Far Cry 3
Far Cry 3
Far Cry 3
Note: These saves that are under .sav format are not compatible with Steam version of the game just to let you know
because the Steam version saves are under .save format and not .sav
So if you tried to import your saves from the pirated version to the purchased steam version they won't work
unfortunately and I think that's a way to punish pirates IDK : (
Don't forget to enable "show hidden folders" option in windows explorer settings in order to reveal the Program data
folder in C: Disk because that folder is hidden for normal users
Your PC is a moldy potato? The game is laggy?? OMG you can't play???
Don't worry, I am here to help, go to My Documets/My Games/Far Cry 3/GamerProfile.xml
Open that file you see called GamerProfile.xml in a TXT editor software and copy and paste this below and save it:
<soundprofile musicenabled="1" mastervolume="100" micenabled="1" incomingvoiceenabled="1"
<renderprofile msaalevel="0" alphatocoverage="0" ssaolevel="0" sdsm="0" resolutionx="640" resolutiony="480"
quality="custom" qualityeditor="editor_ps3" fullscreen="1" borderless="0" used3d11="0"
d3d11multithreadedrendering="0" widescreenletterbox="0" usewidescreenfov="1" fovscalefactor="1"
enablesubresolution="0" subresolutionx="960" subresolutiony="540" vsync="0" refreshrate="0"
disablemip0loading="0" gpumaxbufferedframes="0" showfps="0" brightness="1.014" contrast="1.49878"
gammaramp="1.03634" allowasynchshaderloading="1">
<quality resolutionx="1280" resolutiony="720" environmentquality="low" antiportalquality="default" portalquality="low"
postfxquality="false" texturequality="low" textureresolutionquality="low" waterquality="low" depthpassquality="low"
vegetationquality="low" terrainquality="low" geometryquality="low" ambientquality="low"
deferredambientquality="low" shadowquality="low" editorquality="" hdr="1" hdrfp32="0" reflectionhdr="1"
enablevertexbinding="1" id="custom"/>
<quality gamedepthoffield="0" cinematicdepthoffield="0" motionblur="0" fxaalevel="0" id="false"/>
<networkprofile voicechatenabled="1" custommapmaxuploadrateinbitsonline="10240000" onlineengineport="9000"
onlineserviceport="9001" filetransferhostport="9002" filetransferclientport="9003" lanhostbroadcastport="9004"
lanclientbroadcastport="9005" scanfreeports="1" scanportrange="1000" scanportstart="9000" sessionprovider=""
<profilespecificgameprofile sensitivity="0.424" invert_x="0" invert_y="0" defaultflickfiredirection_y="0"
usemousesmooth="0" smoothness="0" smoothness_ironsight="0.2" helpcrosshair="0" gamepad_vibration="0"
useroadsignhilight="1" usesubtitles="1" taggingenabled="1" useambx="0" usegamepad="0" gamepadanswered="0"
autosave="1" machete="0" ironsighttogglemode="0">
<fireconfig qualitysetting="low"/>
<realtreeprofile quality="low"/>
<physicconfig qualitysetting="low"/>
<qcconfig gatherfps="1" gatheraicnt="1" gatherdialogs="0" isqctester="0"/>
<uplayprofile lockstring="aT2O6Z6+kzoImbx8lt9csmZNfJ5UQgOXlskAsmv5zTE="/>
For better consistency and to avoid the game settings get changed by the game automatically by itself when you
open it, right click on your Gamerprofile.xml file and look down in general tab in the attributes section you will see a
check box labeled "READ ONLY" tick it and then click OK
This will prevent the file text components and content to be changed or re-written and will save it as it is with the
things YOU changed, if you want it to be changed just simply untick "READ ONLY" check box
I highly recommend it to be checked as read only because some settings I changed are not visible in game's video
settings in the game options menu like the resolution, I set it 640x480 to increase performance (you can change it to
whatever you want) while in the game settings menu the least resolution visible and available is 800x600 so that's
why I recommend it to be read only file
It can also work for Blood Dragon but Blood Dragon doesn't need the far Cry 3 DLC activation line so I will remove it
for you and it will be like this below:
<soundprofile musicenabled="1" mastervolume="100" language="english"/>
<renderprofile msaalevel="0" alphatocoverage="0" ssaolevel="0" sdsm="0" resolutionx="640" resolutiony="480"
quality="custom" qualityeditor="editor_ps3" fullscreen="1" borderless="0" used3d11="0"
d3d11multithreadedrendering="0" widescreenletterbox="0" usewidescreenfov="1" fovscalefactor="0.9975"
enablesubresolution="0" subresolutionx="960" subresolutiony="540" vsync="0" refreshrate="0"
disablemip0loading="0" gpumaxbufferedframes="4294967295" showfps="0" brightness="1" contrast="1"
gammaramp="1.2" allowasynchshaderloading="1">
<quality resolutionx="1280" resolutiony="720" environmentquality="low" antiportalquality="default"
portalquality="medium" postfxquality="false" texturequality="low" textureresolutionquality="low" waterquality="low"
depthpassquality="low" vegetationquality="low" terrainquality="low" geometryquality="low" ambientquality="low"
deferredambientquality="low" shadowquality="low" editorquality="" hdr="1" hdrfp32="0" reflectionhdr="1"
enablevertexbinding="1" id="custom"/>
<networkprofile voicechatenabled="1" custommapmaxuploadrateinbitsonline="10240000" onlineengineport="9000"
onlineserviceport="9001" filetransferhostport="9002" filetransferclientport="9003" lanhostbroadcastport="9004"
lanclientbroadcastport="9005" scanfreeports="1" scanportrange="1000" scanportstart="9000" sessionprovider=""
<profilespecificgameprofile sensitivity="0.568" invert_x="0" invert_y="0" defaultflickfiredirection_y="0"
usemousesmooth="0" smoothness="0" smoothness_ironsight="0.2" helpcrosshair="0" gamepad_vibration="0"
useroadsignhilight="1" usesubtitles="1" taggingenabled="1" wikiupdatedenabled="1" collectibleupdatedenabled="1"
tutorialupdatedenabled="1" objectivereminderenabled="1" craftingtipsenabled="1" displayxpenabled="1"
detectionindicatorenabled="1" hitindicatorenabled="1" grenadeindicatorenabled="1" useambx="0" usegamepad="0"
gamepadanswered="0" autosave="1" machete="0" ironsighttogglemode="0">
<fireconfig qualitysetting="low"/>
<realtreeprofile quality="low"/>
<physicconfig qualitysetting="low"/>
<qcconfig gatherfps="1" gatheraicnt="1" gatherdialogs="0" isqctester="0"/>
<uplayprofile lockstring=""/>
Forgot to mention, Blood Dragon's settings are in My Documents/My games/Far Cry 3 Blood
The game works fine and I noticed the performance in this Deluxe Edition is better than the performance in the
original far Cry 3, I also realized that the saves from the OG Far Cry 3 are not compatible with Deluxe Edition but
Blood Dragon saves are all the same luckily and they work and now I have to replay Far Cry 3 and do everything all
over again and go for 100% completion from the zero, NOW THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF INSANITY!!!