Activity 2
Activity 2
Activity 2
Activity 2
Characteristics of Literature
Universality – this characteristic refers to the ability of almost any reader to decipher and derive any
piece of literature to a large scale of understanding literary contents to the majority. It covers universal
thought from readers to authors.
Timeless – it can be written at any time or moment. Literatures are done anytime and are automatically
prepared to be passed from one generation to another.
Expressiveness – can convey variety of emotions which authors used to express their thoughts through
literature. It has the ability to affect the emotions of the readers.
Imaginativeness – plenty of ideas can be included in a literary work which makes it imaginativeness.
Unlimited amount of imagination can be done which are essential to picture the thoughts of an author.
Nobility of thought – it respects the value of thoughts in literature. All thoughts are noble which means
every writer has the rights to express their thoughts. In literature, nobility of thought pertains to the
significance of their words to help others.