Introduction A Guide To Neurolocalization

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Introduction: A Guide to Neurolocalization

William Bush, VMD, DACVIM (Neurology)

In clinical neurology disease of segments of the nervous system have distinct clinical signs. A
neuroanatomic diagnosis occurs when a constellation of clinical signs indicate there is a lesion within a
segment of the nervous system. These segments include the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral
nerve/muscle. The brain can be further usefully divided into the Forebrain (cerebral hemispheres and
thalamus), Brainstem (midbrain to medulla), Cerebellum and Vestibular System

Forebrain (Cerebral & Thalamic dysfunction)

A patient with a right forebrain or thalamic lesion may act confused, compulsively circle to the right and
have diminished to absent postural reactions on left with a normal gait, and an absent menace on left with
normal pupil light response. This is outlined below with a brief explanation.
1. Seizure - synchronized discharges are generated by the grey matter of the cerebral cortex.
Disease in the cerebral cortex or thalamus or the connection between these structures can cause
seizure. Seizures only originate from the cerebral hemispheres and thalamus.
2. Altered mental status - these phenomena probably revolve around an altered perception.
a. Aggression
b. Inappropriate urination and defecation
c. Dementia, disorientation, lethargy, and if bilateral and severe disease- stupor, coma
d. Head pressing, aggression, pacing, hyperexcitability
e. Restless at night and sleeping during the day
3. Normal gait- the generators of gait are below the thalamus
4. Compulsive pacing - patient may continuously propel itself forward despite having obstacles in
their path.
5. Circling towards the side of the lesion - with right side lesion the ability to perceive stimulus
from left side maybe lost. The patient with a right side lesion only perceives information on the
right side of the body and therefore may circle right or have a head turn to the right.
6. Contralateral postural, sensory, and menace deficits - revealed by examination:
a. Poor/Absent postural reactions - the proprioceptive information is relayed to the ipsilateral
thalamus and then crosses to the opposite somatosensory cortex.
b. Hypalgesia - information about pain and sensation also cross to the opposite thalamus
and ascend to the opposite cortex.
c. Poor/Absent menace – visual information crosses at the optic chiasm and is ultimately
projected via the thalamus to the opposite occipital cortex. The response to light does
not involve the thalamus or cerebrum thus pupil size and light response are normal.

Brainstem (midbrain to medulla)

A patient with a brainstem lesion is often dull, stuporous or even comatose depending on the severity of
the lesion. Gait exam often shows weakness along with ipsilateral postural reaction deficits may also be
noted depending on the level of the lesion.
1. Depression, stupor, coma – the reticular activating system located in brainstem
2. Abnormal gait and posture (dysfunction is ipsilateral to lesion)
a. Paresis and ataxia
b. Poor postural reactions
c. Increased to normal tone and reflex
These deficits occur because of a lesion within the white matter tracts affecting both descending motor
and ascending proprioceptive tracts (see discussion below)
3. Cranial nerve deficits at level of lesion
a. CN 12, 10, 9 : poor gag, dysphagia, laryngeal paralysis, megesophagus
b. CN 8 : head tilt, nystagmus, positional strabismus, rolling or tight circles
c. CN 7 : absent blink, droopy ear and lip, no response to noxious stimulus other than
pulling head away or withdrawing globe
d. CN 5: abnormal sensation over face, poor jaw tone, atrophy in muscles of mastication
e. CN 6: no retraction of the globe, medial strabismus
f. CN 4: lateral rotation of bulb
g. CN 3: ptosis, ventrolateral strabismus, dilated and not responsive pupil (3,4,6) connected
to vestibular nuclei and responsible for oculocephalic reflex

A patient with only cerebellar lesion is bright and responsive with preserved strength and minimal postural
reaction deficits. However, they have a characteristic high stepping gait, intention tremor, and
occasionally a delay in the menace response. Vestibular signs are often noted with cerebellar disease
and maybe manifested as head tilt, nystagmus, and/or positional strabismus.
1. Intention tremor – cerebellum is responsible for smoothing out movement
2. Wide-based stance
3. Abnormal gait - high stepping, hypermetric or over-reaching gait, hypometria possible but more
difficult to see
4. No paresis - dogs with pure cerebellar lesions are not weak as the cerebellum coordinates but
does not initiate gait
5. Delayed or exaggerated postural reaction - cerebellum is the integrator of proprioceptive
6. Menace deficit - ipsilateral menace deficit as this response coordinated through cerebellum

