Course - Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

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10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Version: Rome

Automated Test Framework


The Automated Test Framework (ATF) is a ServiceNow application to test

within a ServiceNow instance.

Course Information:
The Automated Test Framework (ATF) is a ServiceNow application to
test within a ServiceNow instance. ATF can be used for regression
testing, test driven development, or other ServiceNow testing


Using the Automated Test Framework

In this module, you will use the Automated Test Framework to
create and run tests and test suites. You will also interpret the
results of the tests.


Automated Test Framework Objectives

About This Learning Module

What is the Automated Test Framework?

Tests… 1/141
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Enabling and Running Tests

Viewing Test and Test Step Results

Debugging Tests

Exercise: Run Example Tests

Creating Tests and Adding Test Steps

Exercise: Create a Test

ATF Variables

Using ATF Variables

Exercise: Use an Output Variable

Test Templates

Creating Test Templates

Exercise: Fork Repository and Import Application for the

Using the Automated Test Framework Module

Exercise: Create a Branch for Using the Automated Test


Exercise: Create a Test Template… 2/141
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Exercise: Create Tests from a Template

Asserting Test Success

Exercise: Assert Test Success

Test Suites

Creating Test Suites

Running Test Suites

Rerunning Test Suites

Exercise: Create and Run a Test Suite

Exercise: Add a Test to the NeedIt App Test Suite

Parameterized Tests

Creating Parameterized Tests

Exercise: Create Parameterized Tests


Create a Schedule

Scheduled Client Test Runners… 3/141
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Scheduled Test Notifications

Exercise: Create and Run a Schedule

Exercise: Save Your Using the Automated Test Framework

Work (Optional)

Test Your Automated Test Framework Knowledge

Using the Automated Test Framework Module Recap

After Completing Using the Automated Test Framework, You

Might Also Be Interested In...

Using the Automated Test


Automated Test Framework

In this module, you will learn to use the Automated Test Framework
(ATF) to:

Create and run tests

Enable running of tests and test suites
Add and configure test steps
Run tests
View and interpret test results
Determine if a client test runner is required for test execution… 4/141
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Use output variables from a test step as input variables in another

test step
Create and use test templates for increased test development
Create test suites
Run test suites
View and interpret test suite results
Create schedules for running test suites
Add users to scheduled suite watch lists
Select a browser and/or OS for scheduled suite execution for
suites containing client-side test steps
View and interpret scheduled test suite email reports

About This Learning Module

IMPORTANT: The content in this learning module was last updated for the

Rome ServiceNow release.

Various examples are used on the concept pages in this learning

module. You do not need to attempt to recreate the examples. You will
develop the NeedIt application in the hands-on exercises. Exercises
are indicated in three ways:

Exercise icon in the Navigation pane.

Exercise icon and the word Exercise at the top of the page.
The word Exercise or the word Challenge in the page title.… 5/141
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The NeedIt application allows users to request services from multiple

departments. You will use source control to begin with all NeedIt
application files needed for this learning module.

What is the Automated Test

The Automated Test Framework (ATF) is a ServiceNow application
used to automate the testing of applications, customizations, and

Test driven development: Testing while developing new

Regression testing: Business logic testing
Regular checkups: Part of routine checks for ServiceNow
Miscellaneous testing: Any other use case where testing is

Use ATF to test:

Service Catalog in Service Portal

Application Navigator
Service Catalog
Custom UI
List and Related List
Forms in Service Portal
Responsive Dashboards

For example, before an upgrade, Beth Anglin is able to create records

in the NeedIt table. After an upgrade, use ATF to determine if Beth can
still create NeedIt table records.… 6/141
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An ATF test is an automated, ordered sequence of steps in
ServiceNow. Steps define the actions to take and the order in which
they execute. ATF executes the steps and reports the status of each
step as well as the overall status of the test.

ATF provides examples of tests for a variety of different actions. To

see the list of sample tests, use the Application Navigator to open
Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Tests.

The Open an Existing Record Test

The Open an Existing Record test is an example test that opens a
record then asserts some values. The steps in the Open an Existing
Record test are:

1. Impersonate the ATF user

2. Open the ATF user form… 7/141
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3. Validate values on the form

ATF takes screenshots of client-side steps. Developers can view the

screenshots when examining test results.

If a user were to manually perform these steps, they would do these


Step 1 - Impersonate the ATF User

Step 2 - Open the ATF User Form… 8/141
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Step 3 - Verify Values in the User Record Fields

Although it is possible for a user to manually perform the test, ATF

automates test steps, saving time and preventing human errors.

Enabling and Running Tests

ATF tests take action on a ServiceNow instance. To prevent accidental
execution of tests, test execution is disabled by default.… 9/141
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Click the link in a test record to enable running tests, or use the
Application Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) >
Administration > Properties.

IMPORTANT: As with all testing, run ATF tests only on development or testing

instances. Running ATF in production is neither recommended nor supported.

To execute an ATF test on-demand, open the test record, then click
the Run Test button.… 10/141
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If the test steps include client-side actions such as opening a form, the
test executes in a client test runner. A client test runner is the runtime
environment for client-side tests. The client test runner executes the
test steps as a specific user using the browser (for example, Chrome
or Firefox) in which the client test runner is launched.

If desired, watch the test progress in the client test runner.… 11/141
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NOTE: Client tests execute faster when the client test runner is the foreground

window or tab.

When the client test runner finishes executing the current test, it briefly
displays the text Finished text execution, reporting result then returns
to saying Waiting for a test to run. The client test runner remains active
and waits for another test to run. Closing the browser tab terminates
the client test runner. ATF administrators manage client test runners
using the Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Administration > All
Test Runners module.… 12/141
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IMPORTANT: Server-side test steps do not use client test runners.

Monitor the test progress for both client-side and server-side tests in
the ServiceNow window used to launch the test.

After tests execute, ATF rolls back (undoes) data modified during test
execution, except for records in:

History [sys_history_line]
ECC Queue [ecc_queue]
Email [sys_email]
Email Log [sys_email_log]
Report Executions [report_executions]
Report Stats [report_stats]
Any table that extends these tables

NOTE: ATF rollback cannot be disabled. Disabling rollback would have

unintended consequences throughout the platform and is not allowed.… 13/141
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Viewing Test and Test Step

When execution is complete, click the Go to Result button to view the
step-by-step test results. To review past test results, use the
Application Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) >
Test Results.

The test results record displays the test result, test step results, test
log, and transactions involved in executing the test.… 14/141
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The possible test step status values are:

Waiting: has not run yet

Running: currently executing
Success: completed successfully
Failure: completed but the result was not successful
Skipped: was not ran, typically due to a failure in a prior step
Error: was not completed due to an error during execution
Canceled: was not executed due to user intervention

If enabled, screenshots are captured during test execution and
attached to the test result record. This property is enabled by default.
To change the property's value, use the Application Navigator to open
Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Administration > Properties.

Click the [download] link in the test result record to download and
view a screenshot.… 15/141
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To download all screenshots for viewing, click the Manage

Attachments link and click the Download All button.

Test Steps
Use the Step Results related list to view the results for a specific test
step. Click the link in the Start time column to open the Test Step

For example, clicking the link for the Impersonate step result opens
the impersonate step result record.… 16/141
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Test Log
Use the Test Log related list to see the logging information for the test
and all test steps.

Test Transactions
Use the Test Transactions related list to view the transactions for the
test steps. The transactions shown here are browser (client-side)
interactions with ServiceNow.

Debugging Tests… 17/141
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ATF provides debugging to allow developers access to additional

information about test execution.

Debugging is disabled by default. To enable test debugging, open

Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Administration > Properties.
Select the Enables additional debugging functionality check box.

Enabling debugging adds a Debug Info tab to client test runners.

Debugging writes information to the test record's Test Log.… 18/141
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When debugging is enabled, ATF logs more detailed test execution

behavior to the Test Log. Notice the Open an Existing Record's Test
Log contains more statements when debugging is enabled.

Exercise: Run Example Tests… 19/141
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In this exercise, you will run two example ATF tests: Simple UI Test
and Fails Because no Form is Open. You will also examine the test

NOTE: If your PDI automatically opens App Engine Studio, you need to

change the user role used to access the PDI. To complete the exercises,

switch to the Admin user role



1. Use the Application Navigator to open User Administration >
2. If the column search row is not already visible, click the Show

column search row icon ( ).

3. Type *chad in the Name field search field and press the <return>
(enter) key on your keyboard.

4. Verify there is not a user record for a user named Chad


Perform the Run Simple UI Test Steps Manually… 20/141
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1. Use the Application Navigator to open Automated Test

Framework (ATF) > Tests.

2. Locate the Simple UI Test test and open it for editing.

3. Scroll to the Test Steps related list. Examine the six steps to make
sure you understand what they test.

4. Execute the test steps manually to see what the test does and get
a sense of the time savings from using ATF.

1. Start a timer using a clock, phone, or online timer


2. Impersonate Fred Luddy.

1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, open the User
menu by clicking your user name in the ServiceNow
banner. Select the Impersonate User option.… 21/141
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2. In the Search for user field, type Fred.

3. In the drop-down list, click fred.luddy.
4. Examine the User menu in the ServiceNow banner. You
should now be Fred Luddy.

3. Create a User record.

1. Use the Application Navigator to open User
Administration > Users.
2. Click the New button.
3. If you are able to capture screenshots, take a
screenshot of the new User form.
4. Set field values in the new User record.
User ID: test.testing
First name: Test
Last name: Testing
5. If you are able to capture screenshots, take a screenshot of
the Test Testing user form.
6. Validate field states: visible, read-only, mandatory.
1. The Email field should be visible on the form.
2. The City field should NOT be visible on the form.
3. You should be able to write to (change the values in) the
Active and Password needs reset fields.… 22/141
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4. The User ID, Email, and First Name fields should not be
mandatory. Recall that mandatory fields are preceded by
an asterisk.
5. If you are able to capture screenshots, take a
screenshot of the form.
7. Click the Submit button.
8. Re-open the Test Testing user form from the list.
9. If you are able to capture screenshots, take a screenshot of
the Test Testing User form.
10. Roll back the test steps by deleting the test.testing user
record and returning to the admin user.
1. On the Test Testing user record form, click the Delete
2. In the delete Confirmation dialog, click the Delete
3. Open the User menu by clicking Fred Luddy in the
banner and select the End Impersonation menu item.

