The Delian Tomb (1-3)
The Delian Tomb (1-3)
The Delian Tomb (1-3)
This adventure was crafted from the "Running the Game" series on YouTube by Matt Colville.
This adventure is intended as a supplement to Matt's series,
so please take
time to watch his videos before you read and run this!
Additionally, special thanks to Kyle Capps for the map of the Delian Tomb!
That's right, the second key NPC, Lars, The Blacksmith.
Overview The villagers all know Lars, he's well-loved, but none of them are
equipped to face the challenge of hunting down goblins.
This adventure begins in a small hamlet in the backwater of the
Lars will recognize a band of ratcatchers as quickly as anyone,
kingdom, it's a quiet place... most of the time.
and he won't hesitate to approach the adventurers to ask for their
Recently, there has been an in influx of goblins in the region and
some of the foul creatures have even begun attacking the farms in
If your players aren't motivated, simply by their sense of justice
the outskirts of the village of Villane.
and duty, you can have Lars point out that their is a standing bounty
The Player Characters are all friends from a nearby village,
for goblin ears by order of the Duke.
traveling to Bedegar, in search of adventure.
Now is a good time to remind you, one of your best moves as a
It isn't long before they find themselves mixed up in the business
Dungeon Master is to simply ask the players, "What do you do?" —
of Goblins, persuing the daughter of the Blacksmith into the depths
this is a great opportunity to use that move!
of a long forgotten tomb.
Once Lars has convinced the adventurers to help, you can
This is their opportunity to prove themselves, and to rescue
continue on to Part 2 .
someone in need, if they can survive the perils of the Delian Tomb!
Can I get you anything to eat? To drink? Where are you from, Ability Checks
where are you going? Not many ratcatchers coming through Villane When you ask a player to make an ability check, they
these days. roll a d20 and add the
relevant ability modifier.
In the above instance, a character searching for
This is your opportunity to help the players get immersed in the tracks would roll a Wisdom (Survival) check set to a
world, feel free to embelish Matt with personality! Take a moment Difficulty Class of your choosing.
to describe what he looks like, how he moves, what he's doing as he If the total equals or exceeds the DC, the ability
approaches. check is
a success—the creature overcomes the
While Matt is off fixing whatever the PCs have ordered, and the challenge at hand.
Otherwise, it’s a failure, which
characters have had a chance to get to know each other and the means the character
or monster makes no progress
toward the objective or
makes progress combined with
NPCs, something has to happen...
a setback determined
by the DM.
A large man, wearing a black leather apron over linen shirt Remember these common DCs as a rule of thumb,
you can choose any number for your challenge.
and woolen pants bursts in the door. He smells of sulfur and
carries a heavy hammer. Difficulty DC
Easy 10
"They got Bess", he says, "they got my girl!" Moderate 15
Goblins have kidnapped the Blacksmith's daughter! Hard 20
The adventurers have tracked the goblins through the forest and
discovered their hideout. The hideout appears to be an ancient ruin,
Random Encounters
an old structure infested by the goblins recently.
The world of Dungeons & Dragons is bursting with
monsters and villains!
Whenever an adventurer sets out from the lawful Goblin Patrol
lands of civilization, they risk being set upon by agents Just beyond the reach of the Boar Wood, a clearing stretches out
of ill intent.
before low sprawling hills. In the distance the stonework of the
Any time the players stop to rest outside of a
tomb is just barely visible between the sparse trees and rolling hills.
civilized area, you can use a Random Encounter table
to keep them on their toes. Any players who decide to monitor the hilltop before
If the players feel like they can stop and rest any time approaching will spot two goblins patrolling the area.
they're wounded, or low on spell slots -- they will. This is a good time to check if the Player Characters are sneaking
This behavior will grind everything to a halt, and one as they make their approach.
of your main jobs as a DM is to keep the game moving! Feel free to ask your players a leading question like, "Are you
trying to avoid being seen?", to which they will almost always say,
"Yes!". Reminding the players to be cautious this way will help
The Boar Wood reinforce the verisimilitude of the game world.
