worth of quarters and the rest
into dimes, you will have more quarters than dimes. (Dollar = 100 cents; quarter = 25
cents; dime = 10 cents)
a. True
b. False
unit’s digit = دا!حآلا مقر
ten’s digit = ت!!!ارشعال مقر
hundred’s digit = ت!!!ائمال مقر
The digits of a three-digit number add up to 18. If the ten’s digit is twice the
hundred’s digit and the hundred’s digit is 1/3 the unit’s digit, what is the number? ?
a. 246
b. 369
c. 531
d. 855
e. 893
- 17 -
a + b + c = 18 →1
b = 2a →2
a = 1/3c →c = 3a →3
from 2,3 in 1
Grandma sent Johnny some money for his birthday. Johnny spent all of it in five
stores. In each store, he spent $1.00 more than half of what he had when he came in.
How much money did he get from grandma?
a. $7.50
b. $25
c. $30
d. $46
e. $62
- 18 -
→ If x is the money of the 1st store →.5x - 1= 30
سمخ ىلع اهفرصو هداليم ديع موي ىف هتدج نم سولف دخا نوج نا لوقيب
خالا ىفو رالود 1هيلع ةدايزو هاعم ىلال صن فرصيب لحم لخديب ةرم لكو
الود 1مهصن نال ءالود 2هاعم ناك ديكا اهيف فرصي ام لبق لحم رخا ىف ىقبي
هدك صالخ ىقبي
رالود 2هاعم ناك لحم رخا لبق نا هدك انقفتا
نعي 2ىف برضنو رالود فيضن ىقبي عبارال لحمال لبق سكعالب اهيشمن
هاعم! ن!!اك ت!!!التال ل!!بق(14 = 2* )1+6
هاعم! ن!!اك ى!!ناتال ل!!بق30
هاعم! ن!!اك ل!!والا ل!!بق62
رخآ لح
مكيلع; مالسال:
داو ةد ىنوج داوالف نيعم غلبم ةتيدا هداليم ديع ىف هتدج تج ىنوج همسا دحاو هيف نا لوقيب الؤسال الوا
ى;;فهلك غلبمال ف;;;رصوه; مهمال هتدج ن ;م; ا;هدخ ى;;لال س;;ولفال ف;;;رصيو ت;;الحمال ى;;لع; ف;;;ليدعقح;ار ف;;;رسم; 5
ىجي امل ةياغل رالود 1ىال ةفاضالاب هاعم ىلال غلبمال صن فرصي هلخدي لحم لك نا طرش هيف سب تالحم
س;;ولفال ل;;ك ف;;;رصة;سفنى;;قاليس;;ماخال ل;;حمال ن ;م; ج;رخ .
هيا دقغلبم; اولتيدا هتدج ى ;ه; ف;;;رعنب;;ولطمال.
لحمال نم جرخي ام دعب ةديصرو رالود + 1هاعم ىلال صن ةلخدي لحم لك ىف فرصيب هنا فرعن انحا وه
ىلال هاعم ىلال صن فرصي اه هنال رالود 2هاعم وهو سماخال لحمال لخد وه الصا ىقبي رفص ىقبيب سماخال
رف;صةديصر ى;;قبيرالود 1مهيلع; ف;;;يضيو رالود 1وه;.
عبارال ل;;حمال2*(2+1) = 6
ث;;الثال ل;;حمال2*(6+1) = 14
ى;;ناثال ل;;حمال2*(14+1) = 30
ل;;والا ل;;حمال2*(30+1) = 62
رالود 62وه; ى;;لال ل;;حم; ل;;وا ل;;خد ا;مل ل;;وا هاعم; ن;;اك ى;;لال غلبمال وه; ة;باجالا ى; .
