Syllabus MIS 2113

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MIS 2113 – Computer-Based Information Systems

Adam Ackerman, Adams Hall 7J (basement)
Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 10:15 am - 11:35 am, or by appointment
Email: (Always use Subject: MIS 2113)
Class Information
Location: Adams Hall 0150
TR 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm
Final Exam: May 8 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Course Website
Available through
Required Texts
1. MyEducator: SQL ($25 for lifetime access); purchase/access this material via
Canvas (left-hand side menu)
2. MyEducator: Excel $50 for lifetime access); purchase/access this material via
Canvas (left-hand side menu)
3. Supplemental Reading – posted on Canvas
Required Software
1. Microsoft Office 365 – downloaded from
2. MAC Users – must install Bootcamp. Please visit
ready to make sure your device is Windows Ready for our class.
Required Laptop
This class requires that students bring a laptop (PC or Mac) to every class. We
will always work in the PC/Windows environment.
Completion or enrolled in BAD 1001 or equivalent before coming into this
course. We expect students to have a basic level of skill and experience with
Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. We will not be spending class time reviewing the
basic use of these technologies.

Course Overview
MIS 2113 Computer-Based Information Systems provides a strong foundation for
understanding what do information systems offer to organizations and
individuals. Concepts discussed are vital to anyone pursuing a career in
business, no matter which major is selected.
We will cover important concepts and skills useful in the rest of your coursework
as well as your future careers, which are organized into four modules:
1. Storing and Retrieving Data
• SQL to interact with functional databases.
• Conceptual design of databases (Entity-Relationship Diagram).
2. Analyzing and Visualizing Data
• Excel formulas and functions:
• Excel charting and Pivot Tables
3. Automating Data Operations
• Flowcharting: Input, Process, Output
• VBA coding
4. Protecting Data
• Recognizing phishing attacks
• Organizational and individual cybersecurity and privacy

Course Design
Many of the skills you will learn in MIS 2113 will not come from reading about
MIS. Rather, skills come from “doing” MIS. You need to practice everything you
see in class repeatedly and in various contexts. Some people are naturally
inclined to learning by doing and unstructured problem-solving. They enjoy
using their creativity and aren’t afraid to try something they have not been
formally taught to solve a problem. Those types of people typically thrive in MIS
2113. However, most students begin MIS 2113 without much experience in this
type of learning. That is okay! This type of mindset can be learned. However, for
some people, unstructured problem solving is so entirely new and different, it
takes a little more practice than others. That is also okay! Don’t hesitate to ask
your professor and TAs any questions you may have about the material as the
course progresses.
So, what does this mean for how I teach the class? It means I will not give you a
single, memorizable solution to every problem, nor will I tell you the exact form
of the exam questions. That would be a disservice to you as it teaches you to
memorize a solution instead of learning how to use tools to solve problems.
Rather, I will teach you the tools required to solve a problem you’ve never seen
before in a creative but structured way. As a result, the way I assess your
performance in class will be based not only on traditional quizzes with multiple
choice questions, but mostly on your ability to “do” things like create and query
SQL databases, analyze and visualize data, program recurring data operations in
Excel, and understand cyber security threats.

Course Objectives
This class combines a variety of techniques to capture student interests from
several possible angles. The readings and lectures provide a base of knowledge
that students can use in other components of the course, future coursework, and
future career. In-class exercises provide an avenue for applying the knowledge
base. Guest lectures provide further opportunity for discovery of how the
material covered in class applies in everyday business life. This approach only
works when students complete the readings before class and then participate in
the exercises and discussions in class.
Getting Help from TAs
Students are strongly advised to get help from the TAs when having problems
with the class material. TAs are available during class and have office hours (see
Canvas for details). Their job is to help you when you get stuck, so feel free to
approach them. They took this class recently and really understand the problems
you may run.

