CTG FO Cables A4 EN V-2022
CTG FO Cables A4 EN V-2022
CTG FO Cables A4 EN V-2022
Fiber Optic Cables
Product Catalog 2022
Table of Contents
Fiber Optic Cables
Explanations 120
Singlemode Fiber Specification 122
Multimode Fiber Specification 124
Cable Family Code 126
DIN VDE 0888 Cable Code 127
Sheat Materials Installation Cables 128
Color Codes Installation Cables 129
CPR Installation Cables 130
2 3
Overview CPR Classified Products
At one glance
Product Description Cable Type Product Name Fiber Count CPR Classification DoP No° Page Product Description Cable Type Product Name Fiber Count CPR Classification DoP No° Page
Gel-free Indoor Cable CLT IFEF FiRis 4 - 24 B2ca-s1a,d0,a1 D9082 22 Universal Cable CLT UT1EF 4 - 12 Dca-s2,d1,a1 D9012 32
Product Description Cable Type Product Name Fiber Count CPR Classification DoP No° Page Product Description Cable Type Product Name Fiber Count CPR Classification DoP No° Page
Gel-free Intensified Rodent Universal Cable SLT UT9x1,7F 156 - 216 Eca D9051 34
SLT UTd8x2,3GF FiRis 84 - 96 Cca-s2,d1,a1 D9090 28
Protected Universal Cable Universal Cable SLT UX3x2,3EF 12 x 24f = 288 Eca D9077 36
Gel-free Intensified Rodent Universal Cable SLT UX9x2,3EF 18 x 24f = 432 Eca D9078 36
SLT UTd3x2,3GF FiRis 108 - 144 Cca-s2,d1,a1 D9091 28
Protected Universal Cable
Intensified Rodent Protected
Fire Resistant - Steel Tape SLT UT6x1,7GF 24 - 72 Eca D9021 48
CLT QX1ECF FiRis 4 - 24 Cca-s1,d0,a1 D9044 114 Universal Cable
Armored Single Sheathed Cable
Intensified Rodent Protected
SLT UT8x1,7GF 84 - 96 Eca D9025 48
Aerial drop & Façade Cables MiniCore UAF250FiRis 02 - 12 Cca-s2,d0,a1 D9084 86 Universal Cable
Corrugated Steel Tape Armored Cable SLT UT3x1,7EFCF 108 - 144 Eca D9049 70
Corrugated Steel Tape Armored Cable SLT UT9x1,7EFCF 156 - 216 Eca D9050 70
4 5
Indoor Cables for Connector Termination
Semi-tight buffered tube Ø 0.9 mm IB9e 8 indoor FRLSZH 1 900 1.0 50 50 -10 °C ÷ +60 °C n.a. n.a. product warranty
Tight buffered tube Ø 0.9 mm IB9t 10 indoor FRLSZH 1 900 1.0 50 50 -25 °C ÷ +70 °C n.a. n.a. product warranty
Simplex Cord IB9t1AF2,0 12 indoor FRLSZH 1 900 2.0 4.0 200 500 -25 °C ÷ +70 °C n.a. n.a. product warranty
IB9t1AF3,0 12 indoor FRLSZH 1 900 3.0 9.0 400 500 -25 °C ÷ +70 °C product warranty
Duplex fig.8 Cord IB9t2AF2x2,0 14 indoor FRLSZH 2 900 2.0 4.2 9.0 2x 200 1000 -25 °C ÷ +70 °C n.a. n.a. product warranty
IB9t2AF2x2,7 14 indoor FRLSZH 2 900 2.7 5.6 15.0 2x 300 1000 -25 °C ÷ +70 °C n.a. n.a. product warranty
MiniCore Multifiber Harness Cable IAF250 FiRis 16 indoor FRLSZH 12 3.0 8.0 250 500 -10 °C ÷ +60 °C Cca-s2,d0,a1 D9075 product warranty
IAF400 FiRis 16 indoor FRLSZH 24 3.6 10.0 400 500 -10 °C ÷ +60 °C Cca-s2,d0,a1 D9076 product warranty
6 7
Semi-tight buffered tube Ø 0.9 mm
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance IEC 60794-1-21:E1 50 N (short term) Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
General Description
Semi-tight buffered fiber for direct connector termination to be used as Pigtail assembly for fusion or mechanical splicing. The buffered
tube can be stripped off more than 150 cm in one piece. The buffer and the fiber coating are kept in the same color for easy identification
even though the buffer is stripped off on longer length. Climatic Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Order Information
8 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 9
Tight buffered tube Ø 0.9 mm
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance IEC 60794-1-21:E1 50 N (short term) Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
General Description
Tight buffered fiber for direct connector termination to be used as Pigtail assembly for fusion or mechanical splicing. The buffer is kept
in color, whereas the fiber respectively its cladding is natural. The buffered tube can be stripped up to 50 mm in one piece.
Climatic Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Construction and Dimension
Temperature cycling IEC 60794-1-22:F12 - 25 °C ÷ + 70 °C Δα ≤ 0,05 dB @ 1550nm
Cable family code IB9t
Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
Cable outer diameter 900 µm
* IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
Cable weight 0.96 kg / km
Blue R866520
Orange R866521
Turquoise R866522
* R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber.
10 ** R&M‘s G.657.A2/B2 singlemode fiber remains compatible and compliant with ITU-T recommendation G.652.D. 11
Simplex Cord
Mechanical Data
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 200 N 400 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
General Description Kink resistance IEC 60794-1-21:E10 d=20 x cable diameter no kinking
Non-metallic Simplex cable for direct connector assembly featuring high flexibility and tight bending radii. Tight buffered fiber design Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test,
with a standard strippability up to 50 mm in one piece. Suitable for any indoor application such as Patch Cord Cable for data centers, Cable bend - no tension IEC 60794-1-21:E11A d=60 mm, 6 turns, 10 cycles
no damage
drop cable installations or data cable in distribution centers.
Cable outer diameter 2.0 mm 3.0 mm Temperature cycling IEC 60794-1-22:F12 - 25 °C ÷ + 70 °C Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
* other put-up length available on special request Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass Pass IEC 60332-1-2
Order Information Halogen free, acid gases Pass Pass IEC 60754-2
* R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber.
12 ** R&M‘s G.657.A2/B2 singlemode fiber remains compatible and compliant with ITU-T recommendation G.652.D. 13
Duplex fig.8 Cord
Mechanical Data
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2 x 200 N 2 x 300 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
General Description Kink resistance IEC 60794-1-21:E10 d=20 x single cord diameter no kinking
Non-metallic Duplex cable in a figure 8 design also known as Zip Cord made for direct connector assembly featuring high flexibility and Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test,
tight bending radii. Tight buffered fiber design with a standard strippability up to 50 mm in one piece. Suitable for any indoor application Cable bend - no tension IEC 60794-1-21:E11A d=60 mm, 6 turns, 10 cycles
no damage
such as Patch Cord Cable for data centers, drop cable installations or data cable in distribution centers.
Cable family code IB9t2AF2x2,0 IB9t2AF2x2,7 Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Cable outer diameter 2.0 x 4.2 mm 2.7 x 5.6 mm Temperature cycling IEC 60794-1-22:F12 - 25 °C ÷ + 70 °C Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
* other put-up length available on special request Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass Pass IEC 60332-1-2
Order Information Halogen free, acid gases Pass Pass IEC 60754-2
* R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber.
14 ** R&M‘s G.657.A2/B2 singlemode fiber remains compatible and compliant with ITU-T recommendation G.652.D. 15
MiniCore Multifiber Harness Cable
Mechanical Data
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 250 N 400 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
General Description Impact resistance IEC 60794-1-21:E4 1 Nm, 3 impacts, d=20 mm, R=12,5 mm
Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test,
MiniCore cables are non-metallic multifiber harness cables and are designed for direct assembly of MPO / MTP® connectors or on no damage
dividers to fan-out to standard simplex or duplex connectors. The cable includes strain relief made from aramid yarn and a maximum of Torsion IEC 60794-1-21:E7 L = 1 m, rotation angle ± 180 °, 10 cycles, F= 20 N no damage
12 fibers (IAF250 FiRis), respectively 24 fibers (IAF400 FiRis) and its outer sheath is constructed for indoor installations.
Kink resistance IEC 60794-1-21:E10 d=20 x cable diameter no kinking
Fiber count 12 24
Climatic Data
Outer sheath thickness 0.55 mm 0.55 mm
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Cable outer diameter 3.0 mm 3.6 mm
Temperature cycling IEC 60794-1-22:F12 - 20 °C ÷ + 60 °C Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
Cable weight 8 kg / km 10 kg / km
- 5 °C ÷ + 50 °C during installation
Outer sheath material FRLSZH Temperature range - 20 °C ÷ + 60 °C in service
- 25 °C ÷ + 70 °C in storage & transport
OM2 OM3 OM4 OM5 Singlemode
Sheath color
orange turquoise heather-violet lime-green yellow Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
Sheath marking method, color Ink-Jet, black * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
Fiber types available Bend optimized single- and multi-mode (G.657.A1, OM3, OM4, OM5) and OM2 fibers
1.-12.: red, green, blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, violet, turquoise, black, orange, pink
Fiber color coding (IEC 60304) 13.-24.: red, green, blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, violet, turquoise, natural, orange, pink
(ring-marked) Fire Properties
DIN / VDE Code J-(ZN)H Test IAF250 FiRis IAF400 FiRis Test Method
Standard put-up length * 2100 m ± 5 %
Thermal load 0.25 MJ / m 0.28 MJ / m
* other put-up length available on special request
Euro classification to CPR Cca-s2,d0,a1 Cca-s2,d0,a1 EN 50575, EN 13501-6
16 * R&M‘s G.657.A2/B2 singlemode fiber remains compatible and compliant with ITU-T recommendation G.652.D. 17
Gel-free Loose Tube Installation Cables
UTd8x2,3GF FiRis 28 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 96 8 2.3 12.5 155.0 5000 4000 -40 °C to +70 °C Cca-s2,d1,a1 D9090 R&Mfreenet
UTd3x2,3GF FiRis 28 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 144 12 2.3 15.3 240.0 6000 4000 -40 °C to +70 °C Cca-s2,d1,a1 D9091 R&Mfreenet
18 19
FTTH Mini Loose Tube Indoor Drop Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 200 N (5 min) Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
* other put-up length available on special request * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
20 * R&M‘s G.657.A2/B2 singlemode fiber remains compatible and compliant with ITU-T recommendation G.652.D 21
Central Loose Tube – Indoor Cable - B2ca graded
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1000 N (5 min.) Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Fire Properties
Test Value / Value Range Test Method
Order Information Thermal load 0.48 MJ / m
Cable Family Fiber Count OM2 OM3 OM4 OM5 G.657.A1 * Euro classification to CPR B2ca-s1a,d0,a1 EN 50575, EN 13501-6
6 857769 857775 857781 857787 857793 Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass IEC 60332-1-2
8 857770 857776 857782 857788 857794 Smoke density Pass IEC 61034-1, IEC 61034-2
12 857771 857777 857783 857789 857795 Halogen free, acid gases Pass IEC 60754-2
22 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 23
Central Loose Tube – Universal Cable – Cca graded
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Standard put-up length * 2100 m ± 5 % Water penetration IEC 60794-1-22 F5B L = 3 m, h = 1 m, 24 h no water leakage
* other put-up length available on special request Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
Order Information
Fire Properties
Cable Family Fiber Count OM3 OM4 OM5 G.657.A1 *
Test Value / Value Range Test Method
4 870412 870416 870420 870424
Thermal load 0.63 MJ / m
6 870413 870417 870421 870425
UTd1GF FiRis Euro classification to CPR Cca-s1a,d0,a1 EN 50575, EN 13501-6
8 870414 870418 870422 870426
Declaration of performance number D9088
12 870415 870419 870423 870427
Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass IEC 60332-1-2
other fiber counts and/or fiber types available on request
Fla mmability - vertical cable bundle Pass IEC 60332-3-22
24 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 25
Stranded Loose Tube – Universal Cable – B2ca graded
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2200 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 4000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
DIN / VDE Code U-BQ(BN)H wbg 4x2,3 Water penetration IEC 60794-1-22 F5B L = 3 m, 1 m water height, 24 h no water leakage
* other put-up length available on special request * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
26 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 27
Stranded Loose Tube – Universal Cable – Cca graded
Mechanical Data
UTd6x2,3GF UTd8x2,3GF UTd3x2,3GF
Test Test Method Acceptance Criteria *
FiRis FiRis FiRis
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2200 N 2500 N 3000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 4000 N 5000 N 6000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
030.7270.C / similar product Crush resistance - Δα ≤ 0,05 dB prior release,
IEC 60794-1-21:E3A 2000 N / 100 mm
long term no damage
Cable Family Fiber Count OM3 OM4 OM5 G.657.A1 * Declaration of performance number D9089 D9090 D9091
2 x 12 (24) 873735 870469 873739 873701 Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass Pass Pass IEC 60332-1-2
UTd6x2,3GF FiRis 4 x 12 (48) 873736 870470 873740 873732 Fla mmability - vertical cable bundle Pass Pass Pass IEC 60332-3-22
6 x 12 (72) 873737 873698 873741 873733 Smoke density Pass Pass Pass IEC 61034-1, IEC 61034-2
UTd8x2,3GF FiRis 8 x 12 (96) 878469 Halogen free, acid gases Pass Pass Pass IEC 60754-2
UTd3x2,3GF FiRis 12 x 12 (144) 873738 873699 873742 873734 2015 / 863 / EU - RoHS 3 conform
other fiber counts and/or fiber types available on request 1907 / 2006 / EU - REACH conform
28 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 29
Standard Duct Cables
UX1EF 32 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 24 1 3.0 5.8 41.0 1000 2000 -30 °C ÷ +70 °C Dca-s2,d1,a1 D9027 R&Mfreenet
UT8x1,7F 34 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 96 8 1.7 9.5 90.0 2000 2000 -40 °C to +70 °C Eca D9024 R&Mfreenet
UT3x1,7F 34 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 144 12 1.7 11.7 130.0 2000 2000 -40 °C to +70 °C Eca D9014 R&Mfreenet
UT9x1,7F 34 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 216 18 1.7 11.8 135.0 2000 2000 -40 °C to +70 °C Eca D9051 R&Mfreenet
