Midterm Module MTB1
Midterm Module MTB1
Midterm Module MTB1
DESCRIPTION: This course includes both the content and pedagogy of the mother-tongue. The
subject matter content includes the structure of the mother-tongue as a language, literature in the
mother tongue, methods and techniques of teaching the language, development of instructional
materials, and assessment.
TOPICS: (Midterm)
There is much scientific research on how we learn languages, which now gives us greater
understanding of the role of ‘acquiring language’ in relation to ‘learning language’. Infants and
young children can be very good at acquiring languages when they are used in the home, and this
is one reason why people sometimes think that we learn languages best when we are very young.
Older children and adults tend to be taught languages, usually in language learning classrooms or
increasingly through computer-aided programs. Successful language learning can be achieved
when people have the opportunity to receive instruction, and at the same time experience real-life
situations in which they can acquire the language.
1. It is an instinct. This is true in the technical sense, i.e. it is triggered by birth and takes
its own course, though of course linguistic input from the environment is needed for the
child to acquire a specific language. As an instinct, language acquisition can be compared
to the acquisition of binocular vision or binaural hearing.
2. It is very rapid. The amount of time required to acquire one's native language is quite
short, very short compared to that needed to learn a second language successfully later on
in life.
3. It is very complete. The quality of first language acquisition is far better than that of a
second language (learned later on in life). One does not forget one's native language
(though one might have slight difficulties remembering words if you do not use it for a
long time).
4. It does not require instruction. Despite the fact that many non-linguists think that
mothers are important for children to learn their native language, instructions by parents
or care-takers are unnecessary, despite the psychological benefits of attention to the child.
Reading, writing, speaking and listening – the four foundational skills of language
When we learn a language, there are four macro skills that we need for success in
communication. These are reading, writing, speaking and listening. We usually listen first,
then we will learn to speak, then we will learn how to read then write.
The skills work in pairs. When you’re reading or listening, you’re consuming a
language. However, when you’re writing or speaking, you’re producing a language.
Reading Skills
Reading is a fundamental skill for learners, not just for learning but for life (Traves 1994)
with reading being defined as ― “…the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and
interpret this information appropriately” (Grabe & Stoller, 2002).
What this tells us is that young learners need a firm foundation in auditory and oracy
skills before they can become proficient readers and writers of ANY language. Learning
to read and then to write means the young learner has to link what they have heard or
spoken to what they can see (read) and produce (write).
Writing Skills
Every educated child in developed countries learns the rudiments of writing in his/her
native language , but very few learn to express themselves clearly with logical, well-developed
organization that accomplishes an intended purpose.
Teaching Writing to little students must focus on the following:
• Handwriting ability
• Correct spelling
• Writing sentences that are grammatically correct
• paragraph construction
• logical development of main idea
Listening Skills
Listening is the most important skill in communication. It is a mental operation involving
processing sound waves, interpreting their meaning, and storing them in memory. It is a
communication technique that requires the listeners to understand, interpret, and evaluate what
they hear. It paves the way for other skills to tower over the others because of its significance in
terms of speech, discussion and freedom of expression. They serve as an approach to make
everybody comprehend which is being said.
Speaking Skills
Speaking is the delivery of language through the mouth. To speak, we create sounds
using many parts of our body, including the lungs, vocal tract, vocal cords, tongue, teeth
and lips.
Strategies in Teaching Speaking to Beginning Learners
In teaching speaking, the aims of instruction are:
1. to produce the speech sounds and sound patterns;
2. to use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the first language;
3. to select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting, audience,
situation and subject matter;
4. to organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence;
5. To use language as a means of expressing values and judgments; and
6. To use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which is called
Stages of SLA
Stephen Krashen divides the process of second-language acquisition into five stages:
preproduction, early production, speech emergence, intermediate fluency, and advanced
The first stage, preproduction, is also known as the silent period. Learners at this stage
have a receptive vocabulary of up to 500 words, but they do not yet speak their second language.
Not all learners go through a silent period. Some learners start speaking straight away, although
their output may consist of imitation rather than creative language use. Others may be required to
speak from the start as part of a language course. For learners that do go through a silent period,
it may last around three to six months.
The second of Krashen's stages of acquisition is early production, during which learners
are able to speak in short phrases of one or two words. They can also memorize chunks of
language, although they may make mistakes when using them. Learners typically have both an
active and receptive vocabulary of around 1000 words. This stage normally lasts for around six
The third stage is speech emergence. Learners' vocabularies increase to around 3000
words during this stage, and they can communicate using simple questions and phrases. They
may often make grammatical errors.
The fourth stage is intermediate fluency. At this stage, learners have a vocabulary of
around 6000 words, and can use more complicated sentence structures. They are also able to
share their thoughts and opinions. Learners may make frequent errors with more complicated
sentence structures.
