Introduction To Data Structure
Introduction To Data Structure
Introduction To Data Structure
how it is organized or how it can be utilized. What is Information? If we arrange some data in an appropriate sequence, then it forms a Structure and gives us a meaning. This meaning is called Information . The basic unit of Information in Computer Science is a bit, Binary Digit . So, we found two things in Information: One is Data and the other is Structure . What is Data Structure? 1. A data structure is a systematic way of organizing and accessing data. 2. A data structure tries to structure data! Usually more than one piece of data Should define legal operations on the data The data might be grouped together (e.g. in an linked list) 1. When we define a data structure we are in fact creating a new data type of our own.
i.e. using predefined types or previously user defined types. Such new types are then used to reference variables type within a program
Why Data Structures? 1. Data structures study how data are stored in a computer so that operations can be implemented efficiently 2. Data structures are especially important when you have a large amount of information 3. Conceptual and concrete ways to organize data for efficient storage and manipulation.
Negative Ones Complement Notation Twos Complement Notation 2. Binary Coded Decimal 3. Real Number 4. Character String
Non-Negative Binary System In this System each bit position represents a power of 2. The right most bit position represent 20 which equals 1. The next position to the left represents 21= 2 and so on. An Integer is represented as a sum of powers of 2. A string of all 0s represents the number 0. If a 1 appears in a particular bit position, the power of 2 represented by that bit position is included in the Sum. But if a 0 appears, the power of 2 is not included in the Sum. For example 10011, the sum is Ones Complement Notation
Negative binary number is represented by ones Complement Notation. In this notation we represent a negative number by changing each bit in its absolute value to the opposite bit setting. For example, since 001001100 represent 38, 11011001 is used to represent -38. The left most number is reserved for the sign of the number. A bit String Starting with a 0 represents a positive number, where a bit string starting with a 1 represents a negative number.
Twos Complement Notation In Twos Complement Notation is also used to represent a negative number. In this notation 1 is added to the Ones Complement Notation of a negative number. For example, since 11011001 represents -38 in Ones Complement Notation 11011010 used represent -38 in Twos Complement Notation. Binary Coded Decimal In this System a string of bits may be used to represent integers in the Decimal Number System . Four bits can be used to represent a Decimal digit between 0 and 9 in the binary notation. A string of bits of arbitrary length may be divided into consecutive sets of four bits. With each set representing a decimal digit. The string then represents the number that is formed by those decimal digits in conventional decimal notation. For example, in this system the bit string 00110101 is separated into two strings of four bits each: 0011 and 0101. The first of these represents the decimal digit 3 and the second represents the decimal 5, so that the entire string represents the integer 35.
In the binary coded decimal system we use 4 bits, so this four bits represent sixteen possible states. But only 10 of those sixteen possibilities are used. That means, whose binary values are 10 or larger, are invalid in Binary Coded Decimal System. Real Number The Floating Point Notation use to represent Real Numbers. The key concept of floatingpoint notation is Mantissa, Base and Exponent . The base is usually fixed and the Mantissa and the Exponent vary to represent different Real Number. For Example, if the base is fixed at 10, the number -235.47 could be represented as . The Mantissa is 23547 and the exponent is -2. Other possible representations are and .
In the floating-point notation a real number is represented by a 32-bit string. Including in 32-bit, 24-bit use for representation of Mantissa and remaining 8-bit use for representation of Exponent .Both the mantissa and the exponent are twos complement binary Integers. For example, the 24-bit twos complement binary representation of -23547 is 111111111010010000000101, and the 8-bit twos complement binary representation of -2 is 11111110. So the representation of 235.47 is 11111111101001000000010111111110. It can be used to represent extremely large or extremely small absolute values. Character Strings In computer science, information is not always interpreted numerically. Item such as names, address and job title must also be represented in some fashion with in computer. To enable the representation of such nonnumeric objects, still another method of interpreting bit strings is necessary. Such information is usually represented in character string form. For example, in some computers, the eight bits 11000000 is used to represent the character "A" and 11000001 for character "B" and another for each character that has a representation in a particular machine. So, the character string "AB" would be represented by the bit string 1100000011000001. The assignment of bit string to character may be entirely arbitrary, but it must be adhered to consistently. It may be that some convenient rule is used in assigning bit string to character. The number of bits varies computer wise used to represent a character. Some computers are use 7-bit (therefore allow up to 128 possible characters), some computers are use 8-bits (up to 256 character), and some use 10-bits (up to 1024 possible characters). The number of bits necessary to represent a character in a particular computer is called the byte size and a group of bits that number is called a byte .
In computer programming, a group of homogeneous elements of a specific data type is known as an array , one of the simplest data structures. Arrays hold a series of data elements, usually of the same size and data type. Individual elements are accessed by their position in the array. The position is given by an index, which is also called a subscript. The index usually uses a consecutive range of integers, (as opposed to an associative array) but the index can have any ordinal set of values. Some arrays are multi-dimensional , meaning they are indexed by a fixed number of integers, for example by a tuple of four integers. Generally, one- and two-dimensional arrays are the most common. Most programming languages have a built-in array data type.
Link List
In computer science, a linked list is one of the fundamental data structures used in computer programming. It consists of a sequence of nodes, each containing arbitrary data fields and one or two references ("links") pointing to the next and/or previous nodes. A linked list is a self-referential data type because it contains a link to another data of the same type. Linked lists permit insertion and removal of nodes at any point in the list in constant time, but do not allow random access.
Types of Link List 1. Linearly-linked List o Singly-linked list o Doubly-linked list 2. Circularly-linked list
A stack is a linear Structure in which item may be added or removed only at one end. There are certain frequent situations in computer science when one wants to restrict insertions and deletions so that they can take place only at the beginning or the end of the end of the list, not in the middle. Two of the Data Structures that are useful in such situations are Stacks and queues. A stack is a list of elements in which an elements may be inserted or deleted only at one end, called the Top. This means, in particular, the elements are removed from a stack in the reverse order of that which they are inserted in to the stack. The stack also called "last-in first -out (LIFO) " list.
Special terminology is used for two basic operation associated with stack : 1. "Push" is the term used to insert an element into a stack. 2. "Pop" is the term used to delete an element from a stack. Queue
A queue is a linear list of elements in which deletions can take place only at one end, called the " front " and insertion can take place only at the other end, called " rear ". The term " front " and " rear " are used in describing a linear list only when it is implemented as a queue. Queues are also called " first-in first-out " (FIFO) list. Since the first element in a queue will be the first element out of the queue. In other words, the order in which elements
enter in a queue is the order in which they leave. The real life example: the people waiting in a line at Railway ticket Counter form a queue, where the first person in a line is the first person to be waited on. An important example of a queue in computer science occurs in timesharing system, in which programs with the same priority form a queue while waiting to be executed.
Data frequently contain a hierarchical relationship between various elements. This nonlinear Data structure which reflects this relationship is called a rooted tree graph or, tree. This structure is mainly used to represent data containing a hierarchical relationship between elements, e.g. record, family tree and table of contents. A tree consist of a distinguished node r , called the root and zero or more (sub) tree t1 , t2 , ... tn , each of whose roots are connected by a directed edge to r . In the tree of figure, the root is A, Node t 2 has r as a parent and t 2.1 , t 2.2 and t 2.3 as children. Each node may have arbitrary number of children, possibly zero. Nodes with no children are known as leaves.
A graph consists of a set of nodes (or Vertices ) and a set of arc (or edge ). Each arc in a graph is specified by a pair of nodes. A node n is incident to an arc x if n is one of the two nodes in the ordered pair of nodes that constitute x. The degree of a node is the number of arcs incident to it. The indegree of a node n is the number of arcs that have n as the head, and the outdegree of n is the number of arcs that have n as the tail. The graph is the nonlinear data structure. The graph shown in the figure represents 7 vertices and 12 edges. The Vertices are { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} and the arcs are {(1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,4), (2,5), (3,4), (3,6), (4,5), (4,6), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) }. Node (4) in figure has indegree 3, outdegree 3 and degree 6.
1. Abstract Data Types (ADT's) are a model used to understand the design of a data structure 2. 'Abstract ' implies that we give an implementation-independent view of the data structure 3. ADTs specify the type of data stored and the operations that support the data 4. Viewing a data structure as an ADT allows a programmer to focus on an idealized model of the data and its operations
Problems :
1. What is Information in Computer Science? 2. What are methods for representing negative binary number? The following numbers convert to ones complement and twos complement notation.
00110111 01100110 01111101 10001001 3. Write a C program where following numbers are stored in a array :
o o o o
2 12 17 24 5 78 35 18 16 4. Write a C program using linked list where following numbers are stored : 2 12 17 24 5 78 35 18 16 5. Consider the stack NAME in fig 1.01, which is stored alphabetically.
Suppose Nirmal is to be inserted in to the stack. How many name must be moved to the new location? Suppose Sourav is to be deleted from the stack. How many names must be removed to the new location?
6. The following is a tree structure given by means of level numbers as discussed below: 01 Employee 02 Name 02 Emp. Code 02 Designation 03 Project Leader 03 Project Manager 02 Address Draw the corresponding tree diagram. Introduction to Algorithms : Introduction Print this page The word algorism, came from the 9th century Persian mathematician "Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi" , which means the method of doing arithmetic using Indo-Arabic decimal system. It is also the
root of the word "algorithm" . An algorithm is a well defined computational method that takes some value(s) as input and produce some value(s) as output. In other words, an algorithm is a sequence of computational steps that transforms input(s) into output(s). An algorithm is correct if for every input, it halts with correct output. A correct algorithm solves the given problem, where as an incorrect algorithm might not halt at all on some input instance, or it might halt with other than designed answer. Each algorithm must have
Specification: Description of the computational procedure. Pre-conditions: The condition(s) on input. Body of the Algorithm: A sequence of clear and unambiguous instructions. Post-conditions: The condition(s) on output. Algorithms are written in pseudo code that resembles programming languages like C and Pascal. Consider a simple algorithm for finding the factorial of n.
Algorithm Factorial (n) Step 1: FACT = 1 Step 2: for i = 1 to n do Step 3: FACT = FACT * i Step 4: print FACT Specification: Computes n!. Pre-condition: n >= 0 Post-condition: FACT = n!
For better understanding conditions can also be defined after any statement, to specify values in particular variables. Pre-condition and post-condition can also be defined for loop, to define conditions satisfied before starting and after completion of loop respectively. What is remain true before execution of the ith iteration of a loop is called "loop invariant". These conditions are useful during debugging proces of algorithms implementation. Moreover, these conditions can also be used for giving correctness proof.
Now, we take a more complex problem called sorting. Problem Definition: Sort given n numbers by non-descending order. There are many sorting algorithm. Insertion sort is a simple algorithm. Insertion Sort: We can assume up to first number is sorted. Then sort up to two numbers. Next, sort up to three numbers. This process continue till we sort all n numbers. Consider the following example of five integer: 79 43 39 58 13 : Up to first number, 79, is sorted. 43 79 39 58 13 : Sorted up to two numbers. 39 43 79 58 13 : Sorted up to three numbers. 39 43 58 79 13 : Sorted up to four numbers. 13 39 43 58 79 : Sorted all numbers. That is, if first (i-1) numbers are sorted then insert ith number into its correct position. This can be done by shifting numbers right one number at a time till a position for ith number is found. That is, shift number at (i-1)th position to ith position, number in (i-2)th position to (i-1)th position, and so on, till we find a correct position for the number in ith position. This method is depicted in the figure on right side.
An Applet Demonstrating Insertion The algorithmic description of insertion sort is given below.
Algorithm Insertion_Sort (a[n]) Step 1: for i = 2 to n do Step 2: current_num = a[i] Step 3: j=i Step 4:
while (( j >1) and (a[j-1] > current_num)) do Step 5: a[j] = a[j-1] Step 6: j = j-1 Step 7: a[j] = current_num More about sorting algorithms are discussed in the modules 5 and 10.
Execution time of an algorithm depends on numbers of instruction executed. Consider the following algorithm fragment:
The for loop executed n+1 times for i values 1,2,....... n, n+1. Each instruction in the body of the loop is executed once for each value of i = 1,2,......, n. So number of steps executed is 2n+1. Consider another algorithm fragment: for j = 1 to n do k = k +1
for i = 1 to n do
From prevoius example, number of instruction executed in the inner loop is which is the body of outer loop. Total number of instruction executed is = To measure the time complexity in absolute time unit has the following problems
1. The time required for an algorithm depends on number of instructions executed, which is a complex polynomial. 2. The execution time of an instruction depends on computer's power. Since, different computers take different amount of time for the same instruction. 3. Different types of instructions take different amount of time on same computer.
Complexity analysis technique abstracts away these machine dependent factors . In this approach, we assume all instruction takes constant amount of time for execution.
Asymptotic bounds as polynomials are used as a measure of the estimation of the number of instructions to be executed by the algorithm . Three main types of asymptotic order notations are used in practice: 1.
is defined as
is said to belong to
For example, 3.
for all ,
- notation: This notation provides asymptotic lower bound. For a given is defined as
For example,
, for all
Step 1: The for loop executed n times, for i values from 2, 3, .....n+1 Step 2, 3, and 7: Each executed once for each iteration of the for loop. That is, each n-1 times. Step 4: The while loop is executed at most i times, for i = 2, 3, .............., n. That is, .
step 5 and 6: Each instruction executed i-1 times, for each i. Hence, for each instruction. Total number of instruction executed in the worst case is time complexity of the algorithm is in . . Hence the
Similarly, we can analyze space required for the algorithm also. The Insertion sort algorithm has to store all n inputs and using three more variables. So, the space complexity of the algorithm is in .
Another way of finding number of instruction executed is by recursive equation. Let T(n) be the time required to sort n numbers. T(n) can be expressed as a sum of T(n-1) and the time required to insert nth element in the sorted array of n-1 element. The time required to insert an element in sorted array of n-1 elements takes cn steps, where c is a positive constant. This is because to insert nth element, in worst case, we have to shift all n-1 elements one after other.
