YourDyno Software User Manual
YourDyno Software User Manual
YourDyno Software User Manual
Software user manual Fonneland Engineering AS, 2021
This manual is copyrighted by Fonneland Engineering AS, all rights are reserved.
Original User Manual for YourDyno dynamometer controller software.
This manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice,
and should not be construed as a commitment by YourDyno.
YourDyno assumes no responsibility or liability for any error or inaccuracies that may
appear in this manual.
1 Contents
2 Hardware setup ............................................................................................................... 5
3 Software installation ........................................................................................................ 5
4 What is the YourDyno software ...................................................................................... 8
5 Main window .................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Overview .................................................................................................................... 8
6 Menu: File ....................................................................................................................... 10
6.1 Print page setup ...................................................................................................... 10
6.1.1 Customizing print-out header. Company logo .............................................. 11
7 Menu: Run ...................................................................................................................... 13
7.1 New/Load Session ................................................................................................... 13
7.2 New Run ................................................................................................................... 15
8 Menu: Options................................................................................................................ 15
8.1 Basic dyno Setup ..................................................................................................... 15
8.2 Brake Dyno w/Load Cell(s) ...................................................................................... 16
8.2.1 Inertia compensation ....................................................................................... 17
8.2.2 Load Cell calibration ........................................................................................ 17
8.2.3 Information ....................................................................................................... 19
8.3 Inertia Dyno ............................................................................................................. 19
8.4 Engine power calculation ....................................................................................... 20
8.5 OBD2 setup .............................................................................................................. 21
8.6 Noise filtering .......................................................................................................... 21
8.7 Raw data logging ..................................................................................................... 22
8.8 Environmental power correction ........................................................................... 22
8.9 Thermocouple ......................................................................................................... 23
8.10 Aux channels ........................................................................................................ 24
8.11 Brake controller setup......................................................................................... 25
8.12 Unit selection ....................................................................................................... 26
8.13 Company logo ...................................................................................................... 26
8.14 Define hotkeys ..................................................................................................... 27
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Software user manual Fonneland Engineering AS, 2021
2 Hardware setup
Please refer to YourDyno Data Acquisition system Installation and capabilities manual
on how to install the YourDyno hardware.
3 Software installation
To install the YourDyno software please download the latest installation package
from website.
2. Please select the preferred plugins from the list. Do not install plugins you will not
use, as they may consume CPU and memory resources.
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5. After the installer has completed the job please press button "Finish" to close the
The YourDyno Software is under constant development and many new features are
regularly being added. Please periodically review this manual and check for updates.
5 Main window
5.1 Overview
The main window consists of four main sections:
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2. Graph area:
4. Status bar:
6 Menu: File
The following functions are available in this menu:
Clear all runs - this function will remove all test runs from the Runs List below the
graph area.
Open runs - open previously recorded test.
Save runs - save file with recorded test runs.
Print page setup - opens dialog window with settings for graph print-out.
Print... - opens printer dialog.
Exit - close the software.
7 Menu: Run
7.1 New/Load Session
Use this function to start a new testing session. A session may contain multiple test
runs. You typically use a separate session for every new car or engine.
A Session stores information about gear ratio, brake setup and auto start-stop settings
for a set of test Runs. Please create a new directory for each session (Directory name =
Session name). All test Runs recorded within one Session are stored in single .csv file
on your hard drive under the directory you created. The raw .log files are also stored in
the Session folder.
To start a new session / load existing one please open this window:
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Press the "New/Load Session" button to set the directory where you want to save your
file containing test Runs. You can create a sub-folder structure to organize your
customers database, for example:
New Runs will be added to any existing Runs already open in main window. Whenever
a new Run is started the software offers the option to use previously recorded
Retardation data (friction losses) or record new Retardation data. It is recommended to
record new Retardation data as long as the conditions are not stable (oil and tires
heating up). When using stored Retardation data, the retardation phase can be
shortened, since the brake can be on.
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8 Menu: Options
8.1 Basic dyno Setup
This function opens the main software settings window.
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The inertia value needs to be entered under each load cell tab. The effective inertia is
typically the same for each brake but does not need to be in case different brakes and
or rollers are used on front and rear.