UX9x2,3EF 36 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 432 18 2.3 14.6 195.0 3000 2000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Eca D9078 R&Mfreenet
Central Loose Tube – Outdoor Cable OT1EL 38 outdoor LDPE - UV stable 12 1 2.8 5.8 29.0 1000 2000 -20 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9905 R&Mfreenet
OX1EL 38 outdoor LDPE - UV stable 24 1 3.5 6.5 37.0 1000 2000 -20 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9906 R&Mfreenet
OT8x1,7H 40 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 96 8 1.7 9.5 70.0 2000 2000 -40 °C to +70 °C Fca D9926 R&Mfreenet
OT3x1,7H 40 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 144 12 1.7 11.7 105.0 2000 2000 -40 °C to +70 °C Fca D9927 R&Mfreenet
OT9x1,7H 40 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 216 18 1.7 11.8 110.0 2000 2000 -40 °C to +70 °C Fca D9928 R&Mfreenet
OX9x2,3EH 42 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 432 18 2.3 14.6 175.0 3000 2000 -40 °C to +70 °C Fca D9934 R&Mfreenet
30 31
Central Loose Tube – Universal Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 300 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
32 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 33
Stranded Loose Tube – Universal Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method UT6x1,7F UT8x1,7F UT3x1,7F UT9x1,7F Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 800 N 800 N 800 N 800 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2000 N 2000 N 2000 N 2000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
34 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 35
Stranded Loose Tube – 24 Fiber Tubed Universal Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 3000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Loose tube color coding 1. red, 2. green, rest of tubes white, fillers uncolored or black * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
Cable Family Fiber Count OM3 OM4 G.657.A1 * Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass Pass IEC 60332-1-2
UX3x2,3EF 12 x 24 (288) 856586 856590 856598 Fla mmability - vertical cable bundle Pass Pass IEC 60332-3-22
UX9x2,3EF 18 x 24 (432) 856587 856591 856599 Smoke density Pass Pass IEC 61034-1, IEC 61034-2
other fiber counts and/or fiber types available on request Halogen free, acid gases Pass Pass IEC 60754-2
36 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 37
Central Loose Tube – Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 300 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Loose tube diameter 2.8 mm 3.5 mm Repeated bending IEC 60794-1-21:E6 R=20 x cable diameter, 25 cycles no damage
Order Information
38 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 39
Central Loose Tube – Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method OT6x1,7H OT8x1,7H OT3x1,7H OT9x1,7H Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 800 N 800 N 800 N 800 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2000 N 2000 N 2000 N 2000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Outer sheath material UV stable HDPE Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Sheath color black Temperature cycling IEC 60794-1-22:F1 - 40 °C ÷ + 70 °C Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
Sheath marking method, color Ink-Jet, white - 5 °C ÷ + 50 °C during installation
Temperature range - 40 °C ÷ + 70 °C in service
Fiber types available Bend optimized single- and multi-mode fibers (G.657.A1, OM3, OM4) - 40 °C ÷ + 70 °C in storage & transport
Fiber color coding (IEC 60304) 1.-12.: red, green, blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, violet, turquoise, black, orange, pink Water penetration IEC 60794-1-22 F5B L = 3 m, h = 1 m, 24 h no water leakage
Loose tube color coding 1. red, 2. green, rest of tubes white, fillers uncolored or black Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
Fire Properties
Test OT6x1,7H OT8x1,7H OT3x1,7H OT9x1,7H Test Method
Order Information Euro classification to CPR Fca Fca Fca Fca EN 50575, EN 13501-6
40 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 41
Stranded Loose Tube – 24 Fiber Tubed Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 3000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Cable family code OX3x2,3EH OX9x2,3EH Repeated bending IEC 60794-1-21:E6 R=20 x cable diameter, 25 cycles no damage
42 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 43
Intensified Duct Cables
UX1GF 46 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 24 1 3.0 7.2 58.0 2000 2000 -30 °C ÷ +70 °C Dca-s2,d1,a1 D9031 R&Mfreenet
UT8x1,7GF 48 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 96 8 1.7 10.0 115.0 4000 2000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Eca D9025 R&Mfreenet
UT3x1,7GF 48 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 144 12 1.7 12.2 155.0 4500 2000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Eca D9015 R&Mfreenet
UT9x1,7GF 48 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 216 18 1.7 12.7 160.0 4500 2000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Eca D9052 R&Mfreenet
UX9x2,3GF 50 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 432 18 2.3 15.7 230.0 5000 2000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Eca D9080 R&Mfreenet
Central Loose Tube – Outdoor Cable OT1GL 52 outdoor LDPE - UV stable 12 1 2.8 6.5 37.0 1800 2000 -20 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9907 R&Mfreenet
OX1GL 52 outdoor LDPE - UV stable 24 1 3.5 7.4 50.0 2000 2000 -20 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9908 R&Mfreenet
OT8x1,7GH 54 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 96 8 1.7 10.0 90.0 4000 2000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9936 R&Mfreenet
OT3x1,7GH 54 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 144 12 1.7 12.2 130.0 4500 2000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9937 R&Mfreenet
OT9x1,7GH 54 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 216 18 1.7 12.7 135.0 4500 2000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9938 R&Mfreenet
OX9x2,3GH 56 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 432 18 2.3 15.7 195.0 5000 2000 -40 °C to +70 °C Fca D9948 R&Mfreenet
OT8x1,7LGH 58 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 96 8 1.7 13.0 140.0 5000 3000 -40 °C to +70 °C Fca D9940 product warranty
OT3x1,7LGH 58 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 144 12 1.7 15.3 180.0 5000 3000 -40 °C to +70 °C Fca D9941 product warranty
44 45
Central Loose Tube – Universal Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method UT1GF UX1GF Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 600 N 800 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1800 N 2000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Fire Properties
Order Information
Test UT1GF UX1GF Test Method
Cable Family Fiber Count OM3 OM4 G.657.A1 * Thermal load 0.59 MJ / m 0.81 MJ / m
4 855616 855622 855637 Euro classification to CPR Dca-s2,d1,a1 Dca-s2,d1,a1 EN 50575, EN 13501-6
12 855619 855625 855640 Fla mmability - vertical cable bundle Pass Pass IEC 60332-3-22
UX1GF 24 855646 855648 855651 Smoke density Pass Pass IEC 61034-1, IEC 61034-2
other fiber counts and/or fiber types available on request Halogen free, acid gases Pass Pass IEC 60754-2
46 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 47
Stranded Loose Tube – Universal Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method UT6x1,7GF UT8x1,7GF UT3x1,7GF UT9x1,7GF Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 900 N 1200 N 1400 N 1400 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2700 N 4000 N 4500 N 4500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Fire Properties