5. Stop the timer. Note how long it took to complete the test steps.

Run the Simple UI Test - ATF

1. If not already in the Global scope, switch to the Global scope.

1. If you have added the Application picker to the ServiceNow

banner, use the Application picker to change the scope to
Global.… 23/141
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2. If you have not added the Application picker to the

ServiceNow banner:

1. Click the Settings button ( ) in the ServiceNow banner.

2. Select the Developer pane then use the Application
field to change the scope to Global.
3. To add the Application picker to the ServiceNow banner,
enable the Show application picker in header toggle
4. Close the System Settings dialog.

2. Use the Application Navigator to open Automated Test

Framework (ATF) > Tests.

3. Locate the Simple UI Test test and open it for editing.

4. Click the Enable tests and test suites here link. If you have
already enabled running tests, you are not prompted again.

5. Enable test/test suite execution by clicking to place a check mark

in the Yes | No box.… 24/141
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6. Click the Save button.

7. Return to the Simple UI Test record.

8. Execute the test.

1. Click the Run Test button.

2. In the Pick a Browser dialog, make sure the Start a new test
runner option is selected, then click the Run Test button.
3. Watch the client test runner as the test steps execute. When
the test steps finish and the client test runner says Waiting
for a test to run, return to the browser tab where the Simple
UI Test is open.

9. Examine the Run Test dialog.… 25/141
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1. The Run Test dialog should indicate that all steps were

2. Click the Go to Result button.

10. Examine the Simple UI Test results record.

1. How does the value in the Duration field compare to how

long it took you to complete the Simple UI Test steps
2. Scroll to the Step Results related list. All six steps should
have completed successfully.
3. Open the Test Log related list and scroll through the logging
4. Open the Test Transactions related list to see what
interactions the test steps had with the browser.
5. View the screenshots captured by the test.… 26/141
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1. At the top of the Simple UI Test results form, click the

Manage Attachments link.
2. Click the Download All button.
3. Use the application of your choice to view the
downloaded screenshot files.

11. Use the Application Navigator to open User Administration >

Users and look for a user record for Chad Chaddington.

QUESTION: Is there a user record for Chad Chaddington? Should

there be?

ANSWER: ATF cleaned up after itself when the test finished

executing. The Chad Chaddington record created during the test was
deleted from the User table when the test finished execution.

Run the Fails Because no Form is Open Test

1. Open the Fails Because no Form is Open example test.
2. Examine the test to see what it does.
3. Read the Description field value to see why the test fails.
4. Click the Run Test button.
5. If the client test runner is still open from the last test, you should
see it listed in the Pick a Browser dialog. Click the Run Test
6. When the test finishes, examine the results. Use the test results to
determine why the test failed. Is this what you expected based on
the Description field in the test?… 27/141
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Creating Tests and Adding Test

To create a test, use the Application Navigator to open Automated
Test Framework (ATF) > Tests. Click the New button.

Configure the test record.

Name: Enter a descriptive name for the test.

Active: The test is available in the runtime environment.
Enable parameterized testing: Enable the test to run with
parameterized values. This topic is covered in more detail later in
this module.
Description: Describe what the test does.

DEVELOPER TIP: Include the expected test outcome in the Description field.

Your colleagues and your future self will appreciate it.

Click the Save button. The form displays the Test Steps, Test Results,
and Mutually Exclusive Tests related lists.… 28/141
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Adding Test Steps

In the Test Steps related list, click the Add Test Step button. In the
Add Test Step dialog, select a test category:

All Steps: Uncategorized list of all steps

Custom UI (
List and Related List (
Service Catalog (
Forms in Service Portal (
Application Navigator (
Service Catalog in Service Portal
Form (
development/page/administer/auto-test-framework/reference/test-steps-… 29/141
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Responsive Dashboards
Email (
Server (

Select a test step to add to the test then click the Next button.

In the Add Test Step dialog, configure the step. The step fields depend
on the selected test.… 30/141
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Click the Submit button.

Execution Order
The execution order determines the order in which test steps execute.
By default, the order is the order in which the steps are added to the

While Creating Test Steps

When adding test steps to a test, use the Insert after choice list to
place the step in the desired location.… 31/141
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After Creating Test Steps

After creating test steps, use the Execution order field to renumber the
step that is out of order. Save the form and the other test steps are
automatically re-ordered based on the change you made.

DEVELOPER TIP: Many tests start with a Create a User or an Impersonate

test step to make sure the test steps work as expected for users other than an

administrator.… 32/141
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Exercise: Create a Test

In this exercise, you will create and run a test that:

Opens an existing Incident table record

Validates the Short description field contains the string email
Verifies the Update button (UI Action) is visible

1. Use the Application Navigator to open Incident > Open.
2. If the column search row is not already visible, click the Show

column search row icon ( ).

3. Type *email in the Short description field search field and press
the <return> (enter) key on your keyboard.

4. Make a note of the INC Number for an email incident.

Create a Test
1. Use the Application Navigator to open Automated Test
Framework (ATF) > Tests.
2. Click the New button.
3. Configure the test:
Name: Validate Email Incident
Description: Open existing Incident record, validate the
Short description contains the string email, and verify
the Update button is visible.
4. Click the Save button.… 33/141
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Add the Open an Existing Record Test Step

1. In the Test Steps related list, click the Add Test Step button.
2. In the Add Test Step dialog, select the Form category.
3. Select the Open an Existing Record test.
4. Read the test step explanation to understand what the test step

5. Click the Next button.

6. Select the Table for the test step:
Table: Incident [incident]
7. Configure the Record for the test step.

1. Click the Lookup documents using list button ( ) in the

Record field.

2. Click the Lookup using list button ( ) for the Document

3. Build a filter to find active incidents for email issues.

1. Click the Filter button ( ) to open the Filter Builder.… 34/141
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2. Configure a filter condition: [Active] [is] [true]

3. Click the AND button and configure another filter
condition: [Short description] [contains] [email]

4. Click the Run button to apply the filter to the Incident list.
4. Choose a record from the filtered list by clicking a record
5. Click the OK button.
8. Read the annotation for the Record field.

QUESTION: What does the annotation mean?

ANSWER: Automated Test Framework cannot guarantee that a

specific record exists on an instance. If the selected record is deleted,
the test will fail. The annotation reminds the developer to be aware that
the selection of an existing record could cause unexpected results.

9. Click the Submit button.

Add the Field Values Validation Test Step

1. In the Test Steps related list, click the Add Test Step button.

2. In the Add Test Step dialog, select the Form category.… 35/141
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3. Select the Field Values Validation test step.

4. Read the test step explanation to understand what the test step

5. Click the Next button.

6. Configure the Conditions for the test step:

Conditions: [Short description] [contains] [email]

NOTE: The Field Values Validation test step is case sensitive.

Depending on the values in your incidents, you may need to adjust your

Conditions to validate successfully.

7. Click the Submit button.

Add the UI Action Visibility Test Step

1. In the Test Steps related list, click the Add Test Step button.
2. In the Add Test Step dialog, select the Form category.
3. Select the UI Action Visibility test.
4. Read the test step explanation to understand what the test step
does.… 36/141
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5. Click the Next button.

6. Configure the Visible field for the test step to verify the Update
button is visible:

1. Click the Unlock Visible button ( ) for the Visible field.

2. Click the Lookup using list button ( ).

3. Use the Filter Builder to add two conditions: [Name]
[contains] [Update] and [Condition] [is not empty].
4. Click the Run button.

5. The filter should return one result. Select the record to add it
to the list of UI Actions which should be visible on the form
during the test step.

7. Click the Submit button.… 37/141
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Run the Validate Email Incident Test

1. Execute the Validate Email Incident test.

1. Click the Run Test button.

2. In the Pick a Browser dialog, start a new test runner or use
an existing one if open.
3. Click the Run Test button.
4. Watch the client test runner as the test steps execute. When
the test steps finish and the client test runner displays the
text Waiting for a test to run, return to the browser tab where
the Validate Email Incident test is open.

2. Examine the Run Test dialog.

1. The Run Test dialog should indicate that all steps were
2. Click the Go to Result button.

3. Examine the Validate Email Incident test results record.

1. Scroll to the Step Results related list. All three steps should
have completed successfully.… 38/141
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NOTE: If the Field Values Validation test step failed, it may be due

to the test step being case sensitive. The Field Values Validation

test step Conditions contains [Short description] [contains] [email]

where email is lowercase. Email may be capitalized in the Incident

record's Short description. So, you may need to adjust your

Conditions to validate successfully.

2. Open the Test Log related list and scroll through the logging

3. Open the Test Transactions related list to see what

interactions the test steps had with the browser.

4. View the screenshots captured by the test.

1. At the top of the test results form, click the Manage

Attachments link.
2. Click the Download All button.
3. Use the application of your choice to view the
downloaded screenshot files.

Modify the Validate Email Incident test so it executes all test steps as
a user with the admin role. Run the test and examine the results to
make sure the test is still successful. If you get stuck, you can view the
challenge solution.… 39/141
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The first step in the Validate Email Incident test should be to Create a
User. The user can have any name. The user should be configured
with the admin role and the Impersonate this user field should be
Selected (checked).

More Test Cases

If you are interested in seeing more test cases for ATF, visit the
Automated Test Framework use case examples
cases.html) page on the site.… 40/141
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ATF Variables
ATF uses variables to pass data from one test step to another. There
are two types of variables:


Input Variables
Input variables provide test steps with the information they need to
run. Developers provide values for input variables when configuring a
test step. For example, the Create a User test step has five input
variables: First name, Last name, Roles, Groups, and Impersonate
this user.

Output Variables… 41/141
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Some test steps return values, known as output variables. Output

variables can be used as inputs to later test steps. For example, the
Create a User test step outputs a user variable other test steps can

Using ATF Variables

When configuring tests, developers can use output variables from
earlier test steps to populate input variables in subsequent test steps.
In the example, User is an output variable from the Create a User test
step. Any test step that occurs after the Create a User test step can
use the User output variable to populate its input variables.