- 19 -
A: 84
B: 98
C: 114
D: 125
هد عباتتالب ديزتب ماقرالا
difference between no.'s:
81 = 27*3 ي!!فددعال ب!!!رضيبوه! ي!!نعي3 ن!!وكيه! جتانالفعمجين!!يدعبو125 !ن!!اشع
81+ 44 = 125
1, 2, 6, 21, 88, ?
a. 486
b. 354
c. 5657
d. 410
e. 445
answer e
- 20 -
بيعكت 5 , بيعكت 4
John, twelve years old, is three times as old as his brother. How old will John be when
he is twice as old as his brother?
a. 15
b. 16
c. 18
d. 20
e. 21
John: 12 15 16 18 20 21
Brother: 4 7 8 10 12 13
a u o i e مه! ى!!زيلجنالا ى!!فة!كرحتمال ف!!!ورحال
? 81 : 9 →9:
a. 5
b. 19
c. 3.3
d. 3
e. 9.9
عيبرتالقالع ايه هيا ىنعي 81ل ةبسنالب9
وهو عيبرتال ة!قالع 9ل هتبسنى!!قبيى!!لال مقرال هيا ى!!تقولد ب!!!ولطمال ى!!نعي3
? 6 : 36 →10 :
a. 80
b. 1000
c. 566
d. 100
e. 10
عيبرتة!قالع هضرباد 100 =10*10
- 21 -
The second vowel that appears in this sentence is the letter "e".
a. True
b. False
ال! اوه! ي!!د هلمجال ي!!فرهاظ ي!!لال ي!!ناتال هلعال ف!!!رح ك!!لوقيبe
ي!!ه! هلعال ف!!!رحا ب!!!يترتa,e,i,o,u,y
A pie can be cut into more than seven pieces by making only
through its center.
a. True
b. False
مسرت كنا دعب ءازجا عبس نم رتكال مسقتت عفني ةريطفال لوقيب4 الب رمت راطقا
دوجوم8 ةعبس نم رتكا الق وهو ءازجا
if a tree branch can hold three people and john weighs twice as much as adam, and
rachel weighs half as much as adam, then rachel, john and adam can all sit together on
the tree branch safely.
A. True
b. False
- 22 -
6 7/8, 2 9/16, 5 5/8, 3 13/16, 4 3/8,?
What number should replace the question mark
ةدحاو لوا نيتسلستم امه6 8/7 ىناتال مقرالو ىنعي رسكو مقر ىنعي نامتا عبسو ةتس ىنعي5 8/5 حرطيب انهو
ةرم لك1 4/1 عبرو دحاو
ةيناتال ةسلستمالو2 16/9 و3 16/13 عمجيب انهو1 4/1 عبرو دحاو عمجيب
16/1 5وه! رودال هيلع! ى!!لال مقرال ى!!قبي
4 17/16
alice got a nice box of candy for her birthday, but couldn't decide which
piece to eat first. She likes everything but jelly filled. According to the box,
she has three different coatings (dark, white, or milk chocolate). The centers
are either cream, fudge, caramel, or jelly, and all of those except the jelly come
plain or with nuts. There are 3 and 1/2 dozen pieces. Assuming all
possible combinations are included equally, what are the odds that alice won't
choose a jelly filled candy ?
A. 7 to 1
b. 9 to 1
c. 6 to 1
d. 9 to 2
e. 14 to 3
- 23 -
اهلخاد كيكال ددع نوكي فصنو تسد ثالث ىوتحت ةبلعالو
كيكال عاونا ىلع اهمسقن
ةداس وا تارسكمالب اطغم نوكي نا اماو ةفلتخم تاوشح 4ىلع ىوتحي عون لك
Ralph likes 25 but not 24; he likes 400 but not 300; he likes 144 but not 145. Which
does he like:
10 50 124 200 1600
- 24 -
Then 64 = 4^3
Difference is 1, 3, 9, →27
Then the next no. is 17+27=44
Which one of the letters does not belong is the following series:
The answer is:
a. D
b. I
c. J
d. M
e. S
all the letters of the words "spoon feed" appear in reverse alphabetical order.
A. True
b. False
- 25 -
ans: include →include: each word begins with the sixth and fifth letters of the
preceding word
M + S + j + B + P = 107 ---------------> 1
29مهنيبق!!رفال ن!!ا ة!لمجال ى!!نعم! ن !م! ض!!ورفمال وه! ة!لمج ى!!نات
امومع شفرعم ىازا مهعومجم دصقي هنا لحال نم حضاوال سب
M + S = 29 ---------------> 2
S + J = 44 ---------------> 3
- 26 -
J + B = 57 ---------------> 4
B + P = 46 ---------------> 5
جتاونال علطي مهلحت لهس ليهاجم سمخ ىف تالداعم سمخ هدك
Margaret 17, Stuart 12, Jeffrey 32,Brian 25 and Philip 21
Three coins are tossed in the air and two of the coins land with heads face
upwards. What are the chances on the next toss of the coins that at least two of
the coins will land with heads face upwards again?
