Automobile Transmissiion Systems
Automobile Transmissiion Systems
Automobile Transmissiion Systems
E Scheme
Subject Title : Automobile Transmission Systems Subject code : 12052 Teaching and examination scheme: Teaching Scheme TH 03 TU -PR 02 PAPER HRS 03 TH 100 Examination Scheme PR 50@ OR -TW -TOTAL 150
NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
Rationale: This subject is core technology subject for Automobile Engineering Course. This subject is part of automobile system concerning transmission of power. The knowledge of this subject is required in the subjects like Automobile component design, vehicle maintenance and vehicle testing. Basic principles and conceptual knowledge of this subject is useful for improving the performance of vehicles.
Objectives: The Student will be able to 1. Understand the vehicle layouts, chassis frame & location of various systems. 2. Know principle, construction and working of clutch, gearboxes, propeller shafts, universal joints, slip joints & final drive in the transmission system. 3. Understand the terminology of wheels & tyres. 4. Compare various types of transmission systems.
12052 AE3
E Scheme
Learning structure:
Transmission sequence & types of drives. Progressive engagements, Selection of gears as per torque requirement, Transmission of fluctuating & angular torque, Torque and speed variations.
Tractive forces, Friction, Law of gearing, fluid friction & Law of motion
Location of different systems to achieve transmission efficiency, Engaging & disengaging the power train, Variation in torque, Universal transmission, Differential transmission.
12052 AE3
E Scheme
Contents: Theory Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks Vehicle layout and Chassis frame: 1.1 Classification of Chassis Semi-forward, Fully forward and Conventional. 1.2 Vehicle layout & its types2 Wheel Drive- Front Engine Front Wheel Drive, Rear Engine Rear Wheel Drive, Front 01 08 14 Engine Rear Wheel Drive & 4 Wheel Drive. Major assemblies their locations and functions. 1.3 Various loads acting on chassis frame. 1.4 Type of frames, frames construction, and material- 2 wheeler and 4 - wheeler. Clutches 2.1 Principle and necessity of Clutch. 2.2 Various types of clutches used in Automobiles single plate, multiplate clutches - dry & wet clutches, centrifugal clutch, 02 and diaphragm clutch. 10 22 Materials used for clutch lining. 2.3 Hydraulic & mechanical clutch linkage, Cable operated clutch linkage. 2.4 Fluid coupling- principle, construction and working. Gear Boxes 3.1 Principle and necessity of Gear Box. Types, construction and working of gear boxes & their layouts such as sliding mesh, constant mesh, 03 10 22 synchromesh type, vario - drive, transfer case. 3.2 Gear ratios with the help of power flow diagrams. 3.3 Gear shift mechanism. 3.4 Concepts of automatic gear box. 3.5 Torque Converter- principle, construction and working Propeller shafts, universal joints & slip joints 4.1 Necessity and function of Propeller Shaft. 4.2 Constant velocity Joints- Inboard & outboard Joints- Tripod Joint. 04 06 14 Universal joint and slip joint. 4.3 Hotchkiss drive and torque tube drive. Final drive 5.1 Principle, Necessity and function of final drive and differential. 5.2 Working of differential and differential lock. Backlash in differential. 05 08 16 5.3 Types of rear axles such as semi - floating, three quarter floating and full floating type. 5.4 Transmission in two wheeler- chain drive and belt drive. 5.5 Spur Differential Operation. 06
Wheels and Tyres 6.1 Types of wheels, rims and tyres. 6.2 Tyre materials, construction. 6.3 Necessity and types of treads. 6.4 Tyre inflation and its effect. Tyre rotation and nomenclature
06 Total 48
12 100
12052 AE3
E Scheme
Practical: Intellectual skill: 1. Identify concepts applied. 2. Identify parts like clutch, gear box, universal joints, propeller shaft, final drive, wheels & tyres. 3. Classify the system according to their application. 4. Detect fault by observation. Motor skill: 1. Sketch the different devices. 2. Handle tools, equipment, and instrument. 3. Observe the behaviors of various system under various parameters. List of Practical / Assignments: 1. Draw various vehicle layouts for- two wheelers, three wheeler and four wheelers and compare them. State chassis specifications of any one vehicle. 2. Open a single plate dry clutch assembly and sketch exploded view. 3. Open a multi-plate clutch used in two wheelers, observe the operating linkages and sketch the system. 4. Open any two types of gear boxes observe gear shifting, gear ratio and sketch the system & compare them. 5. Open & observe automatic transmission devices such as torque converter, various drives. Draw neat sketch of the same and describe it. 6. Open & observe universal joints such as Hooks universal joint. Draw neat sketch of the same and describe it. 7. Open the differential, sketch the unit with bearing locations. 8. Assembly & disassembly of any one type of rear axle. Draw neat sketch of the same and describe it. 9. Open any two types of tyres, wheels and rims, observe and sketch. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. Author No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Anthony Schwaller Tim Gills Anil Chikkara Crouse / Anglin. Kirpal Singh Harbans Singth Royat R.B. Gupta S. Srinivisan H M SETHI
Title Motor automotive technology Automotive service Automobile Engineering Vol. II Automobile Mechanics Automobile Engineering Vol. I The Automobile Automobile Engineering Automotive Mechanics Automotive Technology
Publisher Delmar Publisher Inc. Delmar Publisher Inc. Satya Prakashan New Delhi TATA McGraw HILL Standard Publication S. Chand Publication Satya Prakashan New Delhi TATA McGraw HILL TATA McGraw HILL
12052 AE3