Course Requirements
Performance in this course will be evaluated in the areas of class participation,
homework assignments, quizzes, and four exams with an optional final exam.
These components will be weighted according to the table below.
Class Participation 10%
Homework Assignments 20%
Quizzes 10%
Exams I – Storing and Retrieving Data 15%
Exam I – Analyzing and Visualizing Data 15%
Exam II - Automating Data Operations 15%
Exam IV – Protecting Data 15%
Final Exam (optional – grade will replace the lowest Exam I-IV grade)

Class Participation
For the design of this class to work, students must be actively involved in the
class and attend the lecture. To ensure that active learning is happening, short
surveys will be provided during class, usually containing just a few questions,
and will be used to gauge learning and make sure that my teaching is effectively
being received and understood by the class. The answers to the short surveys
will be evaluated in class, and any concepts that are not understood will be
explained. These surveys will be locked down, and a participation code will be
given to those attending the class.
Homework Assignments
Homework assignments for this course are designed to encourage students to
work actively with the course material and thereby master course materials.
Further, homework enables students and the professor to recognize any points
that are not yet fully understood. Students are expected to complete each of the
homework problems. If, after considerable effort, you are stuck a problem, note
(on the homework) the specific difficulty you are having and ask one of the TAs
for help.
Students may discuss the homework problems and approaches to answering
them with their classmates, TAs, and the professor. However, students are
expected to work independently in the actual completion of their work. For
instance, if two (or more) homework answers have the same typos, it will be
assumed that work was not done independently and therefore represents an
honor code violation. In such cases, the professor will take appropriate action,
ranging from a reduction in grade to reporting of the violation which can result
in an automatic F in the course. More importantly, it is essential that you
understand the homework assignments to do well on the exams.
To provide an incentive for students to come to class prepared, quizzes are
assigned that correspond with reading assignments. These quizzes will be
available via Canvas and are due before the start of class on the date noted in the
calendar at the end of this syllabus. These quizzes are open-book and must be
taken individually, with no help from other students or individuals. Each quiz
may be taken twice. The two lowest quiz scores will be dropped in evaluating
each student’s semester quiz grade.
There will be four exams and one optional comprehensive final exam for those
who want to replace a grade from one of the four exams. All exams will consist
of short questions/problems similar to those assigned for homework and will
cover a single module. These exams are designed to assess your basic
understanding of the concepts and their application as covered in class. The final
exam is comprehensive and will cover all four modules. Remember, the final
exam is optional and will replace the lowest exam grade from exams I – IV.

Final grades for the course will be assigned based on the following scale:
Grade Range
A 90 - 100%
B 80-90%
C 70-80%
D 60-70%
F Below 60%

Late work will not be accepted for quizzes and homework
assignments. Participation score will be given only to those that come to class.
If you have obligations that conflict with exam or assignment due dates, you
should make arrangements with the instructor as soon as possible to complete
these ahead of time, but no later than 48 hours before the due date. Feel free to
submit homework assignments early.
Missed Exams/Assignments
Make-up exams will be given only in extraordinary circumstances. If you expect
to miss an exam or to be unable to meet another requirement, please discuss this
with the instructor before the scheduled date, no later than 48 hours before
the due date.
Score/Grade Appeals
Students wishing to appeal a grade or score must submit the appeal to the
instructor in writing within 48 hours of receiving the graded work. Score
changes are at the discretion of the instructor. It is important to understand that
your score may go up or down based upon a complete review of the work in
question. It is usually the case that changing a few points on an assignment
rarely makes a difference in the final grade. As such, student (and instructor)
time is generally much better spent discussing and clarifying the information
content presented in the course.

Academic Conduct
The University of Oklahoma has an Academic Misconduct Code that governs
student academic performance in and out of the classroom. The Academic
Misconduct Code can be reviewed online at Academic misconduct is
defined as “any act that improperly affects the evaluation of a student’s academic
performance or achievement.” All work assigned in this course is to be
completed individually (unless otherwise stated). The steps and procedures as
outlined in the Academic Misconduct Code will be followed in all cases of
academic misconduct in this class. For example, if you are caught cheating on a
Homework assignment, you will be given a 0, turned in AND will receive a
eight percent (8%) overall grade reduction for the course; for an Exam, you will
be turned in AND given an automatic F for the course.
Incomplete Grades Policy
A grade of Incomplete may be awarded to students who have a legitimate reason
for needing additional time to complete a course. Legitimate reasons include
emergencies or extenuating circumstances that prevent a student from

