Subjective Questions-Employability Skills

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Grade 10 (2020-21)
Subjective questions

Communication Skills

1.  List the different types of verbal communication. Include examples for

each verbal communication type.
Ans. The table illustrates the different types of verbal communication:
2.  What do you mean by feedback? Let’s take a scenario. Radha is your co-worker.
Together you are making a report on how to manage the waste in your store. Since she
has not completed her work on time, the whole report has got delayed and the manager
has given you both a warning. Write down the feedback you would like to give your
workers on time management. Try to keep the feedback specific and polite.
Ans. Feedback is the final component and one of the most important factors in the process of
communication since it is defined as the response given by the receiver to the sender.
F  eedback to Radha

You are a great asset to the team. You are very professional and focused on your work. Despite
the difficult deadlines for the report on how to manage the waste in your store, you maintain a
positive attitude. You respond to problems without getting angry or frustrated. Whenever you
have free time I see you studying or looking over someone’s shoulder trying to troubleshoot a
problem. It would benefit the entire department if you paid more attention to the delivery time.

3..  Write down the common communication barriers you may come across when you move
to a new city or country.
Ans. The common  communication barriers a person may come across when the move to a
new city or country are:
P  hysical Barriers: Physical barriers are the environmental and natural conditions that act as a
barrier in communication. For example, text messages are often less effective than face-to-face
L  inguistic Barriers: The inability to communicate using a language is known as language
barrier to communication. Language barriers are the most common communication barriers, it
leads to misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the message. For example slang,
professional jargon.
I nterpersonal Barriers: Barriers to interpersonal communication occur when the sender’s
message is received differently from how it was intended. It is also very difficult to
communicate with someone who is not willing to talk or express their feelings and views.
O  rganisational Barriers: Organisations are designed on the basis of formal hierarchical
structures that follow performance standards, rules and regulations, procedures, policies,
behavioural norms, etc. Superior-subordinate relationships in a formal organisational structure
can be a barrier to the free flow of communication.
C  ultural Barriers: Cultural barriers is when people of different cultures are unable to
each other’s customs, resulting in inconveniences and difficulties. People sometimes make
stereotypical assumptions about others based on their cultural background, this leads to a
difference in opinions and can be a major barrier to effective communication.

4.  Which is your favourite food, dish or cuisine? Write two paragraphs about your
favourite food, dish or cuisine. Make sure you follow all the rules about sentences and
paragraphs you have learnt.
Ans. I am very foodie. I love to eat. Among the number of foods, Pizza is my favourite food
because it tastes and smells fabulous. My Mom cooks the best Pizzas in the world. I always
ask her to make Pizza.
In Pizzas, I love onion cheese Pizza a lot. This is because cheese pizza is healthy and makes
me strong. To create fun we also organize pizza races in terms of who can eat the maximum
number of pizzas. I can eat many pizzas at a time.

5) Explain how writing can help in effective communication?

Writing is a form of communication that allows students to put their feelings and ideas
on paper, to organize their knowledge and beliefs into convincing arguments, and to
convey meaning through well-constructed text.

6) Define phrases? What are the different types of phrases?

Phrases- Phrases are a group of words that work together to communicate an element of
The following figure represents the different types of phrases

a) Prepositional Phrase
b) Appositive phrase
c) Participial Phrase
d) Gerund Phrase
e) Infinitive phrase

7) What is a sentence?
A set of words that is complete, typically containing a subject and predicate,
conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause
and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.
There are four kinds of sentences in the English language.
1. Imperative- gives a command (.)
2. Declarative- makes a statement (.)
3. Interrogative- asks a question (?)
4. Exclamatory- expresses strong feeling (!)
8 ) Define Parts of speech?
A category to which a word is assigned in accordance with its syntactic
functions. In English the main parts of speech are noun, pronoun, adjective, determiner,
verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.
9) What is a paragraph?
A paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized and coherent, and are all related
to a single topic.

10) What is communication barrier?

