Health 9 2nd Perf Task 1 Drug Abuse Campaign

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Class #: Year/Section: Group: Date:


Create an infotography—Anti-Drug Abuse Campaign Poster that you can post in your social media
account—Facebook and/or Instagram to raise awareness about the harmful effects of substance use and
abuse. Poster must be visible to public until December. The output must be:
-8.5 inches x 11 inches
-landscape format
-Use MS PowerPoint presentation to create your poster and save it as JPEG format (you may also use
any similar lay-outing app or platform)

CRITERIA 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points

Details on the Details on the Details on the
poster relate to poster include poster capture
Details on the the topic but are important the important
1. Coverage of poster have little too general or information but information about
the Topic or nothing to do incomplete. The the audience may the topic and
with main topic. audience needs need more increase the
more information information to audience’s
to understand. understand fully. understanding.
All graphics are All graphics are
Graphics do not All graphics related to the related to the
2. Use of
relate to the relate to the topic and most topic and make it
topic. topic. make it easier to easier to
understand. understand.
Several of the
The graphics are One or two of the graphics used on
made by the graphics used on the poster reflect
No graphics made
student, but are the poster reflect a exceptional
3. Originality by the student
based on the student creativity degree of student
are included.
designs or ideas in their creation creativity in their
of others. and/or display. creation and/or
The poster is The poster is
The poster is The poster is
distractingly exceptionally
4. Creativity acceptably attractive in
messy or very attractive in
Attractiveness attractive though terms of design,
poorly designed. terms of design,
Neatness it may be a bit layout, and
It is not layout, and
messy. neatness.
attractive. neatness.

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