completing the course requirements within the normal time frame. Students
must initiate the request for an incomplete before the end of the semester and
must be in good standing in the course. In no case will a grade of incomplete be
awarded to someone seeking more time to master the course material to improve
their grade.
Accommodations for Students with Special Needs
Any student requiring special accommodation because of a disability should
contact the instructor by the end of the first week of class and plan to meet with
the instructor by appointment or during office hours to discuss accommodations
and how course requirements and activities may impact the student’s ability to
fully participate.
Religious Holidays
It is the policy of the University to excuse absences of students that result from
religious observances and to provide without penalty for the rescheduling of
examinations and additional required coursework that may fall on religious
holidays. Students must notify the instructors in advance of any such
Adjustments for Pregnancy/Childbirth Related Issues
Should you need modifications or adjustments to your course requirements
because of documented pregnancy-related or childbirth-related issues, please
contact me as soon as possible to discuss. Generally, modifications will be made
where medically necessary and similar in scope to accommodations based on
temporary disability. Please see
faqs.html for commonly asked questions.
Title IX Resources
For any concerns regarding gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment,
sexual misconduct, stalking, or intimate partner violence, the University offers a
variety of resources, including advocates on-call 24/7, counseling services,
mutual no-contact orders, scheduling adjustments and disciplinary sanctions
against the perpetrator. Please contact the Sexual Misconduct Office 405-325-2215
(8-5, M-F) or OU Advocates 405-615-0013 (24/7) to learn more or to report an
incident. Additional information can be found at
University Policy
Exam IV (worth 15% of the final grade) is scheduled during pre-finals week.
According to the Faculty Handbook Section 4.10.1 (C), this exam is an exception
to Section 4.10.1 (A), (B), and (E) because it was approved by the MIS division
head and is included in the schedule for this class.

Course Overview Database
Reading  Syllabus Chapter 1, MyEducator – Essentials of SQL
Reading 
Quiz A Due – Syllabus
Academic Integrity Quiz
Extracting Data: The SELECT Statement Extracting Data: The SELECT Statement
Reading  Chapter 2, MyEducator – Essentials of SQL Reading  Chapter
2, MyEducator – Essentials of SQL
Quiz B Due – SELECT Statement
Data Across Tables: The JOIN Statement Data Across Tables: The JOIN Statement
Reading  Chapter 3, MyEducator – Essentials of SQL Reading  Chapter 3, MyEducator – Essentials of SQL
Data Across Tables: The JOIN Statement Compounding Data
Reading  Chapter 3, MyEducator – Essentials of SQL Reading  Chapter
4, MyEducator – Essentials of SQL
Quiz C Due – JOIN & Aggregate Functions
Intro to Data Modeling & ERDs Data Modeling & ERDs
Handout, Canvas
Reading  Handout, Canvas
Reading 
HW#1 – SQL due (MyEducator) Quiz D Due - ERD

Need for Data Analysis: Excel Basics Exam I

Reading  Chapters 1 & 2, MyEducator – Excel Storing and Retrieving Data
HW#2 – ERD due
Formulas and Functions Logic and Reference Functions
Reading  Chapter 2, MyEducator - Excel Reading  Chapter 3, MyEducator - Excel
Charting & Pivot Tables Pivot Tables
Reading  Chapters
5 & 9 MyEducator – Excel Videos  Chapter
9, MyEducator – Excel
HW#3 – Formulas, Logic/Reference Functions Quiz E Due – Formulas & Functions
Flowcharting & VBA Programming Exam II
Handout, Canvas
Reading  Analyzing and Visualizing Data
HW#4 – Charting & Pivot Tables (MyEducator)
10 MARCH 17 MARCH 19

11 MARCH 24 MARCH 26

VBA Programming VBA Programming

VBA Programming VBA Programming
Handout, Canvas
Reading  Handout, Canvas
Reading 
Quiz F Due - VBA HW#5 – VBA Project (Canvas – upload files)
Flowcharting Flowcharting
Handout, Canvas
Reading  Handout, Canvas
Reading 
Quiz G Due - Flowcharting HW#6 – Flowcharting
14 APRIL 14 APRIL 16
Personal Security and Privacy Exam III
Reading  Handout, Canvas Automating Data Operations
15 APRIL 21 APRIL 23
What’s inside a computer? Personal Security and Privacy
Reading  ComputerBuyer’s Guide, Canvas Handout, Canvas
Reading 
HW#7 – Perfect PC assignment Quiz H Due - PC
HW#8 – Cyber Security
16 APRIL 28 APRIL 30
Personal Security and Privacy Exam IV
Handout, Canvas
Reading  Protecting Data
Quiz I Due – Cyber Security
Final Friday, May 8th, 10:30 – 12:30 AM, AH 150
Exam This exam is optional and will replace the lowest exam I-IV score
Schedule above should be considered tentative; adjustments to this schedule may be made. In-class, emailed, or Canvas-posted announcements
supersede this outline.

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