A communication barrier is thus anything that prevents us from receiving and
understanding the messages others use to convey their information, ideas and
11) Describe some common barriers to effective communication which we must avoid?

a) Second guessing the sender: We do this when we are impatient with the speaker and are
in a hurry to finish the sentence for the speaker. It takes away from the speaker the
opportunity to compete what was being said.
b) Stereotyping: We often form stereotypes about those whom we know the least! Once our
mental sets are created, all our transactions are affected by these sets, preventing us from
effective listening.
c) Halo effect: This is another form of stereotyping. Based on a single characteristic we make
up our mind usually positively about the other person. We may like someone's mannerisms or
passion while speaking and get so impressed that are unable to see any negatives in this person
D. Not listening as a status or gender issue: Studies have shown that men listen much less
than women do.

12) Write some methods of handling miscommunication and misunderstanding?

a) The first step in fixing miscommunication is understanding where things go wrong.
b) Finding creative ways to communicate despite barriers builds problem-solving skills

13) What is a Feedback?

Feedback is a consequence of performance. Feedback plays an important part in

communication because it tells both the source and the receiver, how their message are
being interpreted
14) What are the Types of feedback?
1. Descriptive feedback is specific information, in the form of written comments or
verbal conversations, that help the learner understand what she or he needs to do in order
to improve
2. Specific Feedback provides detailed or specific information on what the student did
well or not so well.
3. General feedback on the other hand is very non-specific, such as “good job” or “you
did great.”

15) What are the 7’C of communication. Explain them (imp)

Ans The 7Cs of Communication provide a checklist for making sure that your meetings, emails,
conference calls, reports, and presentations are well constructed and clear –so your audience gets
your message. 
1. Be Clear - Begin every message by asking the question, “What is the purpose of this
communication?” This will enable you to make the objective of your communication clear to the
recipient. Clarity is also about avoiding the use of complex words, sentences, and fuzzy
language. It is important that you clearly communicate the intended information to the recipient.
You must be able to explain a concept several ways and answer clarifying questions about the

2. Be concise - Make your message brief and to the point. To help make your communications
more concise, avoid going over the same point several times, and avoid the use of filler words,
sentences, and over wordy expressions. 

3. Be Concrete - Concrete communication is about being specific and clear rather than vague,
obscure, and general. To be more concrete use sentences that cannot be misinterpreted. Include
supporting facts and figures to underscore your message, but don‟t allow anything that detracts
from the focus of your message. 

4. Be Correct - Incorrect information doesn‟t help anyone and it does your credibility no good.
Ensure that: Your message is typo-free; your facts and figures are correct and you are using the
right level of language. Being correct first time will both save you time and boost your
credibility. A correct message will also have a greater impact on the recipient than an incorrect

5. Be Coherent - Does your message make sense? Does it flow logically from one sentence to
the next? To ensure that your communication is coherent: Check that each sentence flows
logically from one to the next and check that you haven‟t tried to cover too many points or been
distracted by side issues. 

6. Be Complete - Your message must contain all the necessary information to achieve the
desired response. To ensure that your message is complete think about questions the receiver
might think of as they receive your message. Address these questions. Ensure you have included
a call to action so that your audience knows exactly what you expect them to do next. 
7. Be Courteous - Be polite. You‟re more likely to get what you want from your communication
if you are courteous, as courtesy builds goodwill. Check that your message is polite, shows
respect for the feelings of the receiver, and is tactful. Make your message brief and to the point. 

Entrepreneurial Skills
1. Define the following terms
a. Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is the creation of sustainable solutions for social problems that
leads to social change by employing entrepreneurial mindset, processes, and operations.
Many social problems are tackled by social entrepreneurs such as low reach of quality
education, health and sanitation, unemployment, child labour etc.
b. Agricultural Entrepreneurship
Agricultural Entrepreneurship can be defined as being primarily related to the marketing
and production of inputs and products used in agricultural activities. Farmers have
benefited the most with rise in agricultural entrepreneurship as it has led to low-cost
innovations in farming processes.
c. Women Entrepreneurship
Women entrepreneurship is referred to the entrepreneurial activity led by women,
where women undertake risks, create enterprises, organize factors of production,
innovate with products/services and generate employment opportunities.
d. Small Scale Entrepreneurship
Small scale entrepreneurship refers to starting industries in which manufacturing, trading,
providing services, productions are done on a small scale or micro scale. These businesses
serve as the backbone of many developing countries.