Test UT6x1,7GF UT8x1,7GF UT3x1,7GF UT9x1,7GF Test Method
Order Information Thermal load 1.35 MJ / m 1.65 MJ / m 2.73 MJ / m 2.72 MJ / m
Cable Family Fiber Count OM3 OM4 G.657.A1 * Euro classification to CPR Eca Eca Eca Eca EN 50575, EN 13501-6
2 x 12 (24) 856718 856750 856813 Declaration of performance number D9021 D9025 D9015 D9052
UT6x1,7GF 4 x 12 (48) 856720 856752 856815 Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass Pass Pass Pass IEC 60332-1-2
6 x 12 (72) 856722 856754 856817 Fla mmability - vertical cable bundle Pass Pass Pass Pass IEC 60332-3-22
UT8x1,7GF 8 x 12 (96) 856723 856755 856818 Smoke density Pass Pass Pass Pass IEC 61034-1, IEC 61034-2
UT3x1,7GF 12 x 12 (144) 856724 856756 856819 Halogen free, acid gases Pass Pass Pass Pass IEC 60754-2
48 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 49
Stranded Loose Tube – 24 Fiber Tubed Universal Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 5000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
* other put-up length available on special request Test UX3x2,3GF UX9x2,3GF Test Method
50 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 51
Central Loose Tube – Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method OT1GL OX1GL Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 600 N 800 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1800 N 2000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Cable family code OT1GL OX1GL Repeated bending IEC 60794-1-21:E6 R=20 x cable diameter, 25 cycles no damage
12 855584 851102
52 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 53
Central Loose Tube – Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
OT6x OT8x OT3x OT9x
Test Test Method Acceptance Criteria *
1,7GH 1,7GH 1,7GH 1,7GH
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 900 N 1200 N 1400 N 1400 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2700 N 4000 N 4500 N 4500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
030.6402.A / similar product Crush resistance - Δα ≤ 0,05 dB prior release,
IEC 60794-1-21:E3A 1000 N / 100 mm
long term no damage
Outer sheath material UV stable HDPE Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Sheath color black Temperature cycling IEC 60794-1-22:F1 - 40 °C ÷ + 70 °C Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
Sheath marking method, color Ink-Jet, white - 5 °C ÷ + 50 °C during installation
Temperature range - 40 °C ÷ + 70 °C in service
Fiber types available Bend optimized single- and multi-mode fibers (G.657.A1, OM3, OM4) - 40 °C ÷ + 70 °C in storage & transport
Fiber color coding (IEC 60304) 1.-12.: red, green, blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, violet, turquoise, black, orange, pink Water penetration IEC 60794-1-22 F5B L = 3 m, h = 1 m, 24 h no water leakage
Loose tube color coding 1. red, 2. green, rest of tubes white, fillers uncolored or black Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
DIN / VDE Code A-DQ(BN)2Y wbg nx1,7 * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
Fire Properties
OT6x OT8x OT3x OT9x
Test Test Method
1,7GH 1,7GH 1,7GH 1,7GH
Order Information
Euro classification to CPR Fca Fca Fca Fca EN 50575, EN 13501-6
Cable Family Fiber Count OM4 G.657.A1 *
Declaration of performance number D9935 D9936 D9937 D9938
2 x 12 (24) 856623 856654
2015 / 863 / EU - RoHS 3 conform
OT6x1,7GH 4 x 12 (48) 856625 856656
1907 / 2006 / EU - REACH conform
6 x 12 (72) 856627 856658
54 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 55
Stranded Loose Tube – 24 Fiber Tubed Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 5000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Cable family code OX3x2,3GH OX9x2,3GH Repeated bending IEC 60794-1-21:E6 R=20 x cable diameter, 25 cycles no damage
Cable Family Fiber Count OM4 G.657.A1 * 1907 / 2006 / EU - REACH conform
56 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 57
Stranded Loose Tube – Double Sheathed Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method OT6x1,7LGH OT8x1,7LGH OT3x1,7LGH Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1600 N 2000 N 2000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 4000 N 5000 N 5000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
6 x 12 (72) R885317
58 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 59
Corrugated Steel Tape Armored Cables
UT8x1,7ECF 68 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 96 8 1.7 12.0 165.0 4000 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9046 R&Mfreenet
UT3x1,7ECF 68 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 144 12 1.7 14.0 210.0 4000 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9047 R&Mfreenet
UT9x1,7ECF 68 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 216 18 1.7 14.0 210.0 3500 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9048 R&Mfreenet
UT8x1,7EFCF 70 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 96 8 1.7 13.1 210.0 4000 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9023 R&Mfreenet
UT3x1,7EFCF 70 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 144 12 1.7 15.1 270.0 4000 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9049 R&Mfreenet
UT9x1,7EFCF 70 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 216 18 1.7 16.1 290.0 4000 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9050 R&Mfreenet
Central Loose Tube – Outdoor Cable OX1ECH 72 outdoor / direct buried HDPE - UV stable 24 1 3.0 7.7 70.0 1500 5000 -20 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9911 R&Mfreenet
OT8x1,7ECH 76 outdoor / direct buried HDPE - UV stable 96 8 1.7 12.0 140.0 4000 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9953 R&Mfreenet
OT3x1,7ECH 76 outdoor / direct buried HDPE - UV stable 144 12 1.7 14.0 185.0 4000 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9954 R&Mfreenet
OT9x1,7ECH 76 outdoor / direct buried HDPE - UV stable 216 18 1.7 14.0 185.0 3500 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9955 R&Mfreenet
60 61
Corrugated Steel Tape Armored Cables
OT8x1,7ELCH 78 outdoor / direct buried HDPE - UV stable 96 8 1.7 13.1 175.0 4000 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9957 product warranty
OT3x1,7ELCH 78 outdoor / direct buried HDPE - UV stable 144 12 1.7 15.1 220.0 4000 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9958 product warranty
OT9x1,7ELCH 78 outdoor / direct buried HDPE - UV stable 216 18 1.7 16.1 240.0 4000 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9959 product warranty
OT6x2,3CDH 80 outdoor / direct buried HDPE - UV stable 72 6 2.3 14.9 220.0 4000 4000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C n.a. n.a. product warranty
OT8x2,3CDH 80 outdoor / direct buried HDPE - UV stable 96 8 2.3 15.9 250.0 4000 4000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C n.a. n.a. product warranty
OT3x2,3CDH 80 outdoor / direct buried HDPE - UV stable 144 12 2.3 18.9 335.0 4000 4000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C n.a. n.a. product warranty
62 63
Central Loose Tube – Universal Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Cable family code UX1ECF Repeated bending IEC 60794-1-21:E6 R=20 x cable diameter, 25 cycles no damage
Fire Properties
Test Value / Value Range Test Method
Order Information
Thermal load 0.87 MJ / m
Cable Family Fiber Count OM3 OM4 G.657.A1 * Euro classification to CPR Dca-s2,d2,a1 EN 50575, EN 13501-6
4 855738 855748 855767 Declaration of performance number D9026
6 855739 855749 855768 Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass IEC 60332-1-2
UX1ECF 8 855740 855750 855769 Fla mmability - vertical cable bundle Pass IEC 60332-3-22
12 855741 855751 855770 Smoke density Pass IEC 61034-1, IEC 61034-2