نوكته ةباجالا50% اهحرشي هيل مهف دح ول تيراي
ينعي دوسا اي ضيبا اي هركفال امنا هبسح عوضوم شم عوضومال50% لع اقبت هلمعال نا
- 27 -
Peter, Paul and Mary share out a certain sum of money
between them. Peter gets 2/5, Paul gets 0.55 and Mary gets
£45.00. How much is the original sum of money
اشاب اي صب
يد هقيرطالب لحتتب يد يتقولد
80 هحابسال مامح ومدختسيبي!!لال س!!انال%
20همدختسيبش !م! ي!!لال ا!قبي%
70% هالجر
30هالجر ش !م! ي!!لال ا!قبي%
اقبي40% وبعليب شم
20+30+40 = 90 %
نا المتحال اقبي10% هجاح لك ولمعيب
If a circle is one, how many is an octagon?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
e. 12
هيا ىنامثال لكشال ىقبي دحاو علض اهربتعت نكمم ىنعي عالضا ددع شاهلم ىنعي دحاو ةريادال ول لوقيب
هيل ديكا وه8 راتخا هدك ناشع عالضاd
- 28 -
Continue the following number series with the group of numbers below which best
continues the series?
1 10 3 9 5 8 7 7 9 6 ?
a. 11 5
b. 10 5
c. 10 4
d. 11 6
Sol is e
Speed bumps are being placed at 20 foot intervals along a road 1015 feet long. If the
first speed bump is placed at one end of the road, how many speed bumps are needed
a. 49
b. 50
c. 51
d. 52
e. 53
1015/20= 50.75
20/1000 51 = 1 + ! ال! ا!مه1000وجاتحيه! مدق يهو
51 ن !م! ل!!قا ة!فاسمال20ة!باجالا ى!!قبي
A school has a total enrollment of 90 students. There are 30 students taking physics,
25 taking English, and 13 taking both. What percentage of the students are taking
either physics or English
a. 30 percent
b. 36 percent
c. 47 percent
- 30 -
d. 51 percent
e. 58 percent
P(a) = 30/90
P(b) = 25/90
P(a^b) = 13/90 →p= 42/90=7/15 = 46.66 %
No one will be admitted to Yale Graduate School unless he or she studies hard for the
GRE. No one studied hard for the GRE unless he or she was not a graduate from Tri-
State University. Which one of the following conclusions necessarily follows from the
above statements ?
a. No graduate of Tri-State University was admitted to Yale Graduate School
b. Some graduates of Tri-State University were admitted to Yale Graduate School
c. All graduates of Tri-State University studied hard for the GRE
d. Only graduates of Tri-State University did well on the GRE
e. Only college graduates did well on the GRE
Answer a
Divide 110 into two parts so that one will be 150% of the other. What are the two
numbers ?