Test step fields that accept output variables as their input have a Data
Pill Picker button.

The Data Pill Picker button opens a list of steps with output variables
available for use with input variables.… 42/141
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Click a step to open a list of output variables from that step.

Click an output variable in the right-hand column to insert it into the

input variable.

The visual representation of a variable is a data pill. The syntax shown

in the Caller field means from test Step 1: Create a User, use the
output variable User as the input to the Caller field.

This training module uses the convention (Step ➔ Variable) to denote

data pills.

Dot-walking… 43/141
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The User output variable is a reference (sys_id) that uniquely identifies

a record in the database. To use a field value from the reference

record to populate an input variable, click the Expand button ( ) then

select the field of choice. Using references, developers can dot-walk
through related records.

Exercise: Use an Output Variable

In this exercise, you will modify the Validate Email Incident test by
adding a Set Field Value test step. The new test step uses an output
variable to populate an input variable.

Add a Test Step to the Validate Email Incident

1. If not still open from the last exercise, open the Validate Email
Incident test for editing.
1. Use the Application Navigator to open Automated Test
Framework (ATF) > Tests.
2. Locate the Validate Email Incident test in the list and open it
for editing.… 44/141
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2. Add a Set Field Values test step after the existing Field Values
Validation test step.
1. In the Test Steps related list, click the Add Test Step button.
2. In the Insert after choice list, select the Step 3 - Field Values
Validation test step.
3. In the categories pane, select the Form category.
4. In the test steps pane, select Set Field Values.
5. Click the Next button.
3. Set the Caller field value to the User output variable from the
Create a User step.

1. Click the Data Pill Picker button ( ) for the Caller field.
2. Click Step 1: Create a User.
3. Click User.
4. Examine the syntax in the Caller field to make sure you
understand it.

5. Click the Delete button ( ) for any other fields listed so

only the Caller field is set.
6. Click the Submit button.

4. Click the Additional Actions menu ( ) and select the Save

menu item.
5. In the Test Steps related list, examine the Description field for the
Set Field Values test, paying particular attention to how the Caller
field value is set.

Run the Validate Email Incident Test… 45/141
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1. Execute the Validate Email Incident test.

1. Click the Run Test button.

2. In the Pick a Browser dialog, start a new test runner or use
an existing one if open.
3. Click the Run Test button.
4. Watch the Client Test Runner as the test steps execute.
When the test steps finish and the Client Test Runner says
Waiting for a test to run, return to the browser tab where the
Validate Email Incident test is open.

2. Examine the Run Test dialog.

1. The Run Test dialog should indicate that all steps were
2. Click the Go to Result button.

3. Examine the Validate Email Incident test results record.

1. Scroll to the Step Results related list. All steps should have
completed successfully.
2. Examine the summary for the Set Field Values test to verify
the caller_id field value matches the user created in test step

4. View the screenshots captured by the test.… 46/141
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1. At the top of the test results form, click the Manage

Attachments link.
2. Click the Download All button.
3. Use the application of your choice to view the downloaded
screenshot files. In the third and fourth screenshots, the
Caller should be what you named the user you created.

Test Templates
An ATF test template is a reusable set of test steps that are commonly
used together. Test Templates can include any combination of test
steps. A template's test steps may require additional configuration
once added to a test.

ATF includes a Default New Form Test Template as an example. The

default template includes a sequence of eight test steps.

To add a test template to a test, click the Add Test Template button in
the Test Steps related list for a test. Select a template. If prompted,
provide other variable values. Variable values requested depend on
the test steps in the template. Click the Add button.… 47/141
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The template populates the Description field based on the test steps
from the template. The description includes instructions to the
developer explaining what must be done to the template's test steps to
make the template steps work. If the Description field had a value
before the template was added to the test, the template steps and
instructions are appended to the existing Description field value.… 48/141
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The template's test steps are added to the Test Steps related list. Edit
and delete steps added from a template using the same strategies
used for individually added test steps. For example, if only six of the
eight test steps added by a template are required for a test, a
developer can add the test steps using a template, then delete the
unnecessary test steps from the test. In the example, the test does not
need to verify UI Action Visibility. The UI Action-related test steps can
be deleted without deleting all test steps added by a template.

Creating Test Templates

ATF administrators create and edit test templates using the
Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Administration > Test
Templates module.… 49/141
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Name: Descriptive name for the template's collection of test

steps. For example, Create and Test Forms.
Test template: Ordered list of test steps.
Description: Add text describing the intended use of the
template. The Description on the template does not appear in the
Description field on tests using the template.

Adding Test Steps

To add test steps to a template, click the Unlock Test template button

( ) then edit the test steps list.

To add test steps using the slushbucket, select a test then click the

Add button ( ). Click the Save button when done.… 50/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Exercise: Fork Repository and

Import Application for the Using
the Automated Test Framework
ServiceNow uses GitHub to provide application repositories to copy
and use with the Developer Site learning content. The repositories
contain tags, which are fixed sets of application files, to start you with
a partially built application. By copying and importing a ServiceNow-
provided repository into your Personal Developer Instance (PDI), you
get all the files needed for the hands-on exercises in the modules.

NOTE: See the GitHub Guide (/!/guide/rome/now-platform/github-

guide/github-and-the-developer-site-training-guide-introduction) for more information

on how ServiceNow uses GitHub with the Developer Program learning content

and to see a video on how to fork a repository and import an application.… 51/141
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In this exercise, you will:

1. Fork the ServiceNow repository to your GitHub account.

2. Import the application into your PDI from your fork of the

IMPORTANT: If you have already forked and imported the repository, you can

proceed to the next exercise, where you will create a branch from a tag to load

the application files to your PDI. The NeedIt application files are needed to

complete the module.

Fork the Repository

In this section of the exercise, you will create a personal fork of the
application repository to use with Developer Site learning content.

1. In a web browser, open (

2. If you have a GitHub account, sign in. If not, sign up for a new
3. Once signed in, open the NeedIt repository

4. Click the Fork button ( ) to create a copy of the repository

in your GitHub account.
5. On the Create a new fork page, deselect the Copy the main
branch only option.… 52/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

6. Select your personal GitHub account as the fork Owner, then click
the Create fork button.

7. Verify the URL for your fork of the repository is similar to:

8. Copy the forked repository's URL.

1. Click the Code button.… 53/141
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2. Make sure the URL contains your GitHub username, not


3. Make sure HTTPS is selected. If not, select the HTTPS tab

in the Clone flyout.

4. Click the Copy to clipboard button ( ).

NOTE: You will use the copied URL to configure the connection to

your forked repository in the next section.

Import the Application from the Forked

In this section of the exercise, you will import the application repository
into ServiceNow. As part of the process, you will first create a
Credential record for your GitHub account, then you will use Studio to… 54/141
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import the application repository into your PDI.

1. Log in to your PDI as the admin user. If you do not have a PDI,
open the ServiceNow Developer Site
( to obtain a Rome PDI.

NOTE: See the Personal Developer Instance (PDI) Guide


guide-introduction) for instructions on how to obtain a PDI.

2. Create a Credential record for the GitHub connection.

IMPORTANT: Credential records only need to be created once. If you

have already created a credential record in another exercise, please

skip this step.

1. Use the Application Navigator to open Connections &

Credentials > Credential.

2. Click the New button.

3. In the What type of Credentials would you like to create? list,

click the Basic Auth Credentials link.

4. Configure the Credential record.… 55/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Name: GitHub Credentials - <Your

User name: <Your Username>
Password: <Your personal access token>

IMPORTANT: GitHub requires personal access tokens to access

repositories from other platforms, like ServiceNow. A personal

access token is used in place of a password when

authenticating. See the Authenticating to GitHub



section of the GitHub Guide for instructions on how to create a

GitHub personal access token.

5. Click the Submit button.

3. Use the Application Navigator to open System Applications >

Studio.… 56/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

4. Studio opens in a new browser tab.

5. In the Select Application dialog, click the Import From Source

Control button.

6. In the Import Application dialog, configure the connection to the

forked repository.

URL: <URL you copied for your forked version of the

Credential: GitHub Credentials - <Your
Username>… 57/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Branch: main

NOTE: When you change the Branch value to main, an information

message informs you that Use of the default naming convention is

strongly encouraged. The value in the Branch field must exist in the

repository. The Developer Site training repositories all have a main

branch, which should be used in place of the default value.

7. Click the Import button.

8. When the application import is complete, click the Select

Application button.… 58/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

NOTE: If the connection fails, you may have entered the ServiceNow

repository URL in the URL field instead of the forked repository URL, or

you may have enabled two-factor authentication on your GitHub

account. See Troubleshooting GitHub Issues (/!/guide/rome/now-

platform/github-guide/troubleshooting-github-issues) for instructions on how

to troubleshoot the connection.

9. In the Select Application dialog, click the application to open it for

editing in Studio.

IMPORTANT: You will not see any application files in Studio until you

successfully create a branch from a tag in the next exercise.

Exercise: Create a Branch for

Using the Automated Test
In this exercise, you will create a branch of the NeedIt application for
the Using the Automated Test Framework module that includes the
application files used in the module.… 59/141
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NOTE: Before you begin this exercise, you need to have forked and imported

the NeedIt repository as described in Exercise: Fork Repository and Import

Application for the Using the Automated Test Framework Module.

1. If the NeedIt application is not open in Studio from the previous

exercise, open it now.

1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application

Navigator to open System Applications > Studio.
2. In the Select Application dialog, click the NeedIt application.

2. In Studio, open the Source Control menu and select the Create
Branch menu item.

3. Configure the branch.

Branch Name: ATFModule… 60/141
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Create from Tag: LoadForATFModule

4. Click the Create Branch button.

5. Click the Close button.

6. To load the application files included in the tag, return to the main
ServiceNow browser tab (not Studio) and click the browser's
reload button to refresh the page.

