Berkshire Hathaway Pension Center

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Berkshire Hathaway Pension Center

PO BOX 981911
EL PASO TX 79998

Re: The Estate of William Slay

To Whom It May Concern:

Since my husband died, I could no longer withdraw the money deposited in his account so I informed
the Bank to return the money to you. All the while, I thought they have already returned the money. I
followed it up with them and they informed me that you should send them a request in order for them
to return back the money you sent to my husband’s Metrobank account. The name and address of the
bank is as follows:

Metrobank Baguio-session Branch

Address: MS Building, No. 35 Session Rd., Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines
Telephone: 074-4450829/074-3044014/074-4450615

Thank you and I hope, the money will be returned to you as soon as possible.

Very truly yours,

Mrs. Anabet P. Slay

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