See the following figure. Hence, the recurrence relation for Insertion sort is
There are three main approach to solve recurrence relations. They are substitution, iterative and master theorem methods. In this notes we discuss iterative approach only. For other methods see Algorithms by Cormen et al. Iterative Method:
T(n) = T(n-1) + cn = T(n-2) + c(n-1) + cn = T(n-3) + c(n-2) + c(n-1) + cn . . = T(1) + 2c + 3c + ............. + c(n-2) + c(n-1) + cn = 1 + 2c + 3c + ............. + c(n-2) + c(n-1) + cn < c( 1 + 2 + 3 + ............. + n-2 + n-1 + n) = c (n (n+1)/2) =c = O( + c n/2 )
if n = 1 if n > 1
In the above recurrence relation O(1) means a constant. So we can replace with some constant c1. Similarly,O(n) means a function of order n. So we can replace with C2n.Hence, the recurrence can be rewritten as <= 2T(n/2) + C2n if n > 1
<= 2T(n/2) + C2n T(n) <= 2( 2T(n/4) + C2n/2) + C2n <= <= <= . . <= T( (2 T( T( ) + C2n + C2n ) + C2 ) + C2n + C2n
) + C2 n i
< 2nT(1) + c2n*log(n) T(n) = 2c1n + c2n*log(n) = O(n*log(n)) 1. Given an array of n integers, write an algorithm to find the smallest element. Find number of instruction executed by your algorithm. What are the time and space complexities? 2. Write a algorithm to find the median of n numbers. Find number of instruction executed by your algorithm. What are the time and space complexities? 3. Write a C program for the problem 1. 4. Write a C program for the problem 2. 5. Solve the following recurrence relations. Assume T(1) = O(1)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
T(n) = T(n-2) + cn T(n ) = 2T(n/2) + c n^2 T(n) = 2T(n/2) + c n^3 T(n) = 4 T(n/4) + O(n) T(n) = 4 T(n/2) + c n T(n) = T(n/2) + O(1) T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n log n T(n) = T(n-1) + 1/n T(n) = T(n/2) + log n )+1
A data structure is said to be linear if its elements form a sequence or a linear list. Examples:
Traversal : Visit every part of the data structure Search : Traversal through the data structure for a given element Insertion : Adding new elements to the data structure Deletion : Removing an element from the data structure. Sorting : Rearranging the elements in some type of order(e.g Increasing or Decreasing) Merging : Combining two similar data structures into one
Introduction: 1. Stack is basically a data object 2. The operational semantic (meaning) of stack is LIFO i.e. last in first out Definition : It is an ordered list of elements n , such that n>0 in which all insertions and deletions are made at one end called the top. Primary operations defined on a stack: 1. PUSH : add an element at the top of the list. 2. POP : remove the at the top of the list. 3. Also "IsEmpty()" and IsFull" function, which tests whether a stack is empty or full respectively. Example : 1. Practical daily life : a pile of heavy books kept in a vertical box,dishes kept one on top of another 2. In computer world : In processing of subroutine calls and returns ; there is an explicit use of stack of return addresses. Also in evaluation of arithmetic expressions , stack is used. Large number of stacks can be expressed using a single one dimensional stack only. Such an array is called a multiple stack array. Push and Pop : Print this page
Algorithms Push (item,array , n, top) Pop (item,array,top) { { if ( top<= 0) If ( n> = top) Then print " stack is empty". Then print "Stack is full" ; Else Else { { item = array[top]; top = top Push Operation : 1; +top = top 1; array[top] = item ; }}}} Print this page
Arithmetic Expressions : Print this page Arithmetic expressions are expressed as combinations of: 1. Operands 2. Operators (arithmetic, Boolean, relational operators) Various rules have been formulated to specify the order of evaluation of combination of operators in any expression. The arithmetic expressions are expressed in 3 different notations: 1. Infix :
In this if the operator is binary; the operator is between the 2 operands. And if the operator is unary, it precedes the operand.
2. Prefix :
In this notation for the case of binary operators, the operator precedes both the operands. Simple algorithm using stack can be used to evaluate the final answer.
3. Postfix :
In this notation for the case of binary operators, the operator is after both the corresponding operands. Simple algorithm using stack can be used to evaluate the final answer.
Always remember that the order of appearance of operands does not change in any Notation. What changes is the position of operators working on those operands. Rules Expressions : Print this page RULES FOR EVALUATION OF ANY EXPRESSION : An expression can be interpreted in many different ways if parentheses are not mentioned in the expression.
For example the below given expression can be interpreted in many different ways: Hence we specify some basic rules for evaluation of any expression :
A priority table is specified for the various type of operators being used:
PRIORITY LEVEL 6 5 4 3 2 1
OPERATORS ** ; unary - ; unary + *;/ +;< ; > ; <= ; >= ; !> ; !< ; != Logical and operation Logical or operation
Arithmetic Expressions : Print this page Algorithm for evaluation of an expression E which is in prefix notation :
We assume that the given prefix notation starts with IsEmpty() . If number of symbols = n in any infix expression then number of operations performed = some constant times n. here next token function gives us the next occurring element in the expression in a left to right scan. The PUSH function adds element x to stack Q which is of maximum length n
Evaluate (E) Else { { Top = 0; If (x = = operand) While (1) PUSH (Q, top, n, x); { If (x = = operator) x= next token (E) { If (x = = infinity)
Pop correct number of operands according to the operator (unary/binary) and then perform the operation and store result onto the stack { Print value of stack [top] as the output of the expression } } } } Arithmetic Expressions : Print this page Algorithm for evaluation of an expression E, which is in postfix notation:
We assume that the postfix notation specifies end of expression by appending NULL at the end of expression. here next token function gives us the next occurring element in the expression in a left to right scan. The PUSH function adds element x to stack Q which is of maximum length n
Evaluate (E) Else { { Top = 0; If (x = = operand) While (1) PUSH (Q, top, n, x); { If (x = = operator) x= next token (E) { If (x = = infinity) Pop correct number of operands according to the operator (unary/binary) and then perform the operation and store result onto the stack { Return (stack [top]); } } } } Multiple stacks : Print this page Here only one single one-dimensional array (Q) is used to store multiple stacks. B (i) denotes one position less than the position in Q for bottommost element of stacks i. T (i) denotes the top most element of stack i. m denotes the maximum size of the array being used. n denotes the number of stacks.
We also assume that equal segments of array will be used for each stack. Initially let B (i) = T (i) = [m/n]*(i-1) where 1<= i <= n. Again we can have push or pop operations, which can be performed on each of these stacks .
Multiple stacks : Print this page Algorithms Push (i, x) Pop (i,x) { { if ( T(i) = = B(i) ) If (((i<n) && (T(i)==B(i+1)) || ((i>=n) && (T(i) ==m))); Then print that the stack is empty. Else Then call STACK_FULL ; { Else x = Q[T(i)]; { T[i] = T[i] 1; T(i) = T(i) + 1; } Q[T(i)] = x ; } } } Multiple stacks : Print this page ALGORITHM TO BE APPLIED WHEN T [i] = = B [i] CONDITION IS ENCOUNTERED WHILE DOING PUSH OPERATION. STACK_FULL { 1. Find j such that i < j <= n and there is a free space between stack j and stack (j +1). if such a j exist , then move stack i+1 , i+2 ,.........till j one position to the right and hence create space for element between stack i and i +1. 2. Else Find j such that 1 <= j < i and there is a free space between stack j and stacK(j +1). if such a j exist , then move stack j+1 , j+2 ,.......till i one position to the left and hence create space for element between stack i and i +1 . 3. Else If none of above is possible then there is no space left out in the one-dimensional array used hence print no space for push operation. } QUEUE - A List of Elements : Print this page Introduction: 1. It is basically a data object 2. Theoperational semantic of queue is FIFO i.e. first in first out Definition : It is an ordered list of elements n , such that n>0 in which all deletions are made at one end called the front end and all insertions at the other end called the rear end .
Primary operations defined on a Queue: 1. EnQueue : This is used to add elements into the queue at the back end. 2. DeQueue : This is used to delete elements from a queue from the front end. 3. Also "IsEmpty()" and "IsFull()" can be defined to test whether the queue is Empty or full. Example : 1. PRACTICAL EXAMPLE : A line at a ticket counter for buying tickets operates on above rules 2. IN COMPUTER WORLD : In a batch processing system, jobs are queued up for processing. QUEUE - A List of Elements : Print this page Circular queue : In a queue if the array elements can be accessed in a circular fashion the queue is a circular queue. Priority queue : Often the items added to a queue have a priority associated with them: this priority determines the order in which they exit the queue - highest priority items are removed first. C ++ IMPLEMENTATION OF QUEUE USING CLASSES Test your skills CIRCULAR QUEUE : Print this page Primary operations defined for a circular queue are : 1. add_circular - It is used for addition of elements to the circular queue. 2. delete_circular - It is used for deletion of elements from the queue. We will see that in a circular queue , unlike static linear array implementation of the queue ; the memory is utilized more efficient in case of circular queue's.
The shortcoming of static linear that once rear points to n which is the max size of our array we cannot insert any more elements even if there is space in the queue is removed efficiently using a circular queue. As in case of linear queue , we'll see that condition for zero elements still remains the same i.e.. rear=front QUEUE - A List of Elements : Print this page ALGORITHM FOR ADDITION AND DELETION OF ELEMENTS Data structures required for circular queue : 1. front counter which points to one position anticlockwise to the 1st element 2. rear counter which points to the last element in the queue 3. an array to represent the queue add _ circular ( item,queue,rear,front) { rear=(rear+1)mod n; if (front == rear ) then print " queue is full " else { queue [rear]=item; } } Visual Idea of Add_Circular Operation
QUEUE - A List of Elements : Print this page delete operation : delete_circular (item,queue,rear,front) { if (front = = rear) print ("queue is empty"); else { front= front+1; item= queue[fromt]; } } Visual Idea of Delete_Circular Operation CIRCULAR QUEUE - : Print this page
QUEUE - A List of Elements : Print this page ALGORITHM FOR ADDITION AND DELETION OF ITEMS IN A QUEUE note : addition is done only at the rear end of a queue like in a ticket counter line .... add ( item ,queue , n ,rear) { if (rear==n) then print " queue is full " else { rear=rear+1; queue [rear]=item; } } Tabular View of ADD operation QUEUE - A List of Elements : Print this page ALGORITHM FOR ADDITION AND DELETION OF ITEMS IN A QUEUE note : deletion is allowed only at the front end of the queue delete (item , queue , rear , front) { if (rear==front) then print "queue is empty"; else { item = queue [front] ; front=front+1 ; } } PRIORITY QUEUE : Print this page
Queues are dynamic collections which have some concept of order. This can be either based on order of entry into the queue - giving us First-In-First-Out (FIFO) or Last-InFirst-Out (LIFO) queues. Both of these can be built with linked lists: the simplest "addto-head" implementation of a linked list gives LIFO behavior. A minor modification adding a tail pointer and adjusting the addition method implementation - will produce a FIFO queue.
A straightforward analysis shows that for both these cases, the time needed to add or delete an item is constant and independent of the number of items in the queue . Thus we class both addition and deletion as an O (1) operation. For any given real machine + operating system + language combination, addition may take c 1 seconds and deletion c 2 seconds, but we aren't interested in the value of the constant, it will vary from machine to machine, language to language, etc . The key point is that the time is not dependent on n producing O (1) algorithms. Once we have written an O (1) method, there is generally little more that we can do from an algorithmic point of view. Occasionally, a better approach may produce a lower constant time. Often, enhancing our compiler, run-time system, machine, etc will produce some significant improvement. However O (1) methods are already very fast, and it's unlikely that effort expended in improving such a method will produce much real gain! PRIORITY QUEUE : Print this page PRIORITY QUEUE : Often the items added to a queue have a priority associated with them: this priority determines the order in which they exit the queue - highest priority items are removed first. This situation arises often in process control systems. Imagine the operator's console in a large automated factory. It receives many routine messages from all parts of the system: they are assigned a low priority because they just report the normal functioning of the system - they update various parts of the operator's console display simply so that there is some confirmation that there are no problems. It will make little difference if they are delayed or lost. However, occasionally something breaks or fails and alarm messages are sent. These have high priority because some action is required to fix the problem (even if it is mass evacuation because nothing can stop the imminent explosion!). Typically such a system will be composed of many small units, one of which will be a
buffer for messages received by the operator's console. The communications system places messages in the buffer so that communications links can be freed for further messages while the console software is processing the message. The console software extracts messages from the buffer and updates appropriate parts of the display system. Obviously we want to sort messages on their priority so that we can ensure that the alarms are processed immediately and not delayed behind a few thousand routine messages while the plant is about to explode. As we have seen, we could use a tree structure - which generally provides O (log n ) performance for both insertion and deletion. Unfortunately, if the tree becomes unbalanced, performance will degrade to O(n) in pathological cases. This will probably not be acceptable when dealing with dangerous industrial processes, nuclear reactors, flight control systems and other life-critical systems.
for(int j=0;j<=al;j++) { if((j+1)<=al) { tmp=t[j+1]; t[j]=tmp; } else { al--; if(al==-1) dl=-1; else dl=0; } } } } void add(int item) { if(dl==-1 && al==-1) { dl++; al++; } else { al++; if(al==MAX) { cout<<"Queue is Full\n"; al--; return; } } t[al]=item; } void display() { if(dl!=-1) { for(int i=0;i<=al;i++)
cout<<t[i]<<" "; } else cout<<"EMPTY"; } }; Prev Print this page void main() { queue a; int data[5]={32,23,45,99,24}; cout<<"Queue before adding Elements: "; a.display(); cout<<endl<<endl; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { a.add(data[i]); cout<<"Addition Number : "<<(i+1)<<" : "; a.display(); cout<<endl; } cout<<endl; cout<<"Queue after adding Elements: "; a.display(); cout<<endl<<endl; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { a.del(); cout<<"Deletion Number : "<<(i+1)<<" : "; a.display(); cout<<endl; } getch(); }
Queue before adding Elements: EMPTY Addition Number : 1 : 32 Addition Number : 2 : 32 23 Addition Number : 3 : 32 23 45 Addition Number : 4 : 32 23 45 99 Addition Number : 5 : 32 23 45 99 24 Queue after adding Elements: 32 23 45 99 24 Deletion Number : 1 : 23 45 99 24 Deletion Number : 2 : 45 99 24 Deletion Number : 3 : 99 24 Deletion Number : 4 : 24 Deletion Number : 5 : EMPTY As you can clearly see through the output of this program that addition is always done at the end of the queue while deletion is done from the front end of the queue.
Tower of Hanoi is a historical problem, which can be easily expressed using recursion. There are N disks of decreasing size stacked on one needle, and two other empty needles. It is required to stack all the disks onto a second needle in the decreasing order of size. The third needle can be used as a temporary storage. The movement of the disks must confirm to the following rules, 1. Only one disk may be moved at a time 2. A disk can be moved from any needle to any other. 3. The larger disk should not rest upon a smaller one. Question : write a c program to implement tower of Hanoi using stack ? Solution TOWER OF HANOI SOLUTION Print this page
/* Program of towers of Hanoi. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void move ( int, char, char, char ) ;
void main( ) { int n = 3 ; clrscr( ) ; move ( n, 'A', 'B', 'C' ) ; getch( ) ; } void move ( int n, char sp, char ap, char ep ) { if ( n == 1 ) printf ("\nMove from %c to %c ", sp, ep ) ; else { move ( n - 1, sp, ep, ap ) ; move ( 1, sp, ' ', ep ) ; move ( n - 1, ap, sp, ep ) ; } }
Problem Print this page Function Calls and Stack A stack is used by programming languages for implementing function calls. write a program to check how function calls are made using stack.
Solution Linear Data Structure SOLUTION /* To show the use of stack in function calls */ #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <dos.h> unsigned int far *ptr ; void ( *p )( void ) ; void f1( ) ; void f2( ) ; void main( ) { f1( ) ; f2( ) ; printf ( "\nback to main..." ) ; exit ( 1 ) ; } Print this page #include <stdio.h>
void f1( ) { ptr = ( unsigned int far * ) MK_FP ( _SS, _SP + 2 ) ; printf ( "\n%d", *ptr ) ; p = ( void ( * )( ) ) MK_FP ( _CS, *ptr ) ; ( *p )( ) ; printf ( "\nI am f1( ) function " ) ; } void f2( ) { printf ( "\nI am f2( ) function" ) ; }
Link Lists Print this page What is are Linked Lists? A linked list is simply a chain of structures which contain a pointer to the next element. It is dynamic in nature. Items may be added to it or deleted from it at will.
