Gov - Uscourts.txsb.459750.1.0 3-2
Gov - Uscourts.txsb.459750.1.0 3-2
Gov - Uscourts.txsb.459750.1.0 3-2
Be as complete and accurate as possible. If two married people are filing together, both are equally responsible for supplying correct information. If more
space is needed, attach a separate sheet to this form. On the top of any additional pages, write your name and case number (if known). Answer every
Official Form 101 Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 1
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- -
Austin, TX 78735
City State ZIP Code City State ZIP Code
County County
If your mailing address is different from the one above, If Debtor 2's mailing address is different from yours, fill
fill it in here. Note that the court will send any notices to it in here. Note that the court will send any notices to you
you at this mailing address. at this mailing address.
Dallas, TX 75201
City State ZIP Code City State ZIP Code
Official Form 101 Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 2
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7. The chapter of the Bankruptcy Check one. (For a brief description of each, see Notice Required by 11 U.S.C. § 342(b) for Individuals Filing for
Code you are choosing to file Bankruptcy (Form 2010)). Also, go to the top of page 1 and check the appropriate box.
under ❑ Chapter 7
❑ Chapter 11
❑ Chapter 12
❑ Chapter 13
❑ I request that my fee be waived (You may request this option only if you are filing for Chapter 7. By law, a
judge may, but is not required to, waive your fee, and may do so only if your income is less than 150% of the
official poverty line that applies to your family size and you are unable to pay the fee in installments). If you
choose this option, you must fill out the Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waived (Official Form
103B) and file it with your petition.
Official Form 101 Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 3
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A sole proprietorship is a
business you operate as an Name of business, if any
individual, and is not a separate
legal entity such as a
corporation, partnership, or LLC. Number Street
13. Are you filing under Chapter If you are filing under Chapter 11, the court must know whether you are a small business debtor or a debtor choosing to
11 of the Bankruptcy Code, proceed under Subchapter V so that it can set appropriate deadlines. If you indicate that you are a small business
and are you a small business debtor or you are choosing to proceed under Subchapter V, you must attach your most recent balance sheet, statement
debtor or a debtor as defined of operations, cash-flow statement, and federal income tax return or if any of these documents do not exist, follow the
by 11 U.S. C. § 1182(1)? procedure in 11 U.S.C. § 1116(1)(B).
For a definition of small business ❑ No. I am not filing under Chapter 11.
debtor, see 11 U.S.C. §
❑ No. I am filing under Chapter 11, but I am NOT a small business debtor according to the definition in the
Bankruptcy Code.
❑ Yes. I am filing under Chapter 11, I am a small business debtor according to the definition in the
Bankruptcy Code, and I do not choose to proceed under Subchapter V of Chapter 11.
❑ Yes. I am filing under Chapter 11, I am a debtor according to the definition in § 1182(1) of the Bankruptcy
Code, and I choose to proceed under Subchapter V of Chapter 11.
Official Form 101 Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 4
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Part 4: Report if You Own or Have Any Hazardous Property or Any Property That Needs Immediate Attention
Official Form 101 Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 5
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15. Tell the court whether you About Debtor 1: About Debtor 2 (Spouse Only in a Joint Case):
have received a briefing
about credit counseling.
The law requires that you You must check one: You must check one:
If you file anyway, the court ❑ I received a briefing from an approved credit counseling ❑ I received a briefing from an approved credit counseling
can dismiss your case, you will agency within the 180 days before I filed this bankruptcy agency within the 180 days before I filed this bankruptcy
lose whatever filing fee you petition, but I do not have a certificate of completion. petition, but I do not have a certificate of completion.
paid, and your creditors can Within 14 days after you file this bankruptcy petition, you Within 14 days after you file this bankruptcy petition, you
begin collection activities MUST file a copy of the certificate and payment plan, if any. MUST file a copy of the certificate and payment plan, if any.
❑ I certify that I asked for credit counseling services from an ❑ I certify that I asked for credit counseling services from an
approved agency, but was unable to obtain those services approved agency, but was unable to obtain those services
during the 7 days after I made my request, and exigent during the 7 days after I made my request, and exigent
circumstances merit a 30-day temporary waiver of the circumstances merit a 30-day temporary waiver of the
requirement. requirement.
To ask for a 30-day temporary waiver of the requirement, To ask for a 30-day temporary waiver of the requirement,
attach a separate sheet explaining what efforts you made to attach a separate sheet explaining what efforts you made to
obtain the briefing, why you were unable to obtain it before obtain the briefing, why you were unable to obtain it before
you filed for bankruptcy, and what exigent circumstances you filed for bankruptcy, and what exigent circumstances
required you to file this case. required you to file this case.
Your case may be dismissed if the court is dissatisfied with Your case may be dismissed if the court is dissatisfied with
your reasons for not receiving a briefing before you filed for your reasons for not receiving a briefing before you filed for
bankruptcy. bankruptcy.
If the court is satisfied with your reasons, you must still If the court is satisfied with your reasons, you must still
receive a briefing within 30 days after you file. receive a briefing within 30 days after you file.
