Dental Floss Concept and Use Among The Undergradua
Dental Floss Concept and Use Among The Undergradua
Dental Floss Concept and Use Among The Undergradua
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Dr. Shazia Parveen Rajpar1, Dr. Munir Ahmed Banglani2, Dr. Suneel Kumar Punjabi3, Dr. Priya4
1. BDS, MSc
Senior Lecturer ABSTRACT… Objectives: To assist the concept and use of dental floss among
Department of Community Dentistry undergraduate dental students of Liaquat University of Medical & Health sciences,
Liaquat University of Medical
& Health Sciences Jamshoro. Study Design: Cross-sectional, descriptive case series study. Setting:
Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan Institute of Dentistry, Liaquat University of Medical Health, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
2. BDS, MSc
Assistant Professor Period: June 2015 to December 2015. Methodology: In this study 192 students
Department of Community Dentistry of BDS Department, Institute of Dentistry, Liaquat University of Medical & Health
Liaquat University of Medical
& Health Sciences
Science, Jamshoro were selected. Questions related to assess the knowledge 87.14%
Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan students knew what dental floss was. Results: 74.29% students knew that dental
3. BDS, FCPS floss remove plaque from interdental areas, whereas 25.71% replied don’t know.
Assistant Professor
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial 48.57% of the students thought that dental floss should be customarily used along
Surgery with tooth brushing every day, 24.29% of the students thought that dental floss harms
Liaquat University of Medical
& Health Sciences the interdental gingiva, whereas majority 40% said that it would not harm the gingiva,
Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan 35.71% replied don’t know. only 18.57% respondent thought that toothbrushes with
4. BDS, (MSc Trainee)
Department of Community Dentistry
advanced bristles designs would remove interdental plaque similar to dental floss,
Liaquat University of Medical whereas majority (60%) of the respondent had no any idea about the effectiveness of
& Health Sciences two cleaning methods, practice of using dental floss 18.57% of students use interdental
Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
aids commonly floss and while 81.43% did not use dental floss. 27.14% of the study
Correspondence Address: subjects use some other interdental aids like tooth picks to clean interdental areas,
Dr. Shazia Parveen Rajpar
BDS, MSc whereas 72.86% did not follow any other interdental cleaning practice. Conclusion:
Senior Lecturer This study has focused light on the knowledge and practice of interdental aid, so
Department of Community Dentistry
Liaquat University of Medical and
further studies are needed. Finally, it could be concluded that awareness regarding
Health Sciences, dental floss needs to be bolstered in the population as preventive oral health care
Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan behavior.
Article received on: Key words: Tooth brushing techniques, Dental Floss Oral health awareness
Accepted for publication:
15/10/2016 Article Citation: Rajpar SP, Banglani MA, Punjabi SK, Priya. Dental floss; concept and
Received after proof reading: use among the undergraduate dental students. Professional Med J
14/11/2016 2016;23(11):1364-1367. DOI: 10.17957/TPMJ/16.3608
in removing interdental plaque than manual P-value ≤ 0.05 was taken as statistically
toothbrush alone, these two in combination are significant.
effective for proper oral hygiene. Various reports
suggest that only a minority of population is RESULTS
compliant flosses on a daily basis.4 A total of 192 students of 1st and 2nd year BDS
class were surveyed. Out of 192 students, 82
As dental health is vastly an individualized notion, (42.71%) were boys and 110(57.29%) were
the aim of this study is to prevent, control/arrest females as in Figure-1.
oral diseases. The knowledge and practices of
dental students toward their oral health care When asked about the questions related to
reflect their understanding the importance of assess the knowledge 87.14% students knew
dental procedure and improving the oral health what was dental floss. 74.29% students knew
of their own, & their families.6 that dental floss remove plaque from interdental
A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted
on BDS students of both genders at Institute of
Dentistry, Liaquat University of Medical & Health
Sciences, Jamshoro. A briefing was given about
the nature of the study, and the procedure of
completing the questionnaire was explained
to every participant individually. Students
who refused to participate in this research
were excluded. Prior to fill the pre-designed Figure-1. Gender Distribution
questionnaire their consent was obtained.
All the information regarding the variables of areas, whereas 25.71% replied don’t know.
study was collected through 07 closed ended 48.57% of the students thought that dental floss
questionnaires. should be customarily used along with tooth
brushing every day, 24.29% of the students
In this study population of 192 dental students thought that dental floss harms the interdental
of 1st year and 2nd year were enrolled from June gingiva, whereas majority 40% said that it would
2015 to December 2015. Single researcher not harm the gingiva, 35.71% replied don’t know.
gathered questionnaire data by meeting only 18.57% said that they thought, toothbrushes
individually either at campus or hostel. No with advanced bristles designs would remove
tracking system was used to determine who interdental plaque similar to dental floss, whereas
responded and who did not, in order to ensure majority (60%) of the respondent had no any idea
anonymity. The questionnaire required data on about the effectiveness of two cleaning methods.
socio demographic characteristics, knowledge (Table-I&II)
regarding what is dental floss, its efficacy in
removing plaque from interdental areas etc. and When participants asked about the practice
their practices regarding use of dental floss. of using dental floss 18.57% of students use
Data collection was done using the SPSS interdental aids, commonly dental floss and
version 20.0 was used to analyze the data using while 81.43% did not use dental floss. 27.14%
descriptive statistics. of the study subjects use some other interdental
aids like tooth picks to clean interdental areas,
Descriptive statistics were computed and whereas 72.86% did not follow any other
differences between groups were assessed and interdental cleaning practice.(Table-I)
presented in the form of tables and Figures.
Question Yes No
1-Do you know what is dental floss? 87.14% 12.86%
2-Does dental floss removes plaque and debris from interdental areas? 74.29% 25.71%
3-Do you use dental floss to clean your teeth? 18.57% 81.43%
4-Do you use any other interdental aids like tooth picks and interdental brushes apart from 27.14% 72.86%
dental floss to clean interdental areas?
Table-I. Pre-Designed Questionnaires asked by participants
with access to health‑promotive dental care. J behavior of dental students in India. J Oral Sci 2008;
Contemp Dent Pract 2007; 8:68‑75. 50:267‑72.