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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)


Programme title BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing

Assessor Internal Verifier

Unit 10: Web Design and Development
Online Hospital Management System
Assignment title
Student’s name

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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID K.Niukshika 00088189

Unit Title Unit 10: Website Design & Development

Assignment Number 1 Assessor

Date Received 1st
Submission Date submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date submission
Assessor Feedback:

LO1. Explain server technologies and management services associated with hosting and managing websites.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1 M2 D1

LO2. Categorise website technologies, tools and software used to develop websites.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M3 D1


LO3. Utilise website technologies, tools and techniques with good design principles to create a multipage
Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M4 D2

LO4. Create and use a Test Plan to review the performance and design of a multipage website.
Pass, Merit & Distinction
Grade: P7
Assessor Signature: M5 D3 Date:
Descripts Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken
place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Student signature Date

Higher Nationals in

Unit 10: Web Design and Development
Assignment 01
General Guidelines

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11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade
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Student’s Signature: Date:

(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number K.Nilukshika 00088189

Unit Number and Title Unit 10- Web Design and Development

Academic Year 2021/2022

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Online Hospital Management System

Issue Date

Submission Date
IV Name & Date

Submission Format:

Part 1.
Report- Submit a professional report with approepriate report formattimg and guidelines followed. All the resear
data should be referenced along with in-text citations using Hrvard referencing syste.

Part 2
A fully functional web solution

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Explain server technologies and management services associated with hosting and managing websites.

LO2 Categorise website technologies, tools and software used to develop websites.

LO3 Utilise website technologies, tools and techniques with good design principles to create a multipage website

LO4 Create and use a Test Plan to review the performance and design of a multipage website.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Assignment Brief


‘Apex Design Works’ is a leading web design and marketing company. They are focusing on helping
businesses communicate more effectively and build their business through a creative design. Assume tha
you work as an apprentice web developer for Apex Web Design and marketing company. As part of you
role, you have been asked to create a Website for the following organization .

Arogya Health Care hospital currently uses a manual system for the management and maintenance of critic
information. The current system requires numerous paper forms, with data stores spread throughout t
hospital management infrastructure. Often information (on forms) is incomplete, or does not follo
management standards. Multiple copies of the same information exist in the hospital and may lead
inconsistencies in data in various data stores. There are number of documents to be maintained in the Hea
Care hospital and this information typically involves; patient personal information and medical history, sta
information, room and ward scheduling, staff scheduling, operating theater scheduling and various faciliti
waiting lists. All of this information must be managed in an efficient and cost wise fashion so that t
resources can be managed effectively. The reception module handles various inquiries about the patien
admission and discharge details, and the patient's movements within the hospital.
Assume that you are the web developer hired by the Health Care Hospital, to propose, and engineer a lo
cost but yet powerful and complete Hospital Management System (HMS) for the scenario given abov
Suggest and implement important functionalities and features to the system by identifying syste

The new system is to control the following information

• patient information
• room availability
• staff and operating room schedules
• patient invoices

Develop a web based solution for the above scenario and produce a report covering the following tasks.

Task 1 - Server technologies and management services associated with hosting and managing websites (LO1
1.1 Explain and differentiate the different web technologies such as communication protocols, server hardware,
operating systems and web server software with regards to designing, publishing and accessing the Hospital
Management System (HMS).
1.2 Identifry and define the types of DNS and the uses of it, with clarifications on how domain names are
structured. Review the effect of search engines on website performance. Provide evidence-based support for
improving a site’s index value and rank of the Hospital Management System (HMS) through search engine
1.3 Identify and explain the common web development technologies and frameworks. Explain the tools and
techniques chosen to develop the above web application and justify your choice by providing valid evidences

Task 2 - Categories website technologies, tools and software used to develop websites (LO2)

2.1 Considering the requirments given in the above scenario define the relationships between front-end and back-
end website technologies and discuss how the front-end and the back-end relate to presentation and applicatio
2.2 Discuss the differences between online website creation tools and custom-built web sites by considering the
design flexibility, performance, functionality, User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI). Evaluate the
tools and techniques available to design the web application gicven in the scenario.
Task 3 - Utilize website technologies, tools and techniques with good design principles to create a multipag
website (LO3)

3.1 Design a suitable web application solution for the given scenario using PHP, JS and MySQL (Screenshots of
important code lines with proper comments and user interfaces filled with sample data must be attached to the
documentation). Apply a database design for the proposed system and provide the well normalized database
design of the proposed system. Provide evidences of the design, multipage website supported with fidelity
wireframes and a full set of client and user requirements.
3.2 Compare and contrast the multipage website created to the design document. Use your design document with
appropriate principles, standards and guidelines to produce a branded, multipage website supported with
realistic content and Critically evaluate the web design ,development process against your design document
analyisng any technical challenges you faced during the development.

Note - Synthesize client and the server-side functionalities in the proposed design.

Task 4 - Create and use a Test Plan to review the performance and design of a multipage website (LO4)

4.1 QA process is expected to discover design issues and development errors while testing a product’s user
interface (UI) and gauging the user experience (UX). Evaluate the Quality Assurance (QA) process and
review how it was implemented during your design and development stages.