Vestibular Disease
The vestibular system is responsible for the sense of balance. This system includes receptors
(semicircular canals) in the inner ear, the connecting nerve and nerve root, and the 4 nuclei nestled in the
brainstem around the 4th ventricle. Peripheral vestibular disease is from involvement of the receptor
system, nerve, or nerve roots. Central vestibular disease is generated from lesions that involve the
vestibular nuclei, portions of the cerebellum, or less commonly the high cervical region. It is very useful to
be able to distinguish central from peripheral disease because the diagnostic work-up and prognosis are
so different. As you might imagine there is some overlap in the clinical signs of peripheral and central
disease, however, there are some distinguishing features of central vestibular disease.
Signs with peripheral vestibular disease:
• Head tilt (usually about 20 degrees)
• Leaning, rolling, tight circles opposite side of the head tilt
• Nystagmus fast phase opposite side of head tilt and rate > 60 beats per minute
• Positional strabismus on the same side as head tilt
Signs with central vestibular disease:
• Dull or depressed
• Absent or extreme head tilt often on same side as other deficits
• Nystagmus - vertical, change in direction of the fast phase, fast phase towards head tilt
• Cranial nerve deficits other than Facial nerve or Horner’s syndrome
• Abnormal gait (high stepping, side stepping left and right, side step toward head tilt,
spinal cord ataxia)
• Postural reaction deficits
• Neck pain can be seen with many diseases of the brainstem
*If overall clinical presentation is different, opposite or paradoxical to what you would expect from a typical
peripheral case then highly suspect central disease. Some examples would be an extreme head tilt
without nystagmus, side stepping towards the side of the head tilt, or a waxing and waxing progressive
course of disease.
** Note that acutely both peripheral and central vestibular patients may have postural reaction deficits.
Dogs with central disease tend to stay the same or get worse versus dogs with idiopathic or reversible
peripheral disease will often start to get better in the following 24 hours.
Clinical Signs Distinguishing Central from Peripheral Vestibular Disease
Observation Brainstem / Central Nerve / Peripheral
Mentation Dull Normal
Gait Weak, spinal cord ataxia, side Side step, lean or tight circles
step to side of head tilt, side towards head tilt
step left and right
Postural Reaction Delayed or absent Normal
Head tilt Absent or extreme (> 30 degree) Present and about 20% off
Cranial Nerve Deficits Yes Facial, Horner’s tract
Nystagmus Vertical Horizontal or/and rotary
Fast phase towards head tilt Fast phase opposite head tilt
Changing direction of fast phase More than 60 beats per minute
Fewer than 60 beats per minute
Positional Strabismus Present without head tilt Ventral on side of head tilt
Neck pain Maybe present Absent
Typical progression of clinical Progressive, wax and wane Sudden onset improving

Spinal Cord
The divisions of the spinal cord with distinct clinical signs include cervical disease (C1-C5), cervical
intumescence (C6-T2), thoracolumbar (T3-L3) and lumbar intumescence / cauda equine (L3-cauda

Gait generation is primarily a brainstem phenomenon. The upper motor neuron (UMN) system starts in
the brainstem and relays information to and from the lower motor neuron system (LMN) consisting of the
muscle and nerve. The axonal portions of the UMN neurons descend within the white matter of the
spinal cord until synapsing on the LMN cell body located in the grey matter of the spinal cord. As
previously stated, the LMN starts in the grey matter of the spinal cord and synapses on the muscle
triggering muscle depolarization and contraction.

Failure of Ascending Portion of UMN Tract Cause Ataxia and Postural Deficit
A lesion of the white matter can cause sensory dysfunction (ataxia, postural deficit) when the ascending
tracts are affected and motor dysfunction (weakness to paralysis) when the descending tracts are
affected. The ascending tracts (to the cerebellum and contralateral cortex) provide information about limb
position- this is called proprioception. When ascending proprioceptive information cannot reach the
cerebellum and the somatosensory cortex then the brain cannot determine where the limb is located in
space leading to ataxia and postural deficit.
When a gait is referred to as ‘ataxic’ it means that an observer can’t consistently predict where the limb
will land at the end of the protraction phase. Ataxia means without order. To say a gait is disordered or
the animal is ataxic, may mean the patient is long-strided, limbs are too narrow or cross midline, limbs
are too wide or circumduct, interfere or all of the above. When we perform postural reactions (hopping,
paw flip test, tactile placing) we are testing the patient’s ability to receive information from the
proprioceptors and then make the proper adjustments.
The loss of this ascending information provides for an abnormal gait with the following characteristics.
a. Long-strided gait - patient does not know where limb is so can be slow to initiate protraction
phase of gait.
b. Limbs cross midline - patient does not know where limb is during protraction phase of gait
so it may take a course towards midline instead of straight forward
c. Interference – one limb may hit the limb on the opposite side
d. Knuckling – the patient does not know that the dorsum instead of the palmer or plantar
surface of the paw is touching the ground
e. Circumduction or abduction during protraction phase.
f. Limbs too close together or too far apart
g. Delayed to absent postural reactions

The ataxia described here is referred to as a proprioceptive or spinal cord ataxia, however, vestibular and
cerebellar lesions can also cause ataxia with different characteristic. High stepping where there is flexion
of the joints in the protraction phase is characteristic of cerebellar ataxia, whereas side-stepping as
though drunk is noted with vestibular ataxia.

Failure of Descending Portion of UMN Tract Causes Weakness, Increased Tone & Reflex
Brainstem electrical activity travels in white matter of the descending UMN tracts
(vestibulospinal, reticulospinal, rubrospinal, and corticospinal) and acts at the level of the intumescence.
The intumescence, located at spinal cord segments C6-T2 and L3-S3, are swellings of the spinal cord
from the collection of the cell bodies that form the begging of the nerve that synapse on the muscles of
the limb muscles. Failure of the UMN tracts causes weakness or paralysis because of a lack of the
activation of the LMN that activates the muscle. Additionally, increased muscle tone and reflex result from
a loss of the inhibition (disinhibition) of the local reflex arc serving the muscles of the limb. Muscle tone
must be inhibited from the upper motor neuron tracts; when this is lost more tone and more reflex
develop. Lastly over a long period of time muscle atrophy is noted from disuse. In summary, dysfunction
of the motor portion of the UMN tract causes:
a. Weakness (paresis) or if more severe, no limb movement (paralysis)
b. Increased tone and increased reflex
c. Disuse muscle atrophy

Divisions of the spinal cord

The spinal cord is shorter than the spinal canal. Therefore the number of the spinal cord segment does
not always match vertebrae number. This also means that some nerve roots will run in the spinal canal
before exiting at an intervertebral foramen. These roots, beyond the spinal cord running to the sciatic,
pelvic, pudendal, and coccygeal nerves are called the cauda equina.
The spinal cord segments are divided into the regions above or between the intumescences.
As mentioned above, the cervical (C6,C7, C8, T1 and T2) and lumbar intumescences (L1,L,2, L3, S1,
S2,S 3) are swellings of the spinal cord due to the accumulation of ventral horn cells (beginning of the
nerve) that run to the limbs. Importantly lesions in the intumescence can damage the LMN and cause
LMN disease (see below). Lesions above the intumescence will cause UMN to the limbs that are
innervated by the intumescence.
UMN vs. LMN Disease from Sharp and Wheeler Text Book

Peripheral Muscle and Nerve (Lower Motor Neuron)

The nerve that innervates a muscle of the limb starts within the spinal cord. The parts of the nerve include:
a. Cell body - these are the large ventral horn cells.
b. Nerve roots - these exit the spinal cord and merge to form a numbered spinal nerve
c. Spinal nerve – the numbered nerves exit via intervertebral foramen and merge at a
d. Peripheral nerve - leave the plexus as a named
e. Endplate or synapse – named nerve ends at nerve terminal where will release
acetylcholine into the synapse with the muscle leading to muscle depolarization, calcium
release, and muscle contraction.

A lesion in any part of the described system will cause what are called lower motor neuron signs. The
muscle is also included in this system as muscle disease, endplate disease, nerve disease, nerve root
disease, and ventral horn cell disease can all present with similar clinical signs.
a. Short-stided, choppy gait, or lameness - the nerve or muscle damage causes less
muscle fibers to be working so overall the limb can only travel a short distance.
b. No ataxia - some sensory information reaches the spinal cord and this information
reaches cerebellum and contralateral cortex.
c. Less muscle tone and less reflex - the loss of nerve or muscle means fewer muscle
fibers are working.
d. Rapid loss of muscle mass - neurogenic atrophy can cause significant muscle loss
in only 5-7 days. This stands in contrast to disuse atrophy which is an upper motor neuron phenomenon,
slower, and generally less severe.
Upper Motor Neuron (Spinal Cord) and Lower Motor Neuron (Muscle / Nerve) Disease
Observation Upper Motor Neuron Lower Motor Neuron
Gait Long-strided Short-strided
Ataxia Yes No
Postural Deficit Yes No
Tone and Reflex Increased Decreased
Muscle Atrophy No Yes
Example Intracranial Diseases Presentations
(Shaded area represents processes that symmetrically affect the brain)

Disease Onset Progressive Distribution Types Treatment

Inflammation Sudden Yes Brainstem Meningoencephaltiis Cyclosporine

Of Unknown Origin Cytosar,
Leflunomimde, Prednisone
Infection Sudden Yes Brainstem Cryptococcus Fluconazole
Tick Borne Amphoteracin
Protozoal Doxycycline
Distemper Clindamycin, TMZ,

Trauma Sudden Seldom Forebrain or Supportive care, surgery

Brainstem No steroids

Neoplasia Gradual Yes Forebrain or Meningioma Surgery, Systemic or Local

Brainstem Glioma Chemotherapy, Radiation,
Lymphoma Vaccine ,

Infarct Sudden No Cerebellum Hemorrhagic and Treat underlying disease

Other Ischemic Aspirin?

Malformation Either Yes Forebrain Hydrocephalus, Prednisone, Omeprazole,

COMS surgery

Metabolic Either Yes Either Low thyroid, Glucose, Supplement

Liver shunt Lactulose, ABs, surgery

Degenerative Gradual Yes Cerebellum Abiotrophy None

Toxin Sudden Seldom Brainstem Metronidazole Valium

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