IPM StatisticalMethods Term1

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Indian Institute of Management Rohtak

Statistical Methods I
Course Outline

Course Title: Statistical Methods I

Credits: 1 (20 Sessions)

Type: Compulsory

Session Duration: 75 minutes

Term: I

Year: 2022

Faculty: Dr. Conrad Felix Michel Landis



The goal of this course is to introduce graduate students to statistical methods for

analysing data and decision making. The course emphasizes the basic principles and

criteria for selecting the appropriate statistical technique. Students will get hands-on

experience applying the topics covered to real datasets using Microsoft Office Excel.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

A. In terms of knowledge:

➢ Demonstrate their understanding of descriptive statistics by practical application of

quantitative reasoning and data visualization

➢ Demonstrate their knowledge of the basics of inferential statistics by making valid
generalizations from sample data

➢ Learning the model building from theory and data.

B. In terms of skills:

➢ Use Microsoft Office Excel to conduct statistical analysis.

➢ Recognize pitfalls in using statistical methodology.

➢ Model building from theory and data.

C. In terms of attitudes, students should develop in this course:

➢ Critical attitudes, which are necessary for “life-long learning”.

➢ Greater appreciation for the importance of statistical literacy in today’s data rich

➢ Decision Making with data and information.


The pedagogy would be a mix of Lecture, Discussion, Assignments, Quizzes and Project

Presentation. Honest and Non-Plagiarized submissions for assignments and quizzes will

be appreciated. Any form of dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism will be penalized heavily

and it may lead to award of 0 marks, repetition of course or any other disciplinary action

as deemed right by the institution.

Evaluation Schema

Evaluation Parameters Evaluation Weightage Allocation

Quizzes 10%

Mid Term Exam 30%

Assignments 10%

End Term Exam 50%

Total 100%

Text Book:

Statistics for Managers, Using Microsoft Excel by David M. Levine, David Stephan,
Kathryn A Szabat, 8th Edition, Pearson

Reference Book:

Statistics for Business & Economics by David R. Anderson; Dennis J. Sweeney; Thomas
A. Williams; Jeffrey D. Camm; James J. Cochran, 13th Edition, Cengage


• Microsoft Excel, and R will be helpful in this course. Students must install Microsoft

Excel in their laptop.

• Assignments are must. Two assignments will be delivered during Mid and End Term

Detailed Session Plan

Module Session Topic and Sub-topics Reference (Book chapter / Page numbers
No. No. from the book/Additional readings)

Defining and Collecting

Data, Organizing and
I, II 1,2 Visualizing Variables, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
Numerical Descriptive
Measures, Basic Probability
Discrete Probability
Distributions, The Normal
II 3,4 Distribution and Other Chapter 5, 6
Continuous Distributions
Sampling Distributions,
III 5,6,7 Confidence Interval Estimation Chapter 7, 8

Fundamentals of Hypothesis
Testing: One-Sample Tests,
Two-Sample Tests, Analysis of
8,9,10 Chapter 9, 10, 11, 12
Variance, Chi-Square
Tests and Nonparametric Tests

11,12 Simple Linear Regression Chapter 13

Introduction to Multiple
13,14 Regression, Multiple Chapter 14, 15
Regression Model Building
Time-Series Forecasting Chapter 16
Getting Ready To Analyze
18 Chapter 17, 18
Data In The Future
19,20 Statistical Applications in
VI Quality Management, Decision Chapter 19,20

This is a rough guide to the syllabus and session plan of this course. It may change
slightly during the term. The textbook will serve as a baseline for the course, but some
topics covered might be outside or partially outside of the book. The actual course
schedule will be updated and intimated as and when required.

The Course will not tolerate plagiarism, copying or active or passive collaboration in this type of dishonest
behaviour in papers written by our students. This penalty for plagiarism will be immediate failure of the
course. Furthermore, the Institute will initiate proceedings against the student that could lead to his/her
expulsion from the programme.

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