4.2 Create a suitable test plan for the developed system and critically evaluate the results of your Test Plan .
Include a review of the overall success of your multipage website; use this evaluation to explain any areas
success and provide justified recommendations for areas that require improvements.
Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Explain server technologies and management services associated with

hosting and managing websites

P1 Identify the purpose and types of DNS, including explanations on how

domain names are organized and managed.
P2 Explain the purpose and relationships between communication
protocols, server hardware, operating systems and web server software with
regards to designing, publishing and accessing a website.
M1 Evaluate the impact of common web development technologies and
frameworks with regards to website design, functionality and
M2 Review the influence of search engines on website performance and
provide evidence-based support for improving a
site’s index value and rank through search engine optimization.
D1 Justify the tools and techniques chosen to realize a custom built
LO2 Categories website technologies, tools and
software used to develop websites

P3 Discuss the capabilities and relationships between front-end and back-

end website technologies and explain how these relate to presentation and
application layers.
P4 Discuss the differences between online website creation tools and
custom built sites with regards to design flexibility, performance,
functionality, User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI).
M3 Evaluate a range of tools and techniques available to design and
develop a custom built website.
LO3 Utilize website technologies, tools and techniques
with good design principles to create a multipage

P5 Create a design document for a branded, multipage website supported

with medium fidelity wireframes and a full set of client and user
P6 Use your design document with appropriate principles, standards and
guidelines to produce a branded, multipage website supported with realistic
M4 Compare and contrast the multipage website created to the design

D2 Critically evaluate the design and development process against your

design document and analyse any technical challenges.
LO4 Create and use a Test Plan to review the
performance and design of a multipage website

P7 Create a suitable Test Plan identifying key performance areas and

use it to review the functionality and performance of your website.
M5 Evaluate the Quality Assurance (QA) process and review how it was
implemented during your design and development stages.
D3 Critically evaluate the results of your Test Plan and include a review of
the overall success of your multipage website; use this evaluation to
explain any areas of success and provide justified recommendations for
areas that require improvement.
Observation Sheet

Activity Activity Learning Feedback

No Outcome (Pass/ Redo)
1 Explain server technologies and LO1
management services associated
hosting and managing websites.
2 categorize website technologies, LO2
tools and software used to
3 Utilize website technologies, LO3
tools and techniques with good
principles to create a multipage
4 Create and use a Test Plan to LO4
review the performance and
design of a
multipage website.


Assessor Name :…………………………………………….

Date :…………………………………………….
Assessor Signature :…………………………………………….

1|Page Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

2|Page Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika
Task 1 - Server technologies and management services associated with hosting and
managing websites (LO1) ................................................................................................. 5

1.1 Explain and differentiate the different web technologies such as

communication protocols, server hardware, operating systems and web server
software with regards to designing, publishing and accessing the Hospital
Management System (HMS). ....................................................................................... 5

Protocols ................................................................................................................... 5

Server Hardware ....................................................................................................... 7

1.2 Identifry and define the types of DNS and the uses of it, with clarifications on
how domain names are structured. Review the effect of search engines on website
performance. Provide evidence-based support for improving a site’s index value and
rank of the Hospital Management System (HMS) through search engine optimization.

Domain Name System (DNS)................................................................................. 10

1.3 Identify and explain the common web development technologies and
frameworks. Explain the tools and techniques chosen to develop the above web
application and justify your choice by providing valid evidences. ............................ 16

Search Engine Optimization ................................................................................... 16

2.1 Considering the requirments given in the above scenario define the
relationships between front-end and back-end website technologies and discuss how
the front-end and the back-end relate to presentation and application layers. ............ 19

Web development frameworks ............................................................................... 19

Website Technologies ............................................................................................. 20

1. Front-End ............................................................................................................ 20

2.2 Discuss the differences between online website creation tools and custom-built
web sites by considering the design flexibility, performance, functionality, User
Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI). Evaluate the tools and techniques
available to design the web application gicven in the scenario. ................................. 23

Web development tools .......................................................................................... 23

Online website creation .......................................................................................... 24

Custom Website Design ......................................................................................... 24

Web Design Tools .................................................................................................. 25

3|Page Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

Task 3 - Utilize website technologies, tools and techniques with good design principles
to create a multipage website (LO3) ............................................................................... 30

3.1 Design a suitable web application solution for the given scenario using PHP,
JS and MySQL (Screenshots of important code lines with proper comments and user
interfaces filled with sample data must be attached to the documentation). Apply a
database design for the proposed system and provide the well normalized database
design of the proposed system. Provide evidences of the design, multipage website
supported with fidelity wireframes and a full set of client and user requirements. .... 30

User Requirements.................................................................................................. 48

Normalized database design ................................................................................... 48

3.2 Compare and contrast the multipage website created to the design document.
Use your design document with appropriate principles, standards and guidelines to
produce a branded, multipage website supported with realistic content and Critically
evaluate the web design ,development process against your design document
analyisng any technical challenges you faced during the development. ..................... 54

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). ........................................................... 54

Cost Benefit Analysis ............................................................................................. 57

Task 4 - Create and use a Test Plan to review the performance and design of a multipage
website (LO4). ................................................................................................................ 58

4.1 QA process is expected to discover design issues and development errors

while testing a product’s user interface (UI) and gauging the user experience (UX).
Evaluate the Quality Assurance (QA) process and review how it was implemented
during your design and development stages. .............................................................. 58

QA Process ............................................................................................................. 58

4.2 Create a suitable test plan for the developed system and critically evaluate the
results of your Test Plan . Include a review of the overall success of your multipage
website; use this evaluation to explain any areas of success and provide justified
recommendations for areas that require improvements. ............................................. 62

Test Plan ................................................................................................................. 62

Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 64

Future enhancement ................................................................................................ 66

Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 66

References ...................................................................................................................... 67

4|Page Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

Task 1 - Server technologies and management services
associated with hosting and managing websites (LO1)

1.1 Explain and differentiate the different web technologies such as

communication protocols, server hardware, operating systems and web
server software with regards to designing, publishing and accessing the
Hospital Management System (HMS).

Web development broadly refers to the tash associated with developing websites for
hosting via internet or intranet. The web development process includes web design,
web content development, client-side / server-side scripting and network security
configuration, among other tasks.

The Web Site Design and Development Process.

There are numerous steps in the web site design and development process. From
gathering initial information, to the creation of vour web site, and finally to
maintenance to keep our web site up to date and current.

The basic process

1. Information Gathering
2. Planning
3. Design
4. Development
5. Testing and Delivery
6. Maintenance

Protocols are standardized instructions for how to pass information back and forth
between computer and devises.