Let the x,y is the two parties
y=44, x=66
لوقيب ةد الؤسال
pmماظنب 24:00هع!اسالىنعيل!!يلال ف!!!صتنمال دعبى!!لال ق!!ياقدال ددع زياع ونا 12وا هع!اس24
h-Xm ,h = hourىنعي ةدك مامت Xm 12زمر اهلطحه قياقد ىد Xو ْ Xهعاسال ْ-12
هالسمال لمكن
ى!!وا!سيةد h -Xm-32mى!!نعيهقيقد 32ب h-Xm 12هع!اسال دعب12
pmى!!نعي 22:00هع!اسال دعبXm 10ت!!!ارم! 3
ضعب ىواسي نيتلداعمال
- 31 -
12h-Xm-32m =10h+3Xm
then Xm=22 min
ىدجبالا بيترتال ىف هلثميب ىلال فرحال هداصق طحن ضورفمال مقر لك ىنعي فورحال نم ةسلستم ىد
a -1
همقر ادو r 18وه فرح صقانو brain poweهملك علطته هدك انلمع ول ازكهو
ل!!ضافى!!لال مقرال ى!!قبي18
If 3182596 is to 65283
and 6742835 is to 53476
? therefore 7496258 is to
هاجف عطق رونال لوقيبو رمحا 17و دوسا 15و قرزا 21و لجرلل بارش 51كدنع لوقيب
نم جوز مهنم هاعم 100%دكاتيه ىلالو اهذخيه ىلال تابرشال نم ددع مك هملظم ايندالو
دوسال تابرشال
سب 38=17+21ىنعي قرزالو رمحال تابرشال لك ذخا هنا المتحالا ءوسا ضرفن ىتالك لحال
لحال وه هد 38+2=40كلذل جوز هاعم هنا100%دكاتم نوكي الق وه
- 32 -
Sol is IVH
- 33 -
Sol is E:
ىف امئاد قوف ىلال ىساسالا لكشلل رظنت نا ىخا اي لواح
رئاود 3و عبرم هلخادب ىسادسال لكشال نا هالسمال هذه ىف الثم نا دجن
ىرخا هيحان نم هرئاد عمو هيحان نم نيترئاد عم
تارايتخالا نم لكش برقا كلذل eعم عبرمال عطاقت قححي ال ىقابالو
اذكه لئاسمال مظعمو نيترئاد
عم نيعطاقتم مهلكو نيترئادو عبرم لخاد ةطقنال نا ظحال
يف طحن لكش يلع رودنه dotعبرمو نيترئاد عطقت ثيحب
ل!!كشال ي!!فال!ا ن!!كمم! ريغ! اذهوe
- 34 -
Harry: H
Larry: L
Carrie: C
H = 1 1/3 L → H=4/3C →1
L = 1 1/3 C → L = 4/3 C →C=3/4L →2
H + L + C = 74 →3
1,2 in 3 →4/3L+L+3/4L=74 →L=24, C=18, H=32
- 36 -
m+g=33 1
a+c=95 2
s+m=72 3
m+c=87 4
s+g=73 5
1 !هلدا!عمال ن !م
m=33-g 6
3! هلدا!عمال ن !م6هلدا!عمال ي!!ف
s-g=39 7
7 ن!!يتلدا!عمال عمجب5و
s=56 8
- 37 -
g=17 9
1 ! هلدا!عمال ن !م9هلدا!عمال ي!!ف
m=16 10
4 هلداعمال نم10 هلداعمال يف
c=71 11
2 ! هلدا!عمال ن !م11هلدا!عمال ي!!ف
a=95-71=24 12
12! ت!!!الدا!عمال ن !م7و8و9و10و11و
Mary 16, George 17, Alice 24, Stephen 56, Claire 71
Sol is D
- 38 -
ي!!ف!مأ ة!يوشن!!يميال ة!يحانس!!وقل!!ك ل!!وط دوز ي!!طعمال ال!ثمال ي!!فهنا هلمع! ي!!لال ل!!كSol is A:
دوزنه! ال!ؤسال ا
ةيوش المشال ةيحان لوطال
دحاو هاجتا يف نوكت مزال ةدايزال نا اوظحال
ططخمالو دوسالا و ةدا!سال ض!!يبالا ل!!دا!بيبو ةرم! ل!!ك ي!!فة!جرد 45دوزبSol is A:
- 39 -
C: each line across and down contains five black dots and four white dots
ءاضيب طقن عبرأو ءادوس طقن سمخ يلع يوتحي يقفاو يسار فص لك ينعي
C: each row and column contains six complete lines and s
- 40 -
Jack is twice as old as Jill, but in five years time he will only be one and a half
times as old. How old are Jack and Jill now?