2. Discuss about the qualities you have, or you want to develop to become a successful
a) Hard work: Without working hard, no entrepreneur can be successful.
b) Optimism: Positivity and belief in what they do is what takes entrepreneurs far in their
c) Independence: Entrepreneurs are confident and like the freedom to take decisions.
d) Energetic: Drive and energy is always high in successful entrepreneurs which makes them
extremely proactive
e) Self-confident: Belief in one’s own vision and abilities and passion for the goal makes
successful entrepreneurs confident.
f) Perseverant: A way of thinking that helps to accept failure, learn from mistakes, not give up,
continuously experiment etc. is crucial for an entrepreneur. Hence, entrepreneurs need to
be perseverant in their pursuit

3. Classify the different functions of an entrepreneur?

a) Entrepreneurial functions
i. Organization Building and Management: Organization building is about bringing together
different factors of production and allocating these resources to bring down costs and losses.
ii. Risk taking: Risk taking is about taking responsibility and planning for a loss or mishap that
may occur in the future due to unforeseen contingencies.
iii. Innovation: Entrepreneurs innovate by introducing new concepts, products, services,
designs, ideas etc.
b) Promotional functions
i. Idea Discovery: The first step towards entrepreneurship is discovery of a business idea.
ii. Detailed Investigation: While coming up with ideas can seem like an easy process, the
challenge is to understand if the idea has the potential to turn into a viable business venture.
iii. Assembling the Requirements: Some basic business requirements include infrastructure or
office space, human resources, key vendors, or partners, working capital etc.
iv. Financing: Raising capital for a business is one of the core functions that entrepreneurs
perform themselves, not just at the initial stage of the business, but even to grow and scale the
c) Managerial functions
i. Planning: An entrepreneur documents a business idea in the form of a business plan, to detail
each element of the business such as product or service description, operations, marketing,
finance, accounting, growth plan etc.
ii. Organizing: Organizing in the managerial context refers to setting specific and attainable
goals and objectives to be achieved by different departments and by each employee.
iii. Directing: Directing is about initiating planned action and ensuring that each employee is
performing effectively.
iv. Staffing: Staffing refers to different sub-processes around human resource management, such
as manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, training, transfer, salary, promotion,
payroll, appraisal etc.
v. Leadership: Leadership is more of a skill than a function for an entrepreneur as he or she
must lead, guide, and supervise people who work for the business.
vi. Communication: Communication enables exchange of feelings, ideas, emotions,
information, and knowledge between two or more persons.
vii. Supervision: Supervision is a key skill as even overseeing that things are being executed
well is important.
viii. Motivation: Along with guiding employees, an entrepreneur also plays a role of motivating
them and encouraging positive behavior and culture within the organization.
ix. Co-ordination: Co-ordination between different departments of the business helps to ensure
that work happens in a timely manner.
x. Controlling: Sometimes controlling is necessary for the entrepreneur to set company rules
and policies.
xi. Negotiation: An entrepreneur negotiates terms and conditions for many parts of the business
such as payment terms and timelines, salaries of employees, vendor quotations.
d) Commercial Functions
i. Production and Operations: Depending on whether it is a service business or product
business, an entrepreneur must perform the function of managing production or operations
ii. Finance and Accounting: While finance is more focused on raising funds and managing
accounting helps to record and analyze the financial position of the business
iii. Marketing: Marketing is about moving the product or service from producer into the hands
of the end customer or user.
iv. Human Resource Management: Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to
recruitment, employment, selection, training, development, and compensation of the employees
with an organization.