Torque arm length is the distance between the brake axis and the point where the
torque arm is touching the load cell:
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Calibration weight is the load you use to calibrate the load cell. The more accurate the
values the more precise the wheel torque measurement will be. Aim for a calibration
weight of minimum 20% of the max rating of the load cell for accurate calibration. Load Cell calibration procedure
1. Make sure that the load cell is correctly installed in the dynamometer and that
nothing obstructs the sensor nor there are any parts laying on the Torque arm.
2. Press "Zero calibrate!" button to set Load Cell zero.
3. Install the Calibration Weight as per dynamometer user manual.
4. Press "Load calibrate!". You can now remove the calibration tool.
5. Press "Save calibration"
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The calibration weight can be placed above the load cell, or further away from the
brake axle. If placed further away, enter effective weight on the load cell, taking the
arm length into consideration and the weight of the arm. This can be a good method
when calibrating large load cells because it requires lower calibration weights. Calibration direction
Use this setting to invert the calibration of the load cell.
This is useful when you would like to run the dynamometer in opposite driving
Not all load cells are perfectly bi-directional and have exactly same calibration factors
in both compression- and tension- directions. To assure highest possible measurement
precision you should perform a "negative" calibration (use negative "Calibration
weight" value).
8.2.3 Information
This section shows the current Load Cell reading and Raw data input.
To use the inertia-only dyno type please activate the checkbox "This is an Inertia Dyno"
and enter the correct Mass Moment of Inertia in the field below.:
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A roller dynamometer is measuring power and torque at wheels. This is true for all
roller dynos. There is no physical possibility to measure actual Clutch or Crank power
on roller dynamometers.
To be able to estimate the engine power, friction losses of the drivetrain must be
measured during so called coast-down phase. To enable friction losses measurement
please activate the "Enable correction for rolling resistance vs. speed from measured
retardation data" checkbox.:
Please note that the power losses in the drivetrain cannot be measured during coast-
down phase. The coast-down phase can measure solely coasting friction losses!
Measuring friction losses gives a good estimation of Clutch (or Crank) power, but it is
still burdened with a measurement error since the drive train will have higher losses at
full power compared with at coast down. A roller dynamometer can therefore only
measure parts of the losses, the total losses will be higher than the measured
retardation losses. To accurately determine these losses, it is necessary to compare
power readings between engine and roller dynamometer.
To enable power-train losses correction, modify the "Power related losses" value:
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Please use the "Scan Tool" plugin instead of the built-in OBD2 solution.
See: "Plugins" in this manual.
We strongly advise to use lowest possible settings that allow good results and graph
Too smooth graphs will obstruct the ability to find faults in engine operation.
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SAE J1394-2004
DIN 70020
ISO 1585-2020
JIS D1001
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User defined
You can choose between the built-in weather station of the YourDyno controller, use
external sensor (Dracal PTH200) or enter the values manually.
To use the PTH200 external environmental sensor please install the corresponding
plugin first.
8.9 Thermocouple
The YourDyno controller offers one Thermocouple Type-K input. To activate it please
enable "Thermocouple attached" checkbox. Select the Sensor Name from the
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All Aux channels can accept max. 5V DC. Connecting higher voltage to any of these
inputs will damage the electronic circuit board and void warranty!
To activate each channel, enable the checkbox "Aux ... sensor connected). You can
configure each channel separately and specify the analog input interpolation curve
(relationship between input voltage and sensor reading). Sensor type and Unit are free
text, and anything can be written here.
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You may use the "Test your brake" slider to manually set the brake output control
signal and verify retarder operation. When powered up the Retarder is making
characteristic "whining" noise.
Please note that his procedure will directly apply the output voltage regardless of
current condition of your dynamometer.
To enable this feature please select desired channel from the drop-down list:
Whenever “Update firmware” is shown in the status bar at bottom left, you must
update the firmware. The firmware update system includes a failsafe mode such that it
will revert to the previous firmware if an update was unsuccessful. There is also a
second failsafe option; a button inside the box that can be pushed to force the unit into
bootloader mode such that it is ready for firmware download in case a firmware
upgrade failed.
8.17 Language
To change the interface language please select it from the menu list.