Jack age before 5 years: x
Jill age before 5 years: y
X+5=1.5*(y+5) →x=10, y=5
Now: x=10+5=15, y=5+5=10
John twelve years old is three times as old as his brother How old will John be when
he is twice as old as his brother?
answer is 16
John age = x = 12
Brother age = y
X=3y →y=4
- 41 -
able, rot, son, king
Which word below shares a common feature with all the
words above?
line, sit, take, hope, night
take: all words can be prefixed with PAR to form another word – parable, parrot, parson,
parking, partake;
Emile made some waffles. He ate one and gave half the remainder to his brother
Robbie. After eating another one he was left with 2. This means that he made 8
a. True
b. False
هباجالاb. false
Let no. of waffles = x
1/2*(x-1)-1 = 2 →x=7
Answer B
Walter is taller than Scott, and Scott's little brother is taller than Roger. Since Walter
is not the tallest one of the four, then Scott's little brother must be tallest.
a. True
b. False
As W>S →then S is not the tallest one
As Sbrother>R →then R is not the tallest one
Given W is not the tallest one
Hence S, R & W are not the tallest one →Sbrother is the tallest one
Five horses, two people, three dogs and seven chickens have a total of fifty-two legs.
a. True
b. False
- 43 -
ىجوز مقر نوكي ليحتسم تاباجألا نم ىا كلوقيب حضاو ىقبي ناشلع الؤسال
3-5= -2
4-5 = -1
2*4 = 8
- 44 -
A rancher is constructing a fence by stringing wire between posts 20 feet apart. If the
? fence is 400 feet long, how many posts must the rancher use
a. 18
b. 19
c. 20
d. 21
e. 22
- 45 -
Lisa was both the 16th highest and 16th lowest in her mid term exam. Therefore her
class had 32 students.
a. True
b. False
There're 15 students before Lisa, and there are 15 students after, including Lisa the
total no. of students is 15+15+1=31
3182596 is to 65283
and 6742835 is to 53476
?therefore 7496258 is to
65283 ------------------------------------- 3182596
53476 -------------------------------------- 6742835
ينيدم وه يتقولد ىقبي
اهلباقم زياعو
85647 ----------------------------------7496258
- 46 -
Alf has four times as many as Jim, and Jim has three times as
many as Sid. Altogether they have 192. How many has each?
Alf: A, Jim: J, Sid: S
A=4J, J=3S, A+J+S=192 →alf=144 jim=36 sid=12
Sol: B,
In each line and column, each of the three outer rings is shaded black
Ans: Professional
- 47 -
If you purchased an item for 64 cents and you receive
in change from your one dollar bill, which kind of c
you receive the most of? (Dollar=100 cents, Nickel=5 cents
Quarter=25 cents, Cent=10 Pennies)
a. Penny
b. Nickel
c. Dime
d. Quarter
e. Half-Dollar
64 ي!!نعيCent 64 !ح ي!!رتشيب!!!ح دحاو ن!!ا ل!!وقيبا!نه
شرق, عئابال ىطعا1 $ يز1 هالدا عئابال هينج5 مع
ألسيب انه وه رالودال يقاب نع5 م نوكيه يد تالمعال
(تارشع الوQuarter) (عابرا الوhalf) عي فاصنأ
يقابال بيطNickel) تاسمخ ا لو (شورق سمخ تانلش
36 cent=64cent - $ 1 كيض!!ورفمال
* 3 ا!ندنع! ن!!وكيه! ن!!ال )ةزيربDimes ي
( عم! ن!!وكيه! ى!!قب
ال واcent h اوقبي )نلش35 مهيلع دوزنوNickel
( ناك ام يزthe most of) هلك يقابال اندخا ادك ىقبي
5 اوعلط3 ! ل!!صا ن !مDime -------أل!سيب
My watch was correct at noon, after which it started to lose 17 minutes per
hour until six hours ago it stopped completely. It now shows the time as 2.52
p.m. What time is it now?
12:00 pm →correct
Lose 17m/hr ----until---→6 hrs ago stop completely
it shows now: 2.52 →this means that from 6 hrs ago the time was 2.52
12 pm →1 pm →
+43 → +43 →
It shows: 12 pm →12:43 →
Hence at 4 pm it stops (before 6 hrs from now) →so time now is 4+6
- 48 -
- 49 -
- 50 -
B: it contains one dot in one circle, one dot in two circles and one dot in
three circles
- 52 -
B: the left side containsthe same symbols as the right side but with
black/white reversa
E: it contains exactly the same symbols as the original
- 53 -
0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 16, ?
What number should replace the question mark?
