CS Form 100 - Revised September 2016
CS Form 100 - Revised September 2016
CS Form 100 - Revised September 2016
_ _ _
NAME (Last Name) (First Name) (Ext. Name, e.g. Jr./Sr., if any)(Middle Name) (M.I.)
(e.g. De La Paz = D, P, or DLP; Dela Paz = D, P, or DP)
MOBILE NUMBER (Required)TELEPHONE NUMBER (include Area Code) E-MAIL ADDRESS (Required)
Title of Examination Passed / Title of Eligibility Granted Rating Obtained Date of Examination / Date Eligibility
of Examination
Have you ever been dismissed from the military/civil service for cause, or found guilty of crime involving moral turpitude, or of infamous, disgraceful or immoral conduct, drunkenness o
Pursuant to the Indigenous People’s Act (RA 8371), are you a member of any indigenous group? YESNO If YES, please specify:
Identification/Other Documents Presented: Details:
O.R. No.
_ Signature over Printed Name of Processor / Date
Name of Collecting Officer
O.R. No.
Examination Applied For: PPT COMEX Professional SubProfessional Others _
Name of Collecting Officer _ ID PHOTO
Signature over Printed Name of Processor Date Received / Processed
Specifications at
Applicant’s Name:
First NameMILast NameExt. Name (i.e. Jr./Sr., if any)
the back)
I declare under oath that I personally accomplished this application form, and I certify that the information given are true, correct, and complete sta
I understand that the acceptance and approval of my application for the examination is based on the information I provided.
I therefore agree that, in case a post-verification yields information contrary to what is declared, my application shall be disapproved, and my paym
Note: Spaces for Signature/Printed Name and Right Thumbmark of applicant should be left blank. These shall only be accomplished in the presence of the Administering Office
1. Must be Filipino citizen; 1. Fully accomplished Application Form (CS Form No. 100 Revised September
2. Must be of good moral character; 2016);
3. Must have not been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime 2. Four (4) pieces of identical I.D. pictures with specifications, as follows:
involving moral turpitude, or disgraceful or immoral conduct, dishonesty, taken within the last three (3) months prior to filing of application
examination irregularity, drunkenness or addiction to drugs; Philippine passport picture size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm or 1.78” x 1.38”)
4. Must have not been dishonorably discharged from military service or colored, with white background and printed on good quality photo paper
dismissed for cause from any civilian positions in the government; and in standard close-up shot (from shoulder level up with the head and face
5. For Career Service Examination applicants: occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at
a. must be at least 18 years of age on the date of filing of application. approximately 1 inch or 2.54 cm. below the chin)
b. must have not taken the same level of Career Service Examination, in bare face (with no eyeglasses, colored contact lens, or any accessories
regardless of mode, within the last three (3) months before the date of that may cover the facial features (facial features not computer enhanced)
examination. showing left and right ears
NOTE: a) Approval of applications may be recalled any time upon taken in full-face view directly facing the camera, with neutral facial
discovery of applicant’s disqualification, for which the expression and both eyes open
examination fees paid shall be forfeited. with handwritten (not computer-generated) name tag legibly showing
b) Applicants holding dual citizenship under R.A. 9225 may signature over printed full name in the format: First Name, Middle Initial,
apply for and take the examination upon presentation of Last Name, and Extension Name, if any
original and photocopy of Certification of Retention/Re- 3. Original and photocopy of any of the following I.D. cards, which must be valid
acquisition of Philippine Citizenship from the Bureau of (not expired upon filing of application), and contains the name, clear picture,
Immigration, and meeting of all the other admission and date of birth and signature of applicant, and the name and signature of the
application requirements for the examination. issuing agency’s current head/authorized representative: Driver’s License,
c) Applicants with pending administrative and/or criminal Passport, PRC ID, SSS ID, GSIS ID/ GSIS UMID ID, Philhealth ID (must at
cases may take the examination and shall be conferred the least contain the applicant’s name, clear picture, signature and Philhealth
eligibility if they successfully pass the same. However, this number), current Company/Office ID, current School ID (validated for the
is without prejudice to the outcome of their pending cases. current school year/semester/trimester), Postal ID, BIR ID (ATM type/TIN
If they are found guilty, their eligibility shall be forfeited card type with picture), Barangay ID, Voter’s ID, Police Clearance/Police
based on the penalties stated in the decision and under Clearance Certificate, or NBI Clearance (Note: All other ID cards NOT
existing Civil Service Law and Rules. included in the list shall NOT be accepted).
d) Passers of the regular Bar examination given by the 4. For applicants without date of birth in their I.D. card/s, original and photocopy
Supreme Court of the Philippines and of Board of Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (formerly
examinations given by the PRC are automatically granted National Statistics Office) or the Local Civil Registry printed on Security
a civil service eligibility. They are automatically considered Paper (SecPa).
as civil service eligibles pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 5. For applicants holding dual citizenship under R.A. 9225, original and
90-1212. Thus, they may opt not to apply and take the photocopy of Certification of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine
corresponding examination anymore. Also, individuals who Citizenship issued by the Bureau of Immigration.
were granted the Honor Graduate Eligibility (HGE) 6. Examination fee of PhP500 for the CSE-PPT, or PhP680 for the CSC
pursuant to P.D. 907 may opt not to apply and take the COMEX. For fees and additional application requirements of other
corresponding examination anymore. examinations, please see related Examination Announcement.
For specific admission requirements of other examinations, please see related
Examination Announcement.
WARNING: The Civil Service Commission uses a highly reliable system to detect cheats. Any form of cheating in any civil service examination shall be
considered a violation of Republic Act No. 9416 (Anti-Cheating Law), and any person found guilty shall be administratively and criminally
IMPORTANT: All personal belongings including articles in clothing (hats/caps, shades, and the like), digital watches/watch calculators, calculators, cellular phones, books, ipads/tablets,
and all other electronic gadgets and printed materials shall be surrendered to the Room Examiners. Firearms, if any, must also be surrendered to the security guard/designated firearm
custodian at the entrance gate of the testing center. Proper attire should be worn on filing of application form and on examination day (e.g. NOT IN SLEEVELESS SHIRT/BLOUSE, OR