The final stage is advanced fluency, which is typically reached somewhere between five
and ten years of learning the language. Learners at this stage can function at a level close to
native speakers.
Krashen has also developed a number of hypotheses discussing the nature of second
language learners' thought processes and the development of self-awareness during second
language acquisition. The most prominent of these hypotheses are Monitor Theory and the
Affective Filter hypothesis.
The Monitor hypothesis explains the relationship between acquisition and learning and
defines the influence of the latter on the former. The monitoring function is the practical result of
the learned grammar. According to Krashen, the acquisition system is the utterance initiator,
while the learning system performs the role of the 'monitor' or the 'editor'. The 'monitor' acts in a
planning, editing and correcting function when three specific conditions are met:
It appears that the role of conscious learning is somewhat limited in second language
performance. According to Krashen, the role of the monitor is minor, being used only to correct
deviations from "normal" speech and to give speech a more 'polished' appearance.
Therefore, the second goal of language learning is to distinguish between the L1 and L2
and take note of the differences.
The Input hypothesis is Krashen's attempt to explain how the learner acquires a second
language – how second language acquisition takes place. The Input hypothesis is only concerned
with 'acquisition', not 'learning'. According to this hypothesis, the learner improves and
progresses along the 'natural order' when he/she receives second language 'input' that is one step
beyond his/her current stage of linguistic competence. For example, if a learner is at a stage 'i',
then acquisition takes place when he/she is exposed to 'Comprehensible Input' that belongs to
level 'i + 1'. Since not all of the learners can be at the same level of linguistic competence at the
same time, Krashen suggests that natural communicative input is the key to designing a syllabus,
ensuring in this way that each learner will receive some 'i + 1' input that is appropriate for his/her
current stage of linguistic competence.
Therefore, sufficient and natural comprehensible input is the third goal for language
The Affective Filter hypothesis embodies Krashen's view that a number of 'affective
variables' play a facilitative, but non-causal, role in second language acquisition. These variables
include: motivation, self-confidence, anxiety and personality traits. Krashen claims that learners
with high motivation, self-confidence, a good self-image, a low level of anxiety and extroversion
are better equipped for success in second language acquisition. Low motivation, low self-esteem,
anxiety, introversion and inhibition can raise the affective filter and form a 'mental block' that
prevents comprehensible input from being used for acquisition. In other words, when the filter is
'up' it impedes language acquisition. On the other hand, positive affect is necessary, but not
sufficient on its own, for acquisition to take place.
Therefore, a learning environment which nurtures language learning is the fourth goal.
Finally, the less important Natural Order hypothesis is based on research findings
(Dulay & Burt, 1974; Fathman, 1975; Makino, 1980 cited in Krashen, 1987) which suggested
that the acquisition of grammatical structures follows a 'natural order' which is predictable. For
a given language, some grammatical structures tend to be acquired early while others late. This
order seemed to be independent of the learners' age, L1 background, conditions of exposure, and
although the agreement between individual acquirers was not always 100% in the studies, there
were statistically significant similarities that reinforced the existence of a Natural Order of
language acquisition. Krashen however points out that the implication of the natural order
hypothesis is not that a language program syllabus should be based on the order found in the
studies. In fact, he rejects grammatical sequencing when the goal is language acquisition.
The final goal of language learning, therefore, is time and fit for a given level.
ACTIVITY 1: Answer the essay questions that follow based on the previous discussion. You
can consult the internet for your answers if a need arises, but make sure to cite your sources as
references. (10 pts. each)
1. Explain the differences between First Language Acquisition and Second Language
3. Which do you think is the most important among the goals of language learning? Justify
your answer.
4. Classroom Strategies
4.1. First Language Development
It is more than likely that teachers will have students in different stages of the language
acquisition process. What can be done to differentiate instruction according to language level?
Here are some suggestions for appropriate instructional strategies according to stages of
language acquisition.
1. Scaffold instruction so students receive comprehensible input and are able to successfully
complete tasks at their level. Scaffolding includes asking students questions in formats
that give them support in answering, such as yes/no questions, one-word identifications,
or short answers. It also means providing the context for learning by having visuals or
other hands-on items available to support content learning.
2. Explicit vocabulary instruction is very important in accelerating ELL students' English
language development. Textbooks include lists of new vocabulary words based on grade-
level content, but ELL students need further vocabulary instruction. There are many
words in a text that may affect the ELL student's comprehension of the text that a teacher
may assume he or she knows. It is important for teachers to develop ways to help
students identify the words they don't know, as well as strategies for getting their
3. Error correction should be done very intentionally and appropriately according to
student language ability. Students who are just beginning to speak English are already
nervous about using their new language skills and constant correction will not improve
their ability; it will just make them want to withdraw.
