Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
I. Objectives: Given the materials and varied activities used in the lesson, the Grade IV
pupils are expected to do the following with at least 75% level of accuracy:
a. describes and illustrates the different kinds of angles (right, acute, obtuse);
b. identifies the different kinds of angles (right, acute, obtuse);
c. shows cooperation towards the given activities.
II. Content: Describe and Illustrates the Different Kinds of Angles (Right, Acute, Obtuse)
Using Models
b. Other Learning Resources: realia (clock), protractor (for measurement), cut out pictures,
cartolina, pentel pen, masking tapes, sticks, crayons, glue power point presentation (for
discussion), activity sheets (for assessment), rubrics
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C. Explaining the Students What to Do
As you can see each clock were pointing Lita attends her class at 11:20 am.
towards a direction to show time but the
position of the clock’s hands represents an Pupil do as told
D. Modelling:
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As you can see the short hand of the clock is
pointing towards 9 and the long hand is
pointing towards 12 which represent the time
9 o’clock.
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a right angle?
E. Guided Practice
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Assigned somebody in the group to bring me
any object that you that represents the
following, the first to give me the right object
will have the point:
1. right angle
2. acute angle
3. obtuse angle
F. Independent Practice
3. Cooperation 20%
5. Timeliness – 5%
Total of 100%
Envelope 1
Using the sticks, form the 3 different kinds
of angles. Paste it in the manila paper.
Label it and discuss.
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Envelop 2
Using the crayons. Illustrate at least 3
objects that show different kinds of angles.
Label it and discuss.
Envelop 3
Given the pictures, measure the angles of
the given objects using the protractor. Write
its measurement, label it and discuss.
G. Value Integration:
H. Generalization:
What is an angle?
It was fun and we learn many things.
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What is a right angle?
2. It is an angle that measures less than 90 An obtuse angle measure more than 90
degrees and is smaller than the right angle. degrees but lesser than 180 degrees.
a. acute angle
b. right angle
c. obtuse angle
a. acute angle
b. right angle B
c. obtuse angle
a. 70 degrees
b. 90 degrees A
c. 180 degrees
a. angle
b. ray
c. line C
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VI. Assignment/ Take Home Activity:
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