NOTE: If branch creation fails, you may have entered the ServiceNow

repository URL in the URL field instead of the forked repository URL, or

you may have enabled two-factor authentication on your GitHub

account. See the Troubleshooting GitHub Issues


section of the GitHub Guide for instructions on how to troubleshoot

GitHub connection issues.

Exercise: Create a Test Template

In this exercise, you will create a test template to use in the next
exercise. When an instance is upgraded, you may want to do
regression testing on the NeedIt When needed field date Business
Rule to make sure it works in three cases:

Future… 61/141
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You will create a template to test Business Rules.


1. If not still open from the last exercise, open the NeedIt application
in Studio for editing.

1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application

Navigator to open System Applications > Studio.
2. In the Select Application dialog, click the NeedIt application
to open it in Studio.

2. In Studio, use the Application Explorer to open Server

Development > Business Rules > NeedIt When needed field
date past.

3. To understand what the Business Rule does, examine the NeedIt

When needed field date past logic.

1. To determine which records the Business Rule is for,

examine the Table field value.
2. Use the When to run section (tab) to determine which
database interaction(s) (Insert, Update, Delete, Query)
trigger the Business Rule and what conditions must be met
for the Business Rule to execute.
3. Switch to the Advanced tab and read through the script to
see what it does.… 62/141
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QUESTION: What does the NeedIt When needed field date past
Business Rule script do?

ANSWER: When a user attempts to create a record with a When

needed value in the past, the Business Rule displays an error
message to the user and does not save the record to the

4. Open and examine the NeedIt When needed field date today
Business Rule to understand when the Business Rule will trigger
and what happens when it triggers.

5. Create a NeedIt record.

1. Return to the main ServiceNow browser window and use the

Application Navigator to open NeedIt > Create New. If the
NeedIt Application is not available, reload the page in the
2. On the form, notice which fields are mandatory. Do all of the
mandatory fields have values? Make a mental note of which
mandatory fields have default values. You need this
information for the next exercise.
3. Set the When needed field value to a date in the past.
1. In the When needed field, click the Select date and

time button ( ).
2. Set the date to yesterday or any date older than
yesterday.… 63/141
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3. Click the Submit button. Was the record saved to the

database? Based on what you know about the NeedIt
When needed field date past Business Rule, is this the
expected behavior?
4. Set the When needed field value to today's date.
1. In the When needed field, click the Select date and

time button ( ).
2. Set the date to today.
3. Click the Submit button. Was the record saved to the
database? Based on what you know about the NeedIt
When needed field date today Business Rule, is this the
expected behavior?
5. Set the When needed field value to a future date.
1. In the When needed field, click the Select date and

time button ( ).
2. Set the date to a date in the future but not on today.
3. Click the Submit button. Was the record saved to the
database? Based on what you know about the Business
Rules for the NeedIt table, is this the expected

Create a Test Template

1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application
Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) >
Administration > Test Templates.
2. Click the New button.
3. Configure the test template:… 64/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Name: Business Rule Test - NeedIt

Description: Create a user, insert a record, verify all
mandatory fields have values, log results

4. Save the record by clicking the Additional actions menu ( )

and selecting the Save menu item.
5. Add test steps to the Test template field.

1. Click Unlock Test template button ( ).

2. Add the Create a User test step using the Search field.

1. In the Search field, type create.

2. Select the Create a User test step from the choice list.

3. Use the Search field to add additional test steps to the


Record Insert
Record Validation
Log… 65/141
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6. Click the Update button.
7. You will use and test the template in the next exercise.

Exercise: Create Tests from a

In this exercise, you will use the test template you created in the last
exercise to create three tests for new NeedIt records. All three tests

Create a User
Insert a Record
Validate a Record
Log the test

In addition, each of the three tests will set a date in the When needed
field. The dates will be different in each of the tests.


Preparation… 66/141
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The tests you create are part of the NeedIt application. Make sure
NeedIt is the current scope.

1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, click the Settings

button ( ).
2. Open the Developer pane.
3. Use the Application field to verify the current application is NeedIt.
4. If you would like, set the Show application picker in header toggle
to Selected (green) to display the current application in the
ServiceNow header.

Create a Test - Future

1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application

Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Tests.

2. Click the New button.

3. Configure the test:… 67/141
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Name: When needed - Future

4. Click the Save button.

5. Add a test template.

1. In the Test Steps related list, click the Add Test Template
2. Select and configure the test template.
Template: Business Rule Test - NeedIt
Table: NeedIt
3. Click the Add button.

6. In the test, examine the Description field. The test template

created the Description field text.

7. Configure the Create a User test step.

1. In the Test Steps related list, click the Create a User link.
2. Configure the test step variables.
First name: Jodie
Last name: Whittaker
Roles: admin
Impersonate this user: Selected (checked)
3. Click the Update button.

8. Configure the Record Insert test step.

1. In the Test Steps related list, click the Record Insert link.… 68/141
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2. Set the When needed field value.

1. Click the Choose date button ( ).

2. Set the When needed field value to <select any date in
the future>.
3. Click the Save (Enter) button.

3. Set the Requested for field value.

1. Click the Data Pill Picker ( ) button for the

Requested for field.
2. Click Step 1: Create a User.
3. Click the User reference.

4. Set the Requested for email field value to First name.Last

1. Click the Data Pill Picker ( ) button for the

Requested for email field.
2. Click Step 1: Create a User.

3. Click the Expand ( ) button for the User reference.

4. Select the First name field.
5. Type a period.
6. Add the (Step 1: Create a User ➔ User ➔ Last name)
data pill.
7. Type to complete the email address.… 69/141
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5. Delete the Request type and What needed fields by clicking

the Delete button for each of the fields.

QUESTION: Why did you set a value for the When needed,
Requested for, and Requested for email fields and not for the
Request type and What needed fields?

ANSWER: Requested for and Requested for email do not have

default values, but Client scripts populate these fields when you
open the form. The Request type and What needed fields on the
NeedIt form have default values. If you leave the Request type
and What needed fields in the test with blank values, the test will
use null when executing instead of the default values.

6. Click the Update button.

9. Configure the Record Validation test step.… 70/141
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1. In the Test Steps related list, click the Record Validation


2. Click the Data Pill Picker ( ) button for the Record field.
3. Click Step 2: Record Insert.
4. Click Record.
5. Configure the field values to validate.
[Requested for] [is] [(Step 1: Create a User ➔ User)]
[Requested for email] [is] [(Step 1: Create a User ➔
User ➔ First name).(Step 1: Create a User ➔ User ➔
Last name)]
[Request type] [is] [Legal]
[What needed] [is] [Legal 1]
[When needed] [is not empty]

6. Click the Update button.

10. Configure the Log test step.

1. In the Test Steps related list, click the Log link.… 71/141
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2. In the Log field, enter the text Test of When needed with a
date in the future should succeed. Record inserted by
test: (include a space after the colon).

3. Click the Data Pill Picker ( ) button for the Log field and
select (Step 2: Record Insert ➔ Record).

4. Click the Update button.


1. Click the Run Test button.

QUESTION: Why does this test not prompt you to select a Client
Test Runner?

ANSWER: All test steps in this test are server based and do not
require a Client Test Runner.

2. Examine the Run Test dialog. The test should have passed.… 72/141
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3. Click the Go to Result button.

4. Examine the Step Results related list. All test steps should have a
status of Success.

Improving the When Needed - Future Test

You may have noticed the When needed date was hard-coded into the
test. This means the test must be manually modified when you want to
run it. Instead of hardcoding the date, set the date dynamically using
server-side JavaScript.

1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application

Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Tests.

2. Open the When needed - Future test for editing.… 73/141
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3. In the Test Steps related list, click the Record Insert test step to
open it for editing.

4. If you are unfamiliar with the GlideSystem daysAgo() method

v=rome&id=SGSYS-daysAgo_N), read about it in the server-side API

5. Set the value of the When needed field dynamically:

When needed: javascript:gs.daysAgo(-3)

QUESTION: Why do you pass a negative number to the method

for the date?

ANSWER: The method contains the word "Ago" which means in

the past. Passing a positive number to the method says how long
in the past. For example, gs.daysAgo(3) means three days in the
past. Passing a negative number to an Ago method means the
future. For example, gs.daysAgo(-3) means three days in the

6. Click the Update button.

7. Using the same techniques as earlier in this exercise, run the

When needed - Future test again and examine the test results. All
test steps should be successful.… 74/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Challenge - Past and Today

DEVELOPER TIP: You may find the Copy Test button on the When needed -

Future test form useful for this Challenge.

QUESTION: Based on the testing you did in the last exercise, will the
user be able to save a NeedIt record with a When needed date in the

ANSWER: The NeedIt When needed field date Business Rule

prevents new NeedIt records from being saved if the When needed
field date value is today#singleQuotes date or in the past. New NeedIt
records must have a When needed date in the future.

Using the When needed - Future test as an example, create two more

When needed - Past

This test should be identical to the When needed - Future
test, except it tests a When needed field value that is in the
When needed date is in the past: javascript:gs.daysAgo(3)
The Record Insert test step should fail.
Update the Log test step to indicate that the test is expected
to fail.
When needed - Today
This test should be identical to the When needed - Past test,
except it tests a When needed field value that is today
When needed date is today: javascript:gs.minutesAgo(-20)
The Record Insert test step should fail.
Update the Log test step to indicate that the test is expected
to fail.… 75/141
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After creating the two tests, run them to make sure you get the
expected results. Both tests should fail.

QUESTION: Why are the When needed - Past and When needed -
Today tests expected to fail?

ANSWER: The Business Rule NeedIt When needed field date verifies
that the When needed date is in the future. If the When needed date is
not in the future, the Business Rule prevents the record insert. The
When needed - Past and When needed - Today tests should fail to
insert the record when the Business Rule is working. The Record
Insert test step fails.

Asserting Test Success

In the last exercise, the When needed – Past test failed because the
NeedIt When needed field date Business Rule prevented a new record
from being saved. Although the test failed, failure was the expected
outcome. Since failure was the expected result, one could say that the
test step was successful. When creating tests for applications,
developers are able to define the success criteria for some test steps.

