Wa 514-2021

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W.A NO.514 OF 2021

AGAINST THE JUDGMENT DATED 12.02.2021 IN WP(C).NO.33004/2019











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NEW DELHI-110 002



14.07.2021, THE COURT ON 02.08.2021 DELIVERED THE
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A.K. Jayasankaran Nambiar, J.

The petitioner in W.P.(C).No.33004/2019 is the appellant

before us, aggrieved by the judgment dated 12.2.2021 of the

learned Single Judge in the writ petition. The writ petition was one

seeking the issuance of a writ of Quo-Warranto to declare the

appointment of the 1st respondent as Vice Chancellor of APJ Abdul

Kalam Technological University, Thiruvananthapurm, as void ab

initio and for other incidental reliefs. The brief facts necessary for

disposal of the Writ Appeal are as follows:

The appellant holds an Engineering Degree from the Kerala

University, an MTech Degree from IIT, Kanpur and a PhD from IIT,

Chennai in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering. He joined the

Cochin University of Science and Technology as Reader [Associate

Professor] and the Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering

in 2000. He was a Professor for 13 years and a Dean of the Faculty

of Engineering for three years. After his retirement on 31.5.2019,

on attaining 60 years of age, he was appointed as Principal of the

Rajagiri College of Engineering. Just prior to his retirement, the

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appellant had responded to Ext.P6 Notification dated 21.12.2018

that invited applications for selection to the post of Vice Chancellor

of the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University. The said

Notification was the second Notification issued during 2018, and

while the petitioner had responded to the earlier Notification dated

30.7.2018 inviting applications and had been invited for a

conversation in connection with the selection procedure, those

proceedings were subsequently abandoned, and a fresh

Notification [Ext.P6] was issued calling for applicants for the said

post. This time round, the appellant was not invited for any

conversation, and on 19.2.2019, the 1st respondent was appointed

as the Vice Chancellor of the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological

University. Ext.P7 order dated 19.2.2019 is the order appointing

the 1st respondent as Vice Chancellor. It would appear that the

appellant, on coming to know about the appointment of the 1 st

respondent, made various attempts to get information regarding

the 1st respondent's credentials, and notwithstanding the letter

written by him seeking information, he was only able to get limited

information to the effect that out of 26 applicants, only 22 were

found eligible for the post, and of these, only five persons including

the 1st respondent, were shortlisted for further scrutiny. The

appellant was not included among those shortlisted. Thereafter, in

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the proceedings that took place on 19.2.2019, the members of the

Search Committee, who could not unanimously agree on a panel of

atleast three names, separately recommended the 1 st respondent

for selection as the Vice Chancellor. It was the said

recommendation that found acceptance with the Chancellor in

accordance with the procedure prescribed under the A.P.J. Abdul

Kalam Technological University Act, 2015 [hereinafter referred to

as the '2015 Act'].

2. In the writ petition, the challenge of the appellant was

mainly threefold. Firstly, it was contended that the composition of

the Search committee itself was flawed, in that, the Search

Committee constituted by the University comprised inter alia the

Chief Secretary, who, according to the appellant, does not qualify

as a person “eminent in the sphere of education” as mandated

under clause 7.3.0 (ii) of Ext.P2 University Grants Commission

(Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and Other

Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Other measures

for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education)

Regulations, 2010 [hereinafter referred to as the “UGC

Regulations, 2010”]. It is further contended that the said person

does not also meet the criteria of being one who is “not connected
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in any manner with the University”. Secondly, it was contended

that instead of a nominee of the UGC Chairman, the University had

included a nominee of the AICTE as the second member of the

Search Committee, and this was not in accordance with the UGC

Regulations that held the field. Thirdly, with regard to the manner

in which the Search Committee made its recommendations, it was

contended that the Committee did not furnish the essential

evaluation of the candidates along with the required panel to the

2nd respondent Chancellor, but chose to send only a single name to

him for approval. This procedure, according to the appellant, was

based on an erroneous interpretation of Section 13(4) of the 2015

Act, and against the purport of the said provision.