4. Explain the different roles of entrepreneurs?

i. Innovator’s Role: Entrepreneurs innovate by bringing unique and new products and services
into the market.
ii. Agent’s role: Entrepreneurs act as ‘Agents of Change’ as they identify opportunities, solve
problems, offer effective solutions, establish enterprises, set up industries and bring positive
change for the economy.
iii. Coordinating role: An entrepreneur coordinates many things such as factors of production,
delegated tasks, smooth functioning across different business departments, timely delivery of
inputs and outputs etc.
iv. Risk assumption role: Entrepreneurs are not risk aversive and they realize that taking risks is
a part of business.
v. Capital formation role: Mobilization of idle savings takes place when money is invested in a
vi. Imitating role: In many developing countries, entrepreneurs either imitate or adapt the
innovations of developed nations.
vii. Employment Generation role: Businesses cannot function without employing people.
viii. Status transformation role: Since more and more people are employed by entrepreneurs,
overall income and standard of living of the society increases.
ix. Balancing role: Entrepreneurship is encouraged with small and micro enterprises and small-
scale industries as well.

5. Write some misconceptions/myths of entrepreneurship?

i. Every business idea needs to be unique or special.
ii. Person needs a lot of money to start a business.
iii. A person having a big business is an entrepreneur.
iv. Entrepreneurs are born, not made.
v. Great ideas are what makes entrepreneurs
vi. Entrepreneurs must take a lot of risk
vii. Businesses either skyrocket or fail
viii. One must know everything before starting a business

6. Write a note on entrepreneurship as career option?

i. Nurtures development of entrepreneurial skills and capabilities: Entrepreneurship
unique skills and encourages outside the box thinking. It instils confidence, creates
opportunity, offers solutions and stimulates the economy.
ii. Enables application of an entrepreneurial mindset: Entrepreneurial mindset and skills are
not necessarily only relevant to becoming an entrepreneur, but also in any field. Even the top
employability skills of today are basically entrepreneurial skills.

7. List the ways in which an entrepreneur affects a society.

Ans. The ways in which an entrepreneur affects society are:

F ulfil Customer Needs.

U se Local Materials: Entrepreneurs use the material and people available around them, to
make products at low cost.
H elp Society: They make profits through activities that benefit society. Some entrepreneurs
work towards saving the environment, some give money to build schools and hospitals. This
way, the people and area around them becomes better.
C reate Jobs

S haring of Wealth: As entrepreneurs grow their business, the people working for them and in
related businesses also grow.

L ower Price of Products: As more entrepreneurs sell the same product, the price of the
product goes down. For example, when more mobile phones were getting sold in India, the
cost of the phone became lesser.

8. What do you think are the important functions of an entrepreneur? Write your answer
giving suitable examples.
Ans. The functions of an entrepreneur are:

M aking Decisions: An entrepreneur makes decisions everyday. This includes what to

produce or sell, how much and where to sell.
M anaging the Business: An entrepreneur plans the future of his or her business. He/she
arranges for raw material, hires people for work and tells everyone what to do. They also check
if the plan is being followed.

D ivide Income: The entrepreneur divides the business money into many groups. He/she

money to buy material, pays rent of the building and salaries to people.

T aking Risk: Risk is the chance of something going wrong. An entrepreneur takes risks
against fires, lost items and theft.

C reate a new Method, Idea or Product: An entrepreneur is always trying new things.
does this to increase their importance and income.

9. What is the difference between a misconception and reality? Give an example. Ans. The
difference between misconception and reality are:

M isconception: A myth, or a misconception, is a false belief or opinion about something. For

example, if we think tall people run faster than short people, we have a misconception. It is not
true. The truth is that short people can also run fast.

R eality: Reality is the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or

might be imagined. In other words reality includes everything that is and has been, whether or
not it is observable or comprehensible.
1. What is the function of the ENTER key?
Ans. The label on this key can be either ENTER or RETURN, depending on the brand of
computer. The ENTER or the RETURN key is used to move the cursor to the beginning of a new
line. In some programs, it is used to confirm the work which is being done.