Use the Assert type field to specify the success criteria for a test step.
For example, the Assert type choices for the Record Insert test step

Record successfully inserted: The test step is successful if the

record is inserted.
Record was not inserted: The test step is successful if the
record is NOT inserted.… 76/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Different test steps have different Assert type field values. The Record
Query test step has different Assert type values than the Record Insert
test step.

There is at least one record matching the query: The test step
is successful if the query returns one or more records.
No records match the query: The test step is successful if the
query does not find any matching records.… 77/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Assert options for test steps (

steps-server-category.html#test-steps-server-category) are available on the
ServiceNow Docs site.

DEVELOPER TIP: Set the Assert type to match the expected outcome for the

test step so tests succeed when they match the expected outcome.

Exercise: Assert Test Success

In this exercise, you will update the When needed - Past and When
needed - Today tests to report success instead of failure when the
NeedIt record is not created. The When needed - Past and When
needed - Today tests expect the record creation to fail when the
NeedIt When needed field date Business Rules works properly. To
report success, you will set the Assert type for the Record Insert test
step to assert that record creation failure is expected.

Update the When needed - Past Test

1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application
Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Tests.
2. Open the When needed - Past test for editing.
3. Update the Record Insert test step.
1. In the Test Steps related list, click the Record Insert test
step to open it for editing.
2. Set the Assert type field to Record was not inserted.… 78/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

3. Click the Update button.

4. Delete the Record Validation and Log test steps.

QUESTION: Why did you delete the Record Validation and Log test

ANSWER: The Record Validation test step can be deleted because no

record is inserted in the When needed - Past test to validate. The Log
note indicating failure is expected is no longer required because the
Assert type has been configured on the Record Insert to succeed
when the record cannot be inserted.

Test the When needed - Past Test

1. Click the Run Test button.
2. Examine the Run Test dialog. The test should have succeeded.
3. Click the Go to Result button.
4. Examine the Step Results related list. Note the information
included in the Summary for the Record Insert test step.

Update the When needed - Today test to succeed if the recorded is

When needed - Today

Modify the Record Insert test step configuration so the test
step is successful if the record is inserted.
Remove the Record Validation and Log test steps.
Run the test to be sure the test completes successfully.

Test Suites… 79/141
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Test suites are hierarchical, logical groupings of related tests and/or

other test suites to run as a single job. For example, the tests created
in the last exercise are related because they test the three cases
handled by the same Business Rule. In the exercise, the tests were
ran individually but it makes more sense to run them as part of the
same group.

A test suite that runs the three tests created in the last exercise might
have a hierarchy like this:

In this example, the test suite NeedIt App Test Suite is a hierarchy of
tests and test suites.… 80/141
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The top-most level is NeedIt App Test Suite. The remaining tests and
test suites in the hierarchy are descendants of the NeedIt App Test

In a test suite hierarchy, tests can be children but cannot be parents.

Test suites can be both a parent and a child. The test suite Email
address syntax validate is:

A child suite of the NeedIt App Test Suite

The parent suite of Another Test Suite

DEVELOPER TIP: If a test is included more than once in a test suite

hierarchy, the test executes only once.

Creating Test Suites

To create a Test Suite, use the Application Navigator to open
Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Suites. Click the New button.

Provide a Name and a Description for the Test Suite.… 81/141
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Click the Save button.

Adding Tests
In the Test Suite Tests related list, use the New button to create a new
test for the test suite. To add an existing test to the suite, double-click
Insert a new row... and enter the name of a test. Select the test from
the list, then click the Save (Enter) button.

The Execution order field determines the order in which the tests
execute. ATF automatically determines the execution order based on
the order in which the tests are added. Developers can modify the
value in the Execution order field to re-order the test execution.

The Abort on failure field indicates whether to stop test suite execution
if a test fails. The default value is false. False means to continue
testing the rest of the suite even if the test fails.… 82/141
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Adding Test Suites

In the Child Test Suites related list, use the New button to create a
new suite for the test suite. Configure the new test suite. Notice the
Parent suite field is automatically set.

To add an existing test suite as a child, open the child test suite for
editing. Manually set the value in the Parent suite field then save the

The Child Test Suites related list displays all suites with the current
suite as its parent.… 83/141
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Running Test Suites

To run a test suite, click the Run Test Suite button.

If the test suite contains test steps that run client-side scripts, you will
be prompted to select a client test runner. After starting a new test
runner, or selecting an existing test runner, click the Run Test Suite
button.… 84/141
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When the test suite execution is complete, view the results in the Run
Test Suite dialog window. The test results shown in the Run Test Suite
dialog follow the test suite hierarchy.

Click the Go to Result button to view the test suite results records.
Results are grouped by Test Result and by Child Test Suite Results.

On the Child Test Suite Results related list, click the Display

hierarchical lists icon (

) to display the suite's tests.… 85/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Click the Preview icon ( ) for a test to see the test step results.

DEVELOPER TIP: If tests are running slowly in the client test runner, check

out the How to avoid ATF testing failures

(… 86/141
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id=community_blog&sys_id=84dc2665dbd0dbc01dcaf3231f96190f) blog on the

ServiceNow community.

Rerunning Test Suites

After fixing an issue discovered by ATF, developers can re-run a test
suite's failed tests without having to execute the entire suite again.
Click the Re-run Failed Tests button to execute only the failed tests
from a test suite.

ATF creates a new suite result hierarchy for the re-run tests. The
progress workers, test result, and test suite result records show the
same suite hierarchy as the previous test suite. They do not include
the tests or suites that passed in a previous run.… 87/141
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If a child suite or test that failed is deleted or deactivated, when the

suite is re-run, ATF does not execute that suite or test in the re-run.

If a child suite or test is added to a suite with a failed test, when the
suite is re-run, ATF does not execute the added suite or test in the re-

Exercise: Create and Run a Test

In this exercise, you will create and run a parent test suite called the
NeedIt App. The parent test suite will contain a child test suite.

Create a Parent Test Suite - NeedIt App

1. The test suites you create are part of the NeedIt application.
Using the same strategy as in the last exercise, make sure NeedIt
is the current scope.
2. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application
Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Suites.
3. Click the New button.
4. Configure the new suite.
Name: NeedIt App
Description: Test Suite for the NeedIt application
5. Click the Save button.

Create a Child Test Suite - When needed Field

NeedIt App
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application
Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Suites.… 88/141
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2. Click the New button.

3. Configure the new suite.
Name: When needed Field NeedIt App
Parent suite: NeedIt App
Description: Testing on the NeedIt When needed field date
Business Rule to make sure it works in three cases: past
date, today, and future.
4. Click the Save button.
5. Add the When needed - Past test you created in an earlier
exercise to the suite.
1. Scroll to the Test Suites Tests related list.
2. Double-click Insert a new row....
3. In the search field, type When then select the When needed
- Past test from the list.

4. Click the Save (Enter) button ( ).

6. Add two more tests to the suite:
When needed - Today
When needed - Future
7. Click the Update button.
8. Verify the When needed Field NeedIt App suite is a child suite of
the NeedIt App suite.
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application
Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) >
2. Open the NeedIt App test suite record.
3. Open the Child Test Suites related list.
4. Verify the When needed Field NeedIt App suite is on the
related list.… 89/141
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QUESTION: Which one of the diagrams shows the correct hierarchy

for the NeedIt App test suite?

ANSWER: The correct answer is C. The When needed Field NeedIt

App suite contains three tests and is a child suite of NeedIt App.

Running the NeedIt App Test Suite

1. In the NeedIt App test suite record, click the Run Test Suite

2. Examine the Run Test Suite dialog. The NeedIt App suite should
succeed.… 90/141
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3. In the Run Test Suite dialog, click the Expand button ( ) for the
When needed Field NeedIt App suite to see the test results. You
may have to scroll to see all the tests.

4. Click the Go to Result button.

5. Explore the Test Results, Child Test Suite Results, and All Test
Suite Results to see what information they contain.… 91/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Exercise: Add a Test to the

NeedIt App Test Suite
In this exercise, you will create a test to add to the NeedIt App test
suite. The test will determine if the Requested for email field on the
NeedIt form is the correct email address for the user in the Requested
for field.

Preparation - Explore Client Script Behavior

1. If not still open from an earlier exercise, open the NeedIt

application in Studio for editing.

1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application

Navigator to open System Applications > Studio.

2. Click the link to the NeedIt application to open it in Studio.

2. Examine the NeedIt Set Requested for Client Script.

1. In Studio, use the Application Explorer to open Client

Development > Client Scripts > NeedIt Set Requested for.
2. Examine the NeedIt Set Requested for logic to get an idea of
what the Client Script does. If you are not that familiar with
scripting in ServiceNow, use the Description field and the
script comments to determine what the script does.

3. Examine the NeedIt Populate Email Field Client Script.… 92/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

1. In Studio, use the Application Explorer to open Client

Development > Client Scripts > NeedIt Populate Email
2. Examine the NeedIt Populate Email Field logic to get an idea
of what the Client Script does. If you are not that familiar with
scripting in ServiceNow, use the Description field and the
script comments to determine what the script does.

4. Create a NeedIt record.

1. Return to the main ServiceNow browser window and use the

Application Navigator to open NeedIt > Create New.
2. On the form, notice the value in the Requested for field. This
value is set to the currently logged in user by a Client Script.
3. Notice the value in the Requested for email field. This value
is set to the Requested for's email address by a Client Script.
4. Change the value in the Requested for field to Fred Luddy.
5. Notice the new value in the Requested for email. You do not
need to save the new NeedIt record.

5. Verify Fred Luddy's email address was set correctly.

1. Use the Application Navigator to open User Administration

> Users.
2. Open Fred Luddy's user record.
3. Verify the email address you saw in the NeedIt record
matches the email address in Fred's user record.

Create a Test… 93/141
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1. Use the Application Navigator to open Automated Test

Framework (ATF) > Tests.
2. Click the New button.
3. Configure the test:
Name: NeedIt Set Requested for and Email
Description: Test two NeedIt App Client Scripts: NeedIt
Set Requested for and NeedIt Populate Email Field
4. Click the Save button.

Add Test Steps

In this section of the exercise, you will add the test steps to the test.
The Create a User test step does not include an email address in the
created record, so you will use the Impersonate test step for this test.

