Module Edu 31 New
Module Edu 31 New
Module Edu 31 New
When thinking of a philosophy statement to write, it would be good to
benchmark from belief statements, as well as educational implications of some
famous philosophies.
a. Demonstrate understanding of teaching philosophy;
b. Apply knowledge of philosophy in classroom context; and
c. Formulate own teaching philosophy.
1. What does the teaching philosophy say about the teacher? About his teaching?
2. How is teaching philosophy written?
3. Is teaching philosophy important for a teacher to have?
There is no right or wrong way to write a teaching philosophy statement.
However, there are certain considerations that must be observed:
1. Make the teaching philosophy statement brief.
2. Include introduction (thesis statement or general belief about education); body
(goals and objectives for the students), and conclusion (goals as a teacher,
personal approach to pedagogy and classroom management, and uniqueness as
an educator) in the statement.
3. Write in present tense and use a first person point of view.
4. Refrain from using technical terms. Instead, use language that is simple and
easily understood.
5. Create a clear picture of the philosophy statement by including specifics like
methods and strategies, including examples.
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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249
1. Idealism
- Implies that the school’s function is to sharpen intellectual processes.
2. Realism
- Suggest that the teacher must be knowledgeable and should relate the
lesson to the pupil’s experiences.
3. Pragmatism
- Implies that the teacher act as facilitators.
4. Existentialism
- Suggests inclusion of subjects that recognize individual differences
and complete freedom to work (arts for aesthetic expression).
5. Social reconstructionism
- Emphasizes the teacher’s role as agents of change and reform.
Activity 1.
Direction: Write the letter of your choice in the space provided before each number.
______1. Which of the following is true about teaching philosophy?
a. A purposeful and reflective essay about the author’s teaching beliefs and
b. A self-reflective statement of one’s personal belief.
c. A narrative that describes how one learns.
d. An individual narrative that includes concrete examples of the way in which
learners learn in the classroom.
______2. If the teaching philosophy focuses on the student’s moral aspect, which
philosophy is it based from.
a. Idealism c. Realism
b. Existentialism d. Social Reconstructionism
______3. Which of the following should not be done when writing a teaching
a. Write in present tense
b. Refrain from using technical terms
c. Create a clear picture of the teaching philosophy statement.
d. Use second person pronouns
______4. Teacher Marla uses differentiated activities in teaching her lesson in Science.
Which philosophy did she use as reference?
a. Idealism c. Realism
b. Existentialism d. Social Reconstructionism
______5. “The more sense involved, the better the learning.” This is emphasized in
a. Idealism c. Realism
b. Existentialism d. Social Reconstructionism
______6. Which of the part of the teaching philosophy statement talks about pedagogy
and classroom management?
a. Introduction c. Conclusion
b. Body d. Body and Conclusion
______7. Which of the following philosophies is not learner-centered?
a. IdealismS c. Pragmatism
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Republic of the Philippines
San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Diversion Road, San Gabriel Village, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North
Contact No. (078) 377 – 249
Activity 2
Direction: Read and Write your answer briefly.
- Bilbao, Purita P, et al., (2018), Teaching Profession 4 th Edition, pp. 330, Lorimar
Publishing Inc.
- Bilbao, Purita P., (2015), Teaching Profession 3 rd Edition, pp. 282, Lorimar Publishing
- Bilbao, Purita P., et al., (2015), The Teaching Profession 3 rd Edition, pp. 3-12, Lorimar
Publishing Inc.
-Ilanan, Cecilia M. and Abulencia, Arthur S., et al.,(2020), The Teaching Profession, pp.
14-18, Rex Bookstore, Inc.
- Jao, Avelina M., (2017), Teaching Profession, pp. 334, Jimczyville Publications
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