You must file a certificate from the approved agency, along You must file a certificate from the approved agency, along
with a copy of the payment plan you developed, if any. If you with a copy of the payment plan you developed, if any. If you
do not do so, your case may be dismissed. do not do so, your case may be dismissed.
Any extension of the 30-day deadline is granted only for Any extension of the 30-day deadline is granted only for
cause and is limited to a maximum of 15 days. cause and is limited to a maximum of 15 days.
❑ I am not required to receive a briefing about credit ❑ I am not required to receive a briefing about credit
counseling because of: counseling because of:
❑ Incapacity. I have a mental illness or a mental ❑ Incapacity. I have a mental illness or a mental
deficiency that makes me incapable of deficiency that makes me incapable of
realizing or making rational decisions realizing or making rational decisions
about finances. about finances.
❑ Disability. My physical disability causes me to be ❑ Disability. My physical disability causes me to be
unable to participate in a briefing in unable to participate in a briefing in
person, by phone, or through the person, by phone, or through the
internet, even after I reasonably tried to internet, even after I reasonably tried to
do so. do so.
❑ Active duty. I am currently on active military duty in ❑ Active duty. I am currently on active military duty in
a military combat zone. a military combat zone.
If you believe you are not required to receive a briefing If you believe you are not required to receive a briefing
about credit counseling, you must file a motion for waiver of about credit counseling, you must file a motion for waiver of
credit counseling with the court. credit counseling with the court.
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16. What kind of debts do you 16a. Are your debts primarily consumer debts? Consumer debts are defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(8) as
have? “incurred by an individual primarily for a personal, family, or household purpose.”
❑ No. Go to line 16b.
❑ Yes. Go to line 17.
16b. Are your debts primarily business debts? Business debts are debts that you incurred to obtain money
for a business or investment or through the operation of the business or investment.
❑ No. Go to line 16c.
❑ Yes. Go to line 17.
16c. State the type of debts you owe that are not consumer debts or business debts.
Do you estimate that after any ❑ Yes. I am filing under Chapter 7. Do you estimate that after any exempt property is excluded and
exempt property is excluded administrative expenses are paid that funds will be available to distribute to unsecured creditors?
and administrative expenses are ❑ No
paid that funds will be available ❑ Yes
for distribution to unsecured
18. How many creditors do you ❑ 1-49 ❑ 1,000-5,000 ❑ 25,001-50,000 ❑ 50,000-100,000 ❑ More than 100,000
estimate that you owe? ✔
❑ 50-99 ❑ 5,001-10,000
❑ 100-199 ❑ 10,001-25,000
❑ 200-999
20. How much do you estimate your ❑ $0-$50,000 ❑ $1,000,001-$10 million ❑ $500,000,001-$1 billion
liabilities to be? ❑ $50,001-$100,000 ❑ $10,000,001-$50 million ✔ $1,000,000,001-$10 billion
❑ $100,001-$500,000 ❑ $50,000,001-$100 million ❑ $10,000,000,001-$50 billion
❑ $500,001-$1 million ❑ $100,000,001-$500 million ❑ More than $50 billion
Part 7: Sign Below
For you I have examined this petition, and I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided is true and correct.
If I have chosen to file under Chapter 7, I am aware that I may proceed, if eligible, under Chapter 7, 11,12, or 13 of title 11, United
States Code. I understand the relief available under each chapter, and I choose to proceed under Chapter 7.
If no attorney represents me and I did not pay or agree to pay someone who is not an attorney to help me fill out this document, I
have obtained and read the notice required by 11 U.S.C. § 342(b).
I request relief in accordance with the chapter of title 11, United States Code, specified in this petition.
I understand making a false statement, concealing property, or obtaining money or property by fraud in connection with a
bankruptcy case can result in fines up to $250,000, or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. §§ 152, 1341, 1519,
and 3571.
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For your attorney, if you are I, the attorney for the debtor(s) named in this petition, declare that I have informed the debtor(s) about eligibility to
represented by one proceed under Chapter 7, 11, 12, or 13 of title 11, United States Code, and have explained the relief available under
each chapter for which the person is eligible. I also certify that I have delivered to the debtor(s) the notice required by
If you are not represented by an 11 U.S.C. § 342(b) and, in a case in which § 707(b)(4)(D) applies, certify that I have no knowledge after an inquiry
attorney, you do not need to file this that the information in the schedules filed with the petition is incorrect.
Vickie L. Driver
Printed name
Dallas TX 75201
City State ZIP Code
24026886 TX
Bar number State
Official Form 101 Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 8
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Title: Counselor
* Individuals who wish to file a bankruptcy case under title 11 of the United States Bankruptcy
Code are required to file with the United States Bankruptcy Court a completed certificate of
counseling from the nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency that provided the individual
the counseling services and a copy of the debt repayment plan, if any, developed through the
credit counseling agency. See 11 U.S.C. 109(h) and 521(b).