5|Page Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

Types of protocols
• Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – used for data transmission
• User Datagram Protocol (UDP) – used by programs to send short datagram
• Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) – messages used for diagnostic or
error-generating purposes
• Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – application protocol that uses
hyperlinks between nodes containing text
• Post Office Protocol (POP) – used by local email clients to retrieve email from
a remote server over TCP IP
• File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – protocol to transfer computer files from a
server to a client and vice versa
• Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) – a communication protocol used
by email clients to retrieve messages from a mail server over TCP IP

1. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP):

TCP is a popular communication protocol which is used for communicating over a
network. It divides any message into series of packets that are sent from source to
destination and there it gets reassembled at the destination.
Internet Protocol (IP): IP is designed explicitly as addressing protocol. It is mostly
used with TCP. The IP addresses in packets help in routing them through different
nodes in a network until it reaches the destination system. TCP/IP is the most popular
protocol connecting the networks.
2. User Datagram Protocol (UDP):
UDP is a substitute communication protocol to Transmission Control Protocol
implemented primarily for creating loss-tolerating and low-latency linking between
different applications.

3. Post office Protocol (POP):

POP3 is designed for receiving incoming E-mails.

4. Simple mail transport Protocol (SMTP):

6|Page Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

SMTP is designed to send and distribute outgoing E-Mail.

5. File Transfer Protocol (FTP):

FTP allows users to transfer files from one machine to another. Types of files may
include program files, multimedia files, text files, and documents, etc.

6. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP):

HTTP is designed for transferring a hypertext among two or more systems. HTML
tags are used for creating links. These links may be in any form like text or images.
HTTP is designed on Client-server principles which allow a client system for
establishing a connection with the server machine for making a request. The server
acknowledges the request initiated by the client and responds accordingly.

7. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS):

HTTPS is abbreviated as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure is a standard protocol
to secure the communication among two computers one using the browser and other
fetching data from web server. HTTP is used for transferring data between the client
browser (request) and the web server (response) in the hypertext format, same in case
of HTTPS except that the transferring of data is done in an encrypted format. So it can
be said that https thwart hackers from interpretation or modification of data
throughout the transfer of packets. (w3schools.in, 2022.)

Server Hardware
A server is a computer or system that provides resources, data, services, or programs
to other computers, known as clients, over a network. In theory, whenever computers
share resources with client machines they are considered servers. There are many
types of servers, including web servers, mail servers, and virtual servers.

Types of Servers
1. File servers
File servers store and distribute files. Multiple clients or users may share files stored
on a server. In addition, centrally storing files offers easier backup or fault tolerance

7|Page Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

solutions than attempting to provide security and integrity for files on every device in
an organization. File server hardware can be designed to maximize read and write
speeds to improve performance.

2. Print servers
Print servers allow for the management and distribution of printing functionality.
Rather than attaching a printer to every workstation, a single print server can respond
to printing requests from numerous clients. Today, some larger and higher-end
printers come with their own built-in print server, which removes the need for an
additional computer-based print server. This internal print server also functions by
responding to print requests from a client.

3. Application servers
Application servers run applications in lieu of client computers running applications
locally. Application servers often run resource-intensive applications that are shared
by a large number of users. Doing so removes the need for each client to have
sufficient resources to run the applications. It also removes the need to install and
maintain software on many machines as opposed to only one.
1. DNS servers
Domain Name System (DNS) servers are application servers that provide
name resolution to client computers by converting names easily understood by
humans into machine-readable IP addresses. The DNS system is a widely distributed
database of names and other DNS servers, each of which can be used to request an
otherwise unknown computer name. When a client needs the address of a system, it
sends a DNS request with the name of the desired resource to a DNS server. The DNS
server responds with the necessary IP address from its table of names.

2. Mail servers
Mail servers are a very common type of application server. Mail servers
receive emails sent to a user and store them until requested by a client on behalf of

8|Page Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

said user. Having an email server allows for a single machine to be properly
configured and attached to the network at all times. It is then ready to send and
receive messages rather than requiring every client machine to have its own email
subsystem continuously running.

4. Web servers
One of the most abundant types of servers in today’s market is a web server. A web
server is a special kind of application server that hosts programs and data requested by
users across the Internet or an intranet. Web servers respond to requests from
browsers running on client computers for web pages, or other web-based services.
Common web servers include Apache web servers, Microsoft Internet Information
Services (IIS) servers and Nginx servers.

5. Database servers
The amount of data used by companies, users, and other services is staggering. Much
of that data is stored in databases. Databases need to be accessible to multiple clients
at any given time and can require extraordinary amounts of disk space. Both of these
needs lend themselves well to locating such databases on servers. Database servers
run database applications and respond to numerous requests from clients. Common
database server applications include Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, and

6. Virtual servers
Virtual servers are taking the server world by storm. Unlike traditional servers that are
installed as an operating system on machine hardware, virtual servers exist only as
defined within specialized software called hypervisor. Each hypervisor can run
hundreds, or even thousands, of virtual servers all at once. The hypervisor presents
virtual hardware to the server as if it were real physical hardware. The virtual server
uses the virtual hardware as usual, and the hypervisor passes the actual computation
and storage needs onto the real hardware beneath, which is shared among all the other
virtual servers.

9|Page Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

7. Proxy servers
A proxy server acts as an intermediary between a client and a server. Often used to
isolate either the clients or servers for security purposes, a proxy server takes the
request from the client. Instead of responding to the client, it passes the request on to
another server or process. The proxy server receives the response from the second
server and then replies to the original client as if it were replying on its own. In this
way, neither the client nor the responding server needs to directly connect to each

8. Monitoring and management servers

Some servers exist to monitor or manage other systems and clients. There are many
types of monitoring servers. Several of them listen to the network and receive every
client request and server response, but some do not request or respond to data
themselves. In this way, the monitoring server can keep track of all the traffic on the
network, as well as the requests and replies of clients and servers, without interfering
with those operations. A monitoring server will respond to requests from monitoring
clients such as those run by network administrators watching the health of the
network. (paessler.com, 2022.)