3. Counter affidavits were filed on behalf of the 1 st

respondent appointee, 3rd respondent University and the 4th

respondent State Government.

4. In the counter affidavit filed on behalf of the 1 st

respondent, it was pointed out that the Search Committee was

constituted as per Section 13 of the 2015 Act and not based on the

UGC Regulations. In particular, it was pointed out that the

University Grants Commission Act, 1956 [UGC Act] itself had no

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provision regulating the appointment of Vice Chancellors since the

Vice Chancellor was not a teaching staff of the University. It

followed, therefore, that the UGC Regulations, 2010, dealing with

the Vice Chancellor's appointment was itself ultra vires the parent

Act. It was also pointed out that the exclusion of the appellant from

the short list was known to him as early as on 19.2.2019, but he

had failed to challenge the exclusion immediately thereafter.

5. In the counter affidavit filed on behalf of the 3 rd

respondent University, it was pointed out that Ext.P2 UGC

Regulations of 2010 were amended in 2013, and a copy of the

amendment was produced as Ext.R3(a). It was contended that

inasmuch as the procedure for appointment of Vice Chancellor was

amended, to make it clear that the constitution of the Search

Committee could also be in accordance with the respective

University Act/Statutes, even if the UGC Regulations were to be

treated as binding on the University, the amendment of 2013 made

it clear that the University was free to follow the procedure

prescribed under the 2015 Act. That in the instant case, inasmuch

as the Search Committee was constituted as per Section 13 of the

2015 Act, there was no illegality or irregularly in the composition of

the Search Committee. The counter affidavit filed on behalf of the

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State Government adopts the same stand as that of the University,

and reiterates that the constitution of the Search Committee was in

accordance with the provisions of the 2015 Act, and further, that

the recommendation of a single name by all members of the

Committee was also in compliance with the provisions of the 2015


6. The learned Single Judge, who considered the matter,

found that under the UGC Act, the consequence of breach of any

Regulations framed by the UGC was that the UGC could take steps

to cancel the affiliation of the University concerned. Inasmuch as

the UGC had not taken any such action against the University, it

was apparent that the UGC itself did not find the constitution of the

Search Committee in accordance with Section 13 of the 2015 Act,

to be objectionable. The learned Judge also took note of the

decision of the Supreme Court in Kalayani Mathivanan v. K.G.

Jeyaraj and Others – [(2015) 6 SCC 363] to find that the UGC

Regulations, in the instant case, were not mandatory, and although

the State Government had specifically adopted the UGC

Regulations 2010, since the UGC had not deemed it necessary to

take any action against the University for alleged breach of the

Regulations, the decision of the University to appoint the 1 st

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respondent as the Vice Chancellor, did not call for any interference.

The writ petition was accordingly dismissed by the learned Single


7. Before us, although the learned counsel for the appellant

Sri.Shyam Krishnan vehemently reiterated the threefold

contentions in the writ petition, we felt that unless the appellant

was able to establish that the UGC Regulations in question were

binding on the respondent University, and had the effect of

overriding the statutory provisions by which the University was

otherwise bound, the other contentions urged by the learned

counsel did not merit consideration. This was, more so because,

we found that while the UGC Regulations 2010 were in fact

adopted by the State Government, Regulation 7.3.0 of the said

Regulations that dealt with the qualification and selection

procedure of the Vice Chancellor was subsequently amended in

2013, and the amended Regulations had not been specifically

adopted by the State Government. The learned counsel for the

appellant, when confronted with the said fact, contended that the

non-adoption of the 2013 amendment was of no legal significance

since it merely amended the UGC Regulations 2010 without

superseding it. According to the learned counsel, the adoption by

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the State Government of the UGC Regulations 2010 was sufficient

