Paper 1
Paper 1
Paper 1
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Raman spectra of wurtzite CoxZn1 xS nanocrystals were investigated. Two main broad Raman peaks cen-
Received 9 July 2009 tered at 259 and 331 cm 1 were observed for low doping concentration, which are assigned to A1(TO) and
In final form 25 September 2009 E1(LO) phonon modes and had large redshift compared with that for bulk counterpart. It is suggested that
Available online 30 September 2009
such phenomena be attributed to phonon confinement effects, relaxation of the wave-vector selection
rule due to doping effects. Besides two broad peaks, Raman spectra of high doping concentration exhibit
five additional peaks at 229, 308, 340, 348, and 362 cm 1, whose relative intensities are enhanced while
frequencies keep constant with increasing Co concentration due to the small reduced mass difference.
Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction spectroscopy of ZnS doped by Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Al, and Cr have been
studied [11–15], but most of them have the cubic zinc blende (sphal-
Semiconductor nanocrystals have attracted considerable atten- erite) structure which is a stable phase at low temperature for ZnS.
tion over the past decade because of their novel electric and optical Few works regarding the Raman spectroscopy of hexagonal (wutzite)
properties originating from Quantum confinement effects. More- ZnS doped with metal ions are reported, because hexagonal phase,
over, in the strong confinement regime, the grain size spatially the high-temperature (1020 °C) [16] polymorph of sphalerite, is very
confined effects are expected to influence both electronic and difficult to be formed at mild temperature [17,18]. Co-doped wurtzite
vibrational states and their coupling. The lattice dynamics modifi- ZnS nanocrystal, as an important member in the family of ZnS-based
cations in nanocrystals can be explained by considering that trans- DMSs, has been synthesized at low temperature (150 °C) and its
lational invariance is significantly broken when the crystal structural and luminescent properties also have been studied in our
extension is limited to 100 nm and a description of atomic vibra- previous work [19]. In this work, we report the detailed results of Ra-
tions in terms of phonons with a well-defined wave vector is no man spectra of Co-doped wurtzite ZnS nanocrystals (CoxZn1 xS,
longer valid in such a domain [1,2]. For a long time, nondestructive 0.0031 6 x 6 0.084).
and fast Raman scattering has been recognized as a powerful tool
to probe such nano-related effects in nanomaterials. One of the
main reasons why this approach is particularly valuable is the pos- 2. Experimental
sibility to analyze quantitatively some of the observed spectral fea-
tures in terms of conformational and structural organization [3,4]. The synthesis of CoxZn1 xS nanocrystals was carried out by a
In addition, the nature of substitution, the concomitant defects and solution-phase thermal decomposition route at 150 °C as described
the lattice disorder in diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) [5,6] in our previous work [19]. Briefly, nominal amounts of Co(N-
where the nonmagnetic host ions are partially substituted by the O3)26H2O and ZnCl2 at 15 mM and thiourea at 15 mM were
magnetic ions has always been the focus of scientific interest. Ra- weighed and dissolved into 200 mL of ethylene glycol for each
man spectroscopy can reveal the detailed modification of the lat- reaction. Under vigorous magnetic stirring, the pink reactant solu-
tice vibrational modes caused by the lattice distortion in such tion was heated to 150 °C and maintained for 2 h. The color of reac-
nanocrystals . tant solution turned milky white with yellow about 15 min from
As one of the important wide and direct band gap semiconductors, initial pink, and then gradually became yellow for low doping con-
ZnS has received a lot of attention due to its excellent properties and centrations or black for high doping concentrations. After the solu-
wide applications as phosphors, electroluminescent materials, solid tion was cooled to room temperature, the prepared CoxZn1 xS
state solar window layers, and photocatalysts [7–10]. Doping with samples were separated from the product by centrifugation, and
suitable elements in ZnS can significantly modify its structural, vibra- washed several times with deionized water and ethanol. Finally,
tional, and optical properties [11,12]. In the previous studies, Raman the CoxZn1 xS samples were dried in a desiccator for 10 h at
80 °C until complete evaporation of the solvent. As a comparison,
* Corresponding author. Fax: +86 10 62332587. a control sample was also prepared by using this method, but with-
E-mail address: (L. Pan). out ZnCl2 added.
0009-2614/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C. Bi et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 481 (2009) 220–223 221
4. Conclusions
Fig. 3. Raman spectra of (a) Co0.018Zn0.982S and (b) Co0.0031Zn0.9969S nanocrystals. This work was supported by NSF of China (Grant Nos.
Dashed lines: the results of multipeak Lorentz fittings. 50472092, 50672008 and 50971023), NSF (Grant No: 3122133),
C. Bi et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 481 (2009) 220–223 223
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