20 →Increase 1 1 2 2 3344
4: looking across at the three circles, the number in the middle is the product of the two
numbers in the same segment in the other two circles.
Sol: 888, 890
→multiply by 3 then add 2
- 54 -
Add 27 each time
اذكهو ةتالت توفيو فرح دخاي مث نينتا توفيو فرح دخاي مث دحاو توفيو فرح دخاي
ة!يناثال ي!!ف 1دوزيو ي!!لوالا ي!!ف 2ص!!قني)26 →2 series no. (8 6 4 2) & (3 4 5 6
ة!يناثال ي!!ف 1ص!!قنيو ي!!لوالا ي!!ف 3ص!!قني)03 →2 series no. (9 6 3 0) & (6 5 4 3
- 55 -
Sol is B
1st row →a b c d e f
2nd row →e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s
3rd row →j k l m n o p q r s
- 56 -
6: the total sum of the numbers in each column alternates 20, 30, 20, 30,
20, 30
Increase step is 1.25→1.5 →1.75 →2 →2.25 and so on
F: the circle becomes a square and the four white squares become
white circles, 'X' remain as 'X'
- 57 -
- 58 -
Sol: A
The left col sum is 22, the last col sum is 82
We need to make the sum of Col's from left to right: 22 42 62 82
The 2nd col from left need 13 to be 42 sum
2: the total of the numbers in the shaded section in each hexagon is half
the total of the remaining numbers
- 59 -
The number 25 is the next logical number in the following sequence of numbers:
5, 7, 10, 14, 19.
a. True
b. False
Evil won
- 60 -
1 1وه! مقر ل!!وا-
2 2!!عض وه! مقر ي!!نات
5 3ي!!ناتوه! مقر ت!!!الت
- 61 -
Substitute in (1) for in (2)
is the time for the 2nd part,
The 1st part of the trip took 3 hours
The 2nd part took 2 hrs and 45 min
Two ropes are together 275 yards long. One rope is 50% longer than the other. How
long are the ropes?
- 62 -
Bailey paid the bank $127.20 every month to repay principal on her
loan plus 6% interest. How much was the principal repayment?
An item cost $82.40 including a 3% tax. What was the cost of the
item itself?
Let x is the item cost?
X+0.03x=82.4 →get x
if a dvd player originally sold for $80 and was reduced 30%
for a sale, what was the reduced price?
(a) $24
(b) $240
(c) $56
(d) $5.60
- 63 -
(c) $69,000
(d) $96,000
120,000 $ →original price
paid price (left to finance) = original price – deduction ratio
= 120,000 - 120,000*20/100 = 96,000$
23. 1, 101, 15, 4, 29, –93, 43, –190, ?
What number should replace the question mark?
57: there are two alternate sequences: +14, –97
- 65 -
مهنم نم ددحت نأ بجي لب يفكي ال نينثا رايتخا لوألا ب
وه قرطال ددع يالتالبو ةيمهأ بيترتلل كل
ةقيرطب اهمسقنه
is odd.
رخآ لح
r a sale. The price of the t-shirt should be
be sold again at the original price.
a. True
b. False
! داا25% ! ن!!اا!م80 ي!!!اا!ه! ي!!اا!!ال20 ع!اا!جريt-shirt ن!!ا ض!!رتفا
ل!!حال8= 1-9=3*3 :
3968 =1-3969=63*63
ةحيحص ةباجالا اذا
ن!!مزال*ة!عرسال = ة!ف
5 مه! ة!لعال ف!!!ورح ن!!أ ظحال
حص ديكا ادو ضعب شوفرعيم 3وا باحصا 3هي
1st store →.5x - 1= 30 →x = 62
اهلك اهصلخو تالحم سمخ ىلع اهفرصو هداليم ديع
هاعم ىلال لك صلخ رخالا ىفو رالود 1هيلع ةدايزو
رالود نامك مهيلع دوزيو رالود 1مهصن نال ءالود 2هاع
هدك صالخ
رالود 2هاعم ناك لحم رخ
رالود 6هاعم ناك ىنعي 2ىف برضنو رالود فيض
هاعم! ن!!اك ت!!!التال ل!!بق(6
هاعم! ن!!اك ى!!ناتال
هاعم! ن!!اك ل!!والا
رخآ لح
4 , بيعكت 3 , بيعكت , 2بيعكت1
ة;باجالا ا;ىقبي125
n pieces by making only four diameter cuts
h its center.