This definition applies only to Singly Linked Lists - Doubly Linked Lists and Circular Lists are different. A list item has a pointer to the next element, or to 0 if the current element is the tail (end of the list). This pointer points to a structure of the same type as itself. This structure that contains elements and pointers to the next structure is called a Node. Link Lists Print this page Each node of the list has two elements:
the item being stored in the list and a pointer to the next item in the list
Hash tables use linked lists for collission resolution Any "File Requester" dialog uses a linked list Binary Trees Stacks and Queues can be implemented with a doubly linked list Relational Databases (e.g. Microsoft Access)
Link Lists Print this page Algorithm for inserting a node to the List
allocate space for a new node, copy the item into it, make the new node's next pointer point to the current head of the list and make the head of the list point to the newly allocated node.
This strategy is fast and efficient, but each item is added to the head of the list. Below is given C code for inserting a node after a given node.
Link Lists Print this page C Implementation /* inserts an item x into a list after a node pointed to by p */ void insafter(int p, int x) { int q; if(p == -1) { printf("void insertion\n"); return;
} q = getnode(); / * getnode() returns a pointer to newly allocated node */ node[q].info = x; node[q].next = node[p].next; node[p].next = q; return; } /* end insafter Link Lists Print this page Algorithm for deleting a node from the List
Step-1:Take the value in the 'nodevalue' field of the TARGET node in any intermediate variable. Here node N. Step-2: Make the previous node of TARGET to point to where TARGET is currently pointing Step-3: The nextpointer field of Node N now points to Node B, Where Node N previously pointed. Step-4: Return the value in that intermediate variable There are also two special cases. If the deleted node N is the first node in the list, then the Start will point to node B; and if the deleted node N is the last node in the list, then Node A will contain the NULL pointer. Link Lists Print this page Below is a C code for deleting a node after a given node. C Implementation
/* routine delafter(p,px), called by the statemant delafter(p,&x), deletes the node following node(p) and stores its contents in x */ void delafter(int p, int *px) { int q; if ((p == -1) || (node[p].next == -1)) { printf("void deletion\n"); return; } q=node[p].next; *px = node[q].info; node[p].next = node[q].next; freenode(q); return; } /* end delafter */ Linked Implementation of stack Print this page The operation of adding an element to the front of a linked list is quite similar to that of pushing an element on to a stack. A stack can be accessed only through its top element, and a list can be accessed only from the pointer to its first element. Similarly, removing the first element from a linked list is analogous to popping from a stack. A linked-list is somewhat of a dynamic array that grows and shrinks as values are added to it and removed from it respectively. Rather than being stored in a continuous block of memory, the values in the dynamic array are linked together with pointers. Each element of a linked list is a structure that contains a value and a link to its neighbor. The link is basically a pointer to another structure that contains a value and another pointer to another structure, and so on. If an external pointer p points to such a linked list, the operation push(p, t) may be implemented by f = getnode(); info(f) = t; next(f) = p; p = f;
The operation t = pop(p) removes the first node from a nonempty list and signals
underflow if the list is empty if(empty(p)) { printf('stack underflow'); exit(1); } else { f = p; p = next(f); t = info(f); freenode(f); } Link Lists Print this page GETNODE AND FREENODE OPERATIONS The getnode operation may be regarded as a machine that manufactures nodes. Initially there exist a finite pool of empty nodes and it is impossible to use more than that number at a given instant . If it is desired to use more than that number over a given period of time, some nodes must be reused. The function of freenode is to make a node that is no longer being used in its current context available for reuse in a different context. The list of available nodes is called the available list. When the available list is empty that is all nodes are currently in use and it is impossible to allocate any more, overflow occurs. Link Lists Print this page
Assume that an external pointer avail points to a list of available nodes. Then the operation getnode and freenode are implemented as follows :
int getnode(void) { int p; if (avail == -1) { printf(overflow\n); exit(1); } p = avail; avail = node[avail].next; return(p); } /* end getnode */ Link Lists Print this page void freenode (int p) { node[p].next = avail; avail = p; return; } /* end freenode */ Linked Implementation of Queue Print this page
Queues can be implemented as linked lists. Linked list implementations of queues often require two pointers or references to links at the beginning and end of the list. Using a pair of pointers or references opens the code up to a variety of bugs especially when the last item on the queue is dequeued or when the first item is enqueued. In a circular linked list representation of queues, ordinary 'for loops' and 'do while loops' do not suffice to traverse a loop because the link that starts the traversal is also the link that terminates the traversal. The empty queue has no links and this is not a circularly linked list. This is also a problem for the two pointers or references approach. If one link in the circularly linked queue is kept empty then traversal is simplified. The one empty link simplifies traversal since the traversal starts on the first link and ends on the empty one. Because there will always be at least one link on the queue (the empty one) the queue will always be a circularly linked list and no bugs will arise from the queue being intermittently circular. Let a pointer to the first element of a list represent the front of the queue. Another pointer to the last element of the list represents the rear of the queue as shown in fig. illustrates the same queue after a new item has been inserted.
Linked Implementation of Queue Print this page Under the list representation, a queue q consists of a list and two pointers, q.front and q.rear. The operations are insertion and deletion. Special attention is required when the last element is removed from a queue. In that case , q.rear must also be set to null, Since in an empty queue both r.front and q.rear must be null. The pseudo code for deletion is below: if (empty(q)) { printf("Queue is Underflow"); exit(1); } f = q.front; t = info(f); q.front = next(f); if (q.front == null)
q.rear = null; freenode(f); return(t); The operation insert algorithm is implemented info(f) = x; next(f) = null; if (q.rear == null) q.front =f; else next(q.rear) = f; q.rear = f; List Implementation of Priority Queues
f = getnode();
Print this page We can use a list to represent a priority queue in ordered list or unordered list. For an ascending Priority queue, insertion is implemented by the place operation, which keeps the list ordered, and deletion of the minimum element is implemented by the delete operation, which removes the first element from the list. A Descending priority queue can be implemented by keeping the list in decending order rather than ascending, or by using remove to delete the minimum element. In an ordered list, if you want to insert an element to the priority queue, it will require examining an average of approximately n/2 nodes but only one search for deletion. An unordered list may also be used as a priority queue. If you want to insert an element to the list always requires examining only one node but always requires examining n elements for removal of an element. The advantage of a list over an array for implementing a priority queue is that an element can be inserted into a list without moving any other elements, where as this is impossible for an array unless extra space is left empty. Header Nodes Print this page A header linked list is a linked list which always contains a special node called the header node at the beginning of the list. It is an extra node kept at the front of a list. Such a node does not represent an item in the list. The information portion might be unused. There are two types of header list 1. Grounded header list : is a header list where the last node contain the null pointer.
2. Circular header list : is a header list where the last node points back to the header node. More often , the information portion of such a node could be used to keep global information about the entire list such as:
number of nodes (not including the header) in the list count in the header node must be adjusted after adding or deleting the item from the list pointer to the last node in the list it simplifies the representation of a queue pointer to the current node in the list eliminates the need of a external pointer during traversal
Link Lists Print this page CIRCULAR LIST Circular lists are like singly linked lists, except that the last node contains a pointer back to the first node rather than the null pointer. From any point in such a list, it is possible to reach any other point in the list. If we begin at a given node and travel the entire list, we ultimately end up at the starting point. Note that a circular list does not have a natural "first or "last" node. We must therefore, establish a first and last node by convention - let external pointer point to the last node, and the following node be the first node. Stack as a Circular List Queue as a Circular List Link Lists Print this page
Stack as a Circular List A circular list can be used to represent a stack. The following is a C function to push an integer x onto the stack. It is called by push(&stack, x), where stack is a pointer to a circular list acting as a stack. void push(NODEPTR *pstack, int x) { NODEPTR p; p = getnode(); p->info = x; if (*pstack == NULL) *pstack = p; else p->next = (*pstack) -> next; (*pstack) -> next = p; } /*end push*/ Stack as a Circular List The following is a C function to pop an integer from the stack. It is called by pop(&stack), where stack is a pointer to a circular list acting as a stack.
int pop(NODEPTR *pstack) { int x; NODEPTR p; if (*pstack == NULL) { printf("Stack underflow\n"); exit(1); } /*end if*/ p = (*pstack) -> next; x = p->info if (p == *pstack)
/* only one node on the stack */ *pstack = NULL; else (*pstack) -> next = p->next; frenode(p); return(x); } /*end pop */ Link Lists Queue as a circular list It is easier to represent a queue as a circular list than as a linear list. If considered as a linear list, a queue is specified by two pointers, one to the front of the list and other to its rear. However, by using a circular list, a queue may be specified by a single pointer q to that list. node(q) is the rear of the queue and the following node is its front. Link Lists Print this page Queue as a circular list The following is a C function to insert an integer x into the queue and is called by insert(&q, x) void insert(NODEPTR *pq, int x) { NODEPTR p; p = getnode(); p->info = x; if (*pq == NULL) *pq = p; else p->next = (*pq) -> next; (*pq) -> next = p; *pq = p; return; } /*end insert*/ Link Lists Print this page Queue as a circular list
To insert an element into the rear of a circular queue, the element is inserted into the front of the queue and the circular list pointer is then advanced one element, so that the new element becomes the rear. Exercise: Write an algorithm and a C routine to concatenate two circular lists. Link Lists Print this page Doubly Linked Lists Doubly linked lists are like singly linked lists, in which for each node there are two pointers -- one to the next node, and one to the previous node. This makes life nice in many ways:
You can traverse lists forward and backward. You can insert anywhere in a list easily. This includes inserting before a node, after a node, at the front of the list, and at the end of the list and You can delete nodes very easily.
Doubly linked lists may be either linear or circular and may or may not contain a header node Link Lists Print this page Problems : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What are the differences between a linked list and an array? Write a small program to delete the last node of a given linked list. Using the same code, convert the existing list into a circular linked list. Using the data given in question 2,Write a small function to traverse the linkedlist only once and find out the middle element. Given a singly linked list, write a small subroutine getNth() to get nth node of the linked list. Write a small subroutine insertNth() to insert nth node in a singly linked list. What is a queue and how can you implement queue using a linked list? What is a stack and how can you implement stack using a linked list? Given below is the subroutine for deletion of a node in a queue. Delete (struct node *list, struct node *first, struct node *last){ Struct node *temp; temp=first; first=first->next;
first->prev=NULL; free(first); } There is an error in this code. Modify the code so that it deletes exactly the first node of the queue. 10. Given two singly linked lists, how do you append them? 11. What is the minimum number of queues needed to implement a stack? Write an algorithm to do so. Sorting : Print this page Introduction:
In many applications it is necessary to order give objects as per an attribute. For example, arranging a list of student information in increasing order of their roll numbers or arranging a set of words in alphabetical order. The attribute by which objects are arranged or sorted is called key. In the first example roll number is the key. One class of sorting methods are based on comparisons. Most important methods in this class are Insertion, Sink, Selection, Quick, Merge, and Heap sort algorithms. We have already discussed Insertion sort algorithms in the module 2. We discuss some of these algorithms in this module.
Main idea in this method is to compare two adjacent elements and put them in proper order if they are not. Do this by scanning the element from first to last. After first scan, largest element is placed at last position. This is like a largest object sinking to bottom first. After second, scan second largest is placed at second last position. After n passes all elements are placed in their correct positions, hence sorted.
Algorithm Sink-Sort (a[n]) Step 1 : for i = 0 to n-2 do for j = 0 to n-i do Step 2 : Step 3 : if (a[j] > a[j+1]) then Step 4 : swap(a[j],a[j+1]);
The algorithm can be modified, such that, after each pass next smallest element reach to the top position.This is like a bubble coming to top. Hence called Bubble-Sort. Print this page As we have discussed earlier, purpose of sorting is to arrange a given set of records in order by specified key. In the case of student records, key can be roll number. In the case of employees records, key can be employ identification number. That is, sorting a set of records based on specific key. Insertion and Sink sorts compare keys of two records and swap them if the keys are not in order. This is not just swapping keys, we have to swap whole records associated with those keys. The time required to swap records is proportional to its size, that is number of fields. In these methods, same record may be swapped many times, before reaching its final position in sorted order. This method, selection sort, minimized the number of swaps. Hence efficient if the size of the records are large. Look at keys of all records to find a record with smallest key and place the record in the first place. Next, find the smallest key record among remaining records and swap with the record at second position. Continue this procedure till all records are placed correctly. An Applet Demonstration of Selection Sort
Selection Sort:
The time complexity of the sorting algorithms discussed till now are in O( ). That is, the number of comparisons performed by these algorithms are bound above by c , for some constant c > 1. Can we have better sorting algorithms? Yes, merge sort method sorts given a set of number in O(n log n) time. Before discussing merge sort, we need to understand what is the meaning of merging?
Merge sort Method : Definition: Given two sorted arrays, a[p] and b[q], create one sorted array of size p + q of the elements of a[p] and a[q] .
Assume that we have to keep p+q sorted numbers in an array c[p+q]. One way of doing this is by copying elements of a[p] and b[q] into c[p+q] and sort c[p+q]which has time complexity of atleast O(n log n). Another efficient method is by merging which is of time complexity of O(n) . Method is simple, take one number from each array a and b, place the smallest element in the array c. Take the next elements and repeat the procedure till all p+q element are placed in the array c. An Applet Demonstration of Merging Print this page
Merge Sort: Pseudocode of the merging is given below. Algorithm Merge (a[p], b[q]) Step 1: i = 0 Step 17: else Step 18: Step 2: j = 0 while(i < p) do Step 19: Step 3: k = 0 { c[k] = a[i] ; Step 20: Step 4: while (i < p) && (j < q) do { k = k + 1 ; Step 21: Step 5: if (a[i] < b[j]) { i = i + 1 ; Step 6: c[k] = a[i] ; } Step 7: i = i + 1 ; } Step 8: else { Step 9: c[k] = b[j] Step 10: j = j + 1 } Step 11: k = k + 1 } Step 12: if (i == p) then Step 13: while ( j < q) do { Step 14: c[k] = b[j] ; Step 15: k = k + 1 ; Step 16: j = j + 1 ; }
We can assume each element in a given array as a sorted sub array.Take adjacent arrays and merge to obtain a sorted array of two elements. Next step, take adjacent sorted arrays, of size two, in pair and merge them to get a sorted array of four elements. Repeat the step until whole array is sorted. Following figure illustrates the procedure.
Merge Sort: Print this page Assume that procedure Merge1(a, i, j, k) takes two sorted arrays a[i..j] and a[j+1..k] as an input and puts their merged output in the array a[i..k]. That is, in the same locations. Pseudocode of the merge sort is given below.