to cover even the amendments made thereto in 2013. The

contention, in other words, is that, so long as the State Government

had adopted the UGC Regulations 2010, it has to be assumed that

the adoption by the State Government applied automatically, and

without anything more, to all the subsequent amendments effected

to the said Regulations. The contention of Sri.S.Krishnamurthy, the

learned Standing Counsel for the UGC, on the other hand, is that

the UGC Regulations issued under Section 26 of the UGC Act are

binding upon the University even without an adoption by the State

Government. According to him, the UGC Regulations trace their

validity to Entry 66 of List I of the Seventh Schedule to the

Constitution, and the University Statute, being a legislation

traceable to Entry 25 of List III of the Seventh Schedule to the

Constitution, must necessarily be subject to the Regulations framed

by the UGC. In his view, therefore, there is no requirement for

adoption by the State Government for the UGC Regulations to be

treated as mandatory and binding on the University. By extension

of that argument, he submits that any subsequent amendment to

the Regulations also, does not require any adoption by the State

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8. We have carefully considered the submissions of the

learned counsel for the appellant and the respondents, and perused

the relevant statutory provisions and the judgments relied upon

during the course of hearing. We have also gone through the

argument notes submitted by the learned counsel on behalf of the

appellant and respondents. In Kalayani Mathivanan (supra), the

Supreme Court considered a challenge to the appointment of a Vice

Chancellor of Madurai Kamaraj University. The issue involved was

whether the UGC Regulations 2010 that prescribed eligibility

criteria for the post, prevailed over the eligibility criteria

prescribed under the Madurai Kamaraj University Act, which

criteria the appointee in that case had admittedly met. On the

issue of conflict, if any, between the UGC Act and Regulations and

the University Statute, in the matter of appointment of a Vice

Chancellor, it was held as follows at paragraphs 54 to 57:

“54. The question that now arises is whether any of the

provisions of the State legislation (University Act, 1965) and the
Statutes framed thereunder is in conflict with the Central legislation
i.e. the UGC Act, 1956 including the UGC Regulations, 2010.

55. We find that the post of Vice-Chancellor under the

University Act, 1965 is a post of an officer. The UGC Act, 1956 is
silent about this aspect. The UGC Regulations, 2000 are also silent in
regard to the post of Vice-Chancellor. The provisions regarding Vice-
Chancellor have been made for the first time under the UGC
Regulations, 2010.
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56. We have noticed and held that UGC Regulations, 2010 are
not applicable to the universities, colleges and other higher
educational institutions coming under the purview of the State
Legislature unless State Government wish to adopt and implement
the Scheme subject to the terms and conditions therein. In this
connection, one may refer to Para 8(p)(v) of Appendix I dated 31-12-
2008 and Regulation 7.4.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010.

57. It is also not the case of the respondents that the Scheme
as contained in Appendix I to the Annexure of the UGC Regulations,
2010 has been adopted and implemented by the State Government. It
is also apparent from the facts that the University Act has not been
amended in terms of the UGC Regulations, 2010 nor was any action
taken by UGC under Section 14 of the UGC Act, 1956 as a
consequence of failure of the University to comply with the
recommendations of the Commission under Section 14 of the UGC
Act, 1956.”

Thereafter, referring to a decision of the Bombay High Court in

Suresh Patilkhede v. Chancellor, Universities of Maharashtra

– [(2012) SCC OnLine Bom 2005], that found that Regulations

7.2.0 and 7.3.0 of the UGC Regulations 2010 are traceable to

Section 12(d) of the UGC Act, 1956, and are therefore only

recommendatory in nature, the Supreme Court found as follows in

paragraph 62:

“62. In view of the discussion as made above, we hold:

62.1. To the extent the State legislation is in conflict with the

Central legislation including subordinate legislation made by the
Central legislature under Entry 25 of the Concurrent List shall be
repugnant to the Central legislation and would be inoperative.
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62.2. The UGC Regulations being passed by both the Houses

of Parliament, though a subordinate legislation has binding effect on
the universities to which it applies.

62.3. The UGC Regulations, 2010 are mandatory to teachers

and other academic staff in all the Central universities and colleges
thereunder and the institutions deemed to be universities whose
maintenance expenditure is met by UGC.