All settings in the YourDyno software are stored in an internal configuration file. You
can “Backup the options to file” and use "Restore options from file" function to load the
configuration file.
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9 Menu: Plugins
9.1 Mange plugins...
This window allows users to add or delete plugins.
All plugins are complied .dll files and stored in: C:\ProgramData\YourDynoPlugins
To install 3rd party plugins please press the "Install plugin..." button in "Install new
plugin" section. Then navigate to folder where your .dll file is saved. Select the file to
install and press "Open"
To use the Scan Tool plugin make sure that the built-in OBD functionality is deactivated
(see: Menu: Options -> OBD2 setup)
An ELM327 Bluetooth or USB OBD2 adapter can be used. First install the software if
any that accompany the adapter. If the ELM327 adapter is Bluetooth based, then
connect to it first. Verify that you can see the adapter in the Device Manager. They
appear as COM ports.
Open YourDyno Software and navigate to Plugins -> Scan Tool. In the Connection tab
please select which COM Port is in use, select Baud Rate (use 9600) and Connection
type (OBD2 ELM) and press Connect. It may take up to one minute to connect to car's
OBD interface.
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3. Press "Start Logging" button. You may now close the Scan Tool plugin window.
4. In Run window you may now add new gauges with respective OBD channels.
Please note that the data logging from OBD-Adapter will work only with YourDyno
hardware connected to PC.
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To use the speed and distance channels setup the roller circumference (i.e. diameter in
meters * 3.14).
To add and remove channels to the graph areas, press the ‘v’ button or right-click and
select “Select visible graphs”. To split the graph area, add new channels into view.:
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After adding additional channels like Lambda the Graph area is split horizontally:
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To relocate the channels between graphs use "Drag-and-Drop" technique. LFB on the
label and drag it over to another graph/axis.
You can adjust the size and position of the horizontal and vertical dividers by dragging
them with mouse cursor.:
Quick reference guide:
1. To move/drag the graph use MMB.
2. Press and hold LMB to drag an Zoom-Area rectangle.
3. Press RMB to open context menu.
4. Use mouse wheel to Zoom In and Out.
Synchronize Y1 and Y2 axes - synchronizes Y-axis for all channels in the selected
Increase / Decrease line thickness - use this function to change graph thickness. The
changes is applied only in the section where the RMB menu was activated
Edit graph - Use Ctrl key and LMB to select which graph area you want to cut. This
change cannot be undone thus it is strongly advisable to make a copy of the file prior
modification. Use Esc key to cancel.
The software will lineally interpolate the graph if you remove a center portion of it.
When Retardation Data is used the frictional losses are accounted and clutch power is
shown. See: Options -> Engine power calculation
This view is very useful to analyze any variations in recorded channels during the test,
regardless of Engine RPM changes.
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11 Results Table
The Data Table allows users to analyze the recorded data in spread-sheet form:
You can sort and manipulate the data in many ways. Please check RMB context menu
for available options.
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12 Run window
12.1 Overview
The Run window consist - like main window - of three main areas:
Use these fields to set Name for the Run and add Comments if necessary.
On the right side of the Comments field current you will also see the current
"Horsepower correction factor" and type of Session (either with or without Friction
Losses / Retardation data measurement)
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2. Gauges
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3. Controls:
A new window will pop-up with list of available channel. To avoid the problem of
"hidden" gauges please use the "Auto arrange gauges" checkbox.
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This is a typical "tacho" style gauge with definable Green, Yellow and Red area.
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Use the "Gauge setup" function in context menu to setup the colors:
This is a standard "number" style gauge with an horizontal bar below the value
showing the range of the gauge.
The colors for the horizontal bar are defined with the "Gauge setup" function as well.
Live graph
This type of gauge is a live-time graph with automatically adjusted X-axis. No color-code
can be set for this type of graph.
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Graph type gauges can use any channel as X-axis. This can be especially useful in
steady state tuning, where you can get an instant Torque vs Lambda view or Torque vs
Ignition angle view for example (assuming of course you have an Ignition angle channel
from for example a CAN bus channel).
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When selecting Load Cell 1 RPM as function for RPM1 input you will activate the Out1
output signal and operate the respective Brake. This applies accordingly to the Load
Cell 2 RPM function.