1.2 Identifry and define the types of DNS and the uses of it, with clarifications
on how domain names are structured. Review the effect of search engines on
website performance. Provide evidence-based support for improving a site’s
index value and rank of the Hospital Management System (HMS) through
search engine optimization.

Domain Name System (DNS)

DNS is the hierarchical system designed to translate human readable information

(such as a domain name, website or other Internet-based resources) into the actual
addressing protocols used by computers to navigate and locate information on the

10 | P a g e Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

Uses of DNS
1. Resolving names of World Wide Web (WWW) sites.
2. Routing messages to email servers and webmail services.
3. Connecting app servers, databases and middleware within a web application.
4. Virtual Private Networks (VPN).
5. Peer-to-peer sharing programs.
6. Multiplayer games.
7. Instant messaging and online meeting services.
8. Communication between IoT devices, gateways and servers. (ns1.com, 2022.)

How DNS work

In a usual DNS query, the URL typed in by the user has to go through four servers for
the IP address to be provided. The four servers work with each other to get the correct
IP address to the client, and they include:

1. DNS recursor: The DNS recursor, which is also referred to as a DNS resolver,
receives the query from the DNS client. Then it communicates with other DNS
servers to find the right IP address. After the resolver retrieves the request from the
client, the resolver acts like a client itself. As it does this, it makes queries that get
sent to the other three DNS servers: root nameservers, top-level domain (TLD)
nameservers, and authoritative nameservers.

2. Root nameservers: The root nameserver is designated for the internet's DNS root
zone. Its job is to answer requests sent to it for records in the root zone. It answers
requests by sending back a list of the authoritative nameservers that go with the
correct TLD.

3. TLD nameservers: A TLD nameserver keeps the IP address of the second-level

domain contained within the TLD name. It then releases the website’s IP address and
sends the query to the domain’s nameserver.

11 | P a g e Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

4. Authoritative nameservers: An authoritative nameserver is what gives you the
real answer to your DNS query. There are two types of authoritative nameservers: a
master server or primary nameserver and a slave server or secondary nameserver. The
master server keeps the original copies of the zone records, while the slave server is
an exact copy of the master server. It shares the DNS server load and acts as a backup
if the master server fails.

(Figure 1.2.1 https://phoenixnap.com/kb/what-is-domain-name-system-works)

Different types of domain

12 | P a g e Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

1. Top-Level Domains (TLDs) Each website's URL can be broken down into different
2. Country Code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) As we alluded to earlier, there are
actually multiple types of TLDs.
3. Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD).
4. Second-Level Domain (SLD).
5. Third-Level Domain.
6. Premium Domain.

1. Top-Level Domains.
In the DNS hierarchy, a top-level domain (TLD) represents the first stop after the root
zone. In simpler terms, a TLD is everything that follows the final dot of a domain
name. For example, in the domain name 'google.com', '.com' is the TLD. Some other
popular TLDs include '.

2. Country Code Top-Level Domain.

Country code TLDs, or ccTLDs, are domain extensions (better known as the letters
that appear after your preferred domain name) that are specific to a particular area or
country. Some examples include . co.uk (United Kingdom), . ca (Canada) and .

3. Generic Top-Level Domain.

Examples of of well-known gTLDs are com, org, info, net, and biz. Generic and
restricted TLDs created during the early DNS days require proof of eligibility for
domain name registration. These TLDs are gov, mil, int and edu.

4. Second-Level Domain.
A Second Level Domain (SLD) is the part of the domain name that is located right
before a Top Level Domain (TLD). For example, in mozilla.org the SLD is mozilla
and the TLD is org.

13 | P a g e Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

5. Third-Level Domain.
A third-level domain is the next highest level following the second-level domain in
domain name hierarchy. It is the segment that is found directly to the left of the
second-level domain. The third-level domain is often called a "subdomain", and
includes a third domain section to the URL.

6. Premium Domain.
A premium domain name is a high-quality domain that investors often buy and sell
with the aim of making a profit. These names have a variety of qualities that allow
them to outperform others in the key function of a domain, helping users find the
website they're looking for.

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(Figure 1.2.2 https://www.blendspace.com/lessons/MFkozLddHuX11A/chapter-7-

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1.3 Identify and explain the common web development technologies and
frameworks. Explain the tools and techniques chosen to develop the above web
application and justify your choice by providing valid evidences.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of getting pages to rank
higher in search engines such as Google. Because search is one of the main ways in
which people discover content online, ranking higher in search engines can lead to an
increase in traffic to a website.

In Google and other search engines, the results page often features paid ads at the top
of the page, followed by the regular results or what search marketers call the "organic
search results". Traffic that comes via SEO is often referred to as "organic search
traffic" to differentiate it from traffic that comes through paid search. Paid search is
often referred to as search engine marketing (SEM) or pay-per-click (PPC).

The benefits of SEO

Search results are presented in an ordered list, and the higher up on that list a site can
get, the more traffic the site will tend to receive. For example, for a typical search
query, the number one result will receive 40-60% of the total traffic for that query,
with the number two and three results receiving significantly less traffic. Only 2-3%
of searchers click beyond the first page of search results. Thus, even a small
improvement in search engine rankings can result in a website receiving more traffic
and potentially business.

How SEO works

Search engines such as Google use an algorithm or set of rules to determine what
pages to show for any given query. These algorithms have evolved to be extremely
complex, and take into account hundreds or even thousands of different ranking
factors to determine the rankings of their SERPs. However, there are three core
metrics that search engines evaluate to determine the quality of a site and how it
should rank:

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• Links - Links from other websites play a key role in determining the ranking
of a site in Google and other search engines. The reason being, a link can be
seen as a vote of quality from other websites, since website owners are
unlikely to link to other sites that are of poor quality. Sites that acquire links
from many other sites gain authority (called "PageRank" in Google) in the
eyes of search engines, especially if the sites that are linking to them are
themselves authoritative.

• Content - In addition to looking at links, search engines also analyze the

content of a webpage to determine if it would be relevant for any given search
query. A large part of SEO is in creating content that is targeted towards the
keywords that search engines' users are searching for.