1. Add an Impersonate test step.

1. In the Test Steps related list, click the Add Test Step button.
2. In the Add Test Step dialog, select the Server category and
then select the Impersonate test step.
3. Click the Next button.
4. Configure the Impersonate test step.
User: Fred Luddy
5. Click the Submit button.

2. Add a Navigate to Module test step to open a new NeedIt form.

1. In the Test Steps related list, click the Add Test Step button.
2. In the Add Test Step dialog, select the Application
Navigator category and then select the Navigate to Module… 94/141
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test step.
3. Click the Next button.
4. Configure the Navigate to Module test step.

1. Click the Lookup using list button ( ) in the Module

2. Search for Modules where the Application menu
contains *needit.
3. Click the Create New Title from the list.

QUESTION: Why use the test step Navigate to Module instead of

Open a New Form for this test?

ANSWER: The Navigate to Module test step verifies the test user
can access the selected module. In this exercise, the test step is
used to open the Create New module for the NeedIt application,
which opens the same form as the Open a New Form test step,
but with the additional module verification.

5. Click the Submit button.

3. Add a Field Values Validation test step.

1. In the Test Steps related list click the Add Test Step button.… 95/141
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2. In the Add Test Step dialog, select the Form category and
then select the Field Values Validation test step.
3. Click the Next button.
4. Configure a Condition for the Field Values Validation test

step. Hint: Use the Data Pill Picker button ( ) to use the
Impersonate test step output variable as input for the
[Requested for] [is] [(Step 1: Impersonate ➔ User)]
5. Click the AND button, then Configure a second Condition for
the Field Values Validation test step.
[Requested for email] [is] [(Step 1: Impersonate ➔
User ➔ Email)]

6. Click the Submit button.

Run the NeedIt Set Requested for and Email Test

Using the skills you learned in previous exercises, run the NeedIt Set
Requested for and Email test. All three test steps should complete

Add the NeedIt Set Requested for and Email Test

to the NeedIt App Test Suite
1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application
Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Suites.
2. Open the NeedIt App test suite for editing.… 96/141
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3. Add the NeedIt Set Requested for and Email test to the NeedIt
App suite.
1. In the Test Suite Tests related list, double-click on Insert a
new row....
2. In the search field, type NeedIt then select the NeedIt Set
Requested for and Email test from the list.

3. Click the Save (Enter) button ( ).

QUESTION: Which of the diagrams shows the correct hierarchy for

the NeedIt App test suite?

ANSWER: The correct answer is B. The NeedIt Requested for and

Email test is directly connected to the NeedIt App suite. The When… 97/141
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needed Field NeedIt App child suite is also directly connected to the
NeedIt App suite.

Running the NeedIt App Test Suite

1. In the NeedIt App test suite record, click the Run Test Suite

2. In the Pick a Browser dialog, start a new client test runner or

select an existing runner if one exists.

3. Click the Run Test Suite button.

4. Watch the suite's tests run in the Client Test Runner. The tests
may happen quickly but try to notice:

1. Which test is running

2. What is being tested
3. Error messages caused by submitting the form

5. When the testing is done, return to the window you used to run
the test suite.

6. Examine the Run Test Suite dialog. The NeedIt Requested for
and Email test should have succeeded.… 98/141
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7. Click the Go to Result button.

8. Explore the Test Results, Child Test Suite Results, and All Test
Suite Results to see what information they contain.

Parameterized Tests
Parameterized tests run multiple times with different test data for each

Parameterized testing:

Eliminates the need to duplicate test steps to change test data.

Increases test reuse by separating test actions from test data.
Produces a separate test result for each data set.

When a parameterized test runs, Automated Test Framework replaces

the parameters with data set values. For example, a developer can
create a test that creates and verifies an Incident record. Using
parameters, the test runs multiple times with each row from a data set
and verifies the results match expectations. If the Category is… 99/141
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Hardware, the test verifies the Assignment group is set to Hardware

Support. If the Category is Inquiry / Help, the test verifies the
Assignment group is set to Triage.

Creating Parameterized Tests

To create a parameterized test, select the Enable parameterized
testing option on the test form. When the Enable parameterized testing
option is selected, the Parameter Definitions, Test Run Data Sets, and
Parameterized Test Results related lists are visible.

Click the Additional actions menu ( ) and select the Save menu
item before configuring parameterization.

Creating Parameters
Parameters are variables developers can use in test steps to pass
values from a data set to the test step. Parameters can be shared or

Shared Parameters: Parameters that can be used in any

parameterized test. Shared parameters can only be created in the
Global application scope.… 100/141
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Exclusive Parameters: Parameters that are only available to the

current test.

Creating a Shared Parameter

Create shared parameters for variables used in multiple tests. For

example, multiple tests may need to be tested as different users.
Create shared parameters to create variables once then use the
variables in any parameterized test.

In the Parameter Definitions related list, click the Add Shared

Parameters button. If the Add Shared Parameters button is not
available, Global is not the current application scope. An annotation
informs the user that shared parameters can only be created in the
Global application scope.

Click the Switch to Global if you would like to add new Shared
Parameters link in the annotation or use the application picker to
switch to the Global application scope.

Configure the shared parameter. Configuration options vary based on

the type of parameter created.… 101/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Type: The data type for the parameter.

Column label: The label seen when creating data sets or
selecting the variable in a test step.
Column name: The name used in scripts and by ATF to access
the variable. This value is automatically configured based on the
Column label, but can be changed before submitting the
parameter. The column name needs to be unique for all

Creating an Exclusive Parameter

Set the application scope to the scoped application. In the Parameter

Definitions related list, click the Add Exclusive Parameters button.
Configure the exclusive parameter. Configuration options vary based
on the type of parameter created.… 102/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Creating the Data Set

A data set is the runtime data used when the test runs. Each record in
the data set is called a parameter value set. The test runs for each
parameter value set. Use the Test Run Data Sets related list to
configure the data used in the parameterized test.

Use the New button to create a data set record or the Import button to
create multiple data set records at once.… 103/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Creating a Data Set Record

In the Test Run Data Sets related list, click the New button. In the New
Parameter Value Set dialog, configure the values for all the
parameters used in the test. All shared and exclusive parameters can
be configured in the parameter value set.

Repeat the process for each parameter value set in the data set.… 104/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Importing a Data Set

In the Test Run Data Sets related list, click the Import button. In the
Import Test Run Data Sets dialog, configure the settings for the import.

Configure the import behavior. Imported values can add parameter

value sets to an existing data set or replace any existing parameter
value sets with new data.

Click the Download Excel template button to download a

spreadsheet to populate value sets for import.
Click the Choose File
button to select the populated spreadsheet to import. Click the Upload
button to import the data set.

Applying the Data

Test step fields that accept parameters as their input have a Data Pill
Picker button.… 105/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

The Data Pill Picker button opens a list of steps with parameters
available for use with input variables. Output variables from previous
test steps may also be available in the list. Click Parameters to open a
list of parameters available to the test.

Click an output variable in the right-hand column to insert it into the

input variable.… 106/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Exercise: Create Parameterized

The NeedIt application has two roles: x_58872_needit.needit_user and
x_58872_needit.admin. A user with either role should be able to create
NeedIt records.

In this exercise, you will create a parameterized test to verify that a

user with each role can open the NeedIt > Create New module and
that fields are visible for a user with the role to create a NeedIt record.

Create a Test with Parameterized Testing

Enable parameterized testing in the test to create parameters and a
data set.

1. Verify that the current application scope is NeedIt.

2. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application
Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Tests.
3. Click the New button.
4. Update the test configuration.
Name: Create NeedIt Module
Enable parameterized testing: Selected (checked)
Description: Parameterized test to verify users with
different NeedIt roles can access the module and form to
create a NeedIt record.
5. Click the Save button.

Create Parameters… 107/141
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The Create a User step needs a First name, Last name, and Roles to
apply to the new user. In this section of the exercise, you will create a
parameter for each of these fields.

QUESTION: Is the Add Shared Parameters button available on the

Parameter Definitions related list? Why or why not?

ANSWER: The Add Shared Parameters button is not available

because the selected application scope is NeedIt. The Add Shared
Parameters button is only available in the Global application scope.

1. In the Parameter Definitions related list, click the Add Exclusive

Parameters button.
2. Configure the First name parameter.
Type: String
Label: First name
Column name: (This value is automatically populated)
Max length: 40
3. Click the Submit button.
4. Click the Add Exclusive Parameters button.
5. Configure the Last name parameter.
Type: String
Label: Last name
Column name: (This value is automatically populated)
Max length: 40
6. Click the Submit button.
7. Click the Add Exclusive Parameters button.
8. Configure the Role parameter.
Type: Reference
Label: Role… 108/141
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Column name: (This value is automatically populated)

Reference: Role
9. Click the Submit button.

Create a Data Set

In this section of the exercise, you will create a data set for the
parameters to use when testing. You will create one record to test
each of the NeedIt application roles.

1. In the Test Run Data Sets related list, click the New button.
2. Configure the new parameter value set.
First name: NeedIt
Last name: User
Role: x_58872_needit.needit_user
3. Click the Submit button.
4. Create a second parameter value set.
First name: NeedIt… 109/141
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Last name: Admin

Role: x_58872_needit.admin

Create the Test Steps

The final step to use parameterized testing is to configure the test
steps to use the parameters. In this section of the exercise, you will
add the Create a User, Navigate to Module, and Field State Validation
test steps to the test. The Create a User test step will use the
parameter values.

1. Switch to the Test Steps related list.

2. In the Test Steps related list, click the Add Test Step button.

3. In the Add Test Step dialog, select the Server category and then
select the Create a User test step.… 110/141
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4. Click the Next button.

5. Configure the Create a User test step.

First name: (Parameters ➔ First name)

Last name: (Parameters ➔ Last name)
Roles: (Parameters ➔ Role)

6. Click the Submit button.

7. Add a Navigate to Module test step to open a new NeedIt form.

1. Click the Add Test Step button.

2. In the Add Test Step dialog, select the Application

Navigator category and then select the Navigate to Module
test step.… 111/141
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3. Click the Next button.