62.4. The UGC Regulations, 2010 are directory for the

universities, colleges and other higher educational institutions
under the purview of the State legislation as the matter has been left
to the State Government to adopt and implement the Scheme. Thus,
the UGC Regulations, 2010 are partly mandatory and is partly

62.5. The UGC Regulations, 2010 having not been adopted by

the State of Tamil Nadu, the question of conflict between the State
legislation and the Statutes framed under the Central legislation does
not arise. Once they are adopted by the State Government, the State
legislation to be amended appropriately. In such case also there shall
be no conflict between the State legislation and the Central

9. In the instant case also, we find that the UGC Regulations

prescribing a method of appointment of Vice Chancellor and

prescribing qualifications for an appointee to the said post, cannot

override the provisions of the University Statute unless the

Regulations have been adopted by the State Government. Although

it is not in dispute that the UGC Regulations 2010 were adopted by

the State Government through Ext.P4 Government Order dated

10.12.2010, the said Regulations were amended vide Notification

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dated 13.6.2013 [Ext.R3(a)] whereby clause 7.3.0 was amended to

read as follows:


i. Persons of the highest level of competence, integrity, morals and

institutional commitment are to be appointed as Vice-Chancellors.
The Vice-Chancellor to be appointed should be a distinguished
academician, with a minimum of ten years of experience as
Professor in a University system or ten years of experience in an
equivalent position in a reputed research and / or academic
administrative organization.

ii. The selection of Vice Chancellor should be through proper

identification of a panel of 3-5 names by a Search Committee through
a public notification or nomination or a talent search process or in
combination. The members of the above Search Committee shall be
persons of eminence in the sphere of higher education and shall not
be connected in any manner with the university concerned or its
colleges. While preparing the panel, the Search Committee must give
proper weightage to academic excellence, exposure to the higher
education system in the country and abroad, and adequate
experience in academic and administrative governance to be given in
writing along with the panel to be submitted to the Visitor/
Chancellor. The constitution of the Search Committee could be as
per the Act/ Statutes of the concerned university. [Emphasis

iii. The Visitor/ Chancellor shall appoint the Vice Chancellor out of
the Panel of names recommended by the Search Committee.

iv. The conditions of services of the Vice Chancellor shall be as

prescribed in the Act/Statues of the university concerned in
conformity with the Principal Regulations.

v. The term of office of the Vice-Chancellor shall form part of the

service period of the incumbent concerned making him/her eligible
for all service related benefits.
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It is also not in dispute before us that the amended Regulations as

above were not specifically adopted by the State Government.

Thus, even though the 2013 amendment of the UGC Regulations

2010, introduced only minimum changes as regards constitution of

the Search Committee, the larger issue that confronts us is as to

whether the amended Regulations can be seen as adopted by the

State Government, merely because the Principal Regulations of

2010 was adopted and the amendments thereto in 2013 were by

way of substitution ?

10. We are of the view that, even if it can be argued that the

legal effect of the substitution brought about through the

amendment of 2013, is to make the amended Regulations effective

from the date of Notification of the Principal Regulations of 2010,

the act of adoption by the State Government is a specific one that

can only be in respect of a Regulation as it stood at the time of its

adoption. In other words, the identity of the Regulation that was

adopted by Ext.P4 Government Order has since changed through

the 2013 amendment, and therefore, the adoption in Ext.P4

Government Order cannot be seen as covering the amended

Regulation. This is all the more so because, the amended

Regulation was not brought to the notice of the State Government

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that had to apply its mind to the Regulation before exercising its

discretionary power to adopt it. Further, with the amendment of

the UGC Regulations 2010, in 2013, Regulation 7.3.0 of the UGC

Regulations 2010 ceased to exist and was replaced instead by

Regulation 7.3.0 as contained in the 2013 amendment and this

latter Regulation was not specifically adopted by the State

Government. We cannot, therefore, accept the contention of the

learned counsel for the appellant that the adoption of the UGC

Regulations 2010 would automatically apply even to the amended

Regulations. In taking this view, we are fortified by the finding of

the Division Bench of the Uttarakhand High Court in Madhu

Bahuguna v. Uttarakhand Public Service Commission and

Others - [2010 SCC Utt 18]. In that case, the High Court

considered an amendment of a regulation in the UGC Regulations

2010 that prescribed a scoring system for selection of candidates

for appointment to the post of Assistant Professor. The amendment

was effected in 2013, and the amended Regulation was not

specifically adopted by the State Government. The court therefore

held the amended Regulation to be merely directory and not

mandatory in character. The relevant findings are at paragraphs

50 to 57 of the judgment which read as follows:

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“50. By notification dated 04.05.2016, Regulation 3.0.0 to

3.9.0 and 4.4.0 to 4.6.3 of the 2010 Regulations were amended
prescribing different qualifications for appointment to various posts.
Para 4 of the notification dated 04.05.2016 stipulates that the
existing Tables I to IX, under Appendix-III of the 2010 Regulations
regarding computation of API score for appointment and promotion
of teachers and other academic staff in the
Universities/Colleges/Institutions also stood amended. The 2016
Regulations makes no reference to Regulations 6 of the 2010 UGC
Regulations, and has left Regulation 6, of the 2010 UGC Regulations,
as amended in 2013, unchanged.

51. The adoption order dated 29.12.2016 also refers to the

Director, Higher Education having informed that, by Government
Order dated 30.09.2011, the provisions relating to the determination
of educational qualifications, mentioned in the 2010 UGC
Regulations, had been made applicable. Para 4 of the said letter
stipulates that the Government Order issued earlier (evidently the
order dated 30.09.2011), regarding the minimum educational
qualifications for the post of Lecturer (Assistant Professor), shall be
deemed to be amended/changed. While it is no doubt true that the
adoption order dated 29.12.2016 states that the Governor had
granted approval for applying/adopting all the provisions/Rules
amended through the UGC notification dated 04.05.2016, one
particular sentence in the Government order cannot be read out of
context to mean that it is not the amendment to Clause 3 alone, but
that the 2016 Regulations has been adopted in its entirety.

52. Clause 6.0.2 of the 2010 UGC Regulations was substituted

by the 2013 amendment and the substituted Clause 6.0.2 also
required the University to adopt the Regulations for selection
committees and selection procedures through their respective
statutory bodies incorporating the Academic Performance Indicator
(API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) at the
institutional level for University Departments and their Constituent
colleges/affiliated colleges (Government/Government-
aided/Autonomous/Private Colleges) to be followed transparently in
all selection processes.

53. The scoring system proforma based on Academic

Performance Indicator (API) as provided in Tables 1 to 9 of
Appendix-III to the 2010 UGC Regulations as amended in 2016, are
referrable to Clause 6.0.1 of the 2010 UGC Regulations.
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54. An Appendix to Statutory Regulations is similar to a

schedule to an enactment. It is well settled that the Schedule is as
much a part of the statute, and is as much an enactment, as any other
part. (Flower Freight Co. Ltd v. Hammond; R. v. Legal Aid Committee
No.1 (London) Legal Aid area, ex p Rondel, Metropolitan Police Commr.
v. Curran; Attorney General v. Lamplough, Ujagar Prints (II) v. Union of
India) To simplify the presentation of statues, it is the practice for
their subject-matter to be divided, where appropriate, between
Sections and Schedules, the former setting out matters of principle,
and introducing the latter, and the latter containing all matters of
detail. This is purely a matter of arrangement, and a Schedule is as
much a part of the Statute, and as much an enactment, as is the
Section by which it is introduced. (Halsbury's Laws of England, Third
Edn., Vol. 36, para 551; Aphali Pharmaceuticals Ltd. v. State of
Maharashtra). Consequently, Appendix-III must be read together
with Regulation 6 of the 2010 UGC Regulations as amended in 2013,
and since Regulation 6 of the 2013 Regulation has not been adopted,
Appendix-III cannot be said to have bee adopted in isolation.

