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Tarsier Tarsius syrichta or Carlito syrichta , known locally as the Maumag -Length: 3-6 inches-Weight: 3-6 oz.

-Tail: 5-11 inches -climb higher to sleep during the day-wake before sunset, search for food, and sleep at sunrise-live in pairs or small groups-life span of 12 years -also eat bats, lizards, snakes, and birds -kill birds by leaping on them, grabbing the bird, and biting neck -all tarsiers use their excellent hearing to locate prey - larger prey is carried to a tree before being eaten -drink water regularly -get water from pools, streams, trunks, or leave cavities - all the species living today are found in the islands of Southeast Asia. Mindanao, Letye, Samar and Bohol vulnerable.15000 left The Aye-aye has large eyes, black hair, Aye Aye big ears, and a long, bushy tail. The body is 16 inches (40 cm) long plus a tail that is 2 feet (61 cm) long. It weighs about 4 pounds (2 kg). It has 5-fingered hands with flat nails, and the middle finger is very long. The Aye-aye eats insects, insect larvae, and fruit (especially coconuts). The Aye-aye chews an opening in the bark of a tree, and it digs out insects or larvae of wood-boring insects with its long middle 23 yrs. Daubentonia madagascariensis (sc) Madagascar. 3000 left. rare. Ring tailed Lemur 500-1000 endangered. It lives for 23yrs.Ring-tailed lemur.Lemur catta. Madagascar .The word Lemur comes from old Latin, and refers to ghosts or spirits. The staring eyes, haunting sounds, and nocturnal ways of the lemur inspired early observers to think of them as ghosts or forest spirits.The Ring-tailed lemur's coat is black gray, the limbs and belly lighter, and the extremities white. Their are rings about the eyes, the muzzle is black, the tail is banded black and white. The heads and bodies of ring-tailed lemurs are 15 to 18 inches long. Their tails are an additional 22 to 24 inches long.Ring-tailed lemurs weigh between five and eight pounds. an opportunistic eater. It primarily eats fruits and leaves, particularly those of the tamarind tree. However, ring-tailed lemur eats from as many as three dozen different plant species, and its diet has been known to include flowers, herbs, bark and sap. It has been observed eating decayed wood, earth, spider webs, insect cocoons, arthropods like spiders, caterpillars, cicadas and grasshoppers, and small vertebrates. Irish Elk Extinct. Megaloceros giganteus . About 8 feet long and 500 pounds. Eats plants, herbs, saps. the Irish Elk (at least Megaloceros giganteus) was the biggest deer that ever lived, about eight feet long from head to tail and weighing in the neighborhood of 500 pounds to half a ton. What really set this megafauna mammal apart, though, were its enormous, spreading, ornate antlers, which spanned almost 12 feet from tip to tip and weighed just short of 100 pounds. died almost 11,000 years ago in Ireland. it had the largest antlers of any known cervid (a maximum of 3.65 m (12.0 ft) from tip to tip and weighing up to 40 kilograms (88 lb)). Eurasia, from Ireland to east of Lake Baikal, during the Late Pleistocene.

Ivory billed wood pecker Campephilus principalis found at mexico. Kentucky, Missouri and Oklahoma Quick Facts: extinct Name: Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis) Primary Classification: Piciformes (Woodpeckers) Location: Southeastern United States and Cuba

Habitat: Mature old-growth forest, cypress swamps and mature pine forests. Diet: Mostly wood-boring insects, such as beetle larvae. Also other insects, fruit, and seeds. Size: Up to 20 inches in height and 20 ounces in weight. : Mostly black plumage, almost a glossy blue-black, especially on wing-coverts; outer primaries and tail duller black. Males have red crest, white stripe on side of head extending from below eye down side of neck and onto side of back, broad white shield created by white of inner primaries and all secondaries when wings folded over back. Long, pointed, ivory-colored bill. Female similar to male but slightly smaller, crest entirely black and somewhat longer. lifespan can be up to 15 years. Tuamotu Kingfisher Todiramphus gambieri .endangered.only 500 left. French Polynesia.19 eats insects , worms, lizards.1.5 kg. This species is listed as Critically Endangered because it is restricted to an extremely small range on a single island, within which the quality of habitat has been reduced as cyclones have caused the loss of suitable nesting trees. Any potential change in land management within this tiny range could prove catastrophic for the species.

The Red-billed Streamertail (Trochilus polytmus), also known as the Doctor Bird. Endemic. The next-to-outermost rectrices of the male are 15 to 18 cm (6-7 in) long, far longer than its bearer's body. Trailing behind the flying hummingbird like thin black streamers, these feathers make a humming sound. Jamaica, Cayman Islands . Live 20yrs. around 3000. Although this species may have a small range, it is not believed to approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (Extent of Occurrence <20,000 km2 combined with a declining or fluctuating range size, habitat extent/quality, or population size and a small number of locations or severe fragmentation). The population trend is not known, but the population is not believed to be decreasing sufficiently rapidly to approach the thresholds under the population trend criterion (>30% decline over ten years or three generations). The population size has not been quantified, but it is not believed to approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the population size criterion (<10,000 mature individuals with a continuing decline estimated to be >10% in ten years or three generations, or with a specified population structure). endemic Nectar, insects (See: Nectivorous)

asian crested ibis rarest bird. Length: 55 - 78.5 cm (2) Nipponia nippon historically nested in the Russian Far East, Japan, and China, and was a non-breeding visitor to North Korea, South Korea and Taiwan . This species has become extinct over most of its former range and is now limited to a single area, where it has an extremely small population. Although its population continues to increase, and there are now perhaps more than 250 mature individuals, its habitat continues to decline in quality , justifying its retention as Endangered. 56 cm. Distinctive bushy-crested ibis with red facial skin and legs. Non-breeding adults are white while breeding adults have grey head, neck, mantle and scapulars.2800 left The Crested Ibis is 40 inches and weigh 9.2 pounds. Their habitat is usually mainlands and wetlands. At one time, the Crested Ibis was widespread in Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan and Russia. They were thought to be extinct through the 1960's and 1970's, until 1981 when seven ibises were found in Shaanxi, China. The Crested Ibis diet consist of frogs, small fishes, and small animals. Their feathers change colors with the seasons. From around the middle of March to the end of May during their mating season, the feathers turn grey.

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