2. How will you prevent others from using your computer?

Ans. To prevent computers from being used by unauthorized persons it must be locked when the
users are not working on it. This will ensure that no unauthorised person can see or make
changes to our information without taking our permission. To make sure the computer is locked,
the login-IDs and passwords must be created. A login ID and password is like a key to the lock
which allows the user to use the computer only if the entered login ID and password match with
the computer database. Once finished the work, the user must log out or sign out so that no one
else can see the work.
3. How is a computer file system similar to our physical file system in a school?
Ans. In any school, each teacher has a separate cabinet where they keep the files of different
students or classes on separate shelves. Similarly, information on a computer is stored in
electronic files, which can be put into separate folders. It is easier to manage the electronic files
as they can be simply copied, moved, renamed or even deleted.
4. What are the steps you will perform to save a text file in Ubuntu?
Ans. The steps to save a text file in Ubuntu are:
1) Click on the Save button.
2) The Save As dialog box appears.
3) Browse to the Desktop folder, where you want to save a file.
4) Type the name of the file.
5) Click on Save.
5. Explain how to clean a computer on a daily basis. Ans. The ways to clean a computer on
a daily basis are:
(i) Keyboard: Clean a keyboard with a soft brush to remove crumbs and dust particles.
(ii) Screen: Wipe the screen with a soft cloth to remove any finger marks.
(iii) Be careful with food and drinks: Avoid eating and keeping glasses of water or cups of
coffee near a computer.
(iv) Handle devices carefully: Handle and move your laptop carefully and avoid dropping or
banging it against a hard surface.
(v) Keep the computer cool: 
(vi) Do not overcharge your battery
(vii) Always plug in devices carefully
(viii) Do not run too many programs at a time
6. How can you increase the performance of a computer?
Ans. The ways to increase the performance of a computer are:
1) Uninstall unnecessary software
2) Limit the programs at startup
3) Add more RAM to your PC
4) Check for spyware and viruses
5) Use Disk Cleanup and defragmentation
6) Consider a startup SSD
7. Explain how Trojan Horse virus works.
Ans. A Trojan horse, or Trojan, is a type of malicious code or software that looks legitimate but
can take control of your computer. It is designed to harm your computer without knowing you. It
can steal the data, manage or change the data by itself. This will harm your computer or network.
8. List the various ways you can use to protect your data.
Ans. The various ways to protect our data from theft and viruses are:
(a) Use passwords to login to your computer
(b) Install Anti-virus and Firewall
(c) Encrypt Data
(d) Secure sites.

9. What is an Operating system?

Ans. An operating system is the basic software that controls the computer. It serves as an
interface between the user and the computer

10. What are the different types of Operating system?

Ans. The different types of operating system are:

∙ DOS DOS (Disk Operating System)
∙ Windows It is an operating system developed by Microsoft.
∙ Linux It is an operating system designed for personal computers. It is a free and
open-source software
∙ Mobile operating Systems
a) Android
b) Symbian
c) Windows Phone
d) IOS

11. Describe any 4 functions of an operating system?

Ans. Some of the functions of Operating system are:

• It manages all the devices of a computer and keeps trac of the status of the device, whether it is
busy or not.
• It also checks whether the device is functioning properly or not.
• It also controls software resources of the computer.
• t manages the computer memory and eeps trac of which memory space is in use by which
program and which space is free.
• It manages the structure of the files and directories on a computer system.
• It keeps trac of the amount of dis space used by a specific file.
• It allows you to create, copy, move and delete files.
12.What is the difference between real time & distributes OS?
Ans. A real time operating system is used to control machinery, scientific instruments, like
robots, in complex animations and computer controlled automated machines. Real time OS
reacts to input within a specific period of time.

A distributed operating system runs on a set of computers that are interconnected by a network.
It combines the different computers in the network into a single integrated computer and storage

13.Define the term File system?

Ans. File system is a way in which you give name to a file, store it and retrieve it. There are
specific naming conventions for naming files or folders, like characters that can be used,
maximum number of characters, etc.
14.Mention the different ways in which you can copy a file?
Ans. 1 using shortcut menu 2.Drag & Drop method 3.Using keyboard.