The RPM1 and RPM2 input function setup is also determining which Brakes are in use!
Take great care when setting these functions.
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1 Load cell RPM (RPM1 must be used for Load cell1 and Out1 and vice versa)
Load cell 1 and Load cell 2 using one RPM sensor. This case is used when two
brakes are interlinked so the RPM is the same.
Engine RPM
Ensure to write the correct number of pulses per revolution. This is the same as the
number of teeth on the trigger wheel. Getting this number wrong will result in wrong
results (even if RPM correct) Engine RPM
In the RPM setup tab select this setting applied to RPM2 input function when using
Engine RPM sensing clamp, see: YourDyno Instrument Installation manual.
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Change the pulse count according to your ignition/engine type (typically 0.5 or 1).
The Engine RPM control in YourDyno system is based on the Roller RPM signal from
Hall-Sensor. There are many reasons why the actual Engine RPM (for example from
OBD2 interface) cannot be used to correctly control the dynamometer. Mainly they are
too slow. Since all roller dynamometers measure torque at wheels, it is important that
the Gear ratio is correctly set. Otherwise, the Engine Torque reading will not be correct.
In the Gear Ratio Setup tab you may choose between multiple ways of determining the
actual current Gear ratio. Tacho
Use this function if you have no other means of measuring or sensing the Engine RPM.
This is the fastest but also least accurate way of determining the Gear ratio.
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Please note that whenever you'll change gear the Gear ratio will be off and you need to
repeat the procedure. RPM [Scan Tool] plugin
Use this option when you have an OBD2 adapter in use and setup correctly. Please
refer to Menu: Plugins -> Scan Tool (OBDII plugin) for details.
Using OBD2 adapter is the most convenient and recommended way of determining
Gear ratio. RPM [CAN Tool] plugin
When using CAN bus adapter, the Engine RPM will be available to RPM2 input port. Engine RPM ignition clamp.
Select this setting (activate via RPM setup tab - see above: Engine RPM) when using
external Engine RPM ignition sensing clamp.
Depending on the cylinder count, engine type, ignition type and location on the sensing
clamp adjust the "Pulses per revolution" value in the RPM setup tab.:
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If you know the gear ratio, enter it in the manual mode.
This Drive Mode is applicable for all FWD or RWD cars, motorcycles and engine
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In this use scenario the default settings are applicable without the need to change
them at any time.:
12.4.2 AWD dynamometer –RWD Mode - only rear wheels are spinning
In this Drive Mode only the rear is driven by the vehicle and the other axis is not
12.4.3 AWD dynamometer - FWD Mode - only front wheels are spinning
In this Drive Mode only the front axis is driven by the vehicle. The rear axis spins freely
and is not braked. Rear wheels of the car are NOT spinning.
This Drive Mode is applicable only for cars equipped with an AWD system.
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To enable Advanced PID control please press the "Advanced" button. A new window
will appear. In this window you can set "Multiplication factor" for specific RPM-range
thus changing the actual PID parameters "on the fly".
and in range from 5000 RPM onward the PID parameters get scaled to:
Kp = 0.5
Ki = 0.25
Kd = 0.025
How well the YourDyno controller will hold the target RPM depends on the PID settings
used. Adjust the PID parameters if needed.
Use mouse cursor to drag the RPM target points on the diagram.
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Press "Edit ramp" button to open an RPM setpoint table and edit it manually.
When editing the Time field use dot "." as decimal separator. When editing the RPM
filed use only integer numbers.