a. True
b. False
ىف ىقبيه ناشع حص ادو فصتنمالب رمت راطقا 4مسرت كنا
ةعبس نم رتكا الق وهو
? ed to helen, ruth, or tammy
ol is E:
لئاسمال لك ىف امئاد قوف ىلال ىساسال
عطاقتي عبرمال نا دجنو رئاود 3و عبرم هلخادب ىس
ىرخا هيحان نم هرئاد عمو
لكش وه كلذ ىال برقا تارايتخالا نم لكش برقا كلذ
اذكه لئاسمال مظع
ضعب عم نيعطاقتم مهلكو نيترئادو
ال هيف طحن لكش يلع رودنه dot
ل!!كشال ي!!فال!ا ن!!كمم!
mbined age of me and my two
t will it be in five years time
ى!!قبيه! ن!!ينس 8ل!!الخ ى!!فهدالو ن!!ينتا
ى!!قبيه! مه!رمع! ى!!نعسي 9ح!رطنى!!قبيدحاو ل!!ك ن !م! ن!!ينس
ب;;اتك ي;;فة;باجالا ن;;ا ظحال Book_of_IQ_Testsي;;فة;ب
mum number that needs to be taken away in
olid cube with none left over
ىد تابعكمال عومجم نم بعكم مهيب لمعي
ى!!نعيل!!ود ن !م! ت!!!ابعكم! 27ب ب!!!عكم! ل
بيعكت 4وا بيعكت 3ىنعي مقر بعكم
عافترالا ىز لوطال ىز
الثم 64وا لود نم بعكم 27ب
مهنم دحاو 27ب عفني ىقبي س
بعكم 59-27=32ليشن
ةتالت نيدعبو نينتا نيدعبو دحاو دوزيب هيقالنه نيميلل المشال نم فوفصال
ال!ثم! ف!!!صل!!وأ ي!!نعمب7=3+4 ،4=2+2 ،2=1+1
دحاو نيدعبو نينتا نيدعبو ةثالث دوزيب هيقالنه تحتل قوف نم ةدمعالا يش
ال!مشال ن !م! ل!!والا دومعال ال!ثم!7=1+6 ،6=2+4 ،4=3+1 :
وه! ل!!حال ن!!وكيه! ةدمعالاو ف!!!وفصال ي!!قابي!!لع! ق!!بطنه! D
ططخمالو دو
t one
ةيار 21جا
دحاو ك
ةدمعا وا تايار
ةيار 21جا
دحاو ك
ةدمعا وا تايار اد لكشالب
س30= 5*5+
س= 5
mes as
er rings is shaded black once
64 cents and you received five coins
llar bill, which kind of coin would
00 cents, Nickel=5 cents, Dime=10 cents,
)nts, Cent=10 Pennies
. Penny
. Nickel
. Dime
ا!هرعسة!نيعم! ة!جاح ي!!رتشيب!!!ح دحاو
ةرابع ةيندعم تالمع 5هالدا عئابال هين
نع ةرابع اهمظعم نوكيه يد تالمعال 5
رالود فصن ينعي فاصنأ )(halfعا
(زيارب) Dimeتاسمخ ا لو (شورق
ن!!وكيض!!ورفمال t - $ 1
ي mes ت!!!المع! س!!مخال مظعم! ن!!وكيه! ى!!قب (
مهيلع دوزنو Nickel (10مهيلع دوز
pennyهمظعم يال هلك يقابال اندخا ادك
علطيه! أل!سيبDime -------
p completely
ago the time was 2.52
-وه! مقر ل!!وا1 1
-ى!!قبيدحاوال ف!!!عض وه! مقر ي!!نات2 2
-ى!!قبيهتالتهيلع! ع!ومجم! مقر ي!!ناتوه! مقر ت!!!الت5 3
-وهو هلق!!باس
-هيال ا!فاضم! هلق!!باسال
-س!!يلو 58ن!!وكيي!!ا 29ال! ف!!!عض