55. In the context,it must also be borne-in-mind that

expressions in a Schedule cannot control or prevail against the
express enactment, in case of any inconsistency between the
Schedule and the enactment, the enactment would prevail, and if any
part of the Schedule cannot be made to correspond it must yield to
the Act. (Aphali Pharmaceuticals Ltd.). There are two principles or
rules of interpretation which ought to be applied to the combination
of an Act and a Schedule, and a Statutory Rule/Regulation and its
appendix. If the Act (Regulation) says that the Schedule (Appendix)
is to be used for a certain purpose, then the Act and the Schedule
(Regulation and its Appendix) must be read as though the Schedule
(Appendix) were operating for that purpose and, if the language of
the Section (Regulation) can be satisfied without extending it beyond
that purpose, it ought to be done. (IRC v. Gittus; Aphali
Pharmaceuticals Ltd.; CIT v. Calcutta National Bank Ltd.) In case of a
conflict between the body of the Act and the Schedule (or the body of
the Regulation and the Appendix), the former prevails. (Aphali
Pharmaceuticals Ltd.) It is only if Regulation 6 of the 2010 UGC
Regulations, as amended in 2013, had been adopted by the
Government Order dated 29.12.2016, can Appendix-III also be said
to have been adopted, and not the opposite. Appendix-III could not
have been adopted without adopting Regulation 6, nor was it so
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56. In Kalyani Mathivanan the Supreme Court held that the

provisions made for the first time under the UGC Regulations, 2010
were not applicable to Universities, colleges and other higher
educational institutions coming under the purview of the State
Legislature, unless the State Government wished to adopt and
implement the Scheme subject to the terms and conditions therein;
in this connection, reference could be made to Para 8(p)(v) of
Appendix I dated 31.12.2008 and Regulation 7.4.0 of the UGC
Regulations 2010; it was also not the case of the respondents that the
Scheme, as contained in Appendix I to the Annexure of the UGC
Regulations, 2010, had been adopted and implemented by the State
Government; and it was also apparent that the State Universities Act
had not been amended in terms of the UGC Regulations, 2010 nor
was any action taken by UGC under Section 14 of the UGC Act, 1956
as a consequence of the failure of the University to comply with the
recommendations of the Commission under Section 14 of the UGC
Act, 1956.

57. The Supreme Court, in Kalyani Mathivanan, concluded by

holding that to the extent the State Legislation is in conflict with the
Central Legislation, including Subordinate Legislation made by the
Central Legislation under Entry 25 of the Concurrent List, it shall be
repugnant to the Central Legislation and would be inoperative; the
UGC Regulations, though subordinate legislation, had a binding effect
on the universities to which it applied; the UGC Regulations, 2010
were mandatory to teachers and other academic staff in all Central
universities and colleges thereunder, and the institutions deemed to
be universities whose maintenance expenditure is met by the UGC;
the UGC Regulations, 2010 are directory for universities, colleges and
other higher educational institutions under the purview of the State
legislation as the matter had been left to the State Government to
adopt and implement the Scheme; thus, the UGC Regulations, 2010
are partly mandatory and partly directory; where the UGC
Regulations, 2010 have not been adopted by the State Govt., the
question of conflict between the State legislation and the Statutes
framed under the Central legislation does not arise; once they are
adopted by the State Government, the State legislation should be
amended appropriately; and, in such a case also, there shall be no
conflict between the State legislation and the Central legislation.
Since Paragraph 6 of the 2010 Regulations, as amended in 2013, has
not been adopted by the Government of Uttarakhand, the law laid
down by the Supreme Court, in Kalyani Mathivanan, would require
the table in Appendix-III to the 2016 Regulations, prescribing a
scoring system for selection of candidates for appointment to the
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posts of Assistant Professors, to be treated as directory and not

mandatory in character.”

11. We cannot also accept the contention of

Sri.S.Krishnamurthy, the learned Standing Counsel for the UGC,

that the UGC Regulations, inasmuch as they pertain to the

appointment of Vice Chancellor, will automatically bind the

University without any specific adoption by the State Government.

The said argument runs counter to the view taken by the Supreme

Court in Kalayani Mathivanan (supra), in the context of

appointment of Vice Chancellors.

In the result, we see no reason to interfere with the findings

of the learned Single Judge in the impugned judgment, and for the

reasons stated therein, as supplemented by the reasons in this

judgment, we dismiss the Writ Appeal.




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