If any of the adventurers are spotted, the goblins will ready their
The Boar Wood is a large expanse of forest, inhabited mostly by
bows and will not be surprised when the combat begins.
boar — as the name suggests. The locals hunt here frequently, and it
is free of goblins. If the goblins went this way, they must have a After the first round, every time a goblin takes a turn, check to
hideout somewhere beyond the Boar Wood . see if they have taken any damage. If they have taken damage, or
The journey to the other side of the forest is going to take a bit their buddy was slain, the goblin will retreat to warn its brethren
inside the tomb.
longer than what they can cover in a single day, the adventurers will
be required to spend the night. Until the goblin is either dead, or inside, they will spend their
movement retreating and their action firing arrows back at the
This is a great opportunity to remind the players that the
wilderness is a dangerous place, your goal here is to make the adventurers.
players take watch in middle of the forest and feel wary, wondering If the goblin patrol survives long enough, you might have him
if something is going to attack them in the middle of the night! shout a warning to the goblins guarding the entrance of the tomb. If
this happens, the Player Characters are in range to see that the
You travel deep into the Boar Wood, tracking the trail left by guards leave their posts to retreat into the tomb. The guards have
gone to alert the others of the danger coming their way.
the goblins long in the night. The darkness has become too
great to navigate the forest any further, and so you find a
As you break through the treeline, you briefly spot a small form
moving about the hilltop ahead of you.
As the players emerge from the Boar Wood, they spot the
movement of a goblin patrol.
It's time to ask them once again, "What do you do?".
It's very dark as you move down the steps and into the tomb, 3. Pressure Plate Trap
the musty air cools by the step. You can hear faint, rhythmic A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check
chatter echoing up from the heart of the structure. will notice the trap, the faint light of the brazier just barely catching
the raised bit of floor. If a character then succeeds on a DC 10
The goblins have begun their ritual, the distant chatter is the Dexterity check
using thieves' tools, they
chanting of a goblin shaman. can
Armor Class 15
Bugbear Hit Points 7
Speed 30 ft.
Medium humanoid, chaotic evil
Brute. When the bugbear hits with a melee weapon Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
attack, the attack deals one extra die of the weapon's 80ft./320 ft., one targe. Hit: 5 piercing damage
damage to the target
(included below). Goblins are black-hearted, gather in overwhelming
numbers, and crave power, which they abuse.
Surprise Attack. If the bugbear surprises a creature and
hits it with an attack during the first round of combat,
the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the attack.
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, one target.
Hit: 5 slashing damage
Goblins Shamans are much the same as their brethren,
though they have a knack for spellcasting, which they
use to strike fear into their lesser counterparts as a
means to gain status.
Magic Items
Medium undead, lawful evil & Other Treasures
The items appearing in the adventure are listed here.
Armor Class 13 (armor scraps)
Hit Points 13
Speed 30 ft. Weapons
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Weapon, uncommon
The preferred weapon of a martial swordsman.
The longsword offers versatility in combat, benefiting from either
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
two-handed fighting or the use of a shield.
Damage: 1d8 Slashing
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
Damage Immunities poison Properties: Versatile (1d10)
Condition Immunities poisoned Weight: 3 lb.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Languages understands languages it knew in life but
cannot speak
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Chain Mail
Armor, uncommon
Weight: 6 lb.
Many creatures in the worlds of D&D, especially those
Magic Items
that dwell underground, have darkvision. Potion of Healing
Within a specified range, a creature with darkvision Potion, common
can see in darkness as if the darkness were dim light, so When you drink this potion, you regain 2d4 + 2 hit points.
areas of darkness are only lightly obscured as far as that
creature is concerned. Goblin Slayer Longsword
However, the creature can’t discern color in Magic weapon, rare
darkness, only shades of gray.
This is the weapon of Lord Delius, founder of the Delian Order.
His weapon is blessed with a righteous fire that burns the flesh of
Maglubiyet's children.
Damage: 1d8 Slashing + 1d6 to Goblinoids
Properties: Versatile (1d10) + 1d6 to Goblinoids
Weight: 3 lb.
This document was lovingly created using GM