4. Configure the Navigate to Module test step.

1. Click the Lookup using list button ( ) in the Module

2. Search for Modules where the Application menu
contains *needit.
3. Click the Create New Title on the list.

5. Click the Submit button.

8. Add a Field State Validation test step to verify fields on the new
NeedIt form.

1. Click the Add Test Step button.

2. In the Add Test Step dialog, select the Form category and
then select the Field State Validation test step.… 112/141
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3. Click the Next button.

4. Configure the Field State Validation test step.

1. Check for visible fields.

1. Click the Unlock Visible button.

2. In the Available slushbucket, select Number.

3. Click the Add Item button to move Number to the
Selected slushbucket.
4. Repeat this process to check the visibility of other
Short description

2. Check for mandatory fields.

1. Click the Unlock Mandatory button.

2. Add fields to the Selected slushbucket to check for

the mandatory flag.… 113/141
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Requested for
Requested for email
Request type
What needed
When needed

5. Click the Submit button.

Verify the test completes successfully for both users.

1. Click the Run Test button.

2. In the Pick a Browser dialog, start a new test runner or use an
existing one if open.
3. Click the Run Test button.… 114/141
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4. Watch the Client Test Runner as the test steps execute. When the
test steps finish and the Client Test Runner says Waiting for a test
to run, return to the browser tab where the Create NeedIt Module
test is open.
5. Examine the Run Test dialog. The tests should have succeeded.
6. Click the Go to Result button.
7. Examine the Test Results related list. Note that each record in the
list is the test run with a different value set.

Add the parameterized test to the NeedIt App test suite. Test the test
suite to verify all tests complete successfully.


To add the test to the NeedIt App test suite, open the NeedIt App test
suite. Add the Create NeedIt Module test to the Test Suite Tests
related list.

If you build more tests to verify access, you may want to group access
tests together in a suite.… 115/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

ATF developers can schedule test suites to run at a specific date and
time. Designated users are notified when scheduled test suites finish

The generalized procedure for scheduling test suite execution is:

1. Create a schedule.
1. Set frequency.
2. Set time.
2. Assign tests suites to the schedule.
1. Add users to the watch list.
2. If the test suite contains client-side tests:
1. Select a client test runner browser and browser version.
2. Select a client test runner OS and OS version.
3. If the scheduled test suites include client test steps, create
scheduled client test runners.

Create a Schedule
To create a schedule, open Automated Test Framework (ATF) >
Schedules and click the New button.… 116/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Name: A descriptive name for the schedule.

Active: Select to add the schedule to the ServiceNow scheduler.
When not selected, the schedule will not run.
Run: Select the frequency to run the schedule: Daily, Weekly,
Monthly, Periodically, Once, On Demand, Business Calendar:
Entry Start, or Business Calendar: Entry End.
Time, Day, Starting, Repeat interval, Days, Hours: These fields
are available on the form only for certain Run values and are used
to specify when to run the schedule.
Conditional: Select to display the Condition script field.
Condition: A server-side script to determine if the test suites
schedule should run as scheduled.

Condition Script
Condition scripts are optional in ATF schedules. Condition scripts are
evaluated when the scheduled time is met. The last line of a
condition script must evaluate to either true or false (Not return
true or false...evaluate to true or false). If the condition script evaluates
to false, the test suites in the schedule will not run. In the example… 117/141
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script, the ATF schedule is a Daily schedule set to run at 7:00 PM. The
condition script prevents the test suites from running on weekend days
even though the schedule is a Daily schedule.

DEVELOPER TIP: Condition scripts are not evaluated when testing schedules

using the Execute Now button.

Add Test Suites

To add test suites to a schedule, scroll to the Schedule Suites related
list and click the New button. Configure the Scheduled Suite Run
record.… 118/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Execution order: Order of suite execution on the schedule. If this

field is empty, ServiceNow executes the suites in the order they
are added to the schedule.
Test suite: The ATF test suite to add to the schedule.
Watch list: List of users to receive an email notification when the
schedule completes.
Browser name: If the test suite has UI (client-side) test steps,
select a browser for the steps to run on. The browser must have a
running scheduled client test runner to use when running the
suite. If set to Any, ATF uses any available scheduled client test
runner. If no scheduled client test runner is available with this
browser version, ATF does not run the suite.
Browser version starts with: If the test suite has UI (client-side)
tests steps, the scheduled client test runner must run under this
OS. If set to Any, ATF uses any available scheduled client test
runner. If no scheduled client test runner is available with this OS,
ATF does not run the suite.
OS name: If the test suite has UI components, the scheduled
client test runner must run under this OS. If no scheduled client
test runner is available with this OS, ATF does not run the suite.
OS version starts with: If the test suite has UI components, the
OS version for the scheduled client test runner must start with this
string. If no scheduled client test runner is available with this OS
version, ATF does not run the suite.… 119/141
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DEVELOPER TIP: A test suite can appear more than once in a schedule to

allow a single schedule to test the same suite on multiple browsers/browser

versions/OSs/OS versions.

Scheduled Client Test Runners

ATF uses scheduled client test runners to execute schedules
containing test suites with client-side test steps. Scheduled client test
runners only run scheduled test suites.

To create a scheduled client test runner, open Automated Test

Framework (ATF) > Run > Scheduled Client Test Runner. Repeat
this step on every browser/browser version/OS/OS version on which
the schedule's test suites will run.… 120/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

ATF administrators can view the running scheduled test runners using
the Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Run > Active Scheduled
Test Runners module.

If the browser/browser version/OS/OS version specified for a

scheduled test suite is not available, ATF skips the test suite.

Scheduled Test Notifications… 121/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

When scheduled test suites run, users and email addresses on the
Scheduled Suite Run record's Watch list receive the Test Suite Results
report by email.

Test Suite Results

The Test Suite Results email is a clickable report showing run results
at the schedule, suite, and test levels.… 122/141
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ATF administrators can change the email properties using the

Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Administration > Properties
module. The configurable options are:

Whether to display results from passing tests (default is to show

only failed test results)
Maximum number of test results to display (default is 10)
Maximum depth when printing suite results (default is 20)
Colors to indicate results: failed, errored, passed, skipped, and

Watch List

To edit the watch list, click the Unlock Watch list ( ) button.

Exercise: Create and Run a

In this exercise, you will create and run a suite schedule that executes
on the first of every month.

Preparation… 123/141
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Include a test that fails in the suite to see how failed tests appear in
the results.

1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application

Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Tests.
2. Open the NeedIt Set Requested for and Email test for editing.
3. Click the Copy Test button.
4. Rename the test NeedIt Fail Test.

5. Save the record by clicking the Additional Actions menu ( )

and selecting the Save menu item.
6. Update the Field Values Validation test step to ensure it fails. For
example, change the condition [Requested for email] [is] [(Step 1:
Impersonate ➔ User ➔ Email)] to [Requested for email] [is not]
[(Step 1: Impersonate ➔ User ➔ Email)].
7. Click the Update button.
8. Add the NeedIt Fail Test test to the NeedIt App test suite.

Create a Suite Schedule

1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application
Navigator to open Automated Test Framework (ATF) >
2. Click the New button.
3. Configure the Suite Schedule:
Name: NeedIt App Suites
Active: Selected (checked)
Run: Monthly
Day: 1
Time: [Hours] [02] [00] [00]… 124/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

4. Click the Save button.

Add a Scheduled Suite

1. Scroll to the Scheduled Suites related list and click the New
2. Configure the new Scheduled Suite Run record.
Test suite: NeedIt App
Browser name: Any
OS name: Any
3. Add your email address to the Watch list.

1. Click the Unlock Watch list button ( ).

2. Type your personal or work email address into the Enter
email address field.

3. Click the Add email address button ( ).

4. Click the Submit button.

Execute the NeedIt App Suites Schedule

1. Click the Execute Now button to execute the Schedule Suite.
2. Examine the Run Scheduled Suites results dialog to determine
why the schedule did not run.

QUESTION: Why did the schedule not run?

ANSWER: Schedules with client-side (UI) test steps require a

scheduled client test runner in order to execute. There are currently no
active client test runners.… 125/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Launch a Scheduled Client Test Runner and Run

1. In the Application Navigator, right-click Automated Test
Framework (ATF) > Run > Scheduled Client Test Runner and
select the Open Link in New Tab menu item (or whichever menu
item opens a link in a new tab in your browser).
2. In the NeedIt App Suites schedule, click the Execute Now button.
3. Switch to the browser tab where the scheduled client test runner
is executing. You should see the test steps from the NeedIt Apps
Suites schedule executing.
4. When the schedule execution completes, examine the Run
Schedule Suites dialog to see the results.

Examine the Test Suites Results Email

IMPORTANT: Email services are temporarily disabled on Personal Developer

Instances (PDIs). View sent email messages in System Logs > Emails

instead of in your email application. Open an email record and click the

Preview Email Related Link.… 126/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

1. In your email application, open the Test Suite Results for NeedIt
App email that was sent by the schedule. You may have to wait a
minute or two for the email to arrive. If the email does not arrive,
check your spam folder.
2. Explore the email to see what it contains. Click any of the links
you would like to investigate.

QUESTION: Why is the NeedIt Fail Test the only result included in the

ANSWER: By default, only failed test results appear in the email. To

see all test results in the email, open Automated Test Framework
(ATF) > Administration > Properties and deselect (uncheck) the
Boolean value for results displayed in scheduled suite email results

Run the Schedule in a Different Browser

1. If not still open, open the NeedIt App Suites schedule for editing.… 127/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

2. In the Schedule Suites related list, click the Preview button ( )

for the NeedIt App test suite.

3. Click the Open Record button.

4. Configure the Client Constraints to use a different browser and/or

OS than you have been using to test. Set the values according to
the browser(s) and/or OSs you have available to you. For
example, if you have been working in Chrome, set the browser to
Firefox. After modifying the browser, click the Update button.

5. Go to the browser on the OS you configured in the Client


6. In the new browser, log in to your personal developer instance as

the admin user.