4.1.2. Kinds of Classroom Talk
The talk of the classroom is necessarily academic in nature and includes a variety of
cognitive functions that help students explain their thinking and learn from others. For instance,
students need to be able to compare and contrast ideas, ask questions, and describe phenomena.
We find it useful to provide sentence starters related to the different types of thinking necessary
in any learning environment. We post these sentence starters around the room and refer to them
during guided instruction. In addition, we remind students of the language objectives for the
types of language they will use in their collaborative learning activity.
Classroom talk takes place when pupils:
• answer your questions;
• ask you and their classmates questions;
• answer questions asked by their classmates; and
• participate in group discussion.
Talk in ‘Situations’ is also called Task-based Teaching, where students are given a task
and the center of the learning process moves to the students themselves and allows them to come
to the realization that language is a tool to tackle and (re)solve real-world problems.
The process of task-based learning itself teaches important skills. Students learn how to
ask questions, how to negotiate meaning and how to interact in and work within groups. Within
this group work, they are able to observe different approaches to problem solving as well as to
learn how others think and make decisions.
Opinion gap activities are those that ask students to convey their own personal
preferences, feelings or ideas about a particular situation. On a higher level, you might ask them
to take part in a discussion or debate about a political or social issue. On a lower level, you might
ask them to complete a story. In these types of activities, there is no right or wrong answer, and,
therefore, there is no objective means by which to judge outcomes, outside of whether what the
students do or say addresses the task at hand. You might require them to speak or write for a
certain amount (words or time) and you might ask them to use certain constructions. Otherwise,
assessment is subjective rather than objective.
Talk in Drama, or Drama activities, besides being a fun and exciting way to break
through the glooms of the traditional language class, offer a variety of pluses that directly
contribute to the language student’s learning experience.
Drama Activities
1. Charades. The game of Charades has existed since the 16th century. Most people have
played one version or another of this game. In this case, Charades is an activity in which
one student mutely uses body language while the rest of the class tries to guess what
he/she is trying to communicate. This reinforces the connection between body language
and spoken language, and the activity is especially useful for vocabulary review.
2. Gibberish. This activity is meant to take the heat off of the student, allowing them to try
to experience communication without grammar, structure and vocabulary. On the other
hand, it also helps students to identify clues which leads to comprehension through
gestures, tone of voice and body language. This is a good activity for practicing reported
speech and general past tense explanations.
3. Draw an Object. In this activity, students will be guessing vocabulary based upon
drawings done by their classmates. Though it sounds like the popular picture drawing
game, it’s actually a double header activity, with two teams guessing at the same time.
This is another activity that’s great for vocabulary review.
4. Where are We? In this activity, students will be acting out different objects that are
characteristic of a certain place. Though they are miming the objects, students should also
use verbal language related to the room. For example, if they are in an operating room,
there will be a table, the instruments, the lighting. They could say “Nurse, hand me the
scalpel” or “How’s his pulse?”
5. Mirror Talk. This activity is based on the mirror mimicking game many of us have
played as children. Instead of simply pretending to be a mirror and following the leader’s
movements, one student has to try to say the same thing the other is saying in unison, as
if it were a choral exercise.
6. Name Six. This is a fun vocabulary review activity that can be used as a warm-up. It’s
based on the old beanbag hot potato game many of us played as kids.
Choral reading is a literacy technique that helps students build their fluency, self-
confidence, and motivation in reading. During choral reading a student, or a group of students
reads a passage together, with or without a teacher. Choral reading can be done individually, in
small groups, or as a whole class. According to Reading Rockets (n.d.), there are three main
reasons why choral reading is beneficial, and they include:
• It provides a model of fluency
• It improves sight word recognition
• It allows practice and support
Typically, when teachers choose choral reading passages the passages include some type
of rhyme or rhythm. There are many different ways to do choral reading in a classroom, and here
are some examples:
1. Groups of students take turns reading different pages
2. Everyone in the class reads the whole passage together
3. Boys read lines 1-3, and girls read lines 4-6
4. Teacher models how to read a sentence, then the students read that sentence
According to Jennings, Caldwell, and Lerner (2014), “because students find choral
reading enjoyable, they willingly practice the word recognition that helps them to give a polished
performance” (p.213). If students enjoy choral reading they might have more motivation when
they are reading, and this is very important for struggling readers and really any reader. Also,
Jennings et al. mentions that "low-achieving readers enjoy this activity [choral reading] because
it gives them the satisfaction of delivering a well-rehearsed, expressive rendition" (p. 213).
Students who have difficulties with fluency can really benefit from choral reading, because it
provides them with a model and practice.
ACTIVITY 2: Find three activities each that develop Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing
of young learners. Make sure to include the materials, procedure, and/or visual representations
for each activity.