15. List some of the maintenance activities for the computer system.
Ans. Keep the components of the computer, like keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc. clean.
 Replacing hardware that is not functioning properly
 Keep food items away from the computer
 Cables and chords should not be messed up
 Removing unauthorized software from the computer

16. Why regular disk defragmentation should be done?

Ans. A regular disk defragmentation should be done to remove all unnecessary information that
slows down the computer. Disk defragmentation done at regular intervals helps the disc space to
be used at an optimal level.

17.Write the different ways in which a computer can get infected with virus?
Ans. A computer can get infected with virus in any of the following ways:
∙ Infected files
∙ Infected pen drives
∙ Infected CD-ROMs
∙ Through infected file attachment of e-mails

18. How do we know that our computer is infected with virus?

Ans. Computer runs very slow
∙ There is change in the file size
∙ Computer often stops responding
∙ There is an increase in number of files (unusual)
∙ Unusual error message appears on the screen
∙ Computer restarts on its own

19.List some ways to prevent virus infection?

Ans. Install and use anti-virus software.
∙ Keep anti-virus software updated.
∙ Scan all the files that you download from the Internet
∙ Do not open e-mails of an unknown person/sender

20.What are cookies?

In computing, cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer when you visit a
website on the internet. These files are designed to hold data specific to a particular client and
When you visit a website, it sends a cookie to your computer where it is stored in a file. Only the
website that creates a cookie can read it. Other servers cannot access this information

21. What is a firewall in computing

A computer firewall could be a programmable device or a software or a network security system
that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on user-defined security
The main purpose of a firewall is to reduce or eliminate the occurrence of unwanted network
communications while allowing normal traffic.


1.  What is Stress?
Stress can be defined as our emotional, mental, physical and social reaction to any perceived
demands or threats. These demands or threats are called stressors. Stressors are
the reason for stress.

2. What do you mean by stress management?

Stress Management is about making a plan to be able to cope effectively with daily pressures.
You have to make a suitable plan for your daily life routines so that it would not put hard
pressure on you. If you are not able to manage yourself to the increasing pressure this will led to

3. How stress management helps you?

Stress management can help you to
• have a joyful life.
• focus and complete tasks on time.
• be a happy person as you are stress free.
• be more energetic and spend quality time with your friends and family.

4. What are the 3 steps to manage stress?

Step 1: Be aware that you are stressed
Step 2: Identify what is causing you stress.
Step 3: Apply stress management

5. What are the different stress management techniques?

 Time management
 Physical exercise and fresh air
 Healthy diet
 Positivity
 Organizing academic life; no delaying
 Sleep
 Holidays with family and friends

6. What do you mean by emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the
emotions of others.

Three skills:
 Emotional awareness: the ability to identify and name one’s own emotions.
• Harnessing emotions: the ability to harness and apply emotions to tasks like thinking and
problem solving.
• Managing emotions: the ability to regulate one’s own emotions when necessary and help
others to do the same.

7. What are the steps to manage emotional intelligence?

Steps to manage emotional intelligence are as given below.
• Understand your emotions: Observe your behaviour and note the things you need to work on.
You can then work on the things you need to improve.
• Rationalise: Do not take decisions abruptly; be rational in your thinking.
• Practise: Do meditation and yoga to keep yourself calm.
8. Difference between Interest and Ability
Interests Ability
Things that you like to do in your free time An acquired or natural capacity
that make you happy
Things you are curious about or would do Enable you to perform job or task with
even if no one asked you considerable proficiency.
to do it.
Things you want to learn or would
like to do in the future.

9. What do you mean by Self-Motivation?

It is our ability to do the things that need to be done without someone or something influencing

10. What are the different types of self-motivation?

Types of Motivation are:
Internal Motivation: LOVE We do things because they make us happy, healthy and feel good.
External Motivation: REWARD We do things because they give us respect, recognition, and

11. What are the four steps for building self-motivation in you?
 Find out your strengths-Identify your likes and dislikes.
Set and focus on your goals-Define the goals you want to achieve and focus all your energy to
achieve your goal.
 Develop a plan to achieve your goals-Plan and set timelines to achieve your goals, Plan a
list of activities that you will do to
achieve each goal.
 Stay loyal to your goals-Work towards achieving your goal, even when you are facing
difficult time.