• Page structure - The third core component of SEO is page structure. Because
webpages are written in HTML, how the HTML code is structured can impact
a search engine’s ability to evaluate a page. Including relevant keywords in the
title, URL, and headers of the page and making sure that a site is crawlable are
actions that site owners can take to improve the SEO of their site.

Search engine optimization techniques.

1. Keyword research.
2. Content Marketing.
3. Link building.
4. On-page optimization.
5. Site architecture optimization.
6. Semantic markup.

Top SEO tools.

1. Google Search Console.

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2. Google Ads Keyword Planner.
3. Backlink analysis tools
4. SEO platforms.
5. Social media. (optimizely.com, 2022.)

Methods to improve website ranking

Apart from meta tags already discussed, link building is one of the methods to
improve website ranking and visibility. Link building is a process of increasing SE
ranking and traffic by generating inbound links to a particular Website. SE algorithms
regard each link as a vote, therefore, sites with the greatest number of high quality
inbound links appear the highest in SERPs. The factors for improving ranking are as
follows [1]:

• Make the page titles unique and accurate.

• Improve the structure of URLs.

• Make website easier to navigate.

• We should offer quality content and services.

• We should make use of the description meta tag.

• Use heading tags appropriately.

• Optimize use of images.

• Make effective use of robots.txt.

• Write better anchor text.

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• Promote Website in the right ways.

• Use Google Website optimizer.

• Make use of free Webmaster tools.

• We should be aware of rel= nofollow for links.

Task 2 - Categories website technologies, tools and software

used to develop websites (LO2)

2.1 Considering the requirments given in the above scenario define the
relationships between front-end and back-end website technologies and discuss
how the front-end and the back-end relate to presentation and application

Web development frameworks

Web development frameworks are tools and libraries that developers use to make
developing in a particular language easier and more efficient. They provide interfaces
to access commonly-used functionalities as well as abstractions that make
complicated things easier to understand and handle.

Essentially, they make the development process more efficient because developers
have a pool of code resources to draw from when developing. There’s no need to
develop software functions from scratch when frameworks give you all the necessary
tools to build a website or application. Because frameworks give you a headstart on
your development, they’re more cost effective than developing entirely new code.
They also lower your development risk since they’re tried and true compared to
writing brand new, untested code. (tillerdigital.com, 20 December 2019)

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Website Technologies
1. Front-End
Frontend is the visible and interactive part of a web site – also reffed as the client side.
The frontend is what can see ans directly interact with. A front-end designer or
developer is capable of creating a site without back-end development, a static site.
Such sites are more common for businesses that don’t require database storage.

Some of the technologies used for the frontend HTML, CSS or JavaScript.
1. HTML – Eventually all code becomes HTML. It’s the language that web
browseres understand and use to display information to users.
2. CSS – Alone HTML is fairly simple, it provides some basic style options but
to build something you must also know CSS. CSS provides the paint,
templates, glitters, buttons, tassel, llights, and many other things that can be
used to improve the presentation of the web page.
3. JavaScript – Although it’s not a language exclusive to frontend, that’s where
it’s most commonly used. JavaScript can be used to program fast, intuitive and
fun user experiences, without forcing a user to refresh their web page. Drag-
and-drop, infinite-scroll, and videos that come to life on a web page can all be
programmed with JavaScript. Frameworks like Angular, Ember, React and
Backbone are all very widely used for JavaScript-heavy frontends.

2. Back-End
Back end development refers to the server side of an application and everything that
communicates between the database and the browser. A back end developer is
required to create a dynamic site. A dynamic site is a site that constantly changes and
has updates (in real-time). Most sites are dynamic sites, for example Facebook,
Google maps, etc.

Some of the technologies used for the frontend Ruby, Python, SQL.
1. Ruby – Ruby is a fun and efficient programming language with an easy to
read syntax. The frame work Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular web

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development tools for small business startups. Ruby can be used to code
business logic,calculate data and distribute servers for better performance.
2. Python – Python is fairly the same as Ruby and it’s known for readability.
3. SQL – SOL is a universal database query language and it’s used to interact
with databases, which are a part of every backend web application.
Independently of the language or framework you work with, eventually you
will use SQL to interact with the database.

Differents between Front-end and Back-end

(Figure 2.1.1 http://cdn.differencebetween.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Frontend-


How front-end and back-end relate to presentation and application layer

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Front-End and Back-Ends refers to the separation of concerns between the
presentation layer,application layer and database layer as well as in front-tend there is
application and in back-end there are two layers i.e. application and database layer.
The three different layers of front-end and back-end are described below,

1. Presentation Layer - Presentation layer is known as front-end layer that

consists of user interface and userinterface is graphical that can be accessible
through web browser and web application whichdisplay content and
information useful to an end user. Similarly, this application layer is builtby
using web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript and can be also
built by usingframeworks and communicate with other layers by using API

2. Application layer - Application layer contains the functional business logic

that drives the core capabilities of anapplication which is mostly written in
Java, .NET, C #, Python, C++, etc.

3. Database Layer - The database / data storage system and the data access layer
are part of Database layer andexamples of these systems include MySQL,
Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Microsoft SQLServer, etc. and Application
layer accesses data through API calls.

(Figure 2.1.2 https://www.tonymarston.net/php-mysql/front-end-back-end-02.png)

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2.2 Discuss the differences between online website creation tools and custom-
built web sites by considering the design flexibility, performance, functionality,
User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI). Evaluate the tools and
techniques available to design the web application gicven in the scenario.
Web development tools
Web development tools allow web developers to test and debug their code. They are
different from website builders and integrated development environments (IDEs) in
that they do not assist in the direct creadtion of a webpage, rather they are tools used
for testing the user interface of a website
Or web application.

Web development tools come as browser add-ons or built-in features in web

browsers. The most popular browsers today, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet
Explorer, UC browser, and Safari.