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Debtor 2
(Spouse, if filing) First Name Middle Name Last Name
Be as complete and accurate as possible. If two married people are filing together, both are equally responsible for supplying correct information.
Part 1: List the 20 Unsecured Claims in Order from Largest to Smallest. Do Not Include Claims by Insiders.
Robert Parker As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Official Form 104 For Individual Chapter 11 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims page 1
Case 22-33553 Document 1 Filed in TXSB on 12/02/22 Page 12 of 21
William Aldenberg As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Ian Hockley As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Erica Lafferty As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St., STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Official Form 104 For Individual Chapter 11 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims page 2
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Nicole Hockley As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Jillian Soto-Marino As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Carlee Soto Parisi As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Official Form 104 For Individual Chapter 11 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims page 3
Case 22-33553 Document 1 Filed in TXSB on 12/02/22 Page 14 of 21
Carlos M. Soto As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Mark Barden As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
David Wheeler As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Official Form 104 For Individual Chapter 11 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims page 4
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Francine Wheeler As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Jennifer Hensel As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Donna Soto As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Official Form 104 For Individual Chapter 11 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims page 5
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William Sherlach As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Jacqueline Barden As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Ryan Chapple ✔ Unliquidated
Cain & Skarnulis PLLC ✔ Disputed
303 Colorado St, STE 2850
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Austin, TX 78701 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Neil Heslin As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Jarrod B. Martin ✔ Unliquidated
Chamberlain Hrdlicka ✔ Disputed
1200 Smith Street, STE 1400
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Houston, TX 77002 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
Official Form 104 For Individual Chapter 11 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims page 6
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Scarlett Lewis As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ✔ Contingent
c/o Jarrod B. Martin ✔ Unliquidated
Chamberlain Hrdlicka ✔ Disputed
1200 Smith Street, STE 1400
Number Street ❑ None of the above apply
Houston, TX 77002 Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
City State Zip Code ✔ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
Contact phone
American Express As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name
❑ Contingent
PO Box 650448 ❑ Unliquidated
Number Street ✔ Disputed
Dallas, TX 75265 ❑ None of the above apply
City State Zip Code
Does the creditor have a lien on your property? Unsecured
✔ No
❑ Yes.
Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Contact phone Value of security: –
Unsecured Claim:
As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ❑ Contingent
❑ Unliquidated
Number Street ❑ Disputed
❑ None of the above apply
Does the creditor have a lien on your property?
City State Zip Code ❑ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Contact phone
Unsecured Claim:
Official Form 104 For Individual Chapter 11 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims page 7
Case 22-33553 Document 1 Filed in TXSB on 12/02/22 Page 18 of 21
As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply.
Creditor's Name ❑ Contingent
❑ Unliquidated
Number Street ❑ Disputed
❑ None of the above apply
Does the creditor have a lien on your property?
City State Zip Code ❑ No
❑ Yes.
Contact Total claim (secured and unsecured):
Value of security: –
Contact phone
Unsecured Claim:
Under penalty of perjury, I declare that the information provided in this form is true and correct.
In re: § Chapter 11
ALEXANDER E. JONES, § Case No. ____________
Debtor. § (Joint Administration Requested)
I, Alexander E. Jones, the Debtor in the above-styled bankruptcy proceeding, state under
penalty of perjury and pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 1116(1)(B) that I have no balance sheet, statement
/s/Alexander E. Jones
Alexander E. Jones
Case 22-33553 Document 1 Filed in TXSB on 12/02/22 Page 20 of 21
In re Jones, Alexander E.
Case No.
Debtor Chapter 11
1. Pursuant to 11 U .S.C. § 329(a) and Fed. Bankr. P. 2016(b), I certify that I am the attorney for the above named debtor(s) and that
compensation paid to me within one year before the filing of the petition in bankruptcy, or agreed to be paid to me, for services rendered
or to be rendered on behalf of the debtor(s) in contemplation of or in connection with the bankruptcy case is as follows:
law firm.
❑ I have agreed to share the above-disclosed compensation with a other person or persons who are not members or associates of my
law firm. A copy of the agreement, together with a list of the names of the people sharing in the compensation, is attached.
5. In return for the above-disclosed fee, I have agreed to render legal service for all aspects of the bankruptcy case, including:
a. Analysis of the debtor' s financial situation, and rendering advice to the debtor in determining whether to file a petition in
b. Preparation and filing of any petition, schedules, statements of affairs and plan which may be required;
c. Representation of the debtor at the meeting of creditors and confirmation hearing, and any adjourned hearings thereof;
d. Representation of the debtor in adversary proceedings and other contested bankruptcy matters;
6. By agreement with the debtor(s), the above-disclosed fee does not include the following services:
None currently.
1This is the retainer accepted; this is not any limit or cap on the fees that will be charged in our representation of this
Page 1 of 2
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I certify that the foregoing is a complete statement of any agreement or arrangement for payment to
me for representation of the debtor(s) in this bankruptcy proceeding.
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