24 855742 855752 855771 Halogen free, acid gases Pass IEC 60754-2
other fiber counts and/or fiber types available on request 2015 / 863 / EU - RoHS 3 conform
64 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 65
Central Loose Tube – Double Sheathed Universal Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 3000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
66 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 67
Stranded Loose Tube – Universal Cable
Mechanical Data
UT6x UT8x UT3x UT9x
Test Test Method Acceptance Criteria *
1,7ECF 1,7ECF 1,7ECF 1,7ECF
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 800 N 1200 N 1200 N 1100 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2500 N 4000 N 4000 N 3500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
030.6404.B / similar product Crush resistance - Δα ≤ 0,05 dB prior release,
IEC 60794-1-21:E3A 2500 N / 100 mm
long term no damage
DIN / VDE Code U-DQ(ZN)(SR)H wbg nx1,7 * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
Standard put-up length * 2100 m ± 5 %
68 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 69
Stranded Loose Tube – Double Sheathed Universal Cable
Mechanical Data
UT6x UT8x UT3x UT9x
Test Test Method Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 800 N 1200 N 1200 N 1200 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2500 N 4000 N 4000 N 4000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
030.6406.B / similar product Crush resistance - Δα ≤ 0,05 dB prior release,
IEC 60794-1-21:E3A 2500 N / 100 mm
long term no damage
Fiber color coding (IEC 60304) 1.-12.: red, green, blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, violet, turquoise, black, orange, pink Water penetration IEC 60794-1-22 F5B L = 3 m, h = 1 m, 24 h no water leakage
Loose tube color coding 1. red, 2. green, rest of tubes white, fillers uncolored or black Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
DIN / VDE Code U-DQ(ZN)H(SR)H wbg nx1,7 * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
70 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 71
Central Loose Tube – Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Cable family code OX1ECH Repeated bending IEC 60794-1-21:E6 R=20 x cable diameter, 25 cycles no damage
Fire Properties
Test Value / Value Range Test Method
Order Information
Euro classification to CPR Fca EN 50575, EN 13501-6
Cable Family Fiber Count OM4 G.657.A1 * Declaration of performance number D9911
4 855720 855728 2015 / 863 / EU - RoHS 3 conform
6 852285 855729 1907 / 2006 / EU - REACH conform
OX1ECH 8 855721 855730
12 855722 855731
24 855723 855732
72 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 73
Central Loose Tube – Double Sheathed Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
* other put-up length available on special request * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
24 855781 855790
74 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 75
Stranded Loose Tube – Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
OT6x OT8x OT3x OT9x
Test Test Method Acceptance Criteria *
1,7ECH 1,7ECH 1,7ECH 1,7ECH
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 800 N 1200 N 1200 N 1100 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2500 N 4000 N 4000 N 3500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
030.6404.A / similar product Crush resistance - Δα ≤ 0,05 dB prior release,
IEC 60794-1-21:E3A 2500 N / 100 mm
long term no damage
Fiber color coding (IEC 60304) 1.-12.: red, green, blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, violet, turquoise, black, orange, pink Water penetration IEC 60794-1-22 F5B L = 3 m, h = 1 m, 24 h no water leakage
Loose tube color coding 1. red, 2. green, rest of tubes white, fillers uncolored or black Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
DIN / VDE Code A-DQ(ZN)(SR)2Y wbg nx1,7 * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
Cable Family Fiber Count OM4 G.657.A1 * Declaration of performance number D9952 D9953 D9954 D9955
76 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 77
Stranded Loose Tube – Double Sheathed Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
OT6x OT8x OT3x OT9x
Test Test Method Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 800 N 1200 N 1200 N 1200 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2500 N 4000 N 4000 N 4000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
030.6406.A / similar product Crush resistance - Δα ≤ 0,05 dB prior release,
IEC 60794-1-21:E3A 2500 N / 100 mm
long term no damage
Fire Properties
OT6x OT8x OT3x OT9x
Test Test Method
Order Information 1,7ELCH 1,7ELCH 1,7ELCH 1,7ELCH
78 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 79
Stranded Loose Tube – CSTA & 2 Steel Wire – Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
OT5x OT6x OT8x OT3x
Test Test Method Acceptance Criteria *
2,3CDH 2,3CDH 2,3CDH 2,3CDH
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1500 N 2500 N 2500 N 2500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 3000 N 4000 N 4000 N 4000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
030.7657.A / similar product Crush resistance - Δα ≤ 0,05 dB prior release,
IEC 60794-1-21:E3A 2000 N / 100 mm
long term no damage
Fiber types available Bend optimized single- and multi-mode fibers (G.657.A1, OM3, OM4) Water penetration IEC 60794-1-22 F5B L = 3 m, h = 1 m, 24 h no water leakage
Fiber color coding (IEC 60304) 1.-12.: red, green, blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, violet, turquoise, black, orange, pink Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
Loose tube color coding 1. red, 2. green, rest of tubes white, fillers uncolored or black * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
* other put-up length available on special request Test Value / Value Range Test Method
Order Information
80 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 81
Stranded Loose Tube – 24 Fiber Tubed CSTA & 2 Steel Wire –
Outdoor Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 4000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Loose tube color coding 1. red, 2. green, rest of tubes white, fillers uncolored or black
Order Information
82 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 83
Aerial drop & Façade Cables
MiniCore Façade Cable - Cca graded UAF250 FiRis 86 universal- façade FRLSZH – UV stable 6 n.a. n.a. 2.8 13.0 250 1000 -10 °C ÷ +60 °C Cca-s2,d0,a1 D9084 product warranty
UAF250 FiRis 86 universal- façade FRLSZH – UV stable 12 n.a. n.a. 3.2 11.0 250 1000 -10 °C ÷ +60 °C Cca-s2,d0,a1 D9084 product warranty
UAF 1000 FiRis 88 universal- façade FRLSZH – UV stable 2 n.a. n.a. 3.2 11.0 1000 1000 -10 °C ÷ +60 °C Cca-s2,d0,a1 D9085 product warranty
UAF 1000 FiRis 88 universal- façade FRLSZH – UV stable 8 n.a. n.a. 3.6 13.0 1000 1000 -10 °C ÷ +60 °C Cca-s2,d0,a1 D9085 product warranty
UAF 1000 FiRis 88 universal- façade FRLSZH – UV stable 12 n.a. n.a. 3.8 14.0 1000 1000 -10 °C ÷ +60 °C Cca-s2,d0,a1 D9085 product warranty
UAF250 90 universal - aerial FRLSZH – UV stable 12 n.a. n.a. 3.2 11.0 250 1000 -20 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9010 product warranty
UAF1000 92 universal - aerial FRLSZH – UV stable 2 n.a. n.a. 3.2 11.0 1000 1000 -20 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9011 product warranty
UAF1000 92 universal - aerial FRLSZH – UV stable 8 n.a. n.a. 3.6 13.0 1000 1000 -20 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9011 product warranty
UAF1000 92 universal - aerial FRLSZH – UV stable 12 n.a. n.a. 3.8 14.0 1000 1000 -20 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9011 product warranty
84 85
MiniCore Façade Cable – Cca graded
