Chapter 18, Reserviors and Planning For Dam Reservoirs

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(xi) Outflow ordinates are plotted so as to obtain the outflow hydrograph. The point
at which it crosses the inflow hydrograph gives the peak outflow rate. From this time,
the rate of outflow begins to fall due to decrease in the inflow rate.
(xii) The time lag between the two peaks is evaluated as to give the time lag.
An example has been solved to make the procedure very clear.
Example 18.13. The inflow flood discharges for a possible worst flood are tabu-
lated in Table 18.22 at suitable intervals starting from 0.00 hours on august 20, 1975.
Table 18.22

T ~ m efrom
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 51 60 66 78 90 102 114
stari in hr

chargein 0 50 280 610 1290 1900 2130 1900 1600 1440 1060 780 500 370 220 130

Thisflood approaches a reservoir with an uncontrolled spillway, the crest of which

is kept at RL 140.0 m. Determine the maximum reservoir level and the hydrograph of
the routed flood. Values of reservoir capacity'(above spillway crest) and outflow dis-
charge at various elevations are tabulated in Tables 18.23 and 18.24 respectively.
Table 18.23

in metres 140.0 141.0 142.0 143.0 144.0 145.0 146.0

Reservoir storage with

. spillway crest as datum in- 0.0 15.0 35.0 -60.0- 95.0----140.0- 240.0
million crtblc metres (m.c.rn.)

Table 18.24 I
Elevation Outfow discharge in cumecs
140.0 0

Solution. The elevation storage curve and the elevation outflow curve are plotted
with the help of Tables 18.23 and 18.24, as shown in Fig. 18.20 and 18.21 respectively.
The hydrograph of the given flood is plotted in Fig. 18.22. Flood routing is carried out
by hit and trial method as shown in Table 18.25 and as explained earlier. This table is
otherwise self-explanatory.

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