7. In the Application Navigator, open Automated Test Framework

(ATF) > Run > Scheduled Client Test Runner to open a
scheduled client test runner.… 128/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

8. Return to the browser where you have been doing your

development work and run the NeedIt App Suites schedule.

9. Go to the second browser and watch the schedule execute in the

scheduled client test runner.

10. When the schedule finishes, examine the email to make sure the
schedule results are what you expected.

11. Return to the browser where you have been doing your
development work and use the Application Navigator to open
Automated Test Framework (ATF) > Run > Active Scheduled
Test Runners.

12. Open the record for the scheduled client test runner on the
second browser.

13. Click the Delete button to terminate the scheduled client test
runner on the second browser.

14. When prompted to confirm the record deletion, click the Delete

15. Return to the second browser and notice the scheduled client test
runner has the status of Disconnected. Close the browser tab.… 129/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

16. If you have any other scheduled client test runners running,
delete them as well.

Remove Your Email Address from the Schedule -

If you would prefer not to receive monthly emails from the NeedIt App
Suites schedule, remove your email address from the watch list.

1. If not still open, open the NeedIt App Suites schedule for editing.

2. In the Schedule Suites related list, click the Preview button ( )

for the NeedIt App test suite.
3. Click the Open Record button.

4. Click the Unlock button ( ) for the Watch list.

5. Click your email address to select it, then click the Remove

selected item button ( ).

6. Click the Update button.

Exercise: Save Your Using the

Automated Test Framework
Work (Optional)
Source control applications, like GitHub, allow developers to commit
changes (save completed work) outside of the Personal Developer
Instance (PDI). Commit changes made to the application to save your
work in source control.… 130/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

In this exercise, you will save the work completed in this module to
your GitHub repository.

NOTE: See the GitHub Guide (/!/guide/rome/now-platform/github-

guide/github-and-the-developer-site-training-guide-introduction) for more information

on how ServiceNow uses GitHub with the Developer Program learning content

and to see a video on how to save your work.

Commit Changes

1. If the NeedIt application is not open in Studio, open it now.

1. In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application

Navigator to open System Applications > Studio.

2. In the Select Application dialog, click the application.

2. Open the Source Control menu and select the Commit

Changes menu item.… 131/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

3. Select the updates to commit.

1. In the Select files to commit to source control for

<Application> dialog, select All Update Sets.
2. Review the application files to be committed.
3. Click the Continue button.… 132/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

4. In the Confirm files to commit to source control for NeedIt dialog,

enter a Commit comment, such as Using the Automated Test
Framework Module Completed.

5. Click the Commit Files button.

6. When the Commit Changes dialog reports success, click the

Close button.

NOTE: If the commit change fails, you may have entered the

ServiceNow repository URL in the URL field instead of the forked

repository URL. See the Troubleshooting GitHub Issues


section in the GitHub Guide for instructions on how to troubleshoot

GitHub connection issues.… 133/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Test Your Automated Test

Framework Knowledge
Want to verify your understanding of Automated Test Framework
(ATF)? These questions will help you assess your progress. For each
question, determine your response then click anywhere in the question
to see the answer.

QUESTION: Why is running ATF tests and suites disabled by default?

1. Tests and suites should only be run in production instances with

real data.
2. Tests and suites should only be run in non-production instances.
3. Tests and suites need to be built before making testing active.
4. Tests need to be answered with number 2 pencils to be graded.
5. Tests and suites need to be tested in non-production instances
before they are moved to production.

ANSWER: The correct response is 2. Even though ATF rolls back

steps run during a test, tests could impact data. Tests and suites
should only be run in non-production instances and never in
production. Instead, production instances should be cloned to a non-
production instance for testing.

QUESTION: How do you run a test as a different user? More than one
response may be correct.

1. Use the Create a User test step.

2. Use the Create and Impersonate User test step.
3. Impersonate the user before running the test.… 134/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

4. Log in as the user before running the test.

5. Use the Impersonate test step.

ANSWER: The correct responses are 1 and 5. The Create a User and
Impersonate test steps allow you to impersonate a different user for
the test. For the Create a User test step, be sure to configure the step
to Impersonate this user. The Create and Impersonate User test step
does not exist. A user may not have permissions to run ATF tests, so
impersonating a user or logging in as a user before running the test
would not work.

QUESTION: Which of the following describes a way to order test steps

in a test? More than one response may be correct.

1. Set the Order field in the Test Steps related list.

2. Drag and drop the steps into the order to run.
3. Select where to insert the step when adding the step to the test.
4. Set the Execution order field in the Test Steps related list.
5. Steps need to be created in the order they run.

ANSWER: The correct responses are 3 and 4. Select where to insert

the new test step using the Insert after choice list in the Add Test Step
dialog when adding the step to the test. Alternately, change the
Execution order values to reorder steps.

Test steps do not have an Order field. No interface allows test steps to
be reordered by dragging. Test steps can be reordered after creation.… 135/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

QUESTION: How do you use data from one step in a test in a later

1. Write a script to open the test step object to get the data to use in
the later step.
2. Click the step in the Data Panel and select the data to use in the
later step.
3. Create variables on the test and write scripts to populate the
variables when the test executes.
4. Click the Reference button and select the record from the table.
5. Click the Data Pill Picker button and select the variable from the
data pill picker.

ANSWER: The correct response is 5. Previous steps with output

variables can be selected. Data is represented as a data pill in the
interface. No scripting is required to access data from previous steps.

QUESTION: What is the purpose of a Test Template?

1. A test template is a reusable set of test steps that are commonly

used together to make test creation easier.
2. A test template is a set of reusable questions to make training
knowledge checks easier to create.
3. A test template is a reusable test that can be run with different
values to test with different data.
4. A test template is hierarchical grouping of related tests to run
multiple tests together as a single job.
5. A test template is an ordered sequence of steps to test that
automates testing in ServiceNow.… 136/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

ANSWER: The correct response is 1. Test templates make the

creation of similar tests quicker and easier.

Parameterized tests run a single test with different data. A suite is a

grouping of related test to run multiple tests together as a single run. A
test is an ordered sequence of steps that automates testing.

QUESTION: True or False? Developers can assert the expected result

from a test step so that when a record fails to insert, the test step is

ANSWER: The correct response is true. Developers can configure

test steps with assertions based on the intended result.

QUESTION: Which of the following is the purpose of a test runner?

1. Execute client-side test steps

2. Execute server-side test steps
3. Execute tests on a schedule
4. Execute tests in a specific browser
5. Execute with different data

ANSWER: The correct response is 1. The full name for a test runner is
client test runner. Test runners execute the client-side test steps
included in a test. While test runners can be launched in specific
browsers, the main purpose is to run the client-side test steps.… 137/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

QUESTION: How can a developer re-run only failed tests when a test
suite runs? More than one response may be correct.

1. Fix the issue and click the Re-run Failed Tests button in the Test
Suite Result record.
2. Fix the issue and run the test suite again.
3. Fix the issue, open the failed tests from the Test Suite Result
record, and click the Re-run Test button.
4. Fix the issue and click the Re-run Failed Tests button in the Run
Test Suite dialog.
5. Schedule the suite to run at a better time when all tests will

ANSWER: The correct responses are 1 and 4. Regardless of how the

failed tests are run, the failure should be fixed before re-running the

Fixing the issue and running the test suite again runs all the tests, not
just the failed tests. Tests cannot be re-run from the individual test
results under the Test Suite Result.

QUESTION: How can a developer create test run data sets for
parameterized tests? More than one response may be correct.

1. Link to a table and run the test for every record in a table.
2. Manually create parameter value sets.
3. Import a spreadsheet with the data.
4. Write a REST web service call to a data source.
5. Write a JavaScript to generate random data.… 138/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

ANSWER: The correct responses are 2 and 3. Parameter value sets

can be created manually or imported from a spreadsheet. The import
process will create a template spreadsheet to populate.

QUESTION: Which of the following are true about scheduling in ATF?

More than one response may be correct.

1. Scheduling allows tests to be scheduled to run at a specific date

and time.
2. Schedules can be configured to test specific browsers and
browser versions.
3. Schedules can be configured to test specific operating systems
and operating system versions.
4. Schedules run at a configured frequency.
5. Schedules send results to a watch list of users after completion.

ANSWER: The correct response is 4. This is a trick question.

Scheduling allows test suites to be configured to run at a specific date
and time, not tests. Developers configure browser, operating system,
and watch list details on the test suites assigned to the schedule, not
the schedule itself.

Using the Automated Test

Framework Module Recap
Core concepts:… 139/141
10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

The Automated Test Framework (ATF) is a ServiceNow

application for performing tests on an instance
Test driven development
Regression testing
Routine instance testing
By default ATF disables running tests and test suites; an ATF
administrator must enable the ability to run tests and test suites
NEVER run ATF on a production instance
Tests are made up of configured test steps
Many tests start with an Impersonate test step to make sure the
correct roles are applied during testing
A client tests runner is required for any client-side test step
Developers can manually execute tests
Output variables from one test step can be used as input
variables to another test step
Test templates are a reusable set of test steps which can be used
to quickly create tests
Test suites are a hierarchical, logical grouping of tests and other
test suites
Developers can manually execute test suites
Scheduled test suites automatically run at a specified frequency
Scheduled test suites send reports by email to users on the watch
Scheduled test suites with client-side test steps:
Require scheduled client test runners
Can be assigned a browser and/or OS for testing
Scheduled test suite email reports contain clickable links to the
test suite, tests, and test results
ATF administrators can configure scheduled test suite email
report properties such as whether or not to report on successful

After Completing Using the

Automated Test Framework, You
Might Also Be Interested In...
Congratulations on completing the Using the Automated Test
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10/28/22, 7:33 AM Course | Automated Test Framework - ServiceNow Developers

Service Portal Introduction (

u=ATF-R-MOD-SPI): In this Developer Site learning module, you
will create and test a Service Portal using baseline widgets.
Building a Test Case Generator for ATF
TestCaseGenerator): In this Live Coding Happy Hour video, you will
learn how to build an Automated Test Framework test case
Automated Test Framework Documentation
( On
the ServiceNow docs site, you will find the complete set of
reference material for the Automated Test Framework.… 141/141

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