Algorithm Merge-Sort (a, p, q) Step 1: if (p < q) { Step 2: mid = (p+q)/2 ; Step 3: Merge-Sort(a, p, mid) ; Step 4: MergeSort(a, mid+1, q) ; Step 5: Merge(a,p,mid, q) ; }
The above procedure sorts the elements in the sub array a[p..q]. To sort given any a[n] invoke the algorithm with parameters (a, 0, n -1). Print this page
Quick Sort
Another very interesting sorting algorithm is Quick sort. Its worst time complexity is O( ), but it is a faster then many optimal algorithms for many input instances. It is an another divide and conquer algorithm. Main idea of the algorithm is to partition the given elements into two sets such that the smaller numbers into one set and larger number into another. This partition is done with respective an element called pivot. Repeat the process for both the sets until each partition contains only one element.
Quick Sort: Print this page Pseudocode of the partition is given below. Algorithm partition (a, p, q) Step 1: pivot = a[p]; Step 2: i = p-1 ; j=q+1; Step 3: while (i<j) Step 5: repeat Step 6: i=i+1 Step 7: until a[i] >= pivot; Step 8: repeat Step 9: j=j-1 Step 10: until a[j] <= pivot; Step 11: if (i < j) then Step 12: swap (a[i], a[j]); Step 13: return j Algorithm quick-sort (a, p, q) Step 1: if (p < q) { Step 2: mid = partition(a,p,q); Step 3: quick-sort (a, p, mid); Step 4: quick-sort (a, mid+1, q); }
Radix Sort:
All the algorithms discussed till now are comparison based algorithms. That is, comparison is the key for sorting. Assume that the input number are three decimal digits. First we sort the numbers using least significant digit. Then by next significant digit and so on. See following example for illustration.
Next question is how to sort with respective to a least significant digit or any significant digit? We can use any sorting algorithm we have discussed. Another way by maintaining a BIN for each digit from 0 to 9. If the digit is X put the number in BIN X. Concatenate the BINs from 0 to 9 to get a sorted list of numbers of that significant digit. Radix Sort: Print this page The method is given in the following pseudo code
Algorithm radix-sort (a) Step 1: for i = 0 to 9 do Step 2: empty-bin(i); Step 3: for position = least significant digit to most significant digit Step 4: for i = 1 to n do Step 5: x = digit in the position of a[i];
Step 6: put a[i] in BIN x; Step 7: i =1; Step 8: for j = 0 to 9 do Step 9: while (BIN(j) <> empty) do Step 10: a[i] = get-element(BIN(j)); Step 11: i = i + 1;
Procedure get-element(bin) get the next element from the bin. we can use Queues for implementing Bins.
Introduction to Algorithms : Problem Set 1 Print this page Problems: 1. Write a procedure for the merge procedure Merge1(a, i, j, k). 2. Write non-recursive procedure for merge sort. 3. Modify merge sort procedure to sort number in non-ascending order. 4. For what input, merge sort takes maximum number of comparisons. 5. Implement merge sort algorithm in c. 6. Trace the Quick sort algorithm on sorted array of elements 1 to 10. 7. Trace the Quick sort algorithm on elements 10, 9, 8, .... 1. 8. Write a program for quick sort method. 9. Implement the radix sort. 10. Design an algorithm to sort given names using radix sort. Searching : Print this page Retrieval of information from a database by any user is very trivial aspect of all the databases. To retrieve any data, first we have to locate it. This operation which finds the location of a given element in a list is called searching.
If the element to be searched is found, then the search is successful otherwise it is unsuccessful . We will discuss different the searching methods. The two standard ones are :
1. Linear Search 2. Binary search Linear Search : Print this page Linear search is the most simple of all searching techniques. It is also called sequential search. To find an element with key value='key',every element of the list is checked for key value='k' sequentially one by one.If such an element with key=k is found out, then the search is stopped. But if we eventually reach the end of the list & still the required element is not found then also we terminate the search as an unsuccessful one. The linear search can be applied for both unsorted & sorted list.
Linear search for Unsorted list Linear search for sorted list Print this page
In case of unsorted list, we have to search the entire list every time i.e.we have to keep on searching the list till we find the required element or we reach the end of the list.this is because as elements are not in any order,so any element can be found just anywhere. Algorithm: linear search(int x[],int n,int key) { int i,flag = 0; for(i=0;i < n ; i++) { if(x[i]==key) { flag=1; break; } } if(flag==0) return(-1); else
The number of comparisons in this case is n-1.So it is of o(n). The implementation af algo is simple but the efficiency is not good. Everytime we have to search the whole array(if the element with required value is not found out). Linear Search for Sorted List: Print this page The efficiency of linear search can be increased if we take a previously sorted array say in ascending order. Now in this case, the basic algorithm remains the same as we have done in case of an unsorted array but the only difference is we do not have to search the entire array everytime. Whenever we encounter an element say y greater than the key to be searched, we conclude that there is no such element which is equal to the key, in the list. This is because all the elements in the list are in ascending order and all elements to the right of y will be greater or equal to y, ie greater than the key. So there is no point in continuing the search even if the end of the list has not been reached and the required element has not been found. Linear search( int x[], int n, int key) { int i, flag=0; for(i=0; i < n && x[i] <= key; i++) { if(x[i]==key) { flag=1; break; } } if(flag==1) /* Unsuccessful Search*/ return(-1); else return(1); /*Successful search*/ } Linear Search for Sorted List: Print this page
Illustrative Explanation: The array to be sorted is as follows: 21 35 41 65 72 It is sorted in ascending order. Now let key = 40. At first 21 is checked as x[0]=21. It is smaller than 40. So next element is checked which is 35 that is also smaller than 40. So now 41 is checked.But 41 > 40 & all elements to the right of 41 are also greater than 40.So we terminate the search as an unsuccessful one and we may not have to search the entire list. Complexity: Searching is NOT more efficient when key is in present in the list in case when the search key value lies between the minimum and the maximum element in the list. The Complexity of linear search both in case of sorted and unsorted list is the same. The average complexity for linear search for sorted list is better than that in unsorted list since the search need not continue beyond an element with higher value than the search value. Binary Search: Print this page The most efficient method of searching a sequential file is binary search. This method is applicable to elements of a sorted list only. In this method, to search an element we compare it with the center element of the list. If it matches, then the search is successful and it is terminated. But if it does not match, the list is divided into two halves. The first half consists of 0th element to the center element whereas the second list consists of the element next to the center element to the last element. Now It is obvious that all elements in first half will be < or = to the center element and all element elements in the second half will be > than the center element. If the element to be searched is greater than the center element then searching will be done in the second half, otherwise in the first half. Same process of comparing the element to be searched with the center element & if not found then dividing the elements into two halves is repeated for the first or second half. This process is repeated till the required element is found or the division of half parts gives a single element. Algorithm for Binary Search. Illustrative Explanation : Let the array to be sorted is as follows: 11 23 31 33 65 68 71 89 100 Now let the element to be searched ie key = 31 At first hi=8 low=0 so mid=4 and
x[mid]= 65 is the center element but 65 > 31. So now hi = 4-1=3. Now mid= (0 + 3)/2 = 1, so x[mid]= 23 < 31.So again low= 1 + 1 = 2. Now mid = (3 + 2)/2 = 2 & x[mid]= 31 = key.So the search is successful. Similarly had the key been 32 it would have been an unsuccessful search. Binary Search : Print this page Complexity: This is highly efficient than linear search. Each comparision in the binary search reduces the no. of possible candidates by a factor of 2. So the maximum no. of key comparisions is equal to log(2,n) approx. So the complexity of binary search is O(log n). Limitations: Binary search algorithm can only be used if the list to be searched is in array form and not linked list. This is because the algorithm uses the fact that the indices of the array elements are consecutive integers. This makes this algorithm useless for lists with many insertions and deletions which can be implemented only when the list is in the form of a linked list. But this can be overcome using padded list . Padding: Print this page To use binary search in the presence of large no. of insertions & deletions we use a data structure known as padded list. Two arrays , an element array & a parallel flag array are used. The element array consists of the sorted keys in the table with empty slots initially evenly interspersed among the keys of the table to allow for growth. The empty slot is indicated by a 0 value in the corresponding flag array element and a full slot is indicated by the value 1. Each empty slot in the element array contains a key value > or = to the key value in the previous full slot & < than the key value in the following full slot. Thus the element array is sorted. So binary search can be done on it. Search: To search for an element, perform a binary search on the element array. If the argument key is not found, the element does not exist in the list. If it is found & corresponding flag is 1 , then the search is successful. If the flag is 0, check if the previous full slot contains the argument key. If yes then search is successful otherwise its an unsuccessful search. Insertion:
To insert an element locate the position. If its empty insert the element there, reset the flag to 1 & adjust the contents of all previous contagious empty positions to equal the contents of the previous full element & of all the following contagious empty positions to the inserted element, leaving their flags at 0. If the position is full shift forward by 1 position all the following elements upto the first empty position to make place for new element. Deletion: Deleting simply involves locating a key and changing its associated flag to 0. Problems: Print this page 1. Write a program to find out a number in a given unsorted array. Input will be a random number; Output should locate its position. 2. Write a program to perform linear search in a given sorted array. 3. The maximum number of comparisons in binary search is limited to . 4. Write down the case(s) when binary search can't be implemented. 5. What is the difference between internal & external sorting? 6. Arrange following sorting methods in the order of their running time, number of comparisons made & worst case complexity Selection sort, Bubble sort, Quick sort, Insertion sort. 7. Implement quick sort. 8. What would be the worst case scenario for bubble sort program? 9. Write a program that sorts the elements of a two dimensional array o Row wise o Column wise 10. Suppose an array contains N elements. Given a number X that may occur several times in the array. Find o The number of occurrence of X in the array. o The position of first occurrence of X in the array. 11. WAP that determines the number of spaces " " in a given input & removes it. Input should be like STCGSS TGCCGT GTCCCTTSGTT GGSST GSGSSGGG output -> 4 STCGSSTGCCGTGTCCCTTSGTTGGSST Problems: 1. WAP that replaces all S's in the last program with H. 2. WAP that makes a dictionary type of listing from a given set of words. (Hint: Use 2-D array).
3. Take any five dates in dd\mm\yyyy format, and arrange them in ascending order. Give the outline of the work required. 4. Write a program that accepts a set of 5 records for students. Ask user to enter name, age and height of a student. Sort these records in ascending order of their names. If the names are alike then sort according to their age. GRAPHS Representation : Introduction Print this page Graph consists of a non empty set of points called vertices and a set of edges that link vertices. Formal Definition :
a set V={v1 , v2 .....,vn } of n >1 vertices and a set of E={e1 ,e2 ,.....,em } of m>0 edges such that each edge ek is corresponds to an un ordered pair of vertices (vi ,vj) where 0 < i,j <= n and 0 < k <= m. A road network is a simple example of a graph, in which vertices reprents cities and road connecting them are correspond to edges.
V= { Delhi, Chenai, Kolkata, Mumbai, Nagpur } E= { (Delhi, Kolkata), (Delhi, Mumbai}, (Delhi, Nagpur), (Chenai, Kolkata), (Chenai, Mumbai), (Chenai, Nagpur), (Kolkata, Nagpur), (Mumbai, Nagpur) } GRAPHS Representation : Print this page
Graphs can be represented by a diagram. For example, the graph representation of the above road network is depicted in the figure below. Print this page Loop is an edge that connects a vertex to itself. Edge e6 in the figure below is a loop. Edges with same end vertices are called parallel edges . Edges e4 and e5 are parallel edges in the below figure.
GRAPHS Representation : K nigsberg Bridge Problem Print this page A Graph without loops and parallel edges is called a simple graph. A graphs with isolated vertices (no edges) is called null graph. Set of edges E can be empty for a graph but not set of vertices V. Graphs can be used in wide ranges of applications. For example consider the K nigsberg Bridge Problem. K nigsberg Bridge Problem: Two river islands B and C are formed by the Pregel river in K nigsberg (then the capital of East Prussia, Now renamed Kaliningrad and in west Soviet Russia) were connected by seven bridges as shown in the figure below. Start from any land areas walk over each bridge exactly once and return to the starting point.
Euler (1707-1783) in 1736 formulated the k nigsberg bridge problem as a graph problem and solved. Represent land area by vertices and bridges connecting them by edges. We get the following graph.
The problem is nothing but a children's game of drawing a figure without lifting pen from the paper and with out retracing a line. Print this page Incidence: if an vertex vi is an end vertex of an edge ek , we say vertex vi is incident on ek and ek is incident on vi.
e1 is incident on v1 and v3 in the below figure. v4 is incidnet on e3 , e4 , and e5 in the figure below.
Degree: Degree of an vertex is number of edges incident on it, with loops counted twice.
d(v1 ) = 2, d(v2 ) = 4, d(v3 ) = 3, and d(v4 ) = 3 in the figure below. Print this page
Adjacent Edges: Two non parallel edges are adjacent if they have a vertex in common.
e1 and e2 , e2 and e6 , e2 and e3 , e1 and e4 are adjacent edges in the above diagram.
Adjacent vertices: Two vertices are adjacent if they are connected by an edge.
v1 and v3 , v1 and v2 , v2 and v4 are adjacent vertices in the above diagram. GRAPHS Representation : Definition Print this page Graph Representation: There are several different ways to represent graphs in a computer. Two main representaions are Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency list. Adjacency Matrix Representation:
An adjacency matrix of a graph G=(V,E) (let V = { v 1 , v 2 ....., v n}) is a n X n matrix A, such that A [i, j] = 1 if there is edge between vi and v j.
other wise
GRAPHS Representation : Print this page Accessing any element can be done quickly, in constant time. Size of the adjacency matrix is nXn for a graph of n vertices, which is independent of number of edges. The following representation uses memory efficiently for a sparse graph. Print this page
GRAPHS Representation : Adjacency List Representation: It consists of a list of vertices, which can be represented either by linked list or array. For each vertex, adjacent vertices are represented in the form of a linked list. An example is given below.
GRAPHS Representation : Print this page Size of the adjacency lists is proposnal to number of edges and vertices. It is an efficient memory use for sparse graphs. Accessing an element takes linear time, since it involves traversal of linked list. Print this page Graph Traversals
GRAPHS Representation :
Many graph problems can be solved by visiting each and every vertex in a systamatic manner. There are two main method to traversal graphs, Deapth First Search (DFS) and Breadth First Search (BFS).
Deapth First Search (DFS): Initially all vertices of the graph are unvisited. Start visiting the graph from any vertex, say v . For each unvisited adjacent vertex of v, search recurrsively. This process stops when all vertices reachable from v are visited. If there are any more unvisited vertices are present select any unvisted vertex and repeat the same search process. This method is called deapth first search since searching is done forward (deeper) from current node. The distance from start vertex is called deapth
for i = 1 to n do // Initialize all vertices are unvisited status[i] = unvisited parent[i] = NULL for i = 1 to n do if (status[i] == unvisited) // If there exits an invisited vertex, start traversal DF-Travel(i)
Algorithm DF-Travel ( v ) status[v] = visited for each vertex u adjacent to v do if status[u] == unvisited then parent[u] = v DF-Travel ( u )
Breadth First Search (BSF): Initially all vertices of the graph are unvisited. Start visiting the graph from any vertex, say v . Visit each unvisited adjacent vertex of v. Repeat the process for each vertex visited. This process stops when all vertices reachable from v are visited. If there is any more unvisited vertices are present select any unvisted vertex and repeat the same search process. This method is called breadth first search, since it works outward from a center point, much like the ripples created when throwing a stone into a pond. It moves outward in all directions, one level at a time. BSF can be implemented using queue to maintain set vertices visited first time and their adjacent vertices are not explored for them. Algorithm DF-Travel ( v )
Algorithm BFS ( G )
status[v] = visited for i = 1 to n do // Initialize all vertices are unvisited Q = {v} status[i] = unvisited while ( Q is not empty ) do { parent[i] = NULL u = delete-queue(Q) for i = 1 to n do for each vertex w adjacent to u do if status[w] == unvisited then { if (status[i] == unvisited) // If there exits an unvisited vertex, start traversal status[w] = visited insert-queue(Q, w) BF-Travel(i) parent[w] = u } An Applet Demonstration of Depth First Search }
Introduction to Algorithms : Problem Set 1 Print this page Problems: 1. Trace the DFS, BFS on the following graph
1. Implement the DFS/BFS algorithm. 2. Design an algorithm to find given graph is cyclic or not. Graphs II: Basic Algorithms : Print this page Introduction
Assume, in a country, there are many oil wells. It is necessary to connect them by a pipeline. Main objective of designing should be minimization of total cost of laying pipeline. This problem can be modeled as a graph problem. The set of oil wells are represented by vertices. The pipeline between any pair of oil wells is corresponding to the edge between the vertices denoting these oil wells. The cost of laying a pipeline between a pair of oil wells is the weight of the edge joining these oil wells. Consider the following example of five oil wells. The weight on the edges denotes the cost of the laying pipeline between their respective oil wells.
Figure 2 The cost of the laying the above pipe line connecting these oil wells is 20. Any other way of connecting increases the cost. Resultant graph is a tree which spannes all vertices of the graph. Hence called spanning tree. The spanning tree with minimum cost is called Minimum Spanning tree (MST).
Graphs II: Basic Algorithms : Print this page Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)
Problem: Given a weighted undirected graph G, find the minimum spanning tree. One of the main property of a tree is cycle freeness. This property is exploited during construction of a MST for a given graph. That is, to obtain an spanning tree of a given graph, start from a null graph add edges one after the other without forming cycles. If the edges considered for adding is in the increasing order we get a MST. Consider the following weighted graph.
In the above figure there are two least weighted edges. We can choose any one of them. Lets choose edge (v4,v5). Next least weighted edge is between (v3,v6), add this edge to MST edges, since it is not creating any cycle. Next edge is (v7,v9). Repeat the processes of adding edges till we found n-1 edges without forming any cycle. The number of vertices's in the graph is n. This is method is Kurskal's algorithm, named after the inventor. The following sequence of figures shows a way of adding edges to obtain a MST.
Fig:6 Fig:7
Fig : 8 Fig : 9
Fig: 10
Fig: 11
The above method is depicted in the algorithm below. Graphs II: Basic Algorithms : Print this page algorithm Kurskal_MST(G) Step 1 : Sort_E = Sort the set E of edges by nondecreasing order Step 2: MST = NULL Step 3: for each edge (u, v) in E in the nondecreasing order do Step 4: if (MST + (u,v) does not contain cycle) then Step 5: MST = MST + (u,v)
This algorithm can also be viewed as follows: Initially, each vertex is component. Add an edge between a pair of components to make a bigger component without any cycle. The edge chosen is a least weighted. Repeatedly add edges one after the another till we have only one component. An implementation of the algorithm can be done using a set data structure. Each component is represented as a set. Add next least weighted edge (u,v), if u and v are in two different components or sets. That is, make a bigger component by taking the union of the sets containing u and v. The Kurskal's algorithm using set data structure is given below.
Sort_E= Sort the set E of edges by nondecreasing order. For each vertex v in V do Make set(v) for each edge (u, v) in E in the nondecreasing order do if (u and v are in different components) then Union (u, v)
Graphs II: Basic Algorithms : Print this page Single Source Shortest Path
A traveler wishes to find a shortest distance between New Delhi and Visakhapatnam, in a road map of India in which distance between pair of adjacent road intersections are marked in kilometers. One possible solution is to find all possible routes between New Delhi and Visakhapatnam, and find the distance of each route and take the shortest. There are many possible routes between given cities. It is difficult to enumerate all of them. Some of these routes are not worth considering. For example, route through Cinnai, since it is about 800KM out of the way. The problem can be solved efficiently, by modeling the given road map as a graph and find the shortest route between given pair of cites as suitable (single source shortest paths) graph problem.
Graph Representation of the road map: The intersections between the roads are denoted as vertices and road joining them as edge in the graph representation of the given road map. Single Source Shortest Path problem: Given a graph G = (V, E), we want to find the shortest path from given source to every vertex in the graph. The problem is solved efficiently by Dijkstra using greedy strategy. The algorithm is known as Dijkstra's algorithm. The method works by maintaining a set S of vertices for which shortest path from source v0 is found. Initially, S is empty and shortest distance to each vertex from source is infinity. The algorithm repeatedly selects a vertex vi in V - S to which path form source is shorter than other vertices in V-S, adds to S, and estimates the shortest distance to other vertices from vi.
Print this page Algorithm Dijkstra_shortest_path(G, v_0) Step 1: for each vertex vi in V do Step 2: dist[vi} = infinity Step 3: distance[v0] = 0; Step 4: for each vertex v_i in V do Step 5: insert(Q, vi) Step 6: S = empty Step 7: while (Q not empty) do Step 8: vi = Min(Q) Step 9: for each vertex vj adjacent to vi do Step 10: distance[vj] = Minimum (distance[vj], distance[vi] + w[vi,vj])
The following sequence of figures shows the way of finding the shortest path from source vertex v0.
The event queue in Dijkstra's algorithm can be implemented using array or heap.
Problem: In a given weighted directed graph find the shortest path between every pair of vertices. This problem can be solved by repeatedly invoking the single source shortest path algorithm for each vertex as a source. Another way of solving the problem is using dynamic programming technique. See any algorithms book.
Graphs II: Basic Algorithms : Print this page Problems 1. Trace the Kurskal's algorithm on the following graph to find the MST. Show the partially constructed MST at each stage.
2. Implement the Kurskal's algorithms using set data structure. 3. Prove or disprove the statement "The MST of a graph is unique". Graphs II: Basic Algorithms : Print this page 4. Trace the Dijkstra's algorithm on the following graph.
5. Modify the Dijkstra's algorithm to keep track of the shortest path. Design an algorithm to print the shortest path from source to given vertex. 6. Implement the Dijkstra's algorithm using (i) array, and (ii) heap. 7. Single-destination shortest problem: Design an algorithm to find the shortest path from each vertex to a given vertex. 8. Single-pair shortest path problem: Design an algorithm to find a shortest path between a given pair of vertices. Binary Tree : Print this page A tree is a finite set of nodes having a distinct node called root. Binary Tree is a tree which is either empty or has at most two subtrees, each of the subtrees also being a binary tree. It means each node in a binary tree can have 0, 1 or 2 subtrees. A left or right subtree can be empty. A binary tree is made of nodes, where each node contains a "left" pointer, a "right" pointer, and a data element. The "root" pointer points to the topmost node in the tree. The left and right pointers point to smaller "subtrees" on either side. A null pointer represents a binary tree with no elements -- the empty tree. The formal recursive definition is: a binary tree is either empty (represented by a null pointer), or is made of a single node, where the left and right pointers (recursive definition ahead) each point to a binary tree. The figure shown below is a binary tree.
Binary Tree : Print this page It has a distinct node called root ie 2. And every node has either0,1 or 2 children. So it is a binary tree as every node has a maximum of 2 children. If A is the root of a binary tree & B the root of its left or right subtree, then A is the parent or father of B and B is the left or right child of A. Those nodes having no children are leaf nodes. Any node say A is the ancestor of node B and B is the descendant of A if A is either the father of B or the father of some ancestor of B. Two nodes having same father are called brothers or siblings. Going from leaves to root is called climbing the tree & going from root to leaves is called descending the tree. A binary tree in which every non leaf node has non empty left & right subtrees is called a strictly binary tree. The tree shown below is a strictly binary tree. Binary Tree : Print this page The no. of children a node has is called its degree. The level of root is 0 & the level of any node is one more than its father. In the strictly binary tree shown above A is at level 0, B & C at level 1, D & E at level 2 & F & g at level 3. The depth of a binary tree is the length of the longest path from the root to any leaf. In the above tree, depth is 3. The other topics that will be covered regarding binary tree are listed below. Representation of binary tree Operations on a binary tree Traversal of a binary tree Representation of Binary Tree : Print this page
The structure of each node of a binary tree contains one data field and two pointers, each for the right & left child. Each child being a node has also the same structure. The structure of a node is shown below.
The structure defining a node of binary tree in C is as follows. Struct node { struct node *lc ; /* points to the left child */ int data; /* data field */ struct node *rc; /* points to the right child */ } There are two ways for representation of binary tree.
Linked List representation of a Binary tree Array representation of a Binary tree Print this page
Struct node { struct node * lc; int data; struct node * rc; }; struct node * buildtree(int);/* builds the tree*/ void inorder(struct node *);/* Traverses the tree in inorder*/ int a[]={ 3,5,9,6,8,20,10,/0,/0,9,/0,/0,/0,/0,/0,/0,/0,/0,/0,/0,/0}; void main( ) { struct node * root; root= buildtree(0); printf(\n Inorder Traversal); inorder(root); getch( );
} struct node * buildtree(int n); { struct node * temp=NULL; if( a[n] != NULL) { temp = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp-> lc=buildtree(2n + 1); temp-> data= a[n]; temp-> rc=buildtree(2n + 2); } return temp; } void inorder(struct node * root); { if(root != NULL) { if(root!= NULL) { inorder(roo-> lc); printf(%d\t,root->data); inorder(root->rc); } } Linked Representation of Binary Tree : Print this page Binary trees can be represented by links where each node contains the address of the left child and the right child. If any node has its left or right child empty then it will have in its respective link field, a null value. A leaf node has null value in both of its links. The structure defining a node of binary tree in C is as follows. Struct node { struct node *lc ; /* points to the left child */ int data; /* data field */ struct node *rc; /* points to the right child */
} Binary Tree Traversal : Print this page Traversal of a binary tree means to visit each node in the tree exactly once. The tree traversal is used in all the applications of it.
In a linear list nodes are visited from first to last, but a tree being a non linear one we need definite rules. There are a no. of ways to traverse a tree. All of them differ only in the order in which they visit the nodes. The three main methods of traversing a tree are:
In all of them we do not require to do anything to traverse an empty tree. All the traversal methods are based on recursive functions since a binary tree is itself recursive as every child of a node in a binary tree is itself a binary tree. Inorder Traversal : Print this page To traverse a non empty tree in inorder the following steps are followed recursively.
Visit the Root Traverse the left subtree Traverse the right subtree
Inorder Traversal : Print this page Algorithm The algorithm for inorder traversal is as follows. Struct node { struct node * lc; int data; struct node * rc; }; void inorder(struct node * root); { if(root != NULL) { inorder(roo-> lc); printf("%d\t",root->data); inorder(root->rc); } } So the function calls itself recursively and carries on the traversal. Inorder Tree : Print this page Array Representation of Binary Tree : Print this page A single array can be used to represent a binary tree.
For these nodes are numbered / indexed according to a scheme giving 0 to root. Then all the nodes are numbered from left to right level by level from top to bottom. Empty nodes are also numbered. Then each node having an index i is put into the array as its ith element. In the figure shown below the nodes of binary tree are numbered according to the given scheme.
Text description of the above figure\ Array Representation of Binary Tree : Print this page The following program implements the above binary tree in an array form. And then traverses the tree in inorder traversal.( for traversal see Traversal, Inorder traversal) Program Implementing a binary tree. Operation on Binary Tree : Print this page Operations on Binary Tree are follows
Searching Searching a binary tree for a specific value is a process that can be performed recursively because of the order in which values are stored. At first examining the root. If the value is equals the root, the value exists in the tree. If it is less than the root, then it
must be in the left subtree, so we recursively search the left subtree in the same manner. Similarly, if it is greater than the root, then it must be in the right subtree, so we recursively search the right subtree. If we reach a leaf and have not found the value, then the item does not lie in the tree at all. Here is the search algorithm search_btree(node, key): if node is None: return None // key not found if key < node.key: return search_btree(node.left, key) else if key > node.key: return search_btree(node.right, key) else : // key is equal to node key return node.value // found key Operation on Binary Tree : Print this page
The way to insert a new node in the tree, its value is first compared with the value of the root. If its value is less than the root's, it is then compared with the value of the root's left child. If its value is greater, it is compared with the root's right child. This process continues, until the new node is compared with a leaf node, and then it is added as this node's right or left child, depending on its value. Another way is examine the root and recursively insert the new node to the left subtree if the new value is less than or equal to the root, or the right subtree if the new value is greater than the root.
There are several cases to be considered:
Deleting a leaf: If the key to be deleted has an empty left or right subtree, Deleting the key is easy, we can simply remove it from the tree. Deleting a node with one child: Delete the key and fill up this place with its child. Deleting a node with two children: Suppose the key to be deleted is called K . We replace the key K with either its in-order successor (the left-most child of the right subtree) or the in-order predecessor (the right-most child of the left subtree). we find either the in-order successor or predecessor, swap it with K, and then
delete it. Since either of these nodes must have less than two children (otherwise it cannot be the in-order successor or predecessor), it can be deleted using the previous two cases.
Sort A binary tree can be used to implement a simple but inefficient sorting algorithm. We insert all the values we wish to sort into a new ordered data structure. Heap Sort Print this page
Heap sort is an efficient sorting algorithm with average and worst case time complexities are in O(n log n). Heap sort is an in-place algorithm i.e. does not use any extra space, like merge sort. This method is based on a data structure called Heap. Heap data structure can also be used as a priority queue.
Heap :
A binary heap is a complete binary tree in which each node other than root is smaller than its parent. Heap example:
A Heap can be efficiently represented as an array The root is stored at the first place, i.e. a[1].
The children of the node i are located at 2*i and 2*i +1. In other words, the parent of a node stored in i th location is at floor The array representation of a heap is given in the figure below. .
Before discussing the method for building heap of an arbitrary complete binary tree, we discuss a simpler problem. Let us consider a binary tree in which left and right subtrees of the root satisfy the heap property, but not the root. See the following figure.
Now the question is how to transform the above tree into a heap? Swap the root and left child of root, to make the root satisfy the heap property. Then check the subtree rooted at left child of the root is heap or not.If it is, we are done. If not, repeat the above action of swapping the root with the maximum of its children. That is, push down the element at root till it satisfies the heap property. The following sequence of figures depicts the heapification process.
Heap Sort Print this page algorithm : Heapification (a,i,n) Step 1 : left = 2i Setp 2 : right = 2i +1 Step 3 : if (left < n) and (a[left] > a[i]) then Step 4 : maximum = left Step 5 : else Step 6 : maximum = i Step 7 : if (right < n) and (a[right] > a[maximum]) then Step 8 : maximum = right Step 9 : if (maximum != i) then Step 10 : swap(a[i],a[maximum]) Step 11 : heapfication(a, maximum, n)
Heap Sort
Build Heap
Given an arbitrary complete binary tree, we can assume each leaf is a heap. Start building the heap from the parents of these leaves. i.e., heapify subtrees rooted at the parents of leaves. Then heapify subtrees rooted at their parents. Continue this process till we reach the root of the tree. Print this page
Heap Sort The following sequence of the figures illustrates the build heap procedure.
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
step 1 : for j =
down to 1 do
Step 2 : heapification(a,j,n)
Heap sort
Given an array of n element, first we build the heap. The largest element is at the root, but its position in sorted array should be at last. So, swap the root with the last element and heapify the tree with remaining n-1 elements. We have placed the highest element in its correct position. We left with an array of n-1 elements. repeat the same of these remaining n-1 elements to place the next largest element in its correct position. Repeat the above step till all elements are placed in their correct positions.
(e) (c)
Algorithm Heap_Sort(a,i)
has priority
. We want to design a data structure for these elements such that the highest priority element should be extracted/ deleted efficiently. We can use heap for this purpose since highest element, is always at the root, which can be extracted quickly. Pseudocode for extracting the maximum from the priority queue P is given below. Let the global variable size maintains the number of elements in P.
Algorithm : Max_Extract(P) max = p[1] P[1] = P[size] size = size -1 heapification(P,1,size) return (max)
After extracting the maximum, we have to maintain remaining elements in the priority queue. So we heapify before returning the maximum. Other operation to be supported is to insert an element into the priority queue. Inserting an element into the priority queue can be done easily. Insert the new element as a new leaf, and push this up till it satisfies the heap property. Heap Sort Print this page
(a) (b)
P[i] = P[ i=
Problems 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write a program for heap sort. Describe heapsort and show that its worst case performance is O(n log n). Design a heap sort algorithm to sort in non-ascending order. Given an array of n elements sorted in non-ascending order. Is it a heap? Heapify the array {9, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10}. Show the tree structure after each operation . 6. Modify the priority queue algorithms as that the smaller the value of the priority higher the priority. 7. What is the maximum depth of a heap with n elements? 8. Will it be inefficient if we use a singly linked list, instead of using an array to represent the heap? If so, why? (Hint: Consider the insertions that must be done). 9. In terms of space, why is heap sort attractive? 10. In the first phase of heapsort, an initially random vector is rearranged to satisfy the heap structure constraints. Describe how the rearrangement is done, and prove that it can be done in O(n) time, where n is the number of elements in the vector. 11. Describe the time complexity of inserting an element into a complete heap in terms of N, the number of elements in the heap, and in terms of H, the height of the tree. 12. Given the index of an element in a heap, write a function that changes the value of that element and restores the heap property. Assume that heap functions insert, delete max, heapify up and heapify down are available. 13. How many element comparisons would heap sort use to sort the integers 1 to 8 if they were (i) initially in sorted order, and (ii) initially in reverse sorted order? Explain how you obtained your answers. 14. Would it be possible to implement a variant of heapsort based on a perfectly balanced ternary structure in which the children of node i are at positions 3i - 1, 3i, and 3i + 1, and if so what would be he advantages and disadvantages of the new method?
Search Trees Print this page INTRODUCTION As we know that searching in a binary search tree is efficient if the height of the left subtree and right sub-tree is same for a node. But frequent insertion and deletion in the tree
affects the efficiency and makes a binary search tree inefficient. The efficiency of searching will be ideal if the difference in height of left and right sub-tree with respect of a node is at most one. Such a binary search tree is called balanced binary tree (sometimes called AVL Tree). REPRESENTATION OF AVL TREE In order to represent a node of an AVL Tree, we need four fields :- One for data, two for storing address of left and right child and one is required to hold the balance factor. The balance factor is calculated by subtracting the right sub-tree from the height of left sub tree. The structure of AVL Tree can be represented by : Struct AVL { struct AVL *left; int data; struct AVL *right; Search Trees Print this page DETERMINATION OF BALANCE FACTOR The value of balance factor may be -1, 0 or 1. Any value other than these represent that the tree is not an AVL Tree 1. If the value of balance factor is -1, it shows that the height of right sub-tree is one more than the height of the left sub-tree with respect to the given node. 2. If the value of balance factor is 0, it shows that the height of right sub-tree is equal to the height of the left Sub-tree with respect to the given node. 3. If the value of balance factor is 1, it shows that the height of right sub-tree is one less than the height of the left sub-tree with respect to the given node . Search Trees Print this page INVENTION AND DEFINITION
intbalfact; };
It was invented in the year 1962 by two Russian mathematicians named G.M. AdelsonVelskii and E.M. Landis and so named AVL Tree.
It is a binary tree in which difference of height of two sub-trees with respect to a node never differ by more than one(1).
Search Trees Print this page INSERTION OF A NODE IN AVL TREE Insertion can be done by finding an appropriate place for the node to be inserted. But this can disturb the balance of the tree if the difference of height of sub-trees with respect to a node exceeds the value one. If the insertion is done as a child of non-leaf node then it will not affect the balance, as the height doesn't increase. But if the insertion is done as a child of leaf node, then it can bring the real disturbance in the balance of the tree. This depends on whether the node is inserted to the left sub-tree or the right sub-tree, which in turn changes the balance factor. If the node to be inserted is inserted as a node of a sub-tree of smaller height then there will be no effect. If the height of both the left and right sub-tree is same then insertionto any of them doesn't affect the balance of AVL Tree. But if it is inserted as a node of sub-tree of larger height, then the balance will be disturbed. To rebalance the tree, the nodes need to be properly adjusted. So, after insertion of a new node the tree is traversed starting from the new node to the node where the balance has been disturbed. The nodes are adjusted in such a way that the balance is regained. Search Trees Print this page ALGORITHM FOR INSERTION IN AVL TREE value_t target) { int avl_insert(node *treep,
/* insert the target into the tree, returning 1 on success or 0 if it * already existed */ node tree = *treep; node *path_top = treep; while (tree && target != tree->value) { direction next_step = (target > tree->value); if (!Balanced(tree)) path_top = treep; treep = &tree->next[next_step]; tree = *treep; } if (tree) return 0; tree = malloc(sizeof(*tree)); tree->next[0] = tree->next[1] = NULL; tree->longer = NEITHER; tree->value = target; *treep = tree; avl_rebalance(path_top, target); return 1; } Search Trees Print this page ALGORITHM FOR REBALANCING IN INSERTION void avl_rebalance_path(node path, value_t target) { /* Each node in path is currently balanced. Until we find target, mark each node as longer in the direction of rget because we know we have inserted target there */ while (path && target != path->value) { direction next_step = (target > path->value); path->longer = next_step; path = path->next[next_step]; } } void avl_rebalance(node *path_top, value_t target) { node path = *path_top; direction first, second, third; if (Balanced(path)) { avl_rebalance_path(path, target); return; } first = (target > path->value);
{ */
} /* took the longer path, need to rotate */ second = (target > path->next[first]->value); if (first == second) { /* just a two-point rotate */ path = avl_rotate_2(path_top, first); avl_rebalance_path(path, target); return; } /* fine details of the 3 point rotate depend on the third step. However there may not be a third step, if the third point of the rotation is the newly inserted point. In that case we record the third step as NEITHER */ path = path->next[first]->next[second]; if (target == path->value) third = NEITHER; else third = (target > path->value); path = avl_rotate_3(path_top, first, third); avl_rebalance_path(path, target); } Search Trees Print this page DELETION A node in AVL Tree is deleted as it is deleted in the binary search tree. The only difference is that we have to do rebalancing which is done similar to that of insertion of a node in AVL Tree.The algorithm for deletion and rebalancing is given below: ALGORITHM FOR DELETION ALGORITHM FOR REBALANCING Search Trees Print this page ALGORITHM FOR DELETION IN AVL TREE int avl_delete(node *treep, value_t target) { /* delete the target from the tree, returning 1 on success or 0 if it wasn't found */ node tree = *treep; direction dir; node *targetp, targetn;
while(tree) { dir = (target > value); if (target == value) targetp = treep; if (tree->next[dir] == NULL) break; if (tree->longer == NEITHER || (tree->longer == 1-dir && tree->next[1-dir]->longer == NEITHER)) path_top = treep; treep = &tree->next[dir]; tree = *treep; } if (targetp == NULL) return 0; targetp = avl_rebalance_del(path_top, target, targetp); avl_swap_del(targetp, treep, dir); return 1; } Search Trees Print this page ALGORITHM FOR REBALANCING IN DELETION IN AVL TREE node *avl_rebalance_del(node *treep, value_t target, node *targetp) { node targetn = *targetp; while(1) { node tree = *treep; direction dir = (target > tree->value); if (tree->next[dir] == NULL) break; if (Balanced(tree)) tree->longer = 1-dir; else if (tree->longer == dir) tree->longer = NEITHER; else { /* a rotation is needed, and targetp might change */ if (tree->next[1-dir]->longer == dir) avl_rotate_3_shrink(treep, dir); else avl_rotate_2_shrink(treep, dir); if (tree == targetn) *targetp = &(*treep)->next[dir]; } treep = &tree->next[dir]; } return targetp; }
Search Trees Print this page REBALANCING OF AVL TREE When we insert a node to the taller sub-tree, four cases arise and we have different rebalancing methods to bring it back to a balanced tree form. 1. 2. 3. 4. Left Rotation Right Rotation Right and Left Rotation Left and Right Rotation Print this page LEFT ROTATION In general if we want to insert a node R(either as left child or right child) to N3 as shown in figure. Here, as we see the balance factor of node P becomes 2. So to rebalance it, we have a technique called left rotation.
Search Trees
Before Rotation After Rotation EXPLANATION OF EXAMPLE In the given AVL tree when we insert a node 8,it becomes the left child of node 9 and the balance doesn't exist, as the balance factor of node 3 becomes -2. So, we try to rebalance it. In order to do so, we do left rotation at node 3. Now node 5 becomes the left child of the root. Node 9 and node 3 becomes the right and left child of node 5 respectively. Node 2 and node 4 becomes the left and right child of node 3 respectively. Lastly, node 8 becomes the left child of node 9. Hence, the balance is once again attained and we get AVL Tree after the left rotation. RIGHT ROTATION In general if we want to insert a node R(either as left or right child) to N1 as shown in figure. Here, as we see the balance factor of node P becomes 2. So to rebalance it, we have a technique called right rotation.
Before Rotation After Rotation EXPLANATION OF EXAMPLE In the given AVL tree when we insert a node 7,it becomes the right child of node 5 and the balance doesn't exist, as the balance factor of node 20 becomes 2. So, we try to rebalance it. In order to do so, we do right rotation at node 20. Now node 10 becomes the root. Node 12 and node 7 becomes the right and left child of root respectively. Node 20 becomes the right child of node 12. Node 30 becomes the right child of node 20. Lastly, node 5 becomes the left child of node 7. Hence, the balance is once again attained and we get AVL Tree after the right rotation Search Trees Print this page
RIGHT AND LEFT ROTATION In general if we want to insert a node R(either as a left or right child)to N2 as shown in figure. Here, as we see the balance factor of node P becomes -2. So to rebalance it, we have to do two rotations. Firstly, right rotation and then left rotation. EXAMPLE SHOWING RIGHT AND LEFT ROTATION
After Left Rotation EXPLANATION OF EXAMPLE In the given AVL tree when we insert a node 5,it becomes the right child of node 4 and the balance doesn't exist, as the balance factor of node 3 becomes -2. So, we try to rebalance it. In order to do so, we do right rotation at node 3. Now node 15 becomes the root. Node 18 and node 3 becomes the right and left child of node 5 respectively. Search Trees
Print this page Node 2 and node 4 becomes the left and right child of node 3 respectively. Node 16 and 19 becomes the left and right child of node 18 respectively. Node 6 becomes the right child of node 4. Node 5 and node 9 becomes the left and right child of node 6 respectively. Lastly, node 17 becomes the right child of node 16. Still the balance is not regained. So, we do left rotation at node 3. Here, node 4 and node 18 becomes the left and right child of the root respectively. Node 3 and node 6 becomes the left and right child of node 4 respectively. Again, node 16 and node 19 becomes the left and right child of node 18 respectively. Node 17 becomes the right child of node 16. Node 5 and node 9 becomes the left and right child of node 6 respectively. Lastly, node 2 becomes the left child of node 3. Hence, the balance is once again attained and we get AVL Tree after the left rotation. . Here since we require two rotations to bring the tree back to its balanced form, the procedure is called double rotation. LEFT AND RIGHT ROTATION In general if we want to insert a node R(either as a left or right child)to N2 as shown in figure. Here, as we see the balance factor of node P becomes 2. So to rebalance it, we have to we have to do two rotations. Firstly, a left rotation then a right rotation. GENERAL DIAGRAM FOR LEFT AND RIGHT ROTATION
Hashing is a method to store data in an array so that sorting, searching, inserting and deleting data is fast. For this every record needs unique key. The basic idea is not to search for the correct position of a record with comparisons but to compute the position within the array. The function that returns the position is called the 'hash function' and the array is called a 'hash table'. WHY HASHING? In the other type of searching, we have seen that the record is stored in a table and it is necessary to pass through some number of keys before finding the desired one. While we know that the efficient search technique is one which minimizesthese comparisons. Thus we need a search technique in which there is no unnecessary comparisons. If we want to access a key in a single retrieval, then the location of the record within the table must depend only on the key, not on the location of other keys(as in other type of searching i.e. tree). The most efficient way to organize such a table is an array.It was possible only with hashing.
Suppose two keys k1 and k2 are such that h(k1) equals h(k2).When a record with key two keys can't get the same position.such a situation is called hash collision or hash clash. METHODS OF DEALING WITH HASH CLASH There are three basic methods of dealing with hash clash. They are: 1. Chaining
2. Rehashing 3. separate chaining. Hashing Techniques Print this page CHAINING It builds a link list of all items whose keys has the same value. During search,this sorted linked list is traversed sequentially fro the desired key.It involves adding an extra link field to each table position. There are three types of chaining 1. Standard Coalsced Hashing 2. General Coalsced Hashing 3. Varied insertion coalsced Hashing Standard Coalsced Hashing It is the simplest of chaining methods. It reduces the average number of probes for an unsuccessful search. It efficiently does the deletion without affecting the efficiency General Coalsced Hashing It is the generalization of standard coalesced chaining method. In this method, we add extra positions to the hash table that can be used to list the nodes in the time of collision. Varied insertion coalsced Hashing
It is the combination of standard and general coalesced hashing. Under this method, the colliding item is inserted to the list immediately following the hash position unless the list forming from that position containing a cellar element.
REHASHING It involves using a secondary hash function. The rehash function is applied successively until an empty position is found in the table where an item can be inserted.If the hash position of the item is found to be occupied during the search,the rehash function is again used to locate the item. SOLVING HASH CLASHES BY LINEAR PROBING The simplest method is that when a clash occurs, insert the record in the next available place in the table. For example in the table the next position 646 is empty. So we can insert the record with key 012345645 in this place which is still empty. Similarly if the record with key %1000 = 646 appears, it will be inserted in next empty space. This technique is called linear probing and is an example for resolving hash clashes called rehashing or open addressing. t works like this: If array location h(key) is already occupied by a record with a different key, rh is applied to the value of h(key) to find the other location where the record may be placed. If position rh(h(key))is also occupied,it too is rehashed to see if rh(rh(h(key))) is available. This process continues until an empty location is found. Thus we can write a search and insert algorithm using hashing as follows: ALGORITHM void insert( key, r ) typekey key; dataarray r; { extern int n; int i, last; i = hashfunction( key ) ; last = (i+m-1) % m; while ( i!=last && !empty(r[i]) && !deleted(r[i]) && r[i].k!=key ) i = (i+1) % m; if (empty(r[i]) || deleted(r[i])) {
/*** insert here ***/ r[i].k = key; n++; } else Error /*** table full, or key already in table ***/; } DISADVANTAGES OF LINEAR PROBING It may happen, however, that the loop executes forever. There are two possible reasons for this. First, the table may be full so that it is impossible to insert any new record. This situation can be detected by keeping an account of the number of records in the table. When the count equals the table size, no further insertion should be done. The other reason may be that the table is not full, too. In this type, suppose all the odd positions are emptyAnd the even positions are full and we want to insert in the even position by rh(i)=(i+2)%1000 used as a hash function. Of course, it is very unlikely that all the odd positions are empty and all the even positions are full. However the rehash function rh(i)=(i+200)%1000 is used, each key can be placed in one of the five positions only. Here the loop can run infinitely, too. SEPARATE CHAINING As we have seen earlier, we can't insert items more than the table size. In some cases, we allocate space much more than required resulting in wastage of space. In order to tackle all these problems, we have a separate method of resolving clashes called separate chaining. It keeps a distinct link list for all records whose keys hash into a particular value. In this method, the items that end with a particular number (unit position) is placed in a particular link list as shown in the figure. The 10's, 100's not taken into account. The pointer to the node points to the next node and when there is no more nodes, the pointer points to NULL value. ADVANTAGES OF SEPERATE CHAINING 1. No worries of filling up the table whatever be the number of items. 2. The list items need not be contiguous storage 3. It allows traversal of items in hash key order. SITUATION OF HASH CLASH What would happen if we want to insert a new part number 012345645 in the table .Using he hash function key %1000 we get 645.Therefore for the part belongs in position 645.However record for the part is already being occupied by 011345645.Therefore the record with the key 012345645 must be inserted somewhere in the table resulting in hash clash.This is illustrated in the given table:
POSITION 0 2 3 . . 450 451 . . 647 648 649 . . 997 998 999 Prev
256894450 158965451
DOUBLE HASHING A method of open addressing for a hash table in which a collision is resolved by searching the table for an empty place at intervals given by a different hash function, thus minimizing clustering. Double Hashing is another method of collision resolution, but unlike the linear collision resolution, double hashing uses a second hashing function that normally limits multiple collisions. The idea is that if two values hash to the same spot in the table, a constant can be calculated from the initial value using the second hashing function that can then be used to change the sequence of locations in the table, but still have access to the entire table. Algorithm for double hashing void insert( key, r ) typekey key; dataarray r; { extern int n; int i, inc, last; i = hashfunction( key ) ; inc = increment( key ); last = (i+(m-1)*inc) % m; while ( i!=last && !empty(r[i]) && !deleted(r[i]) && r[i].k!=key ) i = (i+inc) % m; if ( empty(r[i]) || deleted(r[i]) ) { /*** insert here ***/
r[i].k = key; n++; } else Error /*** table full, or key already in table ***/; CLUSTERING There are mainly two types of clustering: Primary clustering When the entire array is empty, it is equally likely that a record is inserted at any position in the array. However, once entries have been inserted and several hash clashes have been resolved, it doesn't remain true. For, example in the given above table, it is five times as likely for the record to be inserted at the position 994 as the position 401. This is because any record whose key hashes into 990, 991, 992, 993 or 994 will be placed in 994, whereas only a record whose key hashes into 401 will be placed there. This phenomenon where two keys that hash into different values compete with each other in successive rehashes is called primary clustering. CAUSE OF PRIMARY CLUSTERING Any rehash function that depends solely on the index to be rehashed causes primary clustering WAYS OF ELEMINATING PRIMARY CLUSTERING One way of eliminating primary clustering is to allow the rehash function to depend on the number of times that the function is applied to a particular hash value. Another way is to use random permutation of the number between 1 and e, where e is (table size -1, the largest index of the table). One more method is to allow rehash to depend on the hash value. All these methods allow key that hash into different locations to follow separate rehash paths. } SECONDARY CLUSTERING In this type, different keys that hash to the same value follow same rehash path. WAYS TO ELIMINATE SECONDARY CLUSTERING All types of clustering can be eliminated by double hashing, which involves the use of two hash function h1(key) and h2(key).h1 is known as primary hash function and is allowed first to get the position where the key will be inserted. If that position is occupied already, the rehash function rh(i,key) = (i+h2(key))%table size is used successively until an empty position is found. As long as h2(key1) doesn't equal h2(key2),records with keys h1 and h2 don't compete for the same position. Therefore one should choose functions h1 and h2 that distributes the hashes and rehashes uniformly in the table and also minimizes clustering. DELETING AN ITEM FROM THE HASH TABLE:
It is very difficult to delete an item from the hash table that uses rehashes for search and insertion. Suppose that a record r is placed at some specific location. We want to insert some other record r1 on the same location. We will have to insert the record in the next empty location to the specified original location. Suppose that the record r which was there at the specified location is deleted. Now, we want to search the record r1, as the location with record r is now empty, it will erroneously conclude that the record r1 is absent from the table. One possible solution to this problem is that the deleted record must be marked "deleted" rather than "empty" and the search must continue whenever a "deleted" position is encountered. But this is possible only when there are small numbers of deletions otherwise an unsuccessful search will have to search the entire table since most of the positions will be marked "deleted" rather than "empty". DYNAMIC AND EXTENDIBLE HASHING One of the serious drawbacks associated with hashing of external storage is its being insufficiently flexible. The contents of the external storage structure tend to grow and shrink unpredictably. The entire hash table structuring method that we have examined has a sharp space/time trade-off. Either the table uses a large amount of space for efficient access which results in wastage of large space an or it uses a small amount of space and accommodates growth very poorly and sharply increasing the access time fro overflow elements. So in order to tackle the above stated problems, we would like to develop a scheme that doesn't utilize too much extra space when a file is small but permits efficient access when it grows larger. Two such schemes are dynamic hashing and Extendible hashing. DYNAMIC HASHING Dynamic hashing is a hash table that grows to handle more items. The associated hash function must change as the table grows. Some schemes may shrink the table to save space when items are deleted. EXTENDIBLE HASHING A hash table in which the hash function is the last few bits of the key and the table refer to buckets. Table entries with the same final bits may use the same bucket. If a bucket overflows, it splits, and if only one entry referred to it, the table doubles in size. If a bucket is emptied by deletion, entries using it are changed to refer to an adjoining bucket, and the table may be halved. HASH TABLE REORDERING When a hash table is nearly full, many items given by their hash keys are not at their specified location. Thus, we have to make a lot of key comparisons before finding such items. If an item is not in the table, entire hash table has to be searched. Then, we come to the conclusion that the key is not in the table. In order to tackle this situation, many techniques came forward. AMBLE AND KNUTH METHOD In this method, all the records that hash into same locations are placed in descending order (assuming that the NULLKEY is the smallest one). Suppose we want to search a key, we need not rehash repeatedly until an empty slot is found. As soon as an item
whose key is less than the search key is found in the table, we come to the conclusion that the search key is not in the table. At the time of insertion, if we want to insert a key k, if the rehash accesses a key smaller than k, the associated record with k replaces it and the insertion process continues with the replaced key. Note The ordered hash table method can be used only in the technique in which a rehash depends only on the index and the key not in the technique in which a rehash function depends on the no of items the item is rehashed (unless that number is kept in the table). ADVANTAGES OF AMBLE AND KNUTH'S METHOD It reduces significantly the number of key comparisons necessary to determine that a key doesn't exist in the table. DISADVANTAGES OF AMBLE AND KNUTH'S METHOD 1. It doesn't change the average number of key comparisons required to find a key that is in the table 2. The unsuccessful search needs same average number of probes as the successful search. 3. Average number of probes in insertion is not reduced in ordered table. BRENT'S METHOD This technique involves rehashing the search argument until an empty slot is found. Then each of the keys in rehash path is itself rehashed to determine if placing one of those keys in an empty slot would require fewer rehashes. If this is the case the search argument replaces the existing key in the table and the existing key is inserted in its empty rehash slot. BINARY TREE HASHING Another method of reordering the hash table was developed by Gonnet and Munro and is called as binary tree hashing. It is seen as an improvement to Brent's algorithm. In this method, we assume to use double hashing. Whenever a key is inserted in the hash table, an almost complete binary tree is constructed. Figure below illustrates an example of such a tree in which the nodes are arranged according to the array representation of an almost complete binary tree.node(0) is the root and node(2*i+1)and node(2*i+2) are the left and right children of node(i) respectively. Each node of the tree contains an index into the hash table. In the explanation, node(i) will be referred to as index(i) and the key at that position is referred to as k(-1). HOW TO CONSTRUCT A TREE ? Firstly, we define the youngest right ancestor of node(i) or yra(i) as the node number of the father of the youngest son i.e. the right son. In the given figure, yra(12) is 1, since it is the left son of its father node(6) and its father is also a left child. So the youngest ancestor of node(12) is node(3) and is father is node(1). Similarly, yra(10) is 2 and yra(18) is 4 and yra(14) is 3. if node(i) is the right son, yra(i) is defined as the node number of its father (i-1)/2. Thus, yra(15) is 7 and yra(13) is 6. If node(i) has no ancestor i.e. is a right son, yra(i) is defined as (-1). Thus, yra(16) is -1. The binary tree is constructed according
to the node number. The table construction continues until a NULLKEY and an empty position is found in the table. Prev DIAGRAM DESCRIBING BINARY TREE HASHING
Note Any path following a series of left pointers through the tree consists of successive rehashes of a particular key and that a right pointer indicates that a new key is being rehashed HOW TO CALCULATE yra(i) As we have seen above, the entire algorithm depends on the routine yra(i). Fortunately, yra(i) can be calculated very easily. It can be derived directly using this method. Find the binary representation of (i+1). Delete all the trailing zero bits along with one bit preceding them. Subtract 1 from the result and you will get the resulting binary number to get the value of yra(i). EXAMPLES 1. yra(11): 11+1=12 Binary representation: 1100. Removing 100, we get 1, which is binary representation of 1. Therefore, yra(11)=0. 2. yra(17): 17+1=18 Binary representation: 10010. Removing 10, we get 100, which is binary representation of 4. Therefore, yra(11)=3. 3. yra(15): 15+1=16 Binary representation: 010000.
Removing 10000, we get 0, which is binary representation of 0. Therefore, yra(11)=-1. HOW TO INSERT A KEY IN THE TABLE Once the tree has been constructed, the keys along the path from the root to the last node are reordered in the hash table. Let, i be initialized to the last node of the tree. If yra(i) is non-zero, k(yra(i)) and its associated record are shifted from the table[index(yra(i))] to table[index(i)] and I is reset to yra(i). It is repeated until yra(i) is -1 at which point insertion is complete. EXAMPLE OF INSERTION Suppose yra(21)=10 and index(10) is j, the key and record from j is shifted to u which is the right child. Then suppose yra(10) is 2, the record and key from position b is shifted to j which is the right child of index b.Finally since yra(2) is -1, key is inserted in position b. ADVANTAGE OF BINARY SEARCH TREE are even closer to optimal than Brent's Binary tree hashing yields results that
1. What is Direct Addressing? When is it used? 2. What is the advantage of using Hash Function over Direct Addressing? Explain. 3. When does a 'collision' occur? What are the methods to resolve it? Explain giving examples. 4. Explain the 'division method' for creating hash functions. 5. Consider a version of the division method in which h(k)= k mod m , where m=(2p) - 1 and k is a character string interpreted in radix 2p. Show that if string x can be derived from string y by permuting its characters, then x and y hash to the same value. 6. What is 'universal hashing' and how will you design a universal class of hash functions? 7. Differentiate between linear probing and quadratic probing. 8. Insert the keys 10,22,31,4,15,28,17,88,59 into a hash table of length m=11 using open addressing with the primary hash function h'(k)=k mod m. Illustrate the result of inserting keys using linear probing, using quadratic probing with c1=1 and c2=3 and using double hashing with h2(k)=1+(kmod(m-1)). 9. Canadian postal codes have the format LDL DLD, where L is always a letter (between A-Z), D is always a digit (0-9), and is always a single space. For example, the postal code for the University of Waterloo is N2L 3G1. Devise a suitable hash function for this system. STRING ALGORITHMS : Introduction Print this page
A string is a sequence of characters. In computer science, strings are more often used than numbers. We have all used text editors for editing programs and documents. Some of the Importent Operations which are used on strings are: searching for a word,find -and -replace operations, etc. There are many functions ehich can be defined on strings. Some important functions are : String length : Determines length of a given string. String concatenation : Concatenation of two or more strings. coping. String copy : Creating another string which is a copy of the original or a copy of a part of the original. String matching : Searching for a query string in given string.
Strings can have an arbitrary but finite length. There are two types of string data types: Fixed length strings Variable length strings Fixed length strings have a maximum length and all the strings uses same amount of space despite of their actual size. Variable length strings uses varying amount of memory depending on their actual size. Throughout of our discussion we assume that strings are of variable length type. Variable length string is an array of characters terminated by a special character. To find the length of a string we scan through the string from left to right until we find the special symbol and each time incrementing a counter to keep track of number of characters scanned so far.
ALGORITHM FOR StringLength We assume that the given string STR is terminated by special symbol '\o'. 1. length = 0, i=0; 2. while STR[i] != '\0' i++; length=i; 3. return length STRING CONCATENATION
Appending one string to the end of another string is called string concatenation
STR2= "world"
STR1[i]= STR2[j]; i =i+1 j = j+1 4. STR1[i]= '\o'; 5. Return STR1; STRING COPY
By string copy, we mean copying one string to another string character by character. The size of the destination string should be greater than equal to the size of the source string.
