The Offence of Theft Under The IPC - Indian Legal
The Offence of Theft Under The IPC - Indian Legal
The Offence of Theft Under The IPC - Indian Legal
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September 10, 2021
In this article, we will discuss the definition of theft, the ingredients of theft,
the punishments provided as well as other forms of theft from section 378
to 382.
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Generally, we conceive the concept of theft as taking something that
belongs to another person. In this context, simply taking the property of
someone else without that person’s permission or consent is believed to be
theft. However, in a legal sphere, the IPC provides a clear and more
exhaustive definition of theft.
Section 378 of IPC defines theft. According to this section, whoever, Legal6
intending to take dishonestly any moveable property out of the possession
of any person, without that person’s consent, moves that property in order
to such taking, is said to commit theft[1]. In other words, dishonestly
removing a movable property out of the possession of any person without
his/her consent, amounts to theft.
the severance of the property from the earth may be theft. It also clarifies
that the consent mentioned in definition may be express or implied.
This section lays down certain specific requisites without which there
cannot be an offence of theft. Disclaimer
Disclaimer : The current Bar
INGREDIENTS OF THEFT Council Rules restrict the
information that legal
The essential requirements of theft are as follow: professionals may provide on
websites and prohibits soliciting of
1. Dishonest intention to take property clients. By visiting this website,
you acknowledge that you of your
2. The property must be movable
own accord wish to know more
3. The property should be taken out of the possession of another person about
4. The property should be taken without the consent of that person
In the case of M/s Shriram Transport finance co. Ltd. v. R. Khaishiullah Khan
[3], payment for a hire purchase agreement defaulted and the property was
seized and the court held that it would not constitute theft as the financer
was entitled to seize such property.
Also, in the case of Venkat Narayan v State, 1976 [4] of Andhra Pradesh,
the court held that if in any case, the dishonest intention is missing, then
such case does not amount to theft case. The dishonest intention must be
there in order to charge an accused guilty of the offence of theft. Ranked 4th Legal
Blog of India
The property must be movable
00:00 03:09
In the case of TI Francis v, the State of Kerala, 1960,[5] the court once
made it clear that a house is immovable and cannot be subject to theft.
However, materials inside the house being movable properties are subject
to theft. Removing such materials with dishonest intention amounts to theft Mutation of Land…
as defined under section 378 of IPC.
00:00 04:02
In the case of Avtar Singh v. State of Punjab[6] the court ruled that
electricity is a movable property. The stealing of electricity has been made
a punishable offence. Therefore, the Electricity Act, 2003 in its section 35
punishes theft of electricity up to three years of imprisonment with or
without a fine.
Theft of data has become one of the biggest issues courts as well as
individuals have to deal with in these recent decades. Data is not tangible
since it is only information thus it is incorporeal and is not covered under
the definition of theft in section 378 of IPC. But, if data is stored in some
tangible object like a hard drive, then theft of such an object would be
covered under this section and will amount to theft.
Human body
The property must have been taken without the consent of the owner or
the person in possession of it. Explanation 5 makes it clear along with
illustrations (m) and (n) that the consent may be express or implied and
may be given either by the person in possession or by any person having
for that purpose authority either express or implied. The consent given
must be free. Consent must not be acquired through means of coercion or
fear of injury, or misrepresentation of facts, undue influence, fraud,
mistake, as enumerated under section 14 of Indian contract Act 1872.
The offence of theft is complete when there is the dishonest moving of the
property. Moving of the property is necessary, and the moving must be to
such taking and not to anything else. The least removal of the thing taken
from the place where it was before amounts to theft though it may not be
carried off. It is not necessary that the property should be removed out of
its owner’s reach or carried away from the place in which it was found.
(Venkatasami case, (1890), 144 Mad229)[11]
In Rakesh v State of NCD of Delhi [12], the court reiterated that in order to
fulfill the offence of theft, certain conditions are to be present. The court
further held that the most important thing in completing theft is that the
accused of theft should remove the movable property with dishonest
intention from any other person.
Section 379 to section 382 provides for the punishments of the offence of
theft. There are different kinds of punishment on the basis of the
circumstances in which an offence of theft is committed.
Section 382: theft after preparation made for causing death, hurt or
restraint in order to the committing of the theft.
Whoever commits theft, after having made preparation for causing death,
or hurt, or restraint, or of fear of death, or of hurt, or of restraint, to any
person, in order to the committing of such theft, or in order to the effecting
of his escape after the committing, or in order to the restraining of property
taken by such theft, shall be punished with for imprisonment which may
extend to 10 years and shall also be liable to fine.[13]
The offence of theft is one of the offences against property along with
extorsion, robbery and dacoity, criminal misappropriation of property,
criminal breach of trust, etc. Society is changing and new forms of theft are
emerging. Theft cases are much more common in recent decades than ever
before. The law must closely follow the evolution and changes in society as
well as its vices, adapt to them and provides for preventives measures,
sanctions and penalties against such crimes. Crimes against property
undermine the socioeconomic growth of individuals as well the nation’s
general growth.
[1]. Indian penal code, 1860, bare Act, section 378, p.153 LexisNexis
2 Prof S.N MISRA, Indian penal code, p.771, nineteenth edition, central law
8. supra, IPC, Prof SN MISRA, Pg. 777 nineteenth edition, central law
13. Supra, Indian penal code, 1860, bare Act, section 382, p.155 LexisNexis
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