Jorda vs. Judge Bitas
Jorda vs. Judge Bitas
Jorda vs. Judge Bitas
Judge Bitas
[A.M. No. RTJ-14-2376. March 5, 2014.]
[Formerly OCA I.P.I. No. 11-3625-RTJ]
It bears stressing that as a dispenser of justice, respondent should
exercise judicial temperament at all times, avoiding vulgar and
insulting language. He must maintain composure and equanimity.
This Court has long held that court officials and employees are placed
with a heavy burden and responsibility of keeping the faith of the
public. Any impression of impropriety, misdeed or negligence in the
performance of official functions must be avoided. This Court shall not
countenance any conduct, act or omission on the part of all those
involved in the administration of justice which would violate the norm
of public accountability and diminish the faith of the people in the
Other Notes: