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Introduction To Python Programming - Theory

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Diploma Engineering (Computer Engineering)

Semester: V
Teaching Scheme
Subject Examination
Subject Title (Hours/Week) Total
Code Credits Marks
Theory Tutorial Internal External
Introduction to
1030106502 3 0 3 40 60 100
Programming –
Duration of Exam: 2:30 Hours
Objective of the course:
 To understand why Python is a useful scripting language for developers.
 To learn how to design and program Python applications.
 To learn how to use lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python programs.
 To learn how to write loops and decision statements in Python.
 To learn how to write functions and pass arguments in Python.
 To learn how to design object‐oriented programs with Python classes.
 To learn how to read and write files in Python.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able:

Sr. Marks %
CO statement
No. weightage
CO-1 Describe basic principles in Python. 15

CO-2 Explain basic programming skills in Python. 20

CO-3 Discuss arrays and strings in Python. 15

CO-4 Use list and tuple to perform specific operations. 15

CO-5 Prepare user-defined functions using Python. 20

CO-6 Demonstrate file operations. 15

Registrar Dean- Academics Chairman - BOS

Effective From

Detail Content:
Sr. Total
Unit Topic
No. Hrs.
1.1 Introduction: Features and Application of Python,
Comparison between C and Python
1.2 Basics of Python Syntax: Comments, Variable, Data
types (Built-in data types, User-defined data types),
UNIT – 1
1 Sequences, Sets, Literals, Constants, Identifiers and
Introduction to 08
Python reserved keywords, Naming conventions
1.3 Operators: Types of Operators (Arithmetic, Assignment,
Unary minus, Relational, logical, Boolean, Bitwise,
Membership, Identity), Operator precedence and
2.1 Array: Creating an Array, Types of Arrays, Indexing and
slicing on arrays, Operations on array
2.2 String: Creating String, Length of a string, Indexing and
slicing in string, Operations on a string (Repeating the
UNIT – 2 strings, Concatenation of strings, comparing strings,
2 Array and String removing spaces from a string, finding substrings, 10
in Python counting substrings in a string, replacing a string with
another string, Splitting, and joining strings, changing
the case of a string, checking starting and ending of a

3.1 Lists: Creating lists using range() function, Updating the

elements of a list, Concatenation of two lists, Repetition
of lists, Membership in lists, Methods to process lists,
Finding elements in list, Sorting list, Finding occurrence
in a list, Storing different types of data in a list.
UNIT – 3 3.2 Tuples: Creating tuples, Accessing the tuple elements,
3 Collections in Basic operations on tuples, Functions to process tuples, 07
Python Nested tuples, Inserting elements in tuple, Modify
elements of tuple, Deleting elements from tuple.
3.3 Dictionaries: Operations on dictionaries, Dictionary
methods, Using for loop with dictionaries, Converting
lists into dictionary, Converting strings into dictionary,
ordered dictionary.

Registrar Dean- Academics Chairman - BOS

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4.1 Input and Output: I/O Statements, Command line

UNIT – 4 4.2 Control Statements: If statement, If...else statement,
4 Decision Making If…elif...else statement, Nested if 05
and Loops 4.3 Looping Statements: For Loop, While Loop, Infinite
Loop, Nested Loop, Break and Continue Statement

5.1 Functions: Defining a function, Calling a function,

Local and global variables, Returning results from a
function, Pass by object reference
UNIT – 5 5.2 Types of Arguments: Formal and Actual Arguments,
5 Keyword Arguments, Default Arguments, Variable 06
Length Arguments, Positional Arguments,
5.3 Recursive functions
5.4 Function decorators, Generators
6.1 OOPs Concepts: Features of OOPS, Creating class and
objects, Class attributes
6.2 Inheritances and their types
UNIT – 6 6.3 Constructor and Destructors
6 OOPs Concepts 6.4 Polymorphism: Method Overloading & Method 09
and Overriding
File handling
6.5 Files: Types of files in Python, Opening and closing a
file, Reading and writing a file, Renaming and deleting
files, With statement, Seek () and tell () methods

List of Open Source Software/learning website:

1. Sublime text
2. Python 3
3. Anaconda
4. https://www.educba.com/software-development/software-development tutorials/python-
5. https://www.pythontutorial.net/

Reference Book:

1. Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3 by Real Python.

2. Taming Python by Programming, Jeeva Jose, and Khanna Publication.
3. R. Nageswara Rao, “Core Python Programming”, Dreamtech press.
4. Mike McGrath, “Python in Easy Steps: Makes Programming Fun!” Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, 2018.
5. Kenneth A. Lambert, “Fundamentals of Python – First Programs”, CENGAGE Publication.


Registrar Dean- Academics Chairman - BOS

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