Appendix 2 - 1 - 2 - V6
Appendix 2 - 1 - 2 - V6
Appendix 2 - 1 - 2 - V6
Appendix 2.1.2
Notes to the Streamlined XP Application Process
2. Case Co-ordination (i) HyD identify conflicting works HyD 1 week (a) Each opening work is assessed on the need of
coordination by HyD after registration
(ii) Applicants carry out Applicant (b) Applicants can commence coordination at any time
coordination after downloading the weekly generated conflicting
works report. The leading applicant should submit
(iii) HyD assess the works HyD 1 week the agreed works programme to HyD for approval.
coordination programme.
3a. Submission of Submit TIA/TTA and traffic Applicant Should be submitted Submit when
TIA/TTA or other related proposals/plans and the as soon as possible (a) at pre-agreed criteria such as TIA routes, Day-time
traffic related relevant information to TD and ban routes, total closure of a bound of road, change
proposals/plans to HKPF for agreement. of traffic flow direction.
TD and HKPF for (b) required by HyD
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Appendix 2.1.2
Note Process Action Action by Pledged Time Remark
3b. Application for Submission of application to TD Applicant Before the XP
closure of parking application stage
meter, change in
restriction zone, Processing the application TD 2 to 4 weeks from 4 weeks are required only for the followings:
relocation of public the date of 1. Change of no stopping restriction zone.
transport facilities and submission of 2. Change of vehicle prohibition zone by type, length or
services and/or application weight of vehicles or time period.
alteration of road 3. Relocation of bus stop, tram stop, minibus stand, taxi
markings or traffic stand or taxi pick-up/drop off point.
sign 4. Change of bus route.
5. Change of speed limit.
6. Closure of all traffic lanes in one direction.
7. Change of traffic direction or banning of left or right
8. Closure of traffic lane(s) in red or pink routes.
3c Submission of Submit detailed signing and Applicant 14 working days – (a) All excavation works (including works at footpath)
detailed signing and guarding arrangement to HKPF 1month need to make submission to HKPF when they are not
guarding arrangement and TD for agreement under any conditions as laid down in the remark of
to HKPF and TD for note 3a above. Submission should be submitted to the
approval corresponding HKPF RMO only.
(b) If the proposed excavation work is on footpath only
and there is sufficient space on footpath for pedestrian
flow and no pedestrian flow is diverted to
carriageway, submission to TD is not required.
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Appendix 2.1.2
Note Process Action Action by Pledged Time Remark
4. Application for Submit CNP application. TD Applicant Can be submitted Either TD and HKPF’s written traffic advice or their
Construction Noise and HKPF’s traffic advice to while waiting for traffic advice shown in XPMS are acceptable by EPD as
Permit (CNP) support the application TD and HKPF’s support for the consideration of a CNP application.
traffic advice.
Carriageway works on daytime ban routes do not require
TD/HKPF traffic advice.
Process the CNP application EPD 28 days from the The statutory period for processing CNP application is 28
date of submission days. Compliance % for the pledged time of 23 days is
of application. not less than 90%. EPD aims to complete processing the
applications within 14 days. If supporting documents are
not received, EPD may have to reject the application.
EPD will liaise with TD/HKPF, if necessary for
clarification of justifications.
When EPD and TD/HKPF cannot reach a consensus on
the arrangement, HyD regional office, upon applicant’s
request, will assist in co-coordinating meeting among
EPD, TD, HKPF and applicant to look at the issue.
5a. LCSD giving LCSD giving advice LCSD 14 working days
advice if the proposed
works may affect any
tree, Old & Valuable Respond to LCSD (e.g. acceptance Applicant As soon as possible
Tree (OVT) of undertakings imposed by
maintained by LCSD LCSD)
and/or LCSD’s
maintenance area
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Appendix 2.1.2
Note Process Action Action by Pledged Time Remark
the proposed works Responsible maintenance Main-
may affect any tree authorities giving advice and tenance
and/or OVT consent authorities
maintained by them.
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Appendix 2.1.2
Note Process Action Action by Pledged Time Remark
61. Seeking approval
(a) Light Rail (is Submit “Application to Work Applicant Min. 2 weeks from Submit to the Director, Light Rail. The submission should
required when works in/near LR” the required XP include full details of the location and nature of the
is at/near the location issue date. proposed works together with the required dates and
of Light Rail) Advised to submit as times for the works.
soon as possible
Process the application and LRT 2 weeks From the date of receipt of the application form and
provide response relevant information.
(b) MTRC (is Submit plans of works and Applicant Min. 3 weeks from The submission should be made to the Railway Protection
required when relevant information as required the required XP Manager, MTRC.
works within MTR by MTRC issue date.
Railway Protection Advised to submit as
Boundary) soon as possible
Process the submission and MTRC 3 weeks From the date of receipt of the submission and relevant
provide response information.
(c) Lands Department Submit application Applicant As soon as possible As Lands Department advised that due to various steps
(is required for works involved, it is not possible to have a definite time-frame
also involve lands Process application Lands D for processing the application. It is advisable to submit
under the jurisdiction the application as soon as it is identified that lands under
of Lands Department) the jurisdiction of Lands Department are involved.
When it is required by MTRC or LRT for the APPLICANT to carry out works outside normal working hours due to safety reasons, EPD will usually accept the justification
and grant CNP for the relevant part of works.
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Appendix 2.1.2
Note Process Action Action by Pledged Time Remark
7. XP application Submit application to HyD applicant After the The advance time for XP application should not exceed
"Coordinated" status 120 calendar days.
is given and the TTA
and/or LSG plan(s)
have been accepted
by TD/HKPF, the
applicant may
proceed to apply for
an XP
Processing and issue of XP HyD 5 working days from
the date of receipt of
the application
8. Advance notification Submit AN through XPMS applicant 2 working days from Those applicants who do not have an XPMS account
(AN) the anticipated should notify TD, HKPF, EPD and LCSD 2 days before
commencement date the intended commencement date in form HYD 91 by
Receipt of AN in the XPMS TD, The date when Departments can print report of AN from XPMS.
HKPF, applicant submit the
Change of notified applicant As soon as possible If an AN has been submitted and later it turns out that the
commencement date but should not be intended commencement day has to be postponed, the
later than the permittee must cancel the AN immediately via XPMS,
commencement date and then resubmit a new AN once the commencement
stated in the AN date is ascertained. If the applicants does not have an
XPMS account, he should submit the form HYD 91 by
facsimile to cancel the AN and resubmit a new AN once
the commencement date is ascertained.
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