Lesson Plan

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CULANAG Grade Level: IV


I. Objectives: Given the materials and varied activities used in the lesson, the Grade IV
pupils are expected to do the following with at least 75% level of accuracy:

a. describes and illustrates the different kinds of angles (right, acute, obtuse);
b. identifies the different kinds of angles (right, acute, obtuse);
c. shows cooperation towards the given activities.

II. Content: Describe and Illustrates the Different Kinds of Angles (Right, Acute, Obtuse)
Using Models

III. Learning Resources:

a. References: MELCS page 213 and Mathematics Book Grade 4;

b. Other Learning Resources: realia (clock), protractor (for measurement), cut out pictures,
cartolina, pentel pen, masking tapes, sticks, crayons, glue power point presentation (for
discussion), activity sheets (for assessment), rubrics

IV. Procedure: Explicit Teaching

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities:

 Opening Prayer Pupils do as told

 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Setting of Rules and Standards

B. Setting the Stage for Learning:

Today, we are going to discuss and learn

about the ‘Different Kinds of Angles’

The objectives of this lesson are the


a. describes and illustrates the different kinds

of angles (right, acute, obtuse);

b. identifies the different kinds of angles

(right, acute, obtuse);

c. shows cooperation towards the given


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C. Explaining the Students What to Do

To be able to know the different kinds of

angles, I am going to read a certain situation.
Listen carefully so that you can answer my
questions afterwards.” Pupils listen

“Rosa, Lina and Lita are enrolled in a

swimming class. Every Sunday, Rosa attends
class at 9:00 am, Lina at 10:00 am and Lita at
11:20 am.”


At what time did Rosa attend her class?

Given the shape of a clock can you please

show me how a 9 o’clock looks like? Rosa attends her class at 9:00 am.

At what time did Lina attend her class? Pupil do as told

Given the shape of a clock can you please

show me how a 10 o’clock looks like?
Lina attends her class at 10:00 am.
At what time did Lita attend her class?
Pupil do as told
Given the shape of a clock can you please
show me how a 11:20 am looks like?

As you can see each clock were pointing Lita attends her class at 11:20 am.
towards a direction to show time but the
position of the clock’s hands represents an Pupil do as told

An angle is form when two rays meet at a

common end point which is called a vertex.

An angle is being measured using a


D. Modelling:

The first angle is an Acute Angle.

Acute Angle measures less than 90 degrees.

(Teacher uses the clock that shows 9:00 am

to represent acute angle.)

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As you can see the short hand of the clock is
pointing towards 9 and the long hand is
pointing towards 12 which represent the time
9 o’clock.

If we are going to measure the angle using

the protractor, the measurement shows that it
is less than 90 degrees therefore it is an acute

(Teacher shows a picture of a pair of scissors)

As you can see the measurement of the

scissors angle is only 36 degrees.

What kind of angle is this?

Why do we consider the scissor’s angle as an

acute angle?

Can you show me how to draw an acute


The second angle is a Right Angle.

Acute Angle
Right angle measures exactly 90 degrees.
When measured it forms a square in the Because it measures less than 90 degrees.
Pupils do as told
(Teacher uses the clock that shows 10:00 am
to represent right angle.)

As you can see the short hand of the clock is

pointing towards 10 and the long hand is
pointing towards 12 which represent the time
10:00 o’clock.

If we are going to measure the angle using

the protractor, the measurement shows that it
is exactly 90 degrees therefore it is a right

(Teacher shows a picture of a television)

As you can see the measurement of the

television’s angle measures 90 degrees.

What kind of angle is this?

Why do we consider the television’s angle as

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a right angle?

Can you show me how to draw a right angle

in your paper?

The third angle is an Obtuse Angle.

Right Angle
Obtuse angle measures more than 90
degrees but less than 180 degrees. Because it measures exactly 90 degrees.

(Teacher uses the clock that shows 11:20 am Pupils do as told

to represent obtuse angle.)

As you can see the short hand of the clock is

pointing towards 11 and the long hand is
pointing towards 4 which represent the time

If we are going to measure the angle using

the protractor, the measurement shows that it
is more than 90 degrees but less than 180
degrees therefore it is an obtuse angle.

(Teacher shows a picture of a fan)

As you can see the measurement of the fan’s

angle measures more than 120 degrees.

What kind of angle is this?

Why do we consider the fan’s angle as an

obtuse angle?

Can you draw an obtuse angle in your paper?

E. Guided Practice

This time I am going to group you into 3. The

scores that you will accumulate in this game obtuse Angle
will be added to your scores in the other
activities. The highest accumulated scores Because it measures 120 degrees which is
will be the winner. more than 90 degrees but less than 180
This activity is called “Bring Me”.
Pupils do as told
I will pick a piece of paper in my bowl/jar
that indicates the kind of object that you will
give me.

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Assigned somebody in the group to bring me
any object that you that represents the
following, the first to give me the right object
will have the point:

1. right angle

2. acute angle

3. obtuse angle

4. an object with an angle that measures

more than 90 degrees but less than 180

5. an object with an angle that measures

exactly 90 degrees

6. an object with an angle that measures less

than 90 degrees.

F. Independent Practice

Each group will be given an envelope that

contains different instructions.

Do the activity using the following rubrics:

1. Correctness of the given answer/s- 30%

2. Ability to discuss – 30%

3. Cooperation 20%

4. Cleanliness of the presented output – 15%

5. Timeliness – 5%

Total of 100%

Here are the different instructions in the 3


Envelope 1
Using the sticks, form the 3 different kinds
of angles. Paste it in the manila paper.
Label it and discuss.

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Envelop 2
Using the crayons. Illustrate at least 3
objects that show different kinds of angles.
Label it and discuss.

Envelop 3
Given the pictures, measure the angles of
the given objects using the protractor. Write
its measurement, label it and discuss.

The first group to finish the activity will then

shout and clap Hephep Hooray to be

(Teacher goes back with the content of the

rubrics, gives the rating and recognizes the

G. Value Integration:

How will you describe the experience/s in

doing the activities given?

What did each group do to make the activity


Why do we need to cooperate in a given


Yes, that’s true. Cooperation is important in

any given activity. It will help us develop
trust with each other and at the same time it
will help us reach our goal of success in the

H. Generalization:

Let me see how will do you know our topic


What is an angle?
It was fun and we learn many things.

What is used to measure the degrees of an We cooperated in the group activities.


What is an acute angle? In order to succeed in the given activities.

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What is a right angle?

What is an obtuse angle?

V. Assessment: An angle is formed when 2 rays meet at a

common endpoint which is called a vertex.
Directions: Write the letter of the correct
answer in your paper. Protractor

1. Which angle measures 90% and forms a

square in the corner? An acute angle measures only 90 degrees. It
is smaller compared to the right angle.
a. acute angle
b. right angle A right angle measures exactly 90 degrees. It
c. obtuse angle forms a square in the corner.

2. It is an angle that measures less than 90 An obtuse angle measure more than 90
degrees and is smaller than the right angle. degrees but lesser than 180 degrees.

a. acute angle
b. right angle
c. obtuse angle

3. The angle of the stairway measure 135

degrees. What kind of angle is being form?

a. acute angle
b. right angle B
c. obtuse angle

4. Which of the following is the measure of a

right angle?

a. 70 degrees
b. 90 degrees A
c. 180 degrees

5. What geometric figure is form when 2 rays

meet at a common endpoint?

a. angle
b. ray
c. line C

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VI. Assignment/ Take Home Activity:

Directions: In a sheet of bond paper, draw

and color your dream house. Label the kinds
of angles use.

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