Content Management System

Content Management System (CMS) is a software application or set of related
programs that are used to create snd manage digital content. CMS s are typically used
for enterprice content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM). An
ECM facilities collaboration in the workplace by integrating document management,
digital assest management and recoerds retention functionalities, and providing end
users with role-based access to the organization’s digital assest. A WCM facilitates
collaborative authoring for websites.

A CMS may also provide tools for one-to-one marketing. One-to-one marketing is the
ability of a website to tailor its content and advertising to a user’s specific
characteristics using information provided by the user or gathered by the site – for
instance, a particular user’s page sequence pattern. For example, if the user visited a

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search engine and searched for digital camera, the advertising banners would feature
business that sell digita camera instead of business that sell garden products.

Online website creation

A website builder is a tool that allows you to build a website without coding
experience. There are two different types of website builders: online and offline. An
offline website builder is a software that you download to create the website on your
personal computer.

Advantages of Online website creation.

1. Choose From Hundreds Of Pre-Built Templates.
2. Minimize Expenses.
3. Saves Time.
4. Get Access To Stock Images.
5. Easy Use Of Drag-And-Drop Interface.
6. Gives You Flexibility And Multiple Options.

Disadvantages of Online website creation.

1. Limited Mobile Experience.
2. The Website Doesn't Quite Look “Right”.
3. Ease-of-Use.
4. Cookie-Cutter Template Selection.
5. Missing Key Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Elements.
6. Limited E-Commerce Functionality.

Custom Website Design

A custom website is what it says on the tin. Essentially, you enlist web designers and
developers to build custom web pages unique to your brand and without the use of
third party templates. Liaising with professional web designers has heaps of
advantages for business owners after a one-of-a-kind site. (rb.com.au, 2022.)

Advantages of Custom website Design

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1. Website Design Tailored to Your Branding.
2. Customer Experience-Optimized Design.
3. Increased Search Engine Optimization.
4. Ability to Evolve in Response to Business Changes.
5. Flexibility with Hosting.

Disadvantages of Custom website Design

1. Takes time to build.
2. Design is expensive.
3. Takes time to revamp.
4. Need intensive testing.

Web Design Tools

1. WordPress
• WordPress is, without doubt, one of the best and most recognised web design

• It has been at the top of the web design industry for a while now, and it
continues to make waves and lead many other design tools.

• This tool boasts over a thousand in-built themes and plugins that give users a
variety of options to choose from and install, edit and optimise the websites in
a way that suits their taste and their needs.

• It should not come as a surprise that WordPress powers 27 % of all the

worldwide sites, and it has a 76% market share in the world’s CMS.

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• WordPress plugins are essential for a designer to build, customise, enhance
and optimise the websites they are making.

2. InVision Studio
• This is an incredible UI tool with unmatched features and applications, with
many web designers already hailing it as a complete package and the best tool
for designing a website.

• The incredible features of InVision Studio help the designer to create website
interfaces that are both user-friendly and beautiful, apart from the overall
website being responsive and collaborative.

• Rapid prototyping is another impressive feature of the InVision Studio,

allowing the web developer to create a web transition that is both complex and

• These transitions help the designer to achieve the level of animation that they
want, giving them an edge in the industry.

• Once you figure out the UI that you want at the start and finish of the design
project, InVision Studio helps you to work out the remaining part.

• By carrying out gestures and interactions such as clicking, swiping and

hovering, this tool allows you to create your custom animation and transitions.

3. Photoshop
• This is another vital tool and is undoubtedly the most important of the adobe
suite for web designers.

• If you are a creative web designer, then Photoshop is the right tool for you.

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• The endless colour options and gradients allow you to create beautiful prints
and patterns in your design project.

• The most amazing part of using this tool is that it allows you to create
authentic websites since you’re creating digital artwork based on what you
have drawn.

• If you are just learning to design websites, this is not likely the most
appropriate tool for you, but it gives you insight into web designing.

• With the mastery of Photoshop, you can create impressive and authentic
designs more quickly, and a lot faster than when you use other web design

4. ProofHub
• One thing that web designers tend to overlook in the web design process is

• There are different levels where web designers have to check their design
work before they settle for what is final.

• But the process of proofing involves a lot of other methods, which explains
why many designers skip the process and why ProofHub is the ideal web
design tool to help you manage all tasks related to your design work.

• It is not exactly a tool used for creating websites, but it is one that can help the
designer a lot with hassle-free communication and editing.

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• It helps to speed up the completion of your web design project by the need to
meet up or send regular e-mails throughout the project.

• Also, it is easier to pass messages within the teams on the changes that are
needed, such as positioning of text, the addition of colour, etc.

5. Sketch
• This is another popular web design tool that is used mainly for vector UI

• Interfaces and prototypes in hi-fidelity are still essential for online stores and
businesses, making sketch a vital tool.

• The Symbols of this tool are also an important feature, as it allows the
designer to design UI assets and elements that can be reused.

• This feature is, therefore, important for designers to keep a consistent


• Sketch also allows you to export your design into a clickable prototype.

• This makes your work more manageable when you are working with vector
drawings and graphics.

• It is also a straightforward, vector-based tool with small documents making it

easy for you to manage your operations on it.

• It is a very user-friendly tool with a minimal fee, UI and an in-built grid

system. (inkbotdesign.com, 25 February 2020.)

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(Figure 2.2.1)

Task 3 - Utilize website technologies, tools and techniques

with good design principles to create a multipage website

3.1 Design a suitable web application solution for the given scenario using
PHP, JS and MySQL (Screenshots of important code lines with proper
comments and user interfaces filled with sample data must be attached to the
documentation). Apply a database design for the proposed system and provide
the well normalized database design of the proposed system. Provide evidences
of the design, multipage website supported with fidelity wireframes and a full
set of client and user requirements.