12. .How to Set Goals?

We can use SMART method to set goals.

 Specific
 Measureable
 Achievable : Breaking down big goals into smaller parts will make the goal achievable.
 Realistic : A realistic goal would be something that we want to achieve and can work
 Time bound : A SMART goal should have a timeframe by when the goal needs to be

13. What do you mean by goal setting? What are the benefits of goal setting?
Goal setting : It is all about finding and listing your goals and then planning on how to achieve
 Goals allow you to separate out what’s important.
 It helps you to focus on the end result instead of less important work
14. List the steps for managing time effectively.
Four Steps for Effective Time Management
• We plan our day to-day activities.
• We make a to-do list that has all our activities, and we rank them in the order of importance.
• We have a control over our activities and time.
• We identify and note where we have spent our time.

15. What are the best practices for effective time management?
• Avoid delay or postponing any planned activity
• Organize your room and school desk
• Develop a ‘NO DISTURBANCE ZONE’, where you can sit and complete important tasks
• Use waiting time productively
• Prepare a ‘To-do’ list
• Prioritize
• Replace useless activities with productive activities.

16. Define time management.

Time management is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours of your day well
and do all that you want to do.


1. What is the meaning of sustainable development?

Sustainable development is the development that satisfies the needs of the present without
compromising the capacity of future generations, guaranteeing the balance between economic
growth, care for the environment and social well-being
2. Why do you think the United Nations has made the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?

The 17 SDGs have been made to take care of important issues facing businesses, governments,
and society. Some of these issues are poverty, gender equality, water use, energy, climate change
and biodiversity. Countries are now making policies and regulations that will promote
sustainable systems needed in all economic sectors to provide a
secure, affordable, and sustainable economy.
3. List some ways in which we can use resources sensibly

We can become responsible for our own environment by

a. reusing paper, glass, plastic, water, etc.
b. taking cloth bags to market carrying fruits and vegetables.
c. donate things we do not use such as clothes, books, furniture, food, etc.
d. Buy and eat seasonal fruits and vegetables from local growers.
e. Repair leaking taps and pipes to avoid wasting water.
f. Sort and treat garbage before disposing of.
g. What is the objective of green economy?
4. List the 4Rs’ and 1U of sustainability.
a. Refuse
b. Reduce
c. Reuse
d. Recycle
e. Upcycle
5. Explain the 4Rs’ and 1 U.
a. Refuse: we must first refuse to use products that may harm the environment.
b. Reduce: reduce is the next step, that is minimizing the use of the products that
may cause harm to environment.

c. Reuse: We must reuse these products as far as possible, to reduce the waste
d. Recycle: Next comes recycle. After reusing the product, we must try to recycle it
as far as possible.
e. Upcycle: Any product that is not usable can be upcycled with creativity and
innovation. upcycling of products could be done manually as well as with help of
machines, giving a new look to the old product and making it look desirable.
6. What are the driving forces to promote sustainable development?
a. Protecting and living in harmony with the Nature
b. Considering all human being as equal
c. Promoting good governance
d. Using Science & Technology responsibly
e. Creating healthy, social, and economically viable society
7. Write the 17 sustainable development goals of laid down by UN.
a. No poverty
b. Zero Hunger
c. Good Health and Well Being
d. Quality Education
e. Gender Equality
f. Clean water and Sanitation
g. Affordable and Clean Energy
h. Decent Work and Economic Growth
i. Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
j. Reduced Inequalities
k. Sustainable Cities and Communities
l. Responsible Consumption and Production
m. Climate Action
n. Life Below Water
o. Life on Land
p. Peace, Justice and Strong Institution
q. Partnership for the Goals

8. What are the challenges related to sustainable development?

a. Population
b. Poverty
c. Lack of awareness and sensitivity
d. Loose ends in execution of policies
e. Issues of climate change
9. What are the 5 elements of nature?
a. Prithvi (earth)
b. Agni (fire)
c. Jal (water)
d. Vaayu (air)
e. Aakash (space)

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