Ais Project

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START Getting ready

and composing
After few Enter the
Our CBME myself to sleep
minutes of travel, university and go Our professor Getting ready
Wake up I finally arrived to to our classroom professor opens to go home Social media
dismissed us early
our school. a new topic time

Pray to God and

Pray and Look for my friends have deep talks
Wait for a Attend the next Tidying my things
thank God for and ask them if they Time to do with Him.
jeepney ride for class and listen and making sure
another day did the assignment in schoolworks and
me to get to to the discussion that everything is
our law subject finish unfinished
DHVSU in my bag
Yes Sleep
Should I Sleep again and Say goodbye Sit and wait for Skip and miss the Eat street foods
get up? be absent and our professor Toothbrush
No Should we next class to chill near the university
"magmamano" in BAFIN and have more with my friends and do my END
to my parents go back to our skincare
Yes classroom? No quality time with my before going home
friends, but get
Get ready Start with a scolded afterwards
for school Get my allowance prayer Wash the dishes
from my parents Time to go home
and say goodbye
End of lunch time to my friends
Discussion Go to the kitchen,
Should I eat Prepare and time wash my hands,
breakfast? Skip breakfast fix my bag Clean the table and
No and eat dinner with
put the plates and the family
Wait for a jeepney
utensils to their
Yes ride going our
designated places
I will not be able house
Feed my pets Should I
Go to the kitchen to follow and I Wear my
listen attentively
will have a hard sleepwear
and participate No time catching up Eat and spend As soon as I get home, I
Checks my phone to our topics the lunch ime will "magmamano" to
Gurgle and for any messages with my friends my parents and brief
wash my hands or notifications them of what happened Dry myself with a
throughout my day towel

I will gain new Go to the Fall in line to buy

Sit and eat what Wear our school learnings and canteen with my food
is prepared in uniform get a good grade friends Feed and play Rinse thorougly
the table with my pets

Dry myself with a Ending our

Wash my dishes Getting ready Use soap to
towel meeting with a
for lunch Rest for a while scrub and
closing prayer
cleanse my body

Prepare my Rinse thorougly

uniform and get Waiting for our End of our meeting Prepare to
ready to take a next subject in math take a bath Shampoo and
bath massage my hair
Use soap to
scrub and
cleanse my body Our AIS Did the best I can to Get the towel and
Go to the CR professor arrived get a passing grade in a new set of Go to the CR
and conducted a the surprise quiz clean clothes
surprise quiz
Shampoo and
Toothbrush massage my hair

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