Algorithm 1. Set i=0 2. while STR[i] != '\o' { STR2[i]=STR1[i]; i =i+1; } 3. Set STR2[i]='\o' 4. Return STR2 STRING-MATCHING
String matching is a most important problem. String matching consists of searching a query string (or pattern) P in a given text T. Generally the size of the pattern to be searched is smaller than the given text. There may be more than one occurrences of the pattern P in the text T. Sometimes we have to find all the occurrences of the pattern in the text. There are several applications of the string matching. Some of these are Text editors Search engines Biological applications Since string-matching algorithms are used extensively, these should be efficient in terms of time and space. Let P [1..m] is the pattern to be searched and its size is m. T [1..n] is the given text whose size is n Assume that the pattern occurs in T at position (or shift) i. Then the output of the matching algorithm will be the integer i where 1 <= i <= n-m. If there are multiple occurrences of the pattern in the text, then sometimes it is required to output all the shifts where the pattern occurs. Print this page
String Algorithms Let Pattern P = CAT Text = ABABNACATMAN Then there is a match with the shift 7 in the text T
This algorithm is a simple and obvious one, in which we compare a given pattern P with each of the sub strings of the text T, moving from left to right, until a match is found Let Si is the substring of T, beginning at the i th position and whose length is same as pattern P. We compare P, character by character, with the first substring S1. If all the corresponding characters are same, then the pattern P appears in T at shift 1. If some of the characters of S1 are not matched with he corresponding characters of P, then we try for the next substring S2. This procedure continues till the input text exhausts. In this algorithm we have to compare P with n-m+1 substrings of T.
Scince the corresponding character are same, there is a match at shift 1. Fig : 2(b)
Mismatch at the 3rd character of T Fig : 2(c) Algorithm For Brute-Force String matching Let P[0..m] is the given pattern and T[0..n] is the text. 1. i = 1; [ substring 1] 2. Repeat steps 3 to 5 while i <=n-m+1 do 3. for j= 1 to m [For each character of P] If P[j] != T[i+j-1] then goto step 5 4. Print "Pattern found at shift i " 5. i= i + 1 6. exit
The complexity of the brute force string matching algorithm is O(nm) On average the inner loop runs fewer than m times to know that there is a mismatch. The worst case situation arises when first m character are matched for all substrings Si. If pattern is of the am-1b and text is of the form an-1b, where an-1 denotes a repeated n -1 times. In this case the inner loop runs exactly for m times before knowing that there is a mismatch. In this situation there will be exactly m*(n-m+1) number of comparisons.
In brute force method, irrespective of the structure of the pattern P, if there is a mismatch, we restart the matching process with shift s = s+1. But if we know the structure of the pattern, we can intelligently avoid some number of shifts.
Fig : 3 Suppose 6 characters are matched successfully and there is a mismatch at the 7 th position. The shift s = s+1 is obviously invalid as the first pattern character a' would be aligned to the text character b', which is known to match the second pattern character. Also if we observe, the shift s = s+2 is also invalid. But the shift s = s+3 may be valid as first three characters of the pattern will be nicely aligned to the last three characters of the portion of the text which are already matched. First | N String Algorithms Print this page
Fig : 4
KMP ( Knuth-Morris-pratt) algorithm avoids some redundant comparisons. When a mismatch occurs, the most we can shift the pattern so as to avoid redundant comparisons is the largest prefix of P[1..j] that is also suffix of P[2..j], where j is the number of characters that are known to be matched successfully before the mismatch. The amount of shift that is not necessarily invalid can be pre-computed by comparing the pattern against itself. For string matching process we need to find a "Failure Function" FF which will give the amount of shift that is not necessarily invalid. If j characters are already successfully matched and there is a mismatch position j+1, then the output of the FF is the largest prefix of P[1..j] that is also a suffix of P[2..j].
Algorithm for Failure function FailureFunction(P) 1. m= stringlength(P) 2. FF[1] 0 3. k 0 4. for j 2 to m 5. while k>0 and P[k+1] 6. do k FF [k] 7. if P[k+1]=P[j] 8. then k = k+1 9. FF[j] k 10. return FF
Fig : 5 : failure function for the above pattern The running time of FailureFunction is O(m) where m is the length of the pattern P. Algorithm for KMP string matcher
KMP string matching first preprocesses the given pattern P to compute FailureFunction. Then the output of the FailureFunction is used to skip some of the invalid comparisons. Note that the preprocessing is done once for each pattern. Since in general the size of the pattern to be searched is relatively small, it takes far less time than the string matching process. KMP stringMatch (T, P)
1. n = stringlength[T] 2. m=length[P] 3. FF = FailureFunction(P) 4. j 0 5. for i 1 to n 6. while j>0 and P[j+1] T[ i ] 7. j FF[j] 8. if P[ j+1 ] = = T[ i ] 9. then j = j+1 10. if j = = m 11. then print "Pattern found with shift " i - m 12. j = FF[j] KMP algorithm runs in optimal time O(m+n) time. Problems 1. For each of the following cases find the number of comparisons to find the index (first occurrence) of the pattern P in the text T. a) P =cat, T = bcbcbcbc b) P= bbb T= aabbaabbaabbaabbb c) P= xxx T= xyxxyxxxyxxxyxxxxy 2. What is the complexity of the brute force string-matching algorithm in the best case. 3. Write a procedure to count the number of the time the word 'the' appears in a given text . 4. Find the output of The FailureFunction for the pattern P = aabbaababbabaa 5. Can we find the occurrence of the pattern P in the text T by computing FailureFunction for the string PT which is the concatenation of the strings P and T. If so, then write an algorithm for that and what is the running time of your algorithm?
6. Give best case inputs (both pattern and text) for KMP string matching algorithm. Life Cycle Print this page
Software/program devlopment is not just writing code, it is much more than that. It has a life cycle, which can be divided into following stages. Requirements: The description of what is required in general terms is called the requirements of the programme. Program Specification: It is a complete description of what the program does. Code Design: Overall design of the programme, including algorithms and data structures used, file formats, and modules definition. Coding: Writing code also involves standard coding practices like simplicity, clarity, commenting etc. Testing: Testing program for correctness. Debugging: Most programs fails first time. Finding the logical error and correcting the program is debugging process. Documentation: Writing a user manual for the program. Maintenance: After testing also programs are not perfect. Correcting bugs found in future is called the maintenance phase of the program. Updating: After using the program for some time, user may be need change program to add more futures or better algorithms and data structures.
Life Cycle Print this page The programme life cycle is depicted in the below figure.
Fig: 1 Example Print this page We discusses these phases for the following problem.
Develop a program to count number of character, words and lines of given text files.
Requirements: Count number of character, words and lines in given text files. Specification: Program take text file names as arguments and output number of characters, words, and lines in each text file.
After making the first draft of the specifications, it can be given to user and/or circulated to people working on this project. Update the specifications as per the their feedback. For example, what happens if a file does not exists? Program has to give an error message if file does not exits and proceed to next file. This has to be added to specifications.
Revised Specification: Program take text file names as arguments and output number of characters, words, and lines in each text file. If any file does not exist, it gives an error message and proceds to next file.
If the program is large, it is desirable to divide into logical sections called modules. Each module can be further subdivided into submodules depending on their size. Since, developing and testing smaller modules or submodules can be done separately and easily. If more than one programmer involved in development, the task of developing these modules can be divided among them. Some programming languages, like C, allows program can be split into multiple file. In such languages, each module or group of logically related modules can be developed in a set of files by programmers and tested independently. In this stage, we have to decide the file formats, data structures and algorithms required. We name our program "line-count". Idea in coding is to read one character at time till it reaches end of a word or a line then increase corresponding counter. The "line-count" program is divided into three modules, character counting, word counting, and line counting. All these module can be devloped in a single file, since the progam is simple.
In this "line-count " program, we can develop a partial program to count number of words only. If it works correctly then we can extend to counting number line. This is because, code for both are very similar. Code of the partial program is given " here". Where there is similar tasks, it is better to write code for any one task and test it. Then extend to other tasks. Final code is given "here". Around more than 70% of time is spend on maintaining, upgrading, and debugging the program. So it is important to writing a simple and easy to read program. A good programming style is an important aspect in the programming development.
Programming style Print this page The following aspects are important for a good programming style.
Comments: Write comments to explain everything programmer has to know. Depending on the importance of the comment, one can format differently to get the program reader attention. For example most important comments can be kept in a comment box as shown below.
/ *** -------------------- **** *** This program computes *** *** number of lines, words *** *** and character for the *** *** input text file. ****
*** ---------------------- ***/ Less important comment can be shown as follows. /**-------------------------------------------------------------comments for each source file ----------------------------------------------------------------**/ Programming style Print this page This type of comments use for bening of a function. /***************************************************************** Comments begining of each function *****************************************************************/ This is the begining of a section. It describe that how it works. / ********** Less Important Comments ********** / This type of comments use for less importent message. For example, explaining how the next line work. /------->> Simple comments explaining the
next line <<------------------------------/ Programming style Print this page As per the requirements, one can have many different levels of comments. At the beginning of the program in main source file can contain boxed comment containing the heading, author, purpose, usage, references, file formats, limitations, and other related information. Put comment on each declaration. Put comments to explain everything programmer has to know.
Indentation: Indent the program for readability. Now-a-days, many editors are coming with automatic program indentation. Simplicity: Many cases, simplicity in coding gives better and easy understanding of the program. Some of simplicity rules are given below.
Function should not be too large, Avoid complex logic. Keep expressions simple and short.
Examples Print this page Example 1: A "Character-counting" Program for a given text file is here. "character-count" Example 2: A "word-count" program for a given text file is here. "word-count"
Example 3: A "line-count" program for a given text file in given this link. This "line-count" program is the combination of three modules, character counting, word counting, and line counting. "Line-count" Problems
Print this page Programming Exercise For each of the following programming assignment, follow programming life cycle to give from requirements to coding. Write a program for four operator calculator. Write a program to find the day of the given date. Write a program to find all prime number in a given range of integers. Write a program for library user administration. Write a program for air-line reservation. Program Debugging Print this page Introduction
Most difficult phase of program development is debugging. After proper testing and debugging also, most programs are not perfect. In this module we focus on program debugging. Program/software testing is beyond the scope of this modules, which is a part of the software engineering course. When program gives an unexpected output, we have to find why it is giving unexpected output and correct it. We discuss a few simple method for debugging a program. Print this page
It is a well know algorithm design method. Example: Binary search, quick sort, merger sort. In this method we put printf statements to print values stored in important variables. By looking at these printed values, we can identify regions where program is executing correctly and wrongly.
In the bad part of the program, we can put more printf statements to reduce the scope of the bug. In this way, we can zeroing the location of the bug. For example, we reduce the scope of the bug to a function by putting printf statements to check the return value of each function. With in the function we can put printf statements after each major step, operation, or process, to reduce the bug-scope further. Print this page
Program Debugging
Debugging tools:
Almost all compliers provides an interactive debugging tool. These debuggers are allow to stop the program at any point and view value of any variable. Moreover it allows to execute the program step by step. There are many debugger available, it is not possible to cover all them. In this module we use most popular Free Software Foundation (GNU) debugger gdb. Other debuggers also works similar manner. Before debugging the program, it have to complied with option - g . If you are using gnu complier to compile palindrome.c program, use the following command: gcc -g palenddrum.c It generates an executable program a.out. Print this page
break [ file : ] function : Set a breakpoint at the beginning of function (in file ) . break [file:] #n : Set a breakpoint at line #n (in file ) . run [arglist] : Start your program (with command line arglist , if any). next : Execute next line of the program (after stopping). That is, executes next line completely, including function calls (if any). It is called step over any function calls in the line. c : Continue executing the program (after stopping) till next breakpoint, if any. print expr : Display the value of an expression. list [ file : ] function : Type the text of the program in the vicinity of where it is presently stopped.
step : Execute next program line (after stopping). It there is any function call present in the next program line, it goes into 1 st line of that function. It is called step into any function calls in the line. quit : Exit from GDB. q : Exit from GDB. help : Show information about GDB commands. help [name] : Show information about GDB command name . Print this page
Program Debugging
Palindrome probelm:
A palindrome is a string that reads same in either direction. A palindrome can be string, phrase, numbers, or any sequence of symbols. We debug the following program ( palindrome.c ) which takes a string as command line argument and tests whether it is a palindrome or not. Print this page
Program Debugging Compile the program gcc -g -o palindrome palindrome.c It generates a executable program named palindrome. Start the debugger with the name of executable program to be debugged. In our case, command is gdb palindrome The debugger out puts its prompt (gdb)
We keep first break point at the first instruction of the main function, that is the line 7, to stop the execution immediately after started. (gdb) break main Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483da: file palindrome.c, line 7. (gdb)
Start the execution by the command run madam (gdb) run madam Starting program: palindrome madam
if (argc != 2) {
Program is stopped at the line 7. Now we can keep more break points or execute the program step by step. We will go for keeping more break points. We have to decide where to keep break points? To see the part of the code around the breakpoint use the command list. It displays 10 lines around the current breakpoint.
#include<string.h> main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i,length, mid; if (argc != 2) { printf("Error in input.\n"); exit(1); }
It may not be necessary to keep the break point in the above part of the program. So we will see the code around line 15.
(gdb) list 15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } length = strlen(argv[1]); mid = length/2; for (i=0; i<=mid; ++i){ if (argv[1][i] != argv[1][lengthi]){
7. 8. 9. 10. } (gdb)
here could be an error in the for loop. So, keep break point at the line 15. (gdb) break 15 Breakpoint 2 at 0x8048435: file palindrome.c, line 15. (gdb) Continue execution using the command c . (gdb) c Continuing.
if (argv[1][i] != argv[1][length-i]){ (gdb) Program giving wrong output, that it is executing lines 16 and 17, which is in the if part. We have to check why if condition is satisfied? Use the print command to display the values stored in variables or expression. (gdb) print length $1 = 5 (gdb) Length of the input string madam" is correct. Check other variables. (gdb) print mid $2 = 2 (gdb)
Value stored in mid also correct. Check left and right expression of the if condition.
(gdb) print argv[1][i] $3 = 109 'm' (gdb) print argv[1][length-i] $4 = 0 '\0' (gdb) The left expression is 'm' and the right expression is '\0' which are not equal!
Why ? It is comparing 'm' and '\0'. It is suppose to compare 'm' and 'm' , which are first and last character of the input string. Check indexes used to compare? That is, i and length - i . (gdb) print i $5 = 0 (gdb) print length-i $6 = 5 (gdb)
Index of an array of length 5 varies between 0 and 4. But we are comparing the character stored in the indexes 0 and 5, which is not correct. Index should be used in the right expression should be length-i-1 . Quit the gdb. (gdb) q The program is running. Exit anyway? (y or n) y $
Edit the program, compile, and execute. Now, the program works correctly.
Correcting run time errors are easier than correcting logical errors. We discusses most important run time errors. Segmentation fault : It occurs when a program try to access a memory location that it is not allowed to access. This location may part of the operating system, other user, or other processes. Divide by zero: Many operating systems report message Floating point exception , when there is expression which denominator of the division is 0. Stack Over flow: Most of the cases it happen, when there is infinite recursion. In recursive function calls, program has to store various environment variables,
before start executing the calling function. It can also happen when there are many big temporary arrays. Whenever these errors occurs, program execution stops with appropriate error message. These errors also can be debugged using gdb .
Problems 1. Take any of your program and run it using a interactive debugger and examine intermediate values.