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(Figure 3.1.1)

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(Figure 3.1.2)

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(Figure 3.1.3)

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(Figure 3.1.4)

(Figure 3.1.5)

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(Figure 3.1.6)

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(Figure 3.1.7)

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(Figure 3.1.8)

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(Figure 3.1.9)

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(Figure 3.1.10)

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(Figure 3.1.11)

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(Figuer 3.1.12)

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(Figure 3.1.13)

(Figure 3.1.14)

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(Figure 3.1.15)

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(Figure 3.1.16)

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(Figure 3.1.17)

(Figure 3.1.18)

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(Figure 3.1.19)

(Figure 3.1.20)

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(Figure 3.1.21)

(Figure 3.1.22)

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User Requirements
• Response time -The system will give responses within 1 second after checking
the patientinformation and other information.

• Capacity - The system must support 1000 people at a time

• User interface - User interface screen will response within 5 seconds.

• Conformity - The system must conform to the Microsoft accessibility.

Normalized database design

Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database. This includes creating

tables and establishing relationships between those tables according to rules designed
both to protect the data and to make the database more flexible by eliminating
redundancy and inconsistent dependency.

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(Figure 3.1.23)

(Figure 3.1.24)

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(Figure 3.1.25)

(Figure 3.2.26)

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(Figure 3.2.27)

(Figure 3.2.28)

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(Figure 3.1.29)

(Figure 3.1.30)

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3.2 Compare and contrast the multipage website created to the design
document. Use your design document with appropriate principles, standards and
guidelines to produce a branded, multipage website supported with realistic
content and Critically evaluate the web design ,development process against your
design document analyisng any technical challenges you faced during the

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

A software life cycle model (also termed process model) is a pictorial and
diagrammatic representation of the software life cycle. A life cycle model represents
all the methods required to make a software product transit through its life cycle
stages. It also captures the structure in which these methods are to be undertaken.

SDLC Cycle

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(Figure 3.2.1)

The stages of SDLC.

Stage1: Planning and requirement analysis
• Requirement Analysis is the most important and necessary stage in SDLC.
• The senior members of the team perform it with inputs from all the
stakeholders and domain experts or SMEs in the industry.
• Planning for the quality assurance requirements and identifications of the risks
associated with the projects is also done at this stage.
• Business analyst and Project organizer set up a meeting with the client to
gather all the data like what the customer wants to build, who will be the end
user, what is the objective of the product. Before creating a product, a core
understanding or knowledge of the product is very necessary.

Stage2: Defining Requirements

• Once the requirement analysis is done, the next stage is to certainly represent
and document the software requirements and get them accepted from the
project stakeholders.
• This is accomplished through "SRS"- Software Requirement Specification
document which contains all the product requirements to be constructed and
developed during the project life cycle.

Stage3: Designing the Software

• The next phase is about to bring down all the knowledge of requirements,
analysis, and design of the software project. This phase is the product of the
last two, like inputs from the customer and requirement gathering.

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Stage4: Developing the project
• In this phase of SDLC, the actual development begins, and the programming is
built. The implementation of design begins concerning writing code.
Developers have to follow the coding guidelines described by their
management and programming tools like compilers, interpreters, debuggers,
etc. are used to develop and implement the code.

Stage5: Testing
• After the code is generated, it is tested against the requirements to make sure
that the products are solving the needs addressed and gathered during the
requirements stage.
• During this stage, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance
testing are done.

Stage6: Deployment
• Once the software is certified, and no bugs or errors are stated, then it is
• Then based on the assessment, the software may be released as it is or with
suggested enhancement in the object segment.
• After the software is deployed, then its maintenance begins.

Stage7: Maintenance
• Once when the client starts using the developed systems, then the real issues
come up and requirements to be solved from time to time.
• This procedure where the care is taken for the developed product is known as

The total time duration take to complete 3 months for Hospital Management

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Cost Benefit Analysis
A cost benefit analysis (also known as a benefit cost analysis) is a process by which
organizations can analyze decisions, systems or projects, or determine a value for
intangibles. The model is built by identifying the benefits of an action as well as the
associated costs, and subtracting the costs from benefits. When completed, a cost
benefit analysis will yield concrete results that can be used to develop reasonable
conclusions around the feasibility and/or advisability of a decision or situation.

Items Price
User workstations 20,000.00
Server system 10,000.00
Secure networked printers 5,000.00
Cable installation 15,000.00
Software licences 50,000.00
System overveiw 10,000.00
Software 10,000.00
Tools 15,000.00
Total 135,000.00

Web layout design Client-side

1. HTML- Create webpages and layouts.
2. JAVA Script- Dynamic functions.
3. CSS- Styling purposes.

1. PHP- Interconnect with server side.
2. MySQL- Database integration.

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Task 4 - Create and use a Test Plan to review the
performance and design of a multipage website (LO4).

4.1 QA process is expected to discover design issues and development errors

while testing a product’s user interface (UI) and gauging the user experience
(UX). Evaluate the Quality Assurance (QA) process and review how it was
implemented during your design and development stages.

QA Process

Initially, QA helps design and control the software development process in a way that
helps prevent serious issues during the project. To make this happen, QA engineers
work on the project as an integral part of the software development team, together
with other specialists such as product owner, project manager, business analyst, and
developers, throughout the complete software development cycle. The number and the
order of QA activities may vary from project to project, depending heavily on the
scope of the work and the project’s aims.

Development process
• Analysis of requirements
• Design
• Implementation
• Verification or testing
• Maintenance

QA process

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1. Review of requirements
2. Test planning/writing test cases
3. Unit testing
4. Integration testing
5. System testing
6. Performance testing
7. Security testing
8. Cross-browser testing / cross-platform testing
9. Updating test cases
10. Regression testing

1. Review requirements and documentation

QA engineers start their work on the project in parallel with documentation
generation. They review the requirements and documentation for:

• completeness
• redundancies
• clarity
• consistency
• executability
• verifiability

2. Plan and prepare test cases

When the requirements have been established, it is time to start planning test cases,
i.e. – describe the actions QA engineers perform to make sure the piece of software
functions as planned. In case the volume of such cases turns to be really significant,
you can also use special tools like TestRail or Zephyr for writing test cases. Both
pieces of software allow for the creation and modification of tests and track results
using metrics.