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Use "Load ramp" and "Save ramp" buttons to save and load RPM setpoint profiles from
your hard drive. Using RPM Curve to test diesel engines. Loops in RPM graph
Most diesel-powered cars will show significant torque at very low engine RPM. When
testing such cars with standard Power Sweep with stabilization time it is not
uncommon, that a characteristic "loop" will be visible in RPM-graph:
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In this example the tested car/engine delivers peak torque at 1500 RPM. During
standard Power Sweep at the beginning of the test the engine RPM will be stabilized at
Starting RPM setting. This stabilization normally is done under WOT condition. In other
words, the stabilization phase is nothing more than constant RPM at WOT where the
inertia effect is marginal. As soon as the sweep starts the brake releases the engine to
allow acceleration (lower blue line in graph below):
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Allowing the car to accelerate introduces inertia effects - in other words power must be
used to accelerate the rollers of the dynamometer and all rotating components of the
As a result, the power and torque reading will drop because part of the kinetic energy /
power is transferred to rotating system. It is then measured as "negative"
power/torque during coasting and measurement of friction losses. Because the Power
and Torque drop is also accompanied by Engine RPM drop this characteristic loop is
Avoiding such graph shape is possible when using RPM Curve instead of standard
Power Sweep mode. Set the RPM Curve to desired Starting RPM and Sweep Rate, then
postpone Logging of the Run to 2,2 seconds - in this example:
Stabilization RPM at 1250 for 1,5 seconds
Such settings will result will postpone the logging of the Run to actual Sweep bypassing
the Engine RPM stabilization phase and generate clean graph:
During this test the vehicle / dynamometer performs controlled acceleration and
deceleration using same rate. As a result, an MOI (moment of inertia) compensation of
the dynamometer + vehicle system can be performed.
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In the "Start condition" section you can define the starting Engine RPM and wait time
(preload time). The preload time is used to allow build-up of induction pressure in
engines equipped with forced induction (super-charged / turbo-charged engines)
In the "Define sweep" section select the desired Sweep rate in RPM per second and
Stop RPM.
Set the "Stop sweep at" RPM approximately 250-500 RPM below the vehicles RPM-
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To use this mode set the "Start brake at" engine RPM target and "Start gain" brake
output in %.
Use the default "Regulate start RPM" setting, or use the Ramp up brake for non-
regulated startup.
The "Load Control" Test Mode will control the brake output according to selected
"Gain" in %
This means that the brake output will increase by specified % when the engine RPM
increases by 1000 RPM.
Under "Advanced" button you can change the "Gain factor" and "Sweep rate factor"
multiplications - similarly as in "Advanced PID settings"
The benefit of this Test Mode is that because no PID control is in use the system will
not generate any oscillations.
Note that most hydraulic dynos work best from high to low RPM. To enable this, set the
Target sweep rate to a negative number, for example -500 RPM per second.
When Retardation data (Friction losses) measurement is ON the recording of the test
Run will stop only after the engine RPM has dropped back to Starting RPM value.
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It is recommended to use ramp the brake up as it reaches the start RPM. This will
ensure a lower overshoot since the brake that is already engaged. When the brake % is
set roughly right, you don’t need any stabilization period before the sweep and data
recording start.
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Using the brake to slow down the dynamometer after a run in is complete will have
effect only when recording is complete. When measuring Retardation data, the brake
will only turn on after the retardation recording is complete.
To enable this feature please set the desired Brake output in % in the "Control loop
setup" tab in the "Brake setup" window.
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The MOI setting is base for all result evaluation thus it is recommended for all users to
perform the automatic MOI test for all vehicles prior to actual power test. This test is
performed using two coast-down phases: first un-braked and second braked. From the
difference in de-acceleration of the vehicle between these two tests the software will
calculate the system MOI.
Please note that this calculated MOI takes following losses into account:
4. After pressing the start button the Wizard will ask you to perform two test runs. It is not
necessary to perform these tests under WOT conditions. However, you must reach the "Stop
sweep at" RPM such that the status change from "Logging" to "Coasting". Alternatively,
press the manual Coasting button.
5. At the end of second test the wizard will show you determined MOI value. You can now
decide if you want to use this value for actual power measurements.
It is recommended to use the Manual Coasting button (space bar) to ensure that the
dyno goes into coasting mode exactly at the same time as the clutch is pushed in. Advanced options
Since the automatic MOI test takes place during coast down phase (clutch pressed or
automatic gearbox in N) you can use the Advanced Settings to include Engine Inertia in
the calculation.
If you are not sure what value to use, please leave the default setting.
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Should the second coast down phase be too rapid or too slow please adjust the
retarder output accordingly.
In case your dyno has substantial inertia (recommended is over 50 kgm²) you can use
the single retardation run test. In this test version only one coast-down phase is
needed to measure MOI - the first part of the coast-down phase is not braked while the
second is.