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 250 N (max. allow-able tension) Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Maximal reco mmended
Construction and Dimension span
Telenco clamp 7593 40 m (min. sag 60 cm), max. allow-able tension Δα ≤ 0,05 dB, no damage
Cable family code UAF250 FiRis UAF250 FiRis Minimum bend radius –
55 mm
in service
Fiber count 6 12
Minimum bend radius –
Outer sheath thickness 0.8 mm 0.8 mm 75 mm
during installation
Cable outer diameter 2.8 mm 3.2 mm
UAF250 FiRis 6 857715 Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass IEC 60332-1-2
other fiber counts and/or fiber types available on request 2015 / 863 / EU - RoHS 3 conform
86 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 87
MiniCore Façade Cable – Cca graded
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1000 N (max. allow-able tension) Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Maximal reco mmended
Construction and Dimension span
Telenco clamp 7593 60 m (min. sag 90 cm), max. allow-able tension Δα ≤ 0,05 dB, no damage
Cable family code UAF1000 FiRis UAF1000 FiRis UAF1000 FiRis Minimum bend radius –
55 mm
in service
Fiber count 2 8 12
Minimum bend radius –
Outer sheath thickness 0.8 mm 0.8 mm 0.8 mm 75 mm
during installation
Cable outer diameter 3.2 mm 3.6 mm 3.8 mm
Cable weight 11 kg / km 13 kg / km 14 kg / km
Outer sheath material UV stable FRLSZH Climatic Data
Sheath color black Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Sheath marking method, color Ink-Jet, white Temperature cycling IEC 60794-1-22:F1 - 20 °C ÷ + 60 °C Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
Fiber types available Bend optimized singlemode fibers (G.657.A1, G.657.A2) - 5 °C ÷ + 50 °C during installation
Temperature range - 20 °C ÷ + 60 °C in service
Fiber color coding (IEC 60304) 1.-12.: red, green, blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, violet, turquoise, black, orange, pink in storage & transport
- 25 °C ÷ + 60 °C
DIN / VDE Code U-(ZN)H Water penetration IEC 60794-1-22 F5B L = 3 m, h = 1 m, 24 h no water leakage
Standard put-up length * 2100 m ± 5 % Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
* other put-up length available on special request
* IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
Order Information
Fire Properties
Cable Family Fiber Count G.657.A1 *
Test Value / Value Range Test Method
2 857731
Euro classification to CPR Cca-s2,d0,a1 EN 50575, EN 13501-6
4 857732
Declaration of performance number D9085
UAF 1000 FiRis 6 857733
Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass IEC 60332-1-2
8 857734
Smoke density Pass IEC 61034-1, IEC 61034-2
12 857735
Halogen free, acid gases Pass IEC 60754-2
other fiber counts and/or fiber types available on request
2015 / 863 / EU - RoHS 3 conform
88 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 89
MiniCore Aerial Drop Cable – Short Span
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 250 N (max. allow-able tension) Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Construction and Dimension Repeated bending IEC 60794-1-21:E6 R=20 x cable diameter, 25 cycles no damage
Order Information
90 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 91
MiniCore Aerial Drop Cable – Short Span
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1000 N (max. allow-able tension) Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Order Information
92 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 93
Flat ADSS Loose Tube Cable – Short Span
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1600 N (max. allow-able tension) Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Fiber types available Bend optimized singlemode fibers (G.657.A1) Temperature cycling IEC 60794-1-22:F1 - 40 °C ÷ + 70 °C Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
Fiber color coding (IEC 60304) 1.-12.: red, green, blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, violet, turquoise, black, orange, pink - 5 °C ÷ + 50 °C during installation
Temperature range - 40 °C ÷ + 70 °C in service
DIN / VDE Code A-D(ZN)2YT (2FRP 2,0) - 40 °C ÷ + 70 °C in storage & transport
Standard put-up length * 2100 m ± 5 % Water penetration IEC 60794-1-22 F5B L = 3 m, h = 1 m, 24 h no water leakage
* other put-up length available on special request Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
Order Information
94 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 95
Flat ADSS TWIN Loose Tube Cable – Short Span
Aerial drop & Façade Cables
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1600 N (max. allow-able tension) Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Fire Properties
Test Value / Value Range Test Method
Order Information
Euro classification to CPR Fca EN 50575, EN 13501-6
Cable Family Fiber Count G.657.A1 *
Declaration of performance number D9972
2 x 4 (8) 857702
2015 / 863 / EU - RoHS 3 conform
2 x 6 (12) 857703
ST2fH 1907 / 2006 / EU - REACH conform
2 x 8 (16) 857704
2 x 12 (24) 851160
96 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 97
Micro Cables for blowing-in
FTTH Micro Cable MT1RF 100 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 4 1 1.2 3.0 11.0 150 500 -20 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9038 product warranty
Central Loose Tube Micro Cable MT1H 102 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 12 1 1.7 3.0 8.0 50 500 -20 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9903 product warranty
MX1H 102 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 24 1 2.3 4.0 14.0 50 500 -20 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9904 product warranty
Stranded Loose Tube Micro Cable MT6x1,5AH 104 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 72 6 1.55 5.7 30.0 600 1000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9920 product warranty
MT8x1,5AH 104 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 96 8 1.55 6.6 40.0 1200 1000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9921 product warranty
MT3x1,5AH 104 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 144 12 1.55 8.6 64.0 1200 1000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9922 product warranty
MT9x1,5AH 104 outdoor HDPE - UV stable 216 18 1.55 8.9 64.0 800 1000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9923 product warranty
98 99
FTTH Micro Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 150 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Fire Properties
Test Value / Value Range Test Method
Order Information Thermal load 0.19 MJ / m
Cable Family Fiber Count G.657.A1 * Euro classification to CPR Fca EN 50575, EN 13501-6
other fiber counts and/or fiber types available on request Fla mmability - vertical cable bundle Pass IEC 60332-3-22
100 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 101
Central Loose Tube Micro Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 50 N (short term) Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Cable Family Fiber Count OM4 G.657.A1 * 1907 / 2006 / EU - REACH conform
2 855479 855485
4 855480 855486
8 855481 855488
12 848281 855489
102 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 103
Stranded Loose Tube Micro Cable
Mechanical Data
MT6x MT8x MT3x MT9x
Test Test Method Acceptance Criteria *
1,5AH 1,5AH 1,5AH 1,5AH
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 600 N 1200 N 1200 N 800 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
General Description Torsion IEC 60794-1-21:E7 L = 1 m, rotation angle ± 180°, 10 cycles no damage
Non-metallic stranded loose tube Micro cable with up to 216 fibers in a 18-strand stranding, used outdoors for „air-blown“ installations Kink resistance IEC 60794-1-21:E10 d=20 x cable diameter no kinking
into Microducts.
Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test,
Cable bend - no tension IEC 60794-1-21:E11A d=40 x cable diameter, 4 turns, 3 cycles
no damage
Sheath marking method, color Ink-Jet, white Water penetration IEC 60794-1-22 F5B L = 3 m, h = 1 m, 24 h no water leakage
Fiber types available Bend optimized single- and multi-mode fibers (G.657.A1, OM3, OM4) Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
Fiber color coding (IEC 60304) 1.-12.: red, green, blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, violet, turquoise, black, orange, pink * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
Loose tube color coding 1. red, 2. green, rest of tubes white, fillers uncolored or black
104 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 105
Stranded Loose Tube Micro Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 400 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Loose tube color coding 1. red, 2. green, rest of tubes white, fillers uncolored or black
Cable Family Fiber Count OM4 G.657.A1 * 1907 / 2006 / EU - REACH conform
106 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 107
Fire Resistant Cables
QX1GF 110 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 24 1 3.0 7.8 68.0 2000 2000 -30 °C ÷ +70 °C Dca-s2,d1,a1 D9008 product warranty
QT8x2,3GF 112 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 96 8 2.3 14.6 225.0 4500 2000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9042 product warranty
QT3x2,3GF 112 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 144 12 2.3 18.0 340.0 6000 2000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9043 product warranty
QT8x2,3EFCF 118 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 96 8 2.3 17.5 350.0 3000 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9063 product warranty
QT3x2,3EFCF 118 universal FRLSZH – UV stable 144 12 2.3 21.5 500.0 3500 5000 -40 °C ÷ +70 °C Fca D9064 product warranty
108 109
Central Loose Tube – Non Armored, Intensified Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 800 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 2000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Cable family code QT1GF QX1GF Repeated bending IEC 60794-1-21:E6 R=20 x cable diameter, 25 cycles no damage
Fire Properties
Order Information
Test QT1GF QX1GF Test Method
Cable Family Fiber Count OM3 OM4 G.657.A1 *
Thermal load 0.72 MJ / m 0.91 MJ / m
4 855931 855939 855954
Euro classification to CPR Dca-s1,d1,a1 Dca-s2,d1,a1 EN 50575, EN 13501-6
6 855932 855940 855955
QT1GF Declaration of performance number D9004 D9008
8 855933 855941 855956
Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass Pass IEC 60332-1-2
12 855934 855942 855957
Fla mmability - vertical cable bundle Pass Pass IEC 60332-3-22
QX1GF 24 855959 855961 855964
Smoke density Pass Pass IEC 61034-1, IEC 61034-2
other fiber counts and/or fiber types available on request
Halogen free, acid gases Pass Pass IEC 60754-2
110 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 111
Stranded Loose Tube – Non Armored, Intensified Cable
Mechanical Data
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1400 N 1400 N 1800 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 4500 N 4500 N 6000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
030.6407.B / similar product Crush resistance - Δα ≤ 0,05 dB prior release,
IEC 60794-1-21:E3A 1000 N / 100 mm
long term no damage
Outer sheath material UV stable FRLSZH Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Sheath color green Temperature cycling IEC 60794-1-22:F1 - 40 °C ÷ + 70 °C Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
Sheath marking method, color Ink-Jet, black - 5 °C ÷ + 50 °C during installation
Temperature range - 40 °C ÷ + 70 °C in service
Fiber types available Bend optimized single- and multi-mode fibers (G.657.A1, OM3, OM4) - 40 °C ÷ + 70 °C in storage & transport
Fiber color coding (IEC 60304) 1.-12.: red, green, blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, violet, turquoise, black, orange, pink Water penetration IEC 60794-1-22 F5B L = 3 m, h = 1 m, 24 h no water leakage
Loose tube color coding 1. red, 2. green, rest of tubes white, fillers uncolored or black Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
DIN / VDE Code U-DQ(BN)H wbg nx2,3 fr * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
Fire Properties
Test QT6x2,3GF QT8x2,3GF QT3x2,3GF Test Method
Order Information Thermal load 2.48 MJ / m 3.38 MJ / m 5.55 MJ / m
Cable Family Fiber Count OM3 OM4 G.657.A1 * Euro classification to CPR Fca Fca Fca EN 50575, EN 13501-6
2 x 12 (24) 857590 857597 857604 Declaration of performance number D9006 D9042 D9043
QT6x2,3GF 4 x 12 (48) 857592 857599 857606 Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass Pass Pass IEC 60332-1-2
6 x 12 (72) 857594 857601 857608 Fla mmability - vertical cable bundle Pass Pass Pass IEC 60332-3-22
QT8x2,3GF 8 x 12 (96) 857595 857602 857609 Smoke density Pass Pass Pass IEC 61034-1, IEC 61034-2
QT3x2,3GF 12 x 12 (144) 857596 857603 857610 Halogen free, acid gases Pass Pass Pass IEC 60754-2
112 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 113
Central Loose Tube – Corrugated Steel Tape Armored Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 3000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Cable family code QX1ECF FiRis Repeated bending IEC 60794-1-21:E6 R=20 x cable diameter, 25 cycles no damage
Fire Properties
Test Value / Value Range Test Method
Order Information
Thermal load 0.93 MJ / m
Cable Family Fiber Count OM3 OM4 G.657.A1 * Euro classification to CPR Cca-s1a,d0,a1 EN 50575, EN 13501-6
4 855970 855980 855999 Declaration of performance number D9044
6 855971 855981 856000 Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass IEC 60332-1-2
QX1ECF FiRis 8 855972 855982 856001 Fla mmability - vertical cable bundle Pass IEC 60332-3-22
12 855973 855983 856002 Smoke density Pass IEC 61034-1, IEC 61034-2
24 855974 855984 856003 Halogen free, acid gases Pass IEC 60754-2
other fiber counts and/or fiber types available on request 2015 / 863 / EU - RoHS 3 conform
114 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 115
Central Loose Tube – Double Sheathed & CST Armored Cable
Mechanical Data
Test Test Method Value / Value Range Acceptance Criteria *
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 1000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 3000 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
Cable Family Fiber Count OM3 OM4 G.657.A1 * Declaration of performance number D9045
4 856009 856019 856038 Fla mmability - vertical single cable Pass IEC 60332-1-2
6 856010 856020 856039 Smoke density Pass IEC 61034-1, IEC 61034-2
QX1EFCF FiRis 8 856011 856021 856040 Halogen free, acid gases Pass IEC 60754-2
116 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 117
Stranded Loose Tube – Double Sheathed & CST Armored Cable
Mechanical Data
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 900 N 900 N 1100 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB
in service
Tensile performance –
IEC 60794-1-21:E1 3000 N 3000 N 3500 N Δα ≤ 0,05 dB after test
during installation
030.6408.B / similar product Crush resistance - Δα ≤ 0,05 dB prior release,
IEC 60794-1-21:E3A 2500 N / 100 mm
long term no damage
Fiber types available Bend optimized single- and multi-mode fibers (G.657.A1, OM3, OM4) Water penetration IEC 60794-1-22 F5B L = 3 m, h = 1 m, 24 h no water leakage
Fiber color coding (IEC 60304) 1.-12.: red, green, blue, yellow, white, grey, brown, violet, turquoise, black, orange, pink Expected lifetime minimum 30 years
Loose tube color coding 1. red, 2. green, rest of tubes white, fillers uncolored or black * IEC 60794-3-10, IEC 60794-3-11
118 * R&M‘s G.657.A1 standard singlemode fiber used in installation cables is a fully G.652.D compliant fiber. 119
From A to Z
120 121
Singlemode Fiber
1550 Nm ≤ 18.0 ps / km × Nm ≤ 18.0 ps / km × Nm Damp heat 1310,1550 and 1625 Nm ≤ 0.5 dB / km ≤ 0.5 dB / km
1625 Nm ≤ 22.0 ps / km × Nm ≤ 23.0 ps / km × Nm
Cut-off wavelength λcc ≤ 1260 Nm ≤ 1260 Nm • IEC 60793-2-50 Cat. B.1.3 and B6_a1 • IEC 60793-2-50 Cat. B.1.3, B6a.1, B6a.2
• ITU Reco mmendation G.657 table A1 • ITU Reco mmendation G.657 table A2 / B2
1310 Nm 9.2 ± 0.4 µm 8.6 ± 0.4 µm This fiber fulfills the requirements of: • ITU Reco mmendation G.652 table D • ITU Reco mmendation G.652 table D
Mode field diameter (including older ITU designations A, B and C) (including older ITU designations A, B and C)
1550 Nm 10.4 ± 0.5 µm 9.6 ± 0.5 µm • TIA / EIA-492 CAAC • TIA / EIA-492 CAAC
cabled ≤ 0.1 ps / √km ≤ 0.2 ps / √km • EN 50 173-1: 2011, cat. OS1 + OS2
Polarization mode dispersion (PMD) When cabled, the fibers fulfil the
link value ≤ 0.05 ps / √km ≤ 0.06 ps / √km • ISO / IEC 24702: 2006, cat. OS1 + OS2
requirements for use in a number of
• ISO / IEC 11801: 2002, cat. OS1 + OS2
cabling systems, among them is:
1310 Nm 1.467 1.467 • IEEE 802.3 - 2002 incl. 802.3 Section Four
Group index of refraction
1550 Nm 1.468 1.468 Testing methods are in accordance
• IEC 60793-1-XX
with the following standards:
1550 Nm ≤ 0.1 dB ≤ 0.03 dB
Macro bending loss, 10 turns, r = 15 mm mandrel
1625 Nm ≤ 0.3 dB ≤ 0.1 dB
1550 Nm ≤ 0.5 dB ≤ 0.1 dB R&M’s ITU-T G657.A1 fiber is an ITU-T Recommendation G652.D fully compliant optical fiber with enhanced low-loss and bending performances
Macro bending loss, 1 turn, r = 10 mm mandrel that exceeds the ITU-T Recommendation G.657.A1 standard and still splices the same as the installed base of standard single-mode fibers.
1625 Nm ≤ 1.5 dB ≤ 0.2 dB
R&M’s ITU-T G657.A2 fiber exceeds Recommendation ITU-T G657.A2/B2 and remains compatible and fully compliant with Recommendation
1550 Nm -- ≤ 0.5 dB ITU-T G.652.D. The optical fiber delivers enhanced macro bending performance while maintaining compatible with current equipment, practices
Macro bending loss, 1 turn, r = 7.5 mm mandrel
1625 Nm -- ≤ 0.9 dB and procedures.
Dimensional Specification
122 123
Multimode Fiber
Designation OM1 OM2 OM3 OM4 OM51 Units Designation Induced attenuation OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4, OM5
850 nm ≥ 200 ≥ 500 ≥ 1500 ≥ 3500 ≥ 3500 MHz x km Temperature Cycling, Δα ≤ 0.1 dB/km 850/1300 nm -60 °C to +85 °C
Overfilled Modal Bandwidth
1310 nm ≥ 500 ≥ 500 ≥ 500 ≥ 500 ≥ 500 MHz x km Temperature - Humidity Cycling Δα ≤ 0.1 dB/km 850/1300 nm -10 °C to +85 °C, 4-98 % RH
850 nm ≥ 2000 ≥ 4700 ≥ 4700 MHz x km Water Immersion Δα ≤ 0.1 dB/km 850/1300 nm 30 days; 23 °C
Effective Modal Bandwidth
953 nm ≥ 2470 MHz x km Dry Heat Δα ≤ 0.1 dB/km 850/1300 nm 30 days ; 85 °C
850 nm ≤ 3.5 ≤ 3.0 ≤ 3.0 ≤ 3.0 ≤ 3.0 dB/km Damp Heat Δα ≤ 0.1 dB/km 850/1300 nm 30 days; 85 °C; 85 % RH
Cabled Fiber Attenuation (maximum)
1310 nm ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0 dB/km
850 nm 1.496 1.482 1.482 1.482 1.482
Group Index of Refraction
1310 nm 1.491 1.477 1.477 1.477 1.477 Designation OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4, OM5
124 1
with specified fiber parameters for wavelength multiplexing between 850 nm and 950 nm | 2 aging at 85°C, 85% RH, 30 days 3
indicated link distances require total connector loss = 1.0 dB, and VCSEL spectral bandwidth of = 0.45 nm 125
Cable Family Code DIN/VDE 0888 Cable Code
Example UT8x1,7ECF
U T 8x1.7 E C F 08 12 S7 E
8 outer sheath color
7zz fiber type
Example DIN/VDE code
7yy fiber count each tube
7xx number of tubes U - D Q (ZN) (SR) H
6 sheath material 4 halogen free jacket (FRLSZH)
126 127
Cable Sheath Materials Color Codes
The following table gives an overview of the commercially available sheath materials and shall be seen as a simple Corrosive gasses low no no low low high
orientation aid.
Petrol /Kerosene NR ML OK ML ML NR
IEC 60304 – R&M Standard
Salt water OK OK OK OK OK OK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Aggressive, watery acids OK OK ML ML ML ML
Groups of chemicals
Diluted, watery acids OK OK OK ML OK ML red green blue yellow white gray brown violet turquoise black orange pink
Aggressive, watery lye’s OK OK NR NR ML ML 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Diluted, watery lye’s OK OK ML OK OK ML
Acids, less aggressive OK OK NR ML ML OK red green blue yellow white gray brown violet turquoise transperant orange pink
ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked
Acids, aggressive OK OK NR ML OK ML
Solvents, thinners NR NR NR NR NR NR
Mechanical Properties
blue orange green brown gray white red transparent yellow violet pink turquoise
Mechanical properties describe its behavior under the action of loads on it. There are many mechanical properties of ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked ring-marked
materials and some key properties related to cable sheath are given below. These properties are mostly of import-
ance during installation.
Loose-tube color coding
Polyolefins Polybutylene Polyvinyl-
Description Polyethylene Polyurethane Polyamide 1 2 3 4 5 18
flame retardant terephthalate chloride
red green white white white ... white
Abrasion resistance low med good good good good medium
black red green blue yellow white ivory gray brown violet turquoise orange pink
128 129
Overview CPR Classified Products
Fiber Optic Cables
Flaming droplets
There are three classes for the production of flaming droplets:
Construction Products Regulation d0 no flaming droplets
d1 flaming droplets for a short time
Euro class B2ca and class Cca Euro class Eca d2 potentially long-lasting flaming droplets
Products with very high or high fire protection, no conti- Products with normal fire protection, exposure to a small
nuous flame propagation, limited fire development, and flame may ignite the cable, low resistance to temperatu-
a limited heat release rate. re increases.
* The necessary fire protection classification for installation cables is prescribed by the relevant fire prevention authority.
130 131
Reichle & De-Massari AG
Binzstrasse 32
CH-8620 Wetzikon
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