3. Design test cases

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When the development stage is finished, the QA team starts running the test cases.
The main goal of this stage is to check whether the solution is developed properly
from the technical perspective and meets the initial product owner’s requirements.

Below are the main QA activities and their aims:

1. Smoke testing
QA engineers lightly check that the software, or its module, functions as planned.
When passed, the further investigation begins.

2. Integration testing
Verification that different components work as a single system.

3. Performance testing
4. Load testing – check system behavior for normal and expected peak load

5. Stress testing – determine critical load after which the system breaks down

6. Security testing
Ensuring the solution has a sufficient level of protection.

7. Cross-browser testing/cross-platform testing

Checking that an application works smoothly on different browsers (Chrome, Mozilla,
Safari) or platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone). This is especially important for
web and hybrid apps.

8. Regression testing
Detecting bugs in the code that was tested previously. Usually needed when adding
new features or making any updates to an existing system. Again, you can choose to
automate testing (e.g., unit testing, regression testing). The general rule: the longer a
project lasts, the more important is automated testing.

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4. Report and measure
When a QA engineer discovers a bug, he/she records it in a bug tracking system
which is also a project management system. For this purpose, you may use Jira or
Redmine, both being highly configurable software. They enable easy tracking of
issues of any level, from a broken login form to security problems, and all team
members can see real-time task updates. This simplifies communication inside the
team and helps keep a clear overview of the improvement process.

Each issue gets a priority level from urgent to low, which the development team then
resolves based on time and people available.

5. Verifying fixes
When a developer fixes an issue he/she informs the responsible QA engineers, who
verify it. The ticket in the bug tracking system is closed when no issue is detected.
This rule applies: no bug can be marked as fixed until it is verified.

The Advantages of Quality Assurance Systems.

• Improved process controls.
• Smoother regulatory audits.
• An internal system of checks and balances for the quality of products.
• A culture of improvement and collaboration.
• Better employee and management training.
• Increased worker engagement.

Disadvantages of Quality Assurance System.

• Time-consuming — it requires a lot of time to train the staff to perform QA.
• High initial costs.

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4.2 Create a suitable test plan for the developed system and critically evaluate
the results of your Test Plan . Include a review of the overall success of your
multipage website; use this evaluation to explain any areas of success and
provide justified recommendations for areas that require improvements.

Test Plan
A Test Plan is a detailed document that describes the test strategy, objectives,
schedule, estimation, deliverables, and resources required to perform testing for a
software product. Test Plan helps us determine the effort needed to validate the
quality of the application under test. The test plan serves as a blueprint to conduct
software testing activities as a defined process, which is minutely monitored and
controlled by the test manager.

What is the Importance of Test Plan?

• Help people outside the test team such as developers, business managers,
customers understand the details of testing.
• Test Plan guides our thinking. It is like a rule book, which needs to be
• Important aspects like test estimation, test scope, Test Strategy are
documented in Test Plan, so it can be reviewed by Management Team and re-
used for other projects.

Test Shedule
Task Name Start Date End Date
Requirements documents March 18, 2022 March 23, 2022
Test Planning March 24, 2022 March 31, 2022
Initiation of test estimation April 1, 2022 April 20, 2022

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Staffing and training new April 21, 2022 April 30, 2022
test resources.
Initial deployment to QA May 1, 2022 May 8, 2022
test environment
Functional setting iteration May 9, 2022 May 14, 2022
Functional setting iteration May 15, 2022 May 20, 2022
System setting May 21, 2022 May 31, 2022
UAT June 1, 2022 June 9, 2022
Regression testing June 10, 2022 June 18, 2022

User name Perform Onscreen Security Easy to use Reliability Score (1/5)
ance help features
Mr. Rajkeethan Good Average Average Good Good 3
Mr. Kopinath Good Good Average Good Average 4
Mr. Akshayan Good Good Avarage Avarage Good 4

63 | P a g e Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

I am going to fix only the issues mentioned by the users and the issues encountered in
the system.

Feedback User 1: Add more contact images with this system.

Feedback User 2: This application does not have the auto back-up and restore
options. Please
do some arrangements on that.

Feedback User 3: Search functions should have more options such as search by name
and sort
by name or other details.

Own intension 1: Secure password with md5 32 bits encryption.

Own intension 2: Add the attendance monitoring feature with payroll.
Own intension 3: Add comment form and email facilities.

I hope that the future user will be more satisfied with these feature.

64 | P a g e Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

(Figure 4.2.1)

System Requirements
• Processor - 8 Gb
• Memory / Ram - 8 Gb
• Web browser-Any latest browsers
• Display - User wish

65 | P a g e Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

• Operating system - Windows Xp, 7, 8, 10 / MacOS

Future enhancement
The proposed system is Hospital Management System. I can enhance this system by
including more facilities like pharmacy system for the stock details of medicine un tha
pharmacy. Providing such features enable the users to include more comments into
the system.

The project Hospital Management System is for computerizing the working in a
hospital. It is agreat improvement over the manual system. The computerization of the
system has speed up the process. In the current system, the fron office managing is
very slow. The hospital management system thoroughly checked and tested with
dummy data and thus is found to be very reliable. The software takes care of all the
requirements of ab average hospital and is capable to provide easy and effective
storage of information related to patients that come up to the hospital. It generates
reports and also provides the facility for searching the details of the patients. It also
provides billing facility on the basic of patient’s status whether it is an indoor or
outdoor patient. The system also provides the facility of backup as per the

66 | P a g e Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

Available at:
Accessed by: (2022.06.10)

Available at:
Accessed by: (2022.06.11)

Available at:
Accessed by: (2022.06.12)

Available at:
Accessed by: (2022.06.14)

Available at:
Accessed by: (2022.06.15)

Available at:
Accessed by: (2022.06.16)

67 | P a g e Web Design and Development K.Nilukshika

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