Introduction To Python Programming - Theory
Introduction To Python Programming - Theory
Introduction To Python Programming - Theory
Semester: V
Teaching Scheme
Subject Examination
Subject Title (Hours/Week) Total
Code Credits Marks
Theory Tutorial Internal External
Introduction to
1030106502 3 0 3 40 60 100
Programming –
Duration of Exam: 2:30 Hours
Objective of the course:
To understand why Python is a useful scripting language for developers.
To learn how to design and program Python applications.
To learn how to use lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python programs.
To learn how to write loops and decision statements in Python.
To learn how to write functions and pass arguments in Python.
To learn how to design object‐oriented programs with Python classes.
To learn how to read and write files in Python.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able:
Sr. Marks %
CO statement
No. weightage
CO-1 Describe basic principles in Python. 15
Detail Content:
Sr. Total
Unit Topic
No. Hrs.
1.1 Introduction: Features and Application of Python,
Comparison between C and Python
1.2 Basics of Python Syntax: Comments, Variable, Data
types (Built-in data types, User-defined data types),
UNIT – 1
1 Sequences, Sets, Literals, Constants, Identifiers and
Introduction to 08
Python reserved keywords, Naming conventions
1.3 Operators: Types of Operators (Arithmetic, Assignment,
Unary minus, Relational, logical, Boolean, Bitwise,
Membership, Identity), Operator precedence and
2.1 Array: Creating an Array, Types of Arrays, Indexing and
slicing on arrays, Operations on array
2.2 String: Creating String, Length of a string, Indexing and
slicing in string, Operations on a string (Repeating the
UNIT – 2 strings, Concatenation of strings, comparing strings,
2 Array and String removing spaces from a string, finding substrings, 10
in Python counting substrings in a string, replacing a string with
another string, Splitting, and joining strings, changing
the case of a string, checking starting and ending of a
1. Sublime text
2. Python 3
3. Anaconda
4. tutorials/python-
Reference Book: