Buscom Reviewer
Buscom Reviewer
Buscom Reviewer
an integrated set of activities and assets; providing goods and services to
Input (economic resource); process (system, standard, protocol, or rule); output
1. Identify the acquirer – an entity that obtains control over the acquiree.
2. Determine the acquisition date.
3. Recognize the consideration transferred
4. Recognize and measure the net assets acquired (NAA) and non-controlling interest (NCI) if
5. Recognize or measure goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase.
Identify the acquirer – entity obtains control of the acquiree on the acquisition date
Who pays cash or other assets as part of the acquisition transaction
Who has more voting rights in the combined entity following the acquisition
Who holds the largest minority voting interest in the combined entity
Who is able to elect, appoint or remove members from the governing body of the
combined entity
Who takes the lead in managing the combined entity
Who is larger (in terms of assets, revenues, earnings, or some other measure)
Who initiated the acquisition
Acquisition date – the date where the acquirer obtains control OR when the net assets of the
acquiree become the net assets of the acquirer. It also might be the closing date for the contract
or another date
KEY CRITERION: CONTROL which ensures the substance of the transaction
Calculate the FV of the purchase consideration transferred – the sum of the FV of assets
transferred, liabilities incurred, and equity interest.
Consideration transferred Measurement
Cash or other monetary assets Fair Value
For deferred payment: FV to the acquirer (or FV of the
Discount rate is used
Nonmonetary assets – PPE, investments, Carrying amount equal to the FV on the
patents sale of the asset
Gain/loss is recognized (if CA is
not equal to FC)
Equity instruments – shares/stocks Fair value
Listed entities Quoted prices
Liabilities* Present values of expected future cash
Contingent consideration – distribution Measurable fair value
of cash or other assets, or the issuance of
debt or debt securities
Share-based payment awards Market based measure
*Future losses or other costs expected to be incurred as a result of the combination is NOT
included in the calculation of the FV of consideration paid; are not liabilities of the acquirer.
**An acquirer should recognize a liability for deferred revenue of the acquiree only if it relates
to an outstanding performance obligation assumed by the acquirer.
D. When the acquiree acted Fair value at the acquisition Acquirer does not
as the/is the lessor date in the books of Acquirer recognize separately an
intangible asset or
Terms are favorable –
rental rate exceeds fair
rental value
Terms are unfavorable –
fair rental value exceeds
the contract rate
Liabilities Present values of expected
future cash outflows
Current contractual Existing recorded value
Estimated liabilities A new fair value
Deferred revenue* Acquisition-date fair value of
the obligation
Contingent liabilities** Acquisition-date fair value Record even if it is not
probable that an outflow
of resources
Liabilities associated with Separate liability There must be an existing
restricting or exit activities obligation to other entities
Other assets/Liabilities
a. Employee benefits Liability – recorded if the
plans projected benefit
obligation exceeds the
plan assets
Assets – recorded if the
plan assets exceed the
projected benefit
b. Indemnified assets Measured on the same basis IF measured at FV –
as the indemnified item separate valuation
allowance is not
necessary; effects of
uncertainty about future
cash flows
c. Income taxes Deferred tax assets/liabilities
– undiscounted amount
d. Employee benefits
*An acquirer should recognize a liability for deferred revenue of the acquiree only if it relates to
an outstanding performance obligation assumed by the acquirer.
**Recognition of contingent liabilities:
Present obligation
Fair value can be measured reliably
Measurement Rule
Identifiable tangible assets – probable and reliably measured
1. Current Assets Estimated fair value A/R and N/R – recorded in
a net account; a separate
valuation account for
uncollectible accounts is
not allowed
All accounts are recorded
at net fair value and
valuation accounts are
not used.
2. Assets held for sale Fair value less cost to sell at Acquired non-current
the acquisition date assets (disposal group)
that is classified as held
for sale
3. Property, plant, and Estimate of fair value that “No valuation allowance”
equipment will be recorded at the net also extends to PPE stated
amount with no separate at a single fair value
accumulated depreciation amount and not at a gross
account “deemed cost” and
accumulated depreciation
4. Investments in Fair value of the associate No difference between an
equity-accounted investment that is an
entities associate or an investment
that is a trade investment
Identifiable intangible assets
1. Separate criterion Capable of separated or
divided from the entity
sold, transferred, licensed,
rented, or exchanged
2. Contractual-legal Contractual or legal rights
criterion whether those rights are
transferable or separable
Measurement Period
If the initial accounting for a business combination is incomplete by the end
of the reporting period –> report financial statements in provisional amounts
If new information is obtained during the measurement period which provides
evidence of facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date, if
known, would have affected the measurement of the amounts recognized as of
that date, the acquirer shall retrospectively adjust the provisional amounts
recognized at the acquisition date.
Shall NOT exceed one year from the acquisition date; the measurement
period ends when the acquirer obtains the information necessary for an error
Events that happened after the acquisition date
Where (II) exceeds (I), PFRS 3 regards the giving rise to a gain on a bargain
Full Goodwill
Consideration transferred xxx
Non-controlling interest in the acquiree (NCI) xxx
Previously held equity interest in the acquiree (PHEI) xxx
Total xxx
Less: FV of net identifiable assets acquired (xxx)
an asset representing future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a
business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognized.
An unidentifiable asset in which its existence is an important motivation for a parent to
acquire a subsidiary
It is the premium that a parent pays to acquire the subsidiary and should be
separately recognized as an asset in the consolidated financial statements
Goodwill = consideration transferred LESS Acquirer’s interests net fair value of the
acquiree’s identifiable assets and liabilities
Bargain Purchase Gain (attributable to the acquirer only -> statement of comprehensive
income or income statement)
Acquirer’s interest in the net FV of the acquiree’s identifiable asset and liabilities >
consideration transferred
Bargain purchase gain = Acquirer’s interests net FV of the acquiree’s identifiable assets
and liabilities LESS consideration transferred
An irregular transaction; unusual or rare event
No recognition of goodwill in recognizing a bargain purchase; NEGATIVE goodwill
Reverse acquisition
Exchange of equity interests (in a business combination) – the acquirer is usually the
entity that issues its equity interests.
In a reverse acquisition, the entity that issues securities (the legal acquirer) is
identified as the acquiree for accounting purposes; the entity whose equity interests
are acquired (the legal acquiree) is the acquirer for accounting purposes.
Strategic (Active)
a. Influential 20% to 50% At COST - Ownership share of income (or loss) is
ownership including reported.
brokers’ fee - Dividends declared are distributions of
income already recorded; they reduce
the investment account (EQUITY
b. Controllin Over 50% At COST - Ownership shares of income (or loss)
g ownership - Accomplished by consolidating the
subsidiary income statement accounts
with those of the parent in the
consolidation process (COST MODEL,
When the parent acquires a controlling interest in the subsidiary:
Investment in Subsidiary xxx
Cash/Debt/Stock xxx
Treatment of Acquisition-related Direct Costs in the Separate Financial Statements (or Parent’s
DOES NOT affect the computation of goodwill, only the manner of recording such
costs in the books of the parent entity
Principles to be applied:
• A business combination occurs only in respect of the transaction that gives one entity
control to another;
• The identifiable net assets of the acquisition are remeasured to their fair value on the date
of acquisition (i.e. the date that control passes)
• NCI is measured on the date of acquisition under one of the Full Goodwill or Partial
Goodwill approach.
Workpaper Approach. The alternative method is the work paper approach. The worksheet (or
spreadsheet) approach uses a multi-columnar worksheet to enter the trial balances of the parent
and each subsidiary. Then eliminations and adjustments are entered onto the worksheet, and